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In that sense, anything other than a spade would feel like a miss for me here.  -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 01:21, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
In that sense, anything other than a spade would feel like a miss for me here.  -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 01:21, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
Well spade or club you mean since lets be honest both are almost the same ('''after thinking about it, you are right Spade is the only one that makes sense to start with, after all normally in most cases you start as a sex slave and then the master can decide to train you into a pet and considering the mom she most likely would have started with a Spade and then made it into a Club eventually since she loves the Gunnar master/pet dynamic she has'''), but yeah i agree i like the other slow corrupting options but one that is a bit more harsher is soo hot too. --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 01:34, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
('''after thinking about it, you are right Spade is the only one that makes sense to start with, after all normally in most cases you start as a sex slave and then the master can decide to train you into a pet and considering the mom she most likely would have started with a Spade and then made it into a Club eventually since she loves the Gunnar master/pet dynamic she has'''), but yeah i agree i like the other slow corrupting options but one that is a bit more harsher is soo hot too. --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 01:34, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

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Another thing I've been thinking about since reading this is how will Sven knowing (or suspecting) that Laura has been extreme with Emilia play into this. He's been trying to dial Emilia down all the way through (but ultimately failed) so I'm also interested in what he'll do after it's all said and done. -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 16:16, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
Another thing I've been thinking about since reading this is how will Sven knowing (or suspecting) that Laura has been extreme with Emilia play into this. He's been trying to dial Emilia down all the way through (but ultimately failed) so I'm also interested in what he'll do after it's all said and done. -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 16:16, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

