Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Traits: Difference between revisions

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* '''Gamma Ray Vision:''' allows a person to see into the gamma ray spectrum, adding an extra range of colors associated with gamma ray radiation.
* '''Gamma Ray Vision:''' allows a person to see into the gamma ray spectrum, adding an extra range of colors associated with gamma ray radiation.

* '''Visual Tuning:''' allows a person the ability to adjust the effectiveness of any and all available photo-receptors in their eyes from full saturation to no saturation.  Note: A person with this ability combined with normal human sight and X-ray Vision would be able to get the effect of comic book style x-ray vision.  Radio Wave vision is much more beneficial when combined with this ability.
* '''Visual Tuning:''' allows a person the ability to adjust the effectiveness of any and all available photo-receptors in their eyes from full saturation to no saturation.  Note: A person with this ability combined with normal human sight and X-ray Vision (or Gamma Ray Vision) would be able to get the effect of comic book style x-ray vision.  Radio Wave vision is much more beneficial when combined with this ability.

===Hearing Related===
===Hearing Related===
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Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's reproductive ability.
Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's reproductive ability.

* '''Precocious Puberty:'''  A  condition where the individual undergoes puberty much earlier than normal.  It is beneficial because it allows for the early production of young allowing for more children to be born in an individual's lifetime which is generally good for the survival of the species.  It has the flaw that in females it is extremely hazardous to the individual. Much of the benefit is lost in modern society, and while the flaw is somewhat mitigated by modern science, it has not been eliminated.
===General reproduction===
* '''Precocious Puberty:'''  A  condition where the individual undergoes puberty much earlier than normal(generally at an age of 10 or younger.) It is beneficial because it allows for the early production of young allowing for more children to be born in an individual's lifetime which is generally good for the survival of the species.  It has the flaw in females in that early puberty also leads to early menopaus, and also earlier exposure to estrogen increases the risk of cancer. In modern society, much of the potential benefit from this trait is lost. In fact, it is now considered something of a detriment in modern society as a girl who is sexually molested at a young age can get pregnant if she has precocious puberty, and earlier pregnancy is seen as more of a bad thing now.

* (male reproduction)'''Egg seeking sperm:''' A feature that sperm can possess where they can smell the egg through hormones in the vaginal excretions or fluid in the uterus. This will align the sperm to all swim in the correct direction rather than the norm where the 200 million sperm all swim in random directions and due to their sheer numbers some manage to make it to the right place by random chance.
(Note: can be activated via hack on anyone age 14 or younger who has not gone through puberty yet. Will be considered normal puberty between age 11 and 14. Also, girls who have this trait activated via the hack will be ovulating at the moment it is activated. Will activate automatically by default, but an age less than 10 can be set down to the month or day if you want a delayed activation)

* (male reproduction)'''Spermicide resistant sperm:''' Resistance to anything that may damage or kill a sperm cell, such as the acidic environment of the vagina, actual spermicide chemicals in condoms, or even chlorine in pool water. While the uterus is far more hospitable to sperm than most environments, it is still not perfect. Note: Any environment where the spermicide resistance level will render the sperm completely immune to environmental spermicides in that area will support the sperm for that male's male fertility attribute divided by 10, (so 20 days if this attribute is maxed out.)
*'''Retarded Puberty:''' A condition where the individual undergoes puberty much later than normal (generally at an age of 15 or older.) It is detrimental to boys in that it slows their physical and mental development. It does the same to girls, but it can be partially beneficial too in that it reduces their risk of breast or ovarian cancer later in life.

* (female reproduction)'''Responsive uterus:''' The uterus responds better to the hormones let off by a fertilized egg, calming down the walls of the uterus to stop the menstrual cycle from washing out the egg before it can implant. Note: this would also inhibit the effectiveness of hormonal birth control.
(Note:can be activated via hack on anyone age 11 or older who has already gone through puberty, or prevent someone who has yet to go through puberty from entering puberty. Must specify age puberty will begin down to the year if activated via hack, default 6 months after activation. Girls who have this activated via the hack and then have it deactivated will be ovulating upon the deactivation, making for a good way to cheat control over the cycle if you do not have the condition module)

* (female reproduction)'''Irritation resistant uterus:''' The walls of the uterus can resist their natural reaction to twitch and create an environment hostile to the implantation of a zygote when exposed to physical irritants. Note: this trait would inhibit the effectiveness of birth control methods such as IUDs.
* '''Aphrodisiac Pheromones:''' Pheromones let off from your Apocrine sweat glands (located in the arm-pits and groin) will cause any member of the opposite sex who smells it to become aroused. This arousal will not cause them to take particular interest in you, rather they will seek sexual stimulation from wherever they can find it (as dictated by their personality.) The strength of the arousal reaction depends on the strength of this trait. All post-pubescent humans without a genetic defect have this trait active, but it is usually not strong enough to make a noticeable difference. (around 20%)

