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“Hey!” Luke heard someone say. He turned, looking thought the trees to find the source of the sound. The voice was too high pitched to be his uncle, but he could see no one nearby.
“Hey!” Luke heard someone say. He turned, looking thought the trees to find the source of the sound. The voice was too high pitched to be his uncle, but he could see no one nearby.

“Over here!” The voice said again. This time, he was her.
“Over here!” The voice said again. This time, he saw her.

“Hey,” he waved back at the girl. She looked to be about his age and wore a plain knee-length dress and a tattered cardigan. On her feet, were two thick boots that didn’t match her outfit, but they were perfect for walking over rocks and logs in the forest. Her long brown hair was lazily braided on one side, but otherwise hung freely past her shoulder blades.
“Hey,” he waved back at the girl. She looked to be about his age and wore a plain knee-length dress and a tattered cardigan. On her feet, were two thick boots that didn’t match her outfit, but they were perfect for walking over rocks and logs in the forest. Her long brown hair was lazily braided on one side, but otherwise hung freely past her shoulder blades.

Latest revision as of 07:10, 6 March 2023

Chapter 4

“Do I have to do this again?” Luke asked the question, but he already knew the answer.

“Yes, come on,” Rob took Luke’s hand and and put it on his cock. Only then did the boy finally got to work. Putting his other hand in place, he used both to pleasure his uncle’s cock.

“You’re such a great kid,” Rob complemented, brushing a hand through his long hair. Luke was sitting on the lid of the toilet of his bathroom, waiting for his shower to warm up.

The night before, Luke had gone to bed feeling very confused and very violated. And he had spent most of the day trying not to bother Rob in some small hope that his uncle would forget about him. But alas, he was at it again, rubbing the man’s cock furiously. He didn’t like jerking his uncle off, but he much preferred it to feeling his uncle touch his own cock.

Luke was just barely starting to understand his new reality, coming to terms with the fact that his uncle wasn’t going to stop making him do this. With each stroke of the man’s cock, he was dreading the thought of having to do it over and over again all summer long. And the sweet, innocent boy had no idea just what else his uncle had in store for him.

The sound of the shower drowned out Rob’s moans as he began to cum. Jizz shot about and landed on Luke’s chin. He panicked and aimed the erection lower, watching more squirt onto his chest and drip down his torso. Unlike his first time, Rob had told him he aught to keep rubbing his cock whenever he jerked a man off. The boy did so, albeit much slower, while all his uncle’s ammunition continued to shoot haphazardly onto his chest.

“Good boy,” Rob leaned down and kissed Luke’s forehead. “Why don’t you lick my cum off the tip?” He suggested to a horrified look on Luke’s face. He couldn’t fathom the thought of getting that stuff in his mouth, much less licking his uncle’s cock.

“Alright, I get it,” Rob gave in for once. “We’ll work up to that one.” Just then, he grabbed the boy’s hair and wiped his cum off with it instead. This had the boy feeling equally used and dejected.

“Go ahead and get in the shower,” Rob watched Luke move slowly, uncomfortable with the feeling of copious amounts of cum dripping down his hairless body.

The following morning, Rob had nothing serious planned for the day. So after eating breakfast, Luke went out in the yard to explore by himself. Rob owned several acres and by the end of his first week there, Luke found he enjoyed going out and exploring the land.

It was barely 9 o’clock when he walked out past the tree line and all the way to the barbed wire fence that marked the end of Rob’s property. Growing only a few feet from, the fence, stood an oddly shaped tree that was perfect for climbing. Luke saw it and immediately felt the urge to see how far up he could climb it. Just as he approached it, however, he heard a voice.

“Hey!” Luke heard someone say. He turned, looking thought the trees to find the source of the sound. The voice was too high pitched to be his uncle, but he could see no one nearby.

“Over here!” The voice said again. This time, he saw her.

“Hey,” he waved back at the girl. She looked to be about his age and wore a plain knee-length dress and a tattered cardigan. On her feet, were two thick boots that didn’t match her outfit, but they were perfect for walking over rocks and logs in the forest. Her long brown hair was lazily braided on one side, but otherwise hung freely past her shoulder blades.

“What are you doing at Robby’s house?” The girl asked as she approached the other side of the fence.

“Rob’s my uncle,” Luke looked back at the house in the distance. “I’m staying with him for the summer.”

“Oh. I’m Kelly,” the girl replied. “I live here with my grandpa.”

“I’m Luke,” he introduced himself.

