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These are the only surviving gods of the Pagan religion, the rest having been completely wiped out during the takeover.
These are the only surviving gods of the Pagan religion, the rest having been completely wiped out during the takeover.
[[Category:God's Compensation|`Lore/Abrahamic/Additional details]]
[[Category:God's Compensation/Lore|Abrahamic/Additional details]]

Latest revision as of 19:35, 4 November 2016

The world's most powerful god, who is known simply as "the god of Abraham" due to his status as the patron god of Abraham's family and the fact that he has made his real name (Yaweh) taboo for his people to speak, opting instead to make his title, "God," his name.

This powerful god rose to power from the humble position of a family patron god through wise leadership in guiding the family of Abraham to grow and prosper. Of particular note are his numerous rules of conduct, all of witch hold purpose either for promoting social cohesion or protecting people from disease. Most notably are his rules on marriage and sexuality, witch are there for the purpose of creating an environment where the greatest number of children can be raised to adulthood, where as more general fertility gods tend to only be concerned with pregnancies and births. This God, having special concerns for the actual size of the tribe, paid more attention to the survival till adulthood than the actual birth rate.

Celestial Vassals

Having the largest and most powerful kingdom of any deity in contact with the earth, the god of Abraham has an impressive number of Vassals. What is more impressive though is just how much power these vassals have for their number. They are numerous enough that most have given up on holding out each individual vassal, known as Angels, and have instead named only a few who have taken note-worthy action in their interactions with the human world.

The angels are divided up into 3 tiers, each relegated to different tasks. The highest tier primarily concerns itself with the celestial court, the lowest tier concerns itself primarily with intervening in the 3D world, while the middle tier concerns itself with other 4D and 6D beings outside the kingdom.

Earthly Followers

The Abrahamic religions are so incredibly wide-spread on the earth that they have sub-divided into 3 sects that are so divergent that they each consider themselves a separate religion despite worshiping the same god. Each of these 3 major religions are then sub-divided into several sects within themselves that also hold major differences from each other, differences so great that even the sects within the same religion don't get along well in some cases.


Judaism is the primary religion containing members of the lineage of Abraham, of the line of Isac. All of what would be considered an "ethnic" Jew are members of the line of Isac, and thus carry special favor with the god of Abraham.

The Jewish religion is sub-divided into Orthodox and non-orthodox sects.


Islam claims to have a core membership that is also descended from the lineage of Abraham along the line of Ishmael. Islam is the youngest of the three religions, and thus believes itself to be the most true of the three.

Islam is sub-divided into the Sunni, Shi'ite, and Baha'is sects.


Christianity was originally made up of Jews who followed "the Christ," (the son of god,) but it has more recently drawn the overwhelming majority of its followers from those not descended from Abraham at all. Christians who are aware of the special place held by the descendants of Abraham for their god view themselves as keepers of the message of Christ to be passed on to the descendants of Abraham when they are ready to hear it.

Christianity is the most sub-divided into Catholic, Orthadox, Mormon, and Prodistant sects. The Prodistant sect is, in turn, highly sub-divided even further due to the Prodistant sects especially strong value on freedom of religion. There are well over 50 sub-sects of Prodistantism, the most significant of witch numbers wise are the Evangelicals and Baptists.

Applied Ethos

As mentioned before, the god of Abraham takes a great deal of concern with seeing children born and growing to adulthood. As such, he has some rather strict seeming laws about sex. He is most concerned over the descendants of Abraham following these laws. He is not quite as concerned over his other earthly followers following these laws, but thinks it is a good idea if they emulate them. These are the most pertinent among his laws.

-Dietary laws

While some of these laws, such as avoiding pork, have some connection to preventing disease, the majority of the Levitican dietary laws hold the purpose of promoting tribal unity. By having strict laws about what to eat and, more importantly, what not to eat, it forces the tribe to stick to its own members and makes them adverse to eating with people outside the tribe. This promotion of tribal unity makes for strong bonds and mutual support of one another.

-Sexual laws

God's laws on sexuality are rather clear and basic, no sex outside of marriage and no homosexual relations. The latter is easier to explain, it is simply a ban on sex that does not produce children. Since the purpose is to grow the size of the tribe, homosexuality limits the rate of growth. The former, no sex outside of marriage, has two purposes. One is that it ensures there is a father present to support the child if the mother does not have sex before she gets married, and the second is that it assures the father that all the children are his if his wife does not have sex with anyone but him after they are married. If the father is sure the children are his, he will be more attentive and caring for them.

These simple acknowledgements of human psychology lead the god of Abraham to create these laws witch kept society healthy and children being raised well. There are, however, a few human laws about sexuality falsely attributed to him.


Laws against Polygamy are primarily a human invention. It was once recommended in God's teachings that one only have one wife, this being something primarily held by Christianity, but it only a suggestion and not a law. The principal behind this suggestion is that a man should not have more children and wives than he can support.

-Child sex

God requires that all males have a certain level of education in their religious studies before they can take a bride. These studies can typically be completed by a Jewish boy by his 13th birthday. There is no restriction on the age that a girl needs to be before she can become a bride.

This is the extent on God's laws on child sex. No age restrictions on sex with girls, and the boy needs to have his education completed. Human society has later adopted similar rules, except that they added to the amount of education such that it takes till 18 to complete all of the schooling, and have also extended the restriction to girls as well.

These modifications to the letter of God's laws on child sex do follow the same spirit of his initial laws, and he would likely support this modification due to the times. That said, he has not taken very strong intervention in the cultures where these modifications to the law have been made, and so is not likely to enforce it.

Earthly activity

God places the greatest amount of his concern and attention on the Middle East where Judaism and Islam are at war with one another. He has mostly taken the Protestant emphasis on freedom of religion, the Catholic insistence on putting up saints as intermediaries, and the general emphasis on the intervention of angels among all of the Christian sects to be an invitation for him to take a reduced role in Christian-controlled territories. He does still have his angels regularly patrolling those regions, but he pays relatively little focus on those areas himself.

Sheltered gods

When Catholicism conquered England, two of the local fertility gods were actually preserved and taken into Christianity. They were not respected or worshiped as gods any longer, but they still retained their festivals under a false mask that made them Christian holidays and have since been allowed to serve in their capacities under God's authority. These fertility gods are the masculine fertility god Yuel, who's winter festival is now celebrated as Christmas, and the feminine fertility goddess Eostra who's spring festival is now celebrated as Easter.

These are the only surviving gods of the Pagan religion, the rest having been completely wiped out during the takeover.