* (female reproduction)'''Teratogen resistant uterus:''' A "teratogen" is the medical term for any chemical or hormone in the woman's body, whether consumed (such as alcohol) or naturally produced (such as stress hormones,) that can harm the developing baby. A teratogen resistant uterus can prevent these things from harming the baby.
===Male reproduction===
Note: Seminal fluid is a function of prostate functionality, sperm count is a function of the testicle's functionality. Lower than average prostate functionality limits the functionality of the testicles by limiting the seminal fluid to carry the sperm, but when it is the other way around then a lot of seminal fluid will be produced without that much sperm. Also, in terms of ejaculation size, the ejaculation sizes noted in hypospermia, hyperspermia, and normal sperm production are the results of laboratory measures jacking off to porn. So, lower levels of sexual stimulation. Greater levels of stimulation seen in real sex can produce occasional ejaculations of the next capacity level higher.
*'''Egg seeking sperm:''' A feature that sperm can possess where they can smell the egg through hormones in the vaginal excretions or fluid in the uterus. This will align the sperm to all swim in the correct direction rather than the norm where the 200 million sperm all swim in random directions and due to their sheer numbers some manage to make it to the right place by random chance.
*'''Spermicide resistant sperm:''' Resistance to anything that may damage or kill a sperm cell, such as the acidic environment of the vagina, actual spermicide chemicals in condoms, or even chlorine in pool water. While the uterus is far more hospitable to sperm than most environments, it is still not perfect. Note: Any environment where the spermicide resistance level will render the sperm completely immune to environmental spermicides in that area will support the sperm for that male's male fertility attribute divided by 10, (so 20 days if this attribute is maxed out.)
*'''Extreme hypospermia'''
Produces less than 0.5 ml (0.1 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity, just 1 or 2 individual drops, hardly even enough to get a woman pregnant even with a full sperm count in that single drop. (requires 2 hours to recover to full capacity)
Produces 0.5 to 1.5 ml (0.1 to 0.3 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity, less than a dozen individual drops. (requires 3 to 12 hours to recover to full capacity)
*'''Mild hypospermia'''
Produces 1.5 to 2 ml (0.3 to 0.4 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. Barely a dribble, not likely to even leak out of the woman's vagina. (requires approximately 1 day to recover to full capacity)
*'''Normal semen production'''
Produces 2 to 5 ml (0.4 to 1.0 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. This is in an average ejaculation, can be exceeded with a lot of stimulation. (Requires 1 to 3 days to recover to full capacity)
*'''Mild hyperspermia'''
Produces 5 to 5.5 ml (1.0 to 1.1 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. (Requires 2 to 3 days to recover to full capacity)
Produces 5.5 to 10 ml (1.1 to 2.0 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. (Requires 2 to 4 days to recover to full capacity)
*'''Extreme Hyperspermia'''
Produces 10 to 20 ml (2 to 4 tsp or 2/3 to 4/3 Tbs) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. This is the range of porn stars and other stand-outs, far beyond the capacities of the normal man to reach but still within human achievement without medical abnormalities. (Requires 3 to 6 days to recover to full capacity)
*'''Very extreme Hyperspermia'''
Produces 20 to 40 ml (1.33 to 2.66 Tbs) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. This is pushing the bounds of what is medically possible, but it can still happen for extreme outlyers. Usually accompanied by issues generated by an oversized prostate, but it is theoretically possible (but has never been recorded) for this to happen without adverse effects. (Requires 4 to 8 days to recover to full capacity. Note: Activates automatically without adverse effects with maxed out male fertility stat.)
*'''Medically problomatic Hyperspermia'''
Produces greater than 40 ml (2.66666 Tbs) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. The only way to have this happen is to have a prostate so large that it impedes other bodily functions, normally urine at the least. (Requires 5+ days to recover to full capacity)
Lower than average amount of sperm cells per ml of seminal fluid (15 million or less.) Seminal fluid may appear whispy or clear.
*'''Normal sperm production/content'''
seminal fluid has 15 to 150 million sperm cells per ml. Scales with larger ejaculation sizes to maintain 15 to 150 million for every ml ejaculated. Seminal fluid may appear whispy white to milk white, but will always be liquid. (Note: These measurements are based on having a reasonable recovery period of about 24 hours between ejaculations. Someone with normal sperm production may even get to the lumpy and gel-like state of extreme sperm production for a single ejaculation with 3 days of saving up their sperm.)
*'''Extreme sperm production/content'''
seminal fluid has greater than 150 million sperm cells per ml. Scales with larger ejaculation sizes to maintain levels greater than 150 million for every ml ejaculated. Seminal fluid will be milk white or pearly white, and may be lumpy and gel like. (1st ejaculation after raising fertility or lowering ejaculation size without modifying fertility will always produce in excess of 500 million sperm per ml. Note: These numbers assume a normal or slightly larger ejaculation size. With extreme or very extreme hyperspermia, this state can only be maintained for 3 ejaculations and then will take on the state of the milky white liquid of normal sperm production and stay that way until there are 3 days worth of recovery.)
*'''Prostate Production'''
The actual sperm-count per ml can really have nothing to do with how much sperm the testicles produce. Rather, it could have to do with how much fluid the prostate is pushing out along with the ejaculation. It is natural for the prostate to grow with a man's age, and it is also natural for increased amounts of sexual stimulation, both the durration and the intensity of the stimulation, to increase both the sperm cells and the seminal fluids that are made ready to be ejaculated once orgasm is finally reached. However, the prostate can make seminal fluid a lot faster than the testicles can add sperm cells, therefore it is likely for unusually large ejaculations to become somewhat watered down due to the increased seminal fluid.
Semen, depending on the amount of seminal fluid involved, can fall into a number of categories based on the consistency of the fluid.