that sounds great as another choice, because after all how this part seems to be going, it feels more like she is willingly choosing to lose control out of a extreme desire and hornyness  BUT i don't know what villennia wants so i might be assuming wrong but this new idea it sounds more like a new choice where she tries to take the control back and it could be in this page or the next one as an extra choice but that's up to the villenia own ideas if that fit or not. --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 16:47, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
that sounds great as another choice, because after all how this part seems to be going, it feels more like she is willingly choosing to lose control out of a extreme desire and hornyness  BUT i don't know what villennia wants so i might be assuming wrong but this new idea it sounds more like a new choice where she tries to take the control back and it could be in this page or the next one as an extra choice because in the current situation the mom is super pissed but i can definitely can see another choice being made where she is crazy enough to tease the mom even in this enrage state, but that's up to the villenia own ideas if that fit or not. --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 16:47, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
There could be a more rebellious element from Emilia, definitely one way to play it!
My thought process in all of this was that Laura, given her history of domination and getting inside people's heads as well as knowing her kids better than anyone, would know that isolating her daughter would eventually make her act out. Giving her support/permission to mark herself at home would make Emilia think more and more about the marks and what she really wanted. No guaranteed outcome behind that, but the boredom and isolation was likely to drive her forward, and this particular path with the diamond experience with her brother accelerated that.
All of that said, she's not an expert at the game. She could have still have been chatting with Milka and Emilia about the rules, assuming she wasn't grounded from her phone (I've been mostly ambiguous about that), but I wouldn't expect her to have such a familiarity with all of the intricacies of the rules to be able to work them to her advantage or recall at a moment's notice under high stress what she can/can't do. If anything, seeing her mom more as a joker (given the cabin and her relationship with Danny) might push Emilia to take Laura's orders much more seriously. If her mom is handing her a black marker then she MUST be punished. Mom knows best after all. Add the fact that she's caught up in the moment, and I think Emilia is in too deep to think particularly clearly about her decisions. But ultimately she wants this. A part of her that she hasn't wrapped her head around yet, that has been obsessing over marks and getting off to the thought of swallowing whatever Sven puts in her mouth... she wants it! lol --[[User:Villenia|Villenia]] ([[User talk:Villenia|talk]]) 17:09, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
Yeah that what i got from it too but what the mom never expected was how far emilia will go and how desperate she would get (after all im sure the entire diamond moment was out of her plans she probably never expected that sven was already involved and how crazy sven can be) emilia feels like she needs to get punish but is mostly a desire that she had of losing control right now because in all those days she wanted to get more and mroe risky to egt somehting out of sven and mom. --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 17:49, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
I strongly agree that Emilia wants it whether she knows it or not. I also agree that she wouldn't be able to figure something like that on a moments notice, especially not under pressure. She is new yes, and she's an impressionable ten-year-old too. However, like you said, she could've been chatting and fishing for tips (if that is allowed by Laura) and it has been several days since the cabin incident. She could've had a plan for a while, pushing her mother's buttons like the tease she is, just waiting for her mom to finally snap. After all, she's been bored and thinking...
Still, just a request, or food for thought. Your original plan and line of thinking sounds like it'll make for some excellent content regardless of whether my suggestions are followed or not. -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 17:50, 26 September 2022 (CEST)
Ok i have re-read this like 20 times by now and i cant lie it hits so many of my favorite things a girl feeling this rush to try new things that she knows she is going maybe too far but she doesn't care she wants to get risky anyway to feel that rush of adrenaline (like an exhibitionist one of my favorite kinks of all time specially when is in their volition and lets be honest she definitely was gonna practically go naked outside to feel that rush if the mom didn't stop her) , a mother that even if it was a bit of her plan she gets hit by this unexpected change of events and she start getting fed up with the daughter crazy rush and disrespecting her to a point where she even almost fucks her in middle of the house but was able to contain herself till daughter went to far and broke the promise she made and now she is not gonna hold back anymore to teach her and maybe to understand what her daughter truly wants and the way they speak to by the end is so good i genuinely haven't read something this good in so long Thank you. Easily my favorite hentai/porn read of the year thank you so much. --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 01:57, 28 September 2022 (CEST)
So i have been thinking Innocent Ruin why don't you add that option as a new choice, of course with Villenia permission and if it doesn't bother them or ruin their story but here is how you could add it *Emilia decides to use the knowledge she has to bribe her mom to get out of punishment as the choice* or something like that, THEN at the end when Emilia is thinking it should be added something that lets this option exist like for example *wait weren't something in the rules about this, yeah in the rules it says she cant brand me ohh but she so mad maybe i could use this to get out of punishment should i do that but what about if she gets more mad should i risk it i do deserve this after all* or something like that because if you add a new option it needs to appear in that final thought bubble.
