Difference between revisions of "Writing Contest 2023/II - Story submissions"

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 65: Line 65:
* [[A New Nightmare]] (bf, bg, bullying, dream sequence, ghost girl, light blood, non consensual, public sex), by Noods2 - accepted
* [[A New Nightmare]] (bf, bg, bullying, dream sequence, ghost girl, light blood, non consensual, public sex), by Noods2 - accepted
* [[Who Knew the DC Universe Could Be So Fun]] (anal, b/b, contest, incest, oral, rimming, slow burn, twins), by Eridan - accepted
* [[Who Knew the DC Universe Could Be So Fun]] (anal, b/b, contest, incest, oral, rimming, slow burn, twins), by Eridan - accepted
* [[The cellar]] (Straight Sholi, Futa, Diapers, Rape, 1st, Farting, Incest, Twins, Contest), by ''Anonymous 4'' - accepted
* [[The cellar]] (Straight Sholi, Futa, Diapers, Rape, 1st, Farting, Incest, Twins, Contest), by foalpoots - accepted
* [[Congenital 2: Confined]] (m/f, M/M, M/g, nc, viol), by Benny Blanco - submitted out of competition (second story from same author)
* [[Congenital 2: Confined]] (m/f, M/M, M/g, nc, viol), by Benny Blanco - submitted out of competition (second story from same author)
* [[The Challenge X^2]] (straight loli, twins, Mg, age difference, teasing, exhibitionism, pregnancy risk, dub-con, ugly man, rough, contest entry), by ''Anonymous 1'' - submitted out of competition (above word limit)
* [[The Challenge X^2]] (straight loli, twins, Mg, age difference, teasing, exhibitionism, pregnancy risk, dub-con, ugly man, rough, contest entry), by mrblack187 - submitted out of competition (above word limit)
* [[Identical differents]] (Mg, cons, twins, contest), by P.D.Vile - submitted out of competition (writers' choice)
* [[Identical differents]] (Mg, cons, twins, contest), by P.D.Vile - submitted out of competition (writers' choice)
* [[Innocent games]] (creepy, guro, horror, nosex, short, loli, twins), by Onix - submitted out of competition (below minimum length; does not include underage sex)
* [[Innocent games]] (creepy, guro, horror, nosex, short, loli, twins), by Onix - submitted out of competition (below minimum length; does not include underage sex)

Latest revision as of 16:00, 12 February 2024

Story Writing Contest, edition 2023-II

Welcome to the ATF Story Writing Contest, edition 2023-II.
In this contest, you compete against other writers, for fun, and in order to win bragging rights and everlasting glory.

Please read the FULL rules below.
Entries that don't follow the rules will be disqualified!.

* Changed rule: Maximum story length increased to 20,000 words.
* Changed rule: Writers can now choose to submit stories under their own name, or anonymously.
* Changed procedure: The writing contest now runs across two platforms: ATF Stories (here) and ATF Forum.

In order to participate in the contest, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Write a story that complies with all the rules below.
  2. Submit the story in one of the four methods outlined below: (*) Due to differences between BBCode and MediaWiki formatting, not all formatting may be preserved. The organizer does a best effort to convert formatting to the closest equivalent.
    1. (Private submission:) Send your story on ATF Forum in a private message to the organizer (P.D. Vile). Make sure to apply formatting as you want the story to appear. Do not forget to specify a title. Please indicate what subforum to post it in (Loli, Shota, Furry, or Other), what prefix(es) to use, and the correct tags. The organizer will then review your story. If there are any issues, he will let you know in a private reply. If the story is a valid entry, the organizer will enter it in the contest, post it as submitted to ATF Forum, and post a copy with the same (*) formatting on ATF Stories. The submitter of an anonymous story may, at any time during or after the contest, choose to reveal their identity. Or they may choose to remain anonymous forever.
    2. (Non-private option 1:) Post your story as a new thread, as a single message or as a series of replies in the same thread, in one of the stories subforums (Loli, Shota, Furry, or Other) on ATF Forum, using all the required prefixes and tags. Then post a reply in the contest thread on ATF Forum, with a link to the story, to indicate that your story is ready for review. The organizer will then review your story. If there are any issues, he will let you know in a reply in the same thread. If the story is a valid entry, the organizer will enter it in the contest, and post a copy with the same (*) formatting on ATF Stories.
    3. (Non-private option 2:) Post your story as a new single-page entry on ATF Stories, using all the required prefixes and tags. Then post a message on my talk page, with a link to the story, to indicate that your story is ready for review. The organizer will then review your story. If there are any issues, he will let you know in a message on your talk page. If the story is a valid entry, the organizer will enter it in the contest, and post a copy with the same (*) formatting on ATF Forum.
    4. (Non-private option 3:) Post your story yourself on both ATF Forum and ATF Stories, as described for options 2 and 3. Then post a reply in the contest thread on ATF Forum, with a link to the story, to indicate that your story is ready for review. The organizer will then review your story. If there are any issues, he will let you know in a reply in the same thread. If the story is a valid entry, the organizer will enter it in the contest. Note that deliberately posting different versions of the story on the two sites may be ground for disqualification.
  3. If you want to enter a story "out of competition", follow the same procedure, but make sure to specify explicitly that the entry is "out of competition". This means that the entry will be included in all official contest posts, but readers and writers cannot vote for it, and the writer of an "out of contest" submission does cannot vote for the Writers' Choice Award.
  4. Make sure to submit your story before the deadline, which will be the last minute of January 15, 2024, "anywhere on earth": 23:59 AoE.
(And yes, "Anywhere on Earth" is a real timezone, also sometimes referred to as Baker Island time)

Please read and understand the following contest rules. Any entry that violates any of these rules will be disqualified for the contest.
The writer can of course correct the problem, as long as it's done within the deadline. The contest organizer may, at their discretion, decide to give a writer a short extension to the deadline to fix problems if a story submitted on the last day has to be disqualified. This is not guaranteed, so please submit your story when it's ready.
When in doubt, you can always PM the organizer (on ATF Forum) or write on my talk page (on ATF Stories) to ask for a ruling if you don't want to share your idea in public.