*Dry and stringy: almost no seminal fluid, it is almost entirely sperm cells. This is categorized as a disorder of the prostate, and will be considered a reproductive flaw by the system. Ejaculations at this level will cause most of the sperm to be trapped in the urethra, and will be as painful as passing a kidney stone. This trapped semen can also lead to a urinary tract infection. Semen has a consistency similar to silly string, except more sticky and grainy, similar to what happens if a guy ejaculates in the shower and the water washes away the seminal fluid.
*Wet cement: sperm cells are around 3-5X the volume of the seminal fluid, accounting for 5/6 to 3/4 the volume. Ejaculation is not possible with less seminal fluid, and even at this level a large amount of it is likely to be trapped in the urethra and can lead to a urinary tract infection. However, simply urinating after ejaculating is enough to wash it out. There will be visible lumps in the semen which will be pure white, and it will roughly keep its shape if placed on a flat surface as the fluid runs off away from it.
*Gel-like: Sperm cells make up 2/3 the volume of the semen, meaning there is 2X the volume of sperm cells compared to the fluid its suspended in.  Artificially raising fertility with hacks will set prostate production automatically to this level if it would otherwise be lower as this is judged to be the least damaging level of extreme thickness semen can have. Semen will come out in thick white ropes that will not be lumpy but will seem to roughly keep their shape after leaving the penis, as though the penis had created some pure-white colored hair-gel instead of semen. It can be made into a glob and will not exhibit any visual changes to its shape that are visible to the naked eye within 10 seconds, but it will slowly flatten out. Seminal fluid can run away from the glob of semen, so time can change its nature closer to the wet cement grade if it is left out exposed to air.
*Molassis-like: Sperm cells make up around 1/2 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume is 2X the volume of sperm cells ejaculated.) Semen is pure pearly white and can form puddles, but it is so thick and sticky that it doesn't like to flow even against gravity. It will flow if in an environment with more fluid, such as the inside of the vagina or the uterus, but if it is on bare skin it will be likely to stick to the surface and not flow even if pulled by gravity all that fast. The best it will likely do is smooth out relatively quickly if it was in a gel-like clump previously.
*Thick and milky: Sperm cells make up around 1/4 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume is X4 the volume of sperm cells) Semen will have a pure white color that is similar to milk, and will flow like a fluid, however it is much thicker than a normal fluid. Its thickness, as well as its stickiness, would be best compared to warmed honey. It will run very smoothly, but it will not slosh around if in a container and will stick to everything.
*Thin and milky: Sperm cells make up around 1/6 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume X6 the volume of sperm cells) Semen will have a pure white color that is similar to milk, and will still be thick enough to observe visible differences if sloshed around in a container (or if you try to swallow it,) but it will loose its sticky quality and can run down a virtical surface a lot more easily.
*Thin and cloudy: Sperm cells make up around 1/10 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume X10 the volume of sperm cells) Semen will have the consistency of warmed syrup, and will be very runny. It will no longer be pure white, rather it will have clear borders at the edges of the fluid with a cloudy white substance in the middle of it that represents the sperm cells. (Note: This is the thinnest that the semen can be while still maintaining the chance of impregnation appropriate to a given fertility level.)
*Thin and wispy: Sperm cells make up around 1/20-1/100 the volume of the semen. Semen will have the same runny consistency of warm syrup (thicker than water, but still runs like a fluid, this is the thinnest semen can get due to the proteins in the seminal fluid.) However, the semen will be mostly clear with a few whisps of white running through it that are sorta cloudy but are more like the high whispy seris clouds you see on a cold day, little strings and trails of white that go through the mostly clear seminal fluid. (Chances of impregnation from semen of this quality decrease exponetntially as the amount of whispy white goes down. It is around 95% of what it was for the same fertility level at the "cloudy" thickness at 1/20, but decreases at increasing rates to around 5% at the 1/100 level. Note, this is still a virtual guarantee at fertility levels higher than 180 due to the sperm cells living so long.)
*Watery and clear: Sperm content is negligible if any. Semen has the watery consistency of warm syrup that is a little thicker than water due to the proteins dissolved in the fluid, however there are no traces of white that are visible to the naked eye and it runs like a fluid. Chances of impregnation by semen of this quality is less than 1% of what it would normally be for the given fertility level. (around 1% for a 100 fertility, or around 50% for a 200 fertility.) Note: Males who are completely infertile can still produce semen of this quality.
NOTE: Your set typical ejaculation thickness represents the quality your semen will have if you ejaculate quickly without much sexual enthusiasm. Increasing amounts of sexual stimulation can increase the semen volume, and thus drop the thickness, by 1 or 2 categories, and it is possible for someone with over 180 fertility to even drop 3 categories.
===Female reproduction===
*'''Responsive uterus:''' The uterus responds better to the hormones let off by a fertilized egg, calming down the walls of the uterus to stop the menstrual cycle from washing out the egg before it can implant. Note: this would also inhibit the effectiveness of hormonal birth control.
*'''Irritation resistant uterus:''' The walls of the uterus can resist their natural reaction to twitch and create an environment hostile to the implantation of a zygote when exposed to physical irritants. Note: this trait would inhibit the effectiveness of birth control methods such as IUDs.
*'''Teratogen resistant uterus:''' A "teratogen" is the medical term for any chemical or hormone in the woman's body, whether consumed (such as alcohol) or naturally produced (such as stress hormones,) that can harm the developing baby. A teratogen resistant uterus can prevent these things from harming the baby.