Of course ask Villenia first before doing any changes and if Villenia doesn't mind and it doesn't break there story or idea then you could add it. because i like your idea too but it feels like it should be a new option and not the main option to at least leave 2 possibilities open one where she decides to fight the punishment to get something out of it with the risk of making things worse (Innocent Ruin) and one where she accepts it that she committed a mistake broke a promise so she deserve to be punish for it and she wants to be punish for it (Villenia)  in both she wants it anyway so she is only deciding between being more risky and get something in return or accept she did broke the rules and deserve this punishment and let the mom take control to calm her down, Both options sound hot to be honest.--[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 02:47, 29 September 2022 (CEST)
Nah, in hindsight I'm happy to leave it just as a request. Whether or not he wants to use my ideas or not is up to him, and if he doesn't maybe I'll use the idea later. (either here or somewhere else. )
That said, while I don't want to influence his own vision or strong-arm him into changing his plans if his idea of what's about to happen isn't compatible with my suggestions, I will still say that the reason I made the request was because:
#it would be much more in line with Emilia's character to be a little bratty and defiant against and obvious overreach of power by Laura. (I insist that Emilia should understand this perfectly.)
#it would leave zero ambiguity over the fact that Emilia is indeed fully within a state of mind to consent to what's happening and not simply being gaslit into thinking she deserves to be punished.
#This is just a matter of personal taste, but I'm personally not a big supporter of Laura acting on anger and impulse, or the idea that the calmer and more methodical Laura being so nonchalant towards the possibility of angering the fickle gods by assuming authority over a "markless star-bearer". She, at the very least, should know better, ESPECIALLY if Emilia herself doesn't. (Depending on one's interpretation of rules and how strictly gods would enforce them in a situation like this, Laura should be in serious trouble after this.)
#It wouldn't have to affect the final product as far as sex is involved in any way. One could still write the exact same gangbang, scene with gunnar, or the same scene with her being disciplined while tied up, with the added benefit of my three previous points.
Now again, this is just how I imagine/interpret the characters, their personalities, and the rules made by the gods. If this is incompatible with Villenia's plans, I don't want him to change his content. There are also other ways to make Emilia's consent and enjoyment of what's happening crystal clear. After all, "no harm no foul." -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 10:20, 29 September 2022 (CEST)
ok i get what you mean now, but i think you misunderstood Villenia at least in point 3 From what Villenia have said in this post and shown Laura did plan this, we even see in this same scene that Emilia really wanted it to the point she even felt disappointed when mom stopped touching her days prior to this, so yeah Laura may be just acting angry and not actually angry because im pretty sure she knew this would happen where she miscalculated was how fast it happened (because of the diamond) and she is doing it this way just to see what Emilia chooses after all she is giving her the choice to do it, i mean you are right it sounds like she is forcing her but Laura knows she wants this to the point she is just acting angry to see her reaction and  if she actually do it or not,  so here she is just putting an act to see what she chooses or at least that what i took after reading it and reading Villenia response but i could be wrong and after all you said if she knows the daughter wants it she is giving her the choice to mark herself so no harm no foul im sure Laura know this and expects emilia to be ok with it too but i can see why you are worried about it im sure is fine. im just excited to see where this goes to be honest and how the Laura plans in general unfold and i may have misunderstood too so who knows ic ould be wrong, ohh man this so good.
i think an easier change than making emilia remember the rules in a crucial moment like this (precisely why Laura is putting this anger act to pressure her to act on instinct to see what she choose to do) instead of that it could have been something more subtle and instead of Laura saying that part of mark yourself or ill choos for you it could have just been she give her the marker and just say CHOOSE and nothing else that would make it more like emilia is totally choosing out of her own volition because Laura didn't told her what to do with the marker but like i said we dont know if villenia already plan this to sound consensual in the next page but im sure the anger is an act to make Emilia act on instinct and not logic. we have to wait and see
and the only reason i mentioned that if you wanted to write it yourself part was because you sounded inspired to write it and if you have inspiration you should just write before inspiration goes away. sorry if i insulted you or made you feel like i was attacking your feeling about the story honestly all i wanted was to see if the little push it gave you the inspiration to write i know you said you been feeling less motivated so i took the chance.
Btw like innocent says dont let this conversation change your story villenia we are just talking out loud your story is your to tell and in whatever way you want to tell it and im sure is amazing no matter what, just think of us as to fans bickering about what we think--[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 11:06, 29 September 2022 (CEST)