Contest rules:

  1. Contest stories must be your own work, and must be new - that is, not published anywhere else. They must be posted on All The Fallen (ATF) between the official start of the contest, and the submission deadline. Once the contest ends (i.e., after the results are officially announced), you can repost your story to other sites; until then it has to remain exclusive to ATF. For the purpose of this rule, ATF Stories and other ATF affiliated sites are considered to be "other" sites, so please don't repost stories from ATF Stories in the contest, and please don't repost your contest submission there until after the contest.
  2. Contest stories must be posted following all the rules and guidelines of ATF Forum and/or ATF Stories. If your story contains controversial elements (scat, vore, gore, and snuff), then this must be explicitly indicated, either in story codes in the topic title, or at the start of the first post. You must also mark the story as a contest entry, by adding "contest" in the listed story cods, and by including a link to this topic at the start of the first post.
  3. Contest entries posted at ATF Forum must have a link to this topic at the start of the first post in the topic. Contest entries posted on ATF Stories must be placed in the "Writing Contest" and "Writing Contest 2023/II" categories (in addition to being placed in their own story's category) by adding the relevant category tags at the end.
  4. Obviously, since we are on ATF, your story has to contain erotic elements involving one or more underage characters. For the purpose of this rule, "underage" will be defined as 15 years or younger, or non-human (mythological, alien) looking or behaving as underage characters.
  5. All ATF site rules and forum rules obviously apply.
  6. Story length should be at least 2,000 and at most 20,000 words. For purpose of this rule, any opening or closing paragraphs that provide things such as content warnings, story codes, and/or other introduction material that is clearly not part of the story are excluded. Everything else, including titles, headers, etcetera, is copied to the word counter tool at [1] - the number of words displayed there is final.
  7. Stories submitted must adhere to a specific writing prompt Determination whether a story meets this criterium is at the sole discretion of the organizer. (Writers can PM me or write on my talk page if they are unsure whether their story idea would be considered to adhere to the prompt, to get an advance ruling).
  8. This is a story writing contest. Excessive use of images is not permitted. What is and is not "excessive" is at the sole discretion of the contest organizer. (You can PM me or write on my talk page if you want a ruling in advance, or you can remove some pictures if your original submission is ruled to have too many illustrations).
  9. Not more than one entry per writer. If you submit an entry and then later write another story, make sure to explicitly indicate which of your entries should compete in the contest. All other entries will be treated as out-of-competition submissions.
  10. Until the submission deadline, submitted stories can be edited without limitations. Anonymous submitters can send a PM to request a change. Non-anonymous submitters can change their original submission and then alert the organizer, so he can verify that the modified story is still valid for the contest.
  11. After the submission deadline and until the end of the voting period, writers are [B]not allowed[/B] to make [I]any[/I] changes, however minor, to their submission. Doing so may result in disqualification.
  12. The organizer can at their sole discretion take any action, such as but not limited to advising writers to make changes, disqualifying entries, disqualifying writers, changing the rules, and more, if they feel that this is needed to keep the competition fair and fun for everyone. (This rule is specifically intended as a way to deal with unforeseen circumstances, but will also be used to prevent exploitation of loopholes in the rules)
  13. All rules and rulings are always open for debate, but the final decision will always be made by the organizer.

And then, most important: the special writing assignment, that will be different for each edition. For this edition, the majority has [URL='https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?threads/story-writing-contest-2023-ii-theme-voting.52345/']voted[/URL] for:
A simple theme with many possibilities, left to the writers. It's simple, but it's a good opportunity to give focus to character development and detail. Time for stories about love, conflict, or jealousy. Take your pick or think of another powerful emotion. But there need to be twins in this story... and sex.

Once the submission period of three months is over, an open poll will be set up, at the ATF Forum, so that everyone can vote to determine the "Popular Vote" winners. And at the same time, writers of accepted stories are encouraged to vote in their own poll for the "Writers' Choice" awards.

To all those who will enter ... enjoy the writing, may the muses be with you, and good luck!!!!

List of stories submitted so far, and their status:

  • Congenital 2: Confined (m/f, M/M, M/g, nc, viol), by Benny Blanco - submitted out of competition (second story from same author)
  • The Challenge X^2 (straight loli, twins, Mg, age difference, teasing, exhibitionism, pregnancy risk, dub-con, ugly man, rough, contest entry), by mrblack187 - submitted out of competition (above word limit)
  • Identical differents (Mg, cons, twins, contest), by P.D.Vile - submitted out of competition (writers' choice)
  • Innocent games (creepy, guro, horror, nosex, short, loli, twins), by Onix - submitted out of competition (below minimum length; does not include underage sex)