Latest revision as of 00:04, 28 April 2018

Traits are genetic and environmental factors that not everyone possesses. Recessive traits will also show up in the mod, even when not expressed. While not categorized in the mod, I will list them in categories to make them easier to deal with.


Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's ability to process external stimuli.

Vision Related

  • Blindness: the person's eyes do not function.
  • Nearsighted (myopia): the shape of the person's eyes creates a blurred image for distant objects, but does not affect the perception of close objects.
  • Farsighted (hyperopia): the shape of the person's eyes creates a blurred image for close objects, but does not affect the perception of distant objects.
  • Astigmatism: the shape of the person's eyes creates a distorted image like a funhouse mirror.
  • Cataracts: a white film obscures the person's vision. This is more common in older patients, and much more rare in young patients.
  • Dark vision: allows the eyes to function under lower levels of light, taking in the extra light to see and make out details in the dark. Note: dark vision uses the "rod" cells in the retina, witch are unable to perceive color in the same way "cone" cells can. As such, dark vision allows a person to see only in black and white.
  • Radio Wave Vision: allows a person to see into the radio wave spectrum, adding an extra range of colors associated with radio wave radiation. Note: the Earth is currently super-saturated with radio waves, making for a VERY confusing and problematic visual input while this is in use. In the pre-radio era this ability would be positive, but in modern society it would be neutral at best.
  • Microwave Vision: allows a person to see into the microwave spectrum, adding an extra range of colors associated with microwave radiation.
  • Infra-vision: allows a person to see into the infra-red spectrum, causing any heat source such as a warm-blooded animal to let off a deep red glow witch the person able to see infra-red can perceive. Note: infra-red cameras take infra-red light and then convert it into the light spectrum humans are more familiar with. Someone with infra-vision will not see infra-red light in the same way an infra-red camera shows us. They will not be able to see any color other than red from the heat source, and the intensity of heat will be perceived as different intensities of this red color. Infra-red light can be seen even in the dark.
  • Ultra-vision: allows a person to see into the ultra-violet spectrum, allowing one to see ultra-violet radiation, and also to see the distortion in the flow of ultra-violet light