No, I don't feel attacked at all, nor do I mind being told I'm wrong, or that people disagree with my ideas, OR that people might have ideas that make my own content better. I just like to discuss ideas and possibilities. It's the beauty of a collaborative, interactive format; there are many ways you can continue a pre-existing story and have it turn towards a different, maybe even unexpected direction! 😊
Besides, I love Villenia's work here a lot. I said in my first post on this talk page that I'm loving this approach he is taking a lot, PRECISELY because it's something I personally was not thinking of exploring as an option. I'm all for the "evil mama bear" Laura, who corrupts her daughter to the point of Emilia wanting to be punished by her, and I love the idea of Emilia embracing this. And, as I said, there are many ways in which Emilia's consent and enjoyment of what's happening can be made crystal clear, and perhaps Villenia's idea is much better than mine. I'm simply offering alternatives and suggestions on how this could ''ALSO'' work out based on how I imagine the characters and their personalities. As for the points you made:
"We even see in this same scene that Emilia really wanted it to the point she even felt disappointed when mom stopped touching her days prior to this."
*That is true, but being coerced into wearing a black symbol as a punishment is quite a big step up from simply being fondled, no?
*That said, Emilia could perceive this as an opportunity to finally experience something truly thrilling again. Emilia also drew a black star on herself back in Daniel's summer cottage and ended up liking it back then a lot, so she could still be feeling horny about it and want to experience something like that again.
"Laura may be just acting angry and not actually angry."
*Also true, but I'd personally not leave it up to ambiguity. I don't mind Laura getting angry because she could still get emotional and be scared of people like Sven, her husband, or other outsiders knowing about what she did with Daniel in that shed. She already made that mistake once, and she doesn't want to make it again. That said, I wouldn't want her to act angry just to scare Emilia. Just a personal preference, but it would be WAY too manipulative of her, perhaps even against the rules by which the character play.
"Laura knows she wants this to the point she is just acting angry to see her reaction and if she actually does it or not."
*Laura could see it in her little girl. This is 100% true. Emilia could also surprise Laura with ''her own'' ingenuity, and who knows, Laura might even take this as a positive.
And honestly, I appreciate the little pushes and feedback a lot. It's what motivated me to return to writing this again in the first place. God knows I need a break from writing long-form, traditional content. And I hope my bitching about "da roolz", "muh characters" and shit doesn't bother Villenia either. -- [[User:Innocent Ruin|Innocent Ruin]] ([[User talk:Innocent Ruin|talk]]) 11:54, 29 September 2022 (CEST)
ok love to see you inspired like this what i wanted to say now was i can see your point and like i said before i like them both ways this can go but the things villenia did here i like them a lot more because it hits so many of my kinks personally and seeing the mom being more active it get me excited is a kink of mine female femdom to another female (ironically i don't like female femdom to males only between females specially if they are mother and daughter) and the way she is acting at the end is something i really like but i see your points too i just personally wish it stays like this since emilia acting on instinct is hot as hell, But to be honest maybe is possible to add some thought bubbles of laura/emilia to make it look more consensual or to make it less vague (even if the vagueness of it to me at least makes it extra hot in this page at least) but this type of interactions is something i really like so many of my favorite female-femdom porn/games are similar (one of my favorites scenes of all time was slice_of_venture at the end there is one scene where the mc little girl is dreaming about the mom so angry thats she broke her rules that she forces her to pet walking it was all a dream but in the dream it felt at first dubious consent but by the end she was very into it). (less consensual in most of these, but i like this consensual angle too after all the mommy knows best to a daughter is in top of my list and almost all of this are consensual) and man part of me seeing that gunnar option and i so want it too so bad, but i know this option where Laura gets control of the situation will be better just story wise since it makes more sense.
Villenia/Innocent do whatever you guys feel like doing ill love it no matter what this story is sooo good i don't think there is anything i would ever not love i mean ffs i even liked the whole watersport scenario and i normally don't like that and yes i know the irony of that considering i like slice of venture thats is full of stuff like that but what can i say there is some people who make such interesting stories or games that i end up liking themes i normally never would --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 12:28, 29 September 2022 (CEST)
adding one last thing it just occurred to me and how can i forget something so obvious, Emilia was talking to Sven before Laura catch her and she is listening to the conversation about them doing it not only that but she even propose to Sven on that precise moment she can wear a black diamond if he wanted so 2 things come from this Laura KNOWS she wants to wear black and second Laura either is assuming or already saw Emilia is probably already wearing a diamond or a star because through this week she has been trying to get sven to fuck her again so probably Laura knows/seen she is wearing a star or something already after all with how desperate Emilia is she could been wearing one where is a little bit hidden but not hidden enough since she was teasing Sven at that moment so thats why Laura call her a star bearer it could be implied that she was wearing one already or she really wants to. (by the way Emilia spoke to Sven she may have a diamond already maybe not black but who knows) --[[User:Xephion|Xephion]] ([[User talk:Xephion|talk]]) 20:03, 29 September 2022 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 19:47, 29 September 2022