“There aren’t many other kids up here, usually,” Kelly said. “Just campers sometimes. Do you want to come play? My grandpa just put up a tire swing.”

“Sure, I should probably go ask my uncle, though…”

“Okay, I’ll wait here,” Kelly replied.

Luke ran back towards the house to ask his uncle if it was okay. He was excited to finally meet someone his own age and when he asked his uncle if he could play on her grandpa’s property, Rob eagerly allowed it.

“Of course, I’m glad you got to meet Kelly,” Rob exclaimed. “I was planning on introducing you two one of these days. Go have fun!”

With his uncle’s permission, Luke ran back to where Kelly was still waiting. He couldn’t see her until he crossed the tree line, but she was at least as excited as he was to have someone her age to play with.

“He said I can come!” Luke announced as he slowed from a brisk jog by the fence.

“Cool, just crawl under,” Kelly leaned down and lifted some of the barbed wire so he could crawl under more easily.

“My grandpa owns a lot of land,” Kelly said when Luke stood back up. “The house is that way and there’s a pond over that way. The tire swing is this way near the house!”

“That’s cool,” Luke said.

“Thanks, I like it a lot better than when I lived with my parents,” She blurted. “But I don’t really have any friends up here.”

“Yeah, I wanted to spend the summer with my friends back home, but my mom made me come up here and stay with my uncle,” Luke said as they started to walk.

“I had a few friends when I lived with My mommy and daddy, but I don’t live with them anymore because they’re in jail,” she said.

“Oh…” Luke felt bad for her.

“Yeah, my grandpa says I shouldn’t do drugs like them.”

“How do you know my uncle?” Luke asked, remembering that she’d called him Robby.

“Uh… it’s a small town, everyone knows him,” she said.

“Oh yeah, I didn’t think about that.”

“But he comes and visits my grandpa and me sometimes,” she added, starting to skip ahead.

The tire swing was hung on a tree about 200 yards from a large house which was where Luke reasonably assumed Kelly lived. The pair began by taking turns on the swing. One would sit on the tire while the other would run and try to swing it as hard as they could.

Had Luke been a few years older, he might have relished the many opportunities he had to see Kelly’s purple and blue panties. She wasn’t the least bit careful at keeping her dress down while on the swing, but Luke wasn’t all that interested.

As their games progressed, the tire swing turned into a small boat in the ocean and they started pretending that they were being chased by pirates.

“Row faster,” Kelly yelled. “Or they’ll capture us and try to rape us!” Luke didn’t know what that meant, but was too busy with their game to stop and ask. Things came to a climax when Kelly got caught and Luke had to fight off the pirates to save her.

They played for a few hours before Kelly’s grandpa called her from the house. He was surprised to see that his granddaughter wasn’t alone, though.

“Hey grandpa, this is Luke!” Kelly ran towards the house. “Robby is his uncle and he’s staying with him for the whole summer!”

“Oh yes,” the man said as Luke jogged up behind Kelly. “He mentioned his nephew would be coming. How old are you Luke?”

“I’m nine,” he told the man.

“Only a year older then our Kelly, here,” he gestured. “Well, I wasn’t planning on Kelly having a date for lunch, but I can figure something out. Come on inside.”

“We’re not on a date, he’s my friend,” Kelly insisted.

“Oh, of course,” he teased. “You can call me, Cliff by the way.” Kelly’s grandpa led them into the house. He almost looked too young to be a grandfather and Luke noted that he seemed quite a bit younger than either of his grandparents.

Cliff’s house was larger than his uncle’s, too. The kitchen and dining area in particular was massive. Luke sat with Kelly up to the kitchen table while Cliff served their food. He had made a whole pot of mac & cheese, so it worked out perfectly for both kids to have enough to eat.

As the kids began their lunch, Cliff left them to their own devices. They weren’t alone for more than ten minutes when he returned, though, walking up to the table and grabbing Kelly’s hand.

“Grandpa needs your help with something,” He looked at her. Kelly understood what he wanted and held his hand as they walked out of the room. Luke paid this very little attention, assuming that his new friend would be back soon.

And sure enough, five minutes later Kelly walked back to the table. She was wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her cardigan and was very eager to finish her lunch. Luke wondered what her grandfather needed help with, but didn’t want to ask.

“You want to go see the pond after?” Kelly asked as she finished up her food.

“Sure,” Luke said. “My uncle took me hiking to a big spring the other day.”

