Offline/Go for a walk to distract you: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 3]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 4]]

Latest revision as of 17:37, 20 December 2022

You announce you're going for a walk down along the river and mom is quick to point out that you shouldn't go out alone when it's already so dark. She tells you to find a hiking partner and Nicole jumps in, eagerly offering to join you. Both of you go grab your flashlights to combat the vanishing dusk and head out.

The two of you wind a trail between the rocks along the edge of the shore and the treeline right beside it. It's not a difficult hike but it's not a lazy one either. The two of you get a good 15 minutes downstream before you try to bring up what's on your mind.

"You ever get something stuck in your head?"

"Yeah, I guess. Like what?"

You can't actually tell her. "You know, stuff. Like... people you like."

"Who do you like?"

"Huh? No one." You kick some rocks toward the river. You probably needed to start this differently.

"Okay. Do you think 'no one' is pretty?"

"I said it's no-."

"Do I know her?"

You sigh. "...maybe?"

"Oh. Does she know you like her?"

"Let's change the subject."

You share a brief silence before Nicole pokes you again.

"Do you think she likes you?"

"I dunno. Maybe."

The crack of thunder stops you both in your tracks. There were lots of clouds out today but you never even considered it might rain.

"We should go back," suggests Nicole.

A few droplets hit your head. This thing is already on top of you. "Yeah, I guess so."

The droplets swiftly turn into buckets, the wind kicking up a fuss as well. It's all very much out of nowhere, at least to an oblivious teenager who can't stop thinking about pussy.

The storm was apparently following you down the river. It's true that you turned away from the wind when you picked which way to hike. But now you're walking straight into this mess. Halfway back to camp and you're getting pelted. By the time you hit the edge of camp you're both completely soaked. Uncle Mike, who was just about to go out searching for you, yells for you both to stay in your cabin. You both make a beeline for it, desperate for refuge from the angry elements. But as you enter your shelter a few minutes later, you realize you made a terrible mistake. You left the windows open since yesterday and the wind is shoving rain past the screen all over Nicole's stuff. Her luggage, her sleeping bag, everything was left open and it's all now swimming in water. Her things are thoroughly soaked with a puddle covering half of the floor. Most of your belongings seem fine, only a few droplets making their way onto your side.

Nicole frantically closes the windows but the damage has been done. Insult to injury, there's a slow leak in the corner of the ceiling of your rundown cabin that's dripping squarely on the pillow of Nicole's bed. After removing wet books from her bag, fishing through her belongings, and hearing squishing sounds coming from everything she owns, she leans up against the inside of the door with tears welling up in her eyes. A new level of guilt grips you, bringing you to pull your cousin into a protective hug. She sobs briefly into your chest, your wet clothes making it a less comforting experience than you want.

"I'm so sorry Nicky. We'll... I dunno. Once the rain stops we can figure it out." Nicole draws in a sniffle then wiggles closer. Your quick supportive hug morphs into a long compassionate embrace, Nicole nuzzling her face into your neck. With only the sound of the rain pattering against the roof and smacking against the window there's nothing to interrupt you. You could do this all night and no one would stop you. But eventually the extended contact makes your dick twitch and your nerves force you to pull away. "Uh, here, we can at least dry off."

You pass her one of your shirts for her to use as a towel. You pull out a couple more for yourself since you're both equally soaked. You peel off your soaking top and then, hesitantly albeit necessarily, your shoes, socks, and pants as well. Nicole follows your example and strips out of her top and bottoms, leaving you both standing in only your wet underwear an arms length away in a small cabin that has managed to get even smaller bending over and drying yourselves off with t-shirts. You try not to glance at her body but it's really hard not to. She just has such a tight little figure, and her wet underwear is truly hanging off of her trim form; her tiny padded push up bra cups absorbed so much water that they're pulling away from her chest leaving an enticing gap that your eyes happen to keep finding.

You make your t-shirts work as well as you can but you know you'll have to get out of your underwear as well since you're hardly better off than Nicole.

"Can you, like, turn around for a sec?"

Nicole nods and rotates toward a corner to avert her eyes. You shimmy out of your wet boxers and use your now very damp t-shirts to try to at least dry your balls before fishing out a fresh pair of underwear. You swear you catch Nicole turning around more than once, but she's probably only checking if you're done.

You've gotten mostly dry, but you're both still cold, the wind and water chilling the cabin. And on top of that it's getting late and Nicky's bed is pretty much ruined. You have to sort something out.

Give Nicky your sleeping bag

Help Nicky try to remake her bed