Holy shit what can i say this was wow fuck i love this so much and i like the other option where the mom is slowly controlling her but this one is soooo good too bc of in this one she is just mad at her and want to punish her daughter ahhhh this is so good. and when she grabbed her against the wall so good. about the options you know i want the club so badly... but lets be honest the mom choosing will give the mom permission to draw whatever she wants and more and since it says spade and more that means i could get club too so I'm going for it is too hot and I'm so interested on that option is too good to not choose it (but if you want something else to win do tell ill change my vote i love those 2 options but is your story so ill do what you want) i forgot to say it im ashamed but better late than never thank you very much for all the work you do. --Xephion (talk) 00:46, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

I love that you're taking the story in this direction. Before I stopped writing last year, when I had some stuff between Emilia and Laura fresh in my mind, I kind of imagined her as more encouraging and guiding rather than outright controlling. Yet, here Laura shows such an extremely strict side of her, making it almost feels like she's raising a sex slave at this point rather than a daughter. Meanwhile, Emilia isn't even allowed to see her friends and doesn't even mourn over it even though it's freaking midsummer in Sweden. She just accepts everything, even though "she doesn't like being told what to do". It almost seems to me like she wants it at this point.

In that sense, anything other than a spade would feel like a miss for me here. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 01:21, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

(after thinking about it, you are right Spade is the only one that makes sense to start with, after all normally in most cases you start as a sex slave and then the master can decide to train you into a pet and considering the mom she most likely would have started with a Spade and then made it into a Club eventually since she loves the Gunnar master/pet dynamic she has), but yeah i agree i like the other slow corrupting options but one that is a bit more harsher is soo hot too. --Xephion (talk) 01:34, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

I'm gonna just ramble a bit while I'm slowly DYING OF BOREDOM AT WORK. I got additional ideas for how this could move forward, but if they're not sonething you find even remotely interesting, I might write some of it myself. (Because, you know, more choices equals more fun)

First of all, I've been putting myself in Emilia's shoes and try to get in her mindset, think what I would do in this situation. Why not tease Laura more? That's what Emilia has already been doing all the way here. Or, better yet, try to gain to gain something from the situation.

I mean, she knows perfectly well she doesn't have to do shit here, because while Laura can ground her, cut allowance, or punish her in some other way as a parent, she has ZERO authority to punish Emilia with a mark. Especially not with a black one. It's Kostikki's job to determine who deserves punishment, or alternatively, Emilia's own choice to wear one. Emilia knows this, Laura knows it, and Emilia could use this to her advantage with little to no consequences.

So obviously, I don't want her to just weasel her way out of a sexy situation, because I want her to get dicked just as much as everyone else, but she COULD for example say she will only follow Laura's demands if she will no longer be grounded. Maybe go even harder in that direction? She could totally brag to Heidi and Milka afterwards.

Another thing I've been thinking about since reading this is how will Sven knowing (or suspecting) that Laura has been extreme with Emilia play into this. He's been trying to dial Emilia down all the way through (but ultimately failed) so I'm also interested in what he'll do after it's all said and done. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 16:16, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

that sounds great as another choice, because after all how this part seems to be going, it feels more like she is willingly choosing to lose control out of a extreme desire and hornyness BUT i don't know what villennia wants so i might be assuming wrong but this new idea it sounds more like a new choice where she tries to take the control back and it could be in this page or the next one as an extra choice because in the current situation the mom is super pissed but i can definitely can see another choice being made where she is crazy enough to tease the mom even in this enrage state, but that's up to the villenia own ideas if that fit or not. --Xephion (talk) 16:47, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

There could be a more rebellious element from Emilia, definitely one way to play it!

My thought process in all of this was that Laura, given her history of domination and getting inside people's heads as well as knowing her kids better than anyone, would know that isolating her daughter would eventually make her act out. Giving her support/permission to mark herself at home would make Emilia think more and more about the marks and what she really wanted. No guaranteed outcome behind that, but the boredom and isolation was likely to drive her forward, and this particular path with the diamond experience with her brother accelerated that.