“Oh yeah, Grandpa and Robby took me there once!” She said. “It’s a lot bigger than the one on Grandpa’s land. But you have to walk a lot further get there.” The girl took her last few bites which were nearly cold, thanks to her uncles interruption.

Once they cleared the table, Kelly showed Luke the way to the pond which connected to a small stream through the property. It was a little ways from the house, over a short hill and beyond a thick group of trees.

“I come here a lot to swim,” Kelly said, kicking off her boots.

“I sometimes swim at my friend’s house back home. His family has a really nice pool.” Luke watched Kelly slip her cardigan off and pull her dress over her head. She had no qualms with letting Luke see her, but immediately jumped in the water.

“Ah,” she screamed playfully. “The water’s cold today.” While he was perhaps slightly embarrassed to be seen by a girl, Luke followed suit, taking his shoes off and stripping down to his briefs. He dipped his toe in to test the water first, but then jumped in with her.

Together, the pair of them splashed in the water, swimming and playing until they were both a little worn out as the afternoon grew later. When they decided it was time to get out of the water, the kids relaxed by the pond and air dried while they chatted to get better acquainted.

“Do you like Star Wars?” Luke asked.

“Um, one of my mommy and daddy’s friends really liked it,” she answered. “He had lots of posters and stuff all over his bedroom. One time, he made me dress up like a Princess Lala—or whatever her name is.”

“It’s Leia.” Like corrected her.

“Right, well anyways. I’ve never seen it.”

“Oh, I think my uncle has the movies,” Luke remembered seeing them on a rack of his uncle’s old DVD’s. “You should come over sometime to watch them.”

“That would be fun!” Kelly replied. In her short life, she’d had very little opportunity to make friends. And those that she did have seemed to come and go. But now that her life was at least a little more stable living with her grandfather, she relished the idea of making a close friend—even if it was just for the summer.

Maybe we could tomorrow,” Luke offered. “I could ask my uncle.” Luke, too was eager for a friend. He realized that he hadn’t thought about his uncle for most of the day. Or more specifically, hadn’t had time alone to relive the unpleasant sensation of having their cocks rub against each other.

“That would be fun,” she replied. “I should probably go back home, though. My uncle likes to play with me in the afternoon.” With that, the kids got dressed and went their separate ways. Luke returned back to his uncle’s property and when he saw his familiar looking house through the trees, he slowed his steps considerably.

He knew there was no getting around going back to his uncle’s, but at least he’d made a friend.

“How did it go,” Rob asked when he saw Luke come back in the house. He had been sitting on the sofa, looking for something to watch on TV.

“Good, we had a lot of fun,” He replied, though he was feeling nervous being back with his uncle. “Can she come over tomorrow to watch movies?”

“Sure, did you kids want to go to the movies? I could probably take you—if it’s okay with her grandpa.”

“No, we were going to watch Star Wars, Kelly hasn’t seen it.”

“Sure, that sounds great,” he said. “I have to help someone with their plumbing tomorrow, but you don’t have to come with. She’s always welcome any time, though. I’ll call Cliff in a bit and let him know it’s okay.” Luke was glad she could come over and the idea that his uncle might not be there made it even better.

“I was thinking we could enjoy a movie, though,” Rob added.

“Oh, okay,” Luke answered. “I’ve haven’t seen Lord of the Rings yet.”

“Yeah, we’ll definitely have to watch that series while you’re here,” He replied. “But I had something else in mind today.” Luke sat sat down on the sofa, but flinched a little when Rob scooted closer. The movie Rob wanted to watch was called Counselor Week at Camp Liberty. Not bothering with popcorn or any other typical up move snack, he simply scrolled to it with the remote and pressed play.

The movie itself was complete fucking garbage, but it’s not a film one typically watches for the story, acting, or stunning filmography. It took a few minutes for Luke to realize this, though. But as soon as he saw the first naked man on the screen, he understood. No sooner, did Rob put his arm around Luke and pull the boy closer.

“See, that’s called a blow job,” Rob said minutes later when the screen flashed to a man being sucked off in the camp’s shower.

“Can we please watch something else?” Luke clenched his hands around both of his knees.

“Not until I feel your wet mouth on my cock,” Rob suddenly whispered in his ear before kissing the boy’s neck. All week he’d held back, allowing Luke to wrap his head around the idea that his body was all his for the summer. But now it was time to go further.

Rob pulled the t-shirt over the boy’s head and tossed it on the floor. Then the man leaned down and kissed his chest. Luke bagan to cry softly, watching two men on the screen having sex while Rob slid to the floor and continued to kiss his stomach while unfastening the boy’s pants.

Luke felt his uncle tugging at his jeans, but continued watching the television as they were taken off of him. He looked down briefly when he felt a finger enter the fly of his briefs, but quickly looked back at the television, doing his best to ignore what his uncle was up to.

Rob didn’t bother removing the white cotton briefs. Instead, he pulled the boy’s cock and balls through the hole and got to work. Luke jumped when he felt Rob’s tongue tickling his cock and then flick his tongue several times over the tip.

“No,” Luke whined, turning his attention from the movie and pushing back against his uncles head. But his resistance only made Rob want him more. The man forced his head forward, causing Luke’s cries to increase as he felt his uncle’s warm mouth surround his dicklet. The boy squirmed in discomfort, feeling the man’s whiskers scratching against his balls. He continued watching the movie, though it served as a poor distraction to his uncle’s fellatio.

Despite Luke’s aversion to the act, he began to feel that same sensation he’d experienced the first night he’d come to stay with his uncle. It seemed as though he might pee, only this time, he knew better. His body tensed up as a unique wave of pleasure fell over him. Though it would still be some time before he would describe the feeling as pleasurable.

Luke wiped his eyes as Rob pulled away. Looking down, he saw his cock and balls, wet with his uncle’s saliva. He reached down and put them back inside of his briefs, rubbing them against the cotton to dry them out.

“Alright, now it’s your turn,” Rob dropped his drawers as Luke watched in alarm.

“Nu.. uh…” He gasped as he tried to make words. His tears were quickly turning into a full blown cry.

“I don’t want to put it in my mouth,” Luke cried. “I don’t wanna…” His voice trailed off as Rob sat back down on the sofa, removing his shirt as did.

The film on the television flashed to another sex scene, an orgy with three men. But Luke didn’t get to finish watching it as he was pulled off the sofa and made to sit on his knees. In between his uncle’s thighs, the nine year old boy stared through a growing stream of tears in his eyes. The cock before him looked longer and harder than it ever had before. He kneeled motionless, refusing to move, but he was only delaying the inevitable.

Luke felt his uncle’s hand touching the back of his head and then it happened. Thanks to his cries, the boy’s mouth was wide open, giving Rob the perfect opening to push his cock inside. Luke gagged, even though the man’s cock wasn’t even that deep. His cried continued as Rob pulled his head back and forth, grabbing onto his wavy blonde hair as if he were a cheap whore.

The boy’s tears let up after a minute as he began to grow accustomed to the vile act. He started bobbing a bit on his own, too, a movement he would surely improve upon over the long summer.

“Fuck yes, you’re my hot little boy slut,” Rob brushed a hand through his hair. “See it’s not so bad, is it?” Luke made a grunt of dissatisfaction. When he heard Rob start to moan, though, he suddenly realized—he was going to cum soon. By then, Rob had let Luke do most of the work on his own, so the boy met no resistance when he pulled off of the man’s cock. The tip came out of his lips with an audible pop.

“Can I be done now?” He asked, still perched in between his uncle’s legs.

“No, we’re almost done though,” His uncle pointed to the screen. Luke turned around just in time to see one of the characters jerking themselves off and squirting cum onto another man’s face. When Luke turned back towards his uncle, Rob saw tears in his eyes again, along with a look of sheer dread.

Once more, he grabbed Luke’s head and forced the crying child back onto his erection. Luke’s pause had only prolonged the process, meaning it would take several moments longer before Rob would shoot cum into the boy’s mouth.

Luke squealed when it started and Rob held onto his pretty blonde hair, ensuring he got a good taste of the sticky goo. It dripped over his tongue and Luke gagged as it filled up his mouth. His steady cries ensured that plenty would fall from his open mouth and drip down his chin, too. Rob loved every moment.

When the man’s cock was spent, he pushed Luke away and admired his tears as they fell and mixed with the cum around his mouth. The boy’s distressed expression looked back at him.

“It’s okay, it’s always tough your first time,” Rob said, lifting the boy up into his lap. “But you did such a great job.” Holding him like he was a much younger boy, Rob let Luke cry on his shoulder, feeling his cum suddenly drip down his chest when the boy spit it out.

“Don’t cry,” Rob caressed Luke’s bare back. “You’ll learn to love it by the end of the summer.” Luke felt comforted as his uncle held him. However, he seriously doubted that he would ever like sucking cock, much less by the end of the summer.

Chapter 5