All of that said, she's not an expert at the game. She could have still have been chatting with Milka and Emilia about the rules, assuming she wasn't grounded from her phone (I've been mostly ambiguous about that), but I wouldn't expect her to have such a familiarity with all of the intricacies of the rules to be able to work them to her advantage or recall at a moment's notice under high stress what she can/can't do. If anything, seeing her mom more as a joker (given the cabin and her relationship with Danny) might push Emilia to take Laura's orders much more seriously. If her mom is handing her a black marker then she MUST be punished. Mom knows best after all. Add the fact that she's caught up in the moment, and I think Emilia is in too deep to think particularly clearly about her decisions. But ultimately she wants this. A part of her that she hasn't wrapped her head around yet, that has been obsessing over marks and getting off to the thought of swallowing whatever Sven puts in her mouth... she wants it! lol --Villenia (talk) 17:09, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

Yeah that what i got from it too but what the mom never expected was how far emilia will go and how desperate she would get (after all im sure the entire diamond moment was out of her plans she probably never expected that sven was already involved and how crazy sven can be) emilia feels like she needs to get punish but is mostly a desire that she had of losing control right now because in all those days she wanted to get more and mroe risky to egt somehting out of sven and mom. --Xephion (talk) 17:49, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

I strongly agree that Emilia wants it whether she knows it or not. I also agree that she wouldn't be able to figure something like that on a moments notice, especially not under pressure. She is new yes, and she's an impressionable ten-year-old too. However, like you said, she could've been chatting and fishing for tips (if that is allowed by Laura) and it has been several days since the cabin incident. She could've had a plan for a while, pushing her mother's buttons like the tease she is, just waiting for her mom to finally snap. After all, she's been bored and thinking...

Still, just a request, or food for thought. Your original plan and line of thinking sounds like it'll make for some excellent content regardless of whether my suggestions are followed or not. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 17:50, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

Ok i have re-read this like 20 times by now and i cant lie it hits so many of my favorite things a girl feeling this rush to try new things that she knows she is going maybe too far but she doesn't care she wants to get risky anyway to feel that rush of adrenaline (like an exhibitionist one of my favorite kinks of all time specially when is in their volition and lets be honest she definitely was gonna practically go naked outside to feel that rush if the mom didn't stop her) , a mother that even if it was a bit of her plan she gets hit by this unexpected change of events and she start getting fed up with the daughter crazy rush and disrespecting her to a point where she even almost fucks her in middle of the house but was able to contain herself till daughter went to far and broke the promise she made and now she is not gonna hold back anymore to teach her and maybe to understand what her daughter truly wants and the way they speak to by the end is so good i genuinely haven't read something this good in so long Thank you. Easily my favorite hentai/porn read of the year thank you so much. --Xephion (talk) 01:57, 28 September 2022 (CEST)

So i have been thinking Innocent Ruin why don't you add that option as a new choice, of course with Villenia permission and if it doesn't bother them or ruin their story but here is how you could add it *Emilia decides to use the knowledge she has to bribe her mom to get out of punishment as the choice* or something like that, THEN at the end when Emilia is thinking it should be added something that lets this option exist like for example *wait weren't something in the rules about this, yeah in the rules it says she cant brand me ohh but she so mad maybe i could use this to get out of punishment should i do that but what about if she gets more mad should i risk it i do deserve this after all* or something like that because if you add a new option it needs to appear in that final thought bubble.

Of course ask Villenia first before doing any changes and if Villenia doesn't mind and it doesn't break there story or idea then you could add it. because i like your idea too but it feels like it should be a new option and not the main option to at least leave 2 possibilities open one where she decides to fight the punishment to get something out of it with the risk of making things worse (Innocent Ruin) and one where she accepts it that she committed a mistake broke a promise so she deserve to be punish for it and she wants to be punish for it (Villenia) in both she wants it anyway so she is only deciding between being more risky and get something in return or accept she did broke the rules and deserve this punishment and let the mom take control to calm her down, Both options sound hot to be honest.--Xephion (talk) 02:47, 29 September 2022 (CEST)

Nah, in hindsight I'm happy to leave it just as a request. Whether or not he wants to use my ideas or not is up to him, and if he doesn't maybe I'll use the idea later. (either here or somewhere else. )

That said, while I don't want to influence his own vision or strong-arm him into changing his plans if his idea of what's about to happen isn't compatible with my suggestions, I will still say that the reason I made the request was because:

  1. it would be much more in line with Emilia's character to be a little bratty and defiant against and obvious overreach of power by Laura. (I insist that Emilia should understand this perfectly.)
  2. it would leave zero ambiguity over the fact that Emilia is indeed fully within a state of mind to consent to what's happening and not simply being gaslit into thinking she deserves to be punished.
  3. This is just a matter of personal taste, but I'm personally not a big supporter of Laura acting on anger and impulse, or the idea that the calmer and more methodical Laura being so nonchalant towards the possibility of angering the fickle gods by assuming authority over a "markless star-bearer". She, at the very least, should know better, ESPECIALLY if Emilia herself doesn't. (Depending on one's interpretation of rules and how strictly gods would enforce them in a situation like this, Laura should be in serious trouble after this.)
  4. It wouldn't have to affect the final product as far as sex is involved in any way. One could still write the exact same gangbang, scene with gunnar, or the same scene with her being disciplined while tied up, with the added benefit of my three previous points.

Now again, this is just how I imagine/interpret the characters, their personalities, and the rules made by the gods. If this is incompatible with Villenia's plans, I don't want him to change his content. There are also other ways to make Emilia's consent and enjoyment of what's happening crystal clear. After all, "no harm no foul." -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 10:20, 29 September 2022 (CEST)

ok i get what you mean now, but i think you misunderstood Villenia at least in point 3 From what Villenia have said in this post and shown Laura did plan this, we even see in this same scene that Emilia really wanted it to the point she even felt disappointed when mom stopped touching her days prior to this, so yeah Laura may be just acting angry and not actually angry because im pretty sure she knew this would happen where she miscalculated was how fast it happened (because of the diamond) and she is doing it this way just to see what Emilia chooses after all she is giving her the choice to do it, i mean you are right it sounds like she is forcing her but Laura knows she wants this to the point she is just acting angry to see her reaction and if she actually do it or not, so here she is just putting an act to see what she chooses or at least that what i took after reading it and reading Villenia response but i could be wrong and after all you said if she knows the daughter wants it she is giving her the choice to mark herself so no harm no foul im sure Laura know this and expects emilia to be ok with it too but i can see why you are worried about it im sure is fine. im just excited to see where this goes to be honest and how the Laura plans in general unfold and i may have misunderstood too so who knows ic ould be wrong, ohh man this so good.

i think an easier change than making emilia remember the rules in a crucial moment like this (precisely why Laura is putting this anger act to pressure her to act on instinct to see what she choose to do) instead of that it could have been something more subtle and instead of Laura saying that part of mark yourself or ill choos for you it could have just been she give her the marker and just say CHOOSE and nothing else that would make it more like emilia is totally choosing out of her own volition because Laura didn't told her what to do with the marker but like i said we dont know if villenia already plan this to sound consensual in the next page but im sure the anger is an act to make Emilia act on instinct and not logic. we have to wait and see

and the only reason i mentioned that if you wanted to write it yourself part was because you sounded inspired to write it and if you have inspiration you should just write before inspiration goes away. sorry if i insulted you or made you feel like i was attacking your feeling about the story honestly all i wanted was to see if the little push it gave you the inspiration to write i know you said you been feeling less motivated so i took the chance.

Btw like innocent says dont let this conversation change your story villenia we are just talking out loud your story is your to tell and in whatever way you want to tell it and im sure is amazing no matter what, just think of us as to fans bickering about what we think--Xephion (talk) 11:06, 29 September 2022 (CEST)

No, I don't feel attacked at all, nor do I mind being told I'm wrong, or that people disagree with my ideas, OR that people might have ideas that make my own content better. I just like to discuss ideas and possibilities. It's the beauty of a collaborative, interactive format; there are many ways you can continue a pre-existing story and have it turn towards a different, maybe even unexpected direction! 😊

Besides, I love Villenia's work here a lot. I said in my first post on this talk page that I'm loving this approach he is taking a lot, PRECISELY because it's something I personally was not thinking of exploring as an option. I'm all for the "evil mama bear" Laura, who corrupts her daughter to the point of Emilia wanting to be punished by her, and I love the idea of Emilia embracing this. And, as I said, there are many ways in which Emilia's consent and enjoyment of what's happening can be made crystal clear, and perhaps Villenia's idea is much better than mine. I'm simply offering alternatives and suggestions on how this could ALSO work out based on how I imagine the characters and their personalities. As for the points you made:

"We even see in this same scene that Emilia really wanted it to the point she even felt disappointed when mom stopped touching her days prior to this."

  • That is true, but being coerced into wearing a black symbol as a punishment is quite a big step up from simply being fondled, no?
  • That said, Emilia could perceive this as an opportunity to finally experience something truly thrilling again. Emilia also drew a black star on herself back in Daniel's summer cottage and ended up liking it back then a lot, so she could still be feeling horny about it and want to experience something like that again.

"Laura may be just acting angry and not actually angry."

  • Also true, but I'd personally not leave it up to ambiguity. I don't mind Laura getting angry because she could still get emotional and be scared of people like Sven, her husband, or other outsiders knowing about what she did with Daniel in that shed. She already made that mistake once, and she doesn't want to make it again. That said, I wouldn't want her to act angry just to scare Emilia. Just a personal preference, but it would be WAY too manipulative of her, perhaps even against the rules by which the character play.

"Laura knows she wants this to the point she is just acting angry to see her reaction and if she actually does it or not."

  • Laura could see it in her little girl. This is 100% true. Emilia could also surprise Laura with her own ingenuity, and who knows, Laura might even take this as a positive.

And honestly, I appreciate the little pushes and feedback a lot. It's what motivated me to return to writing this again in the first place. God knows I need a break from writing long-form, traditional content. And I hope my bitching about "da roolz", "muh characters" and shit doesn't bother Villenia either. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 11:54, 29 September 2022 (CEST)

ok love to see you inspired like this what i wanted to say now was i can see your point and like i said before i like them both ways this can go but the things villenia did here i like them a lot more because it hits so many of my kinks personally and seeing the mom being more active it get me excited is a kink of mine female femdom to another female (ironically i don't like female femdom to males only between females specially if they are mother and daughter) and the way she is acting at the end is something i really like but i see your points too i just personally wish it stays like this since emilia acting on instinct is hot as hell, But to be honest maybe is possible to add some thought bubbles of laura/emilia to make it look more consensual or to make it less vague (even if the vagueness of it to me at least makes it extra hot in this page at least) but this type of interactions is something i really like so many of my favorite female-femdom porn/games are similar (one of my favorites scenes of all time was slice_of_venture at the end there is one scene where the mc little girl is dreaming about the mom so angry thats she broke her rules that she forces her to pet walking it was all a dream but in the dream it felt at first dubious consent but by the end she was very into it). (less consensual in most of these, but i like this consensual angle too after all the mommy knows best to a daughter is in top of my list and almost all of this are consensual) and man part of me seeing that gunnar option and i so want it too so bad, but i know this option where Laura gets control of the situation will be better just story wise since it makes more sense.

Villenia/Innocent do whatever you guys feel like doing ill love it no matter what this story is sooo good i don't think there is anything i would ever not love i mean ffs i even liked the whole watersport scenario and i normally don't like that and yes i know the irony of that considering i like slice of venture thats is full of stuff like that but what can i say there is some people who make such interesting stories or games that i end up liking themes i normally never would --Xephion (talk) 12:28, 29 September 2022 (CEST)

adding one last thing it just occurred to me and how can i forget something so obvious, Emilia was talking to Sven before Laura catch her and she is listening to the conversation about them doing it not only that but she even propose to Sven on that precise moment she can wear a black diamond if he wanted so 2 things come from this Laura KNOWS she wants to wear black and second Laura either is assuming or already saw Emilia is probably already wearing a diamond or a star because through this week she has been trying to get sven to fuck her again so probably Laura knows/seen she is wearing a star or something already after all with how desperate Emilia is she could been wearing one where is a little bit hidden but not hidden enough since she was teasing Sven at that moment so thats why Laura call her a star bearer it could be implied that she was wearing one already or she really wants to. (by the way Emilia spoke to Sven she may have a diamond already maybe not black but who knows) --Xephion (talk) 20:03, 29 September 2022 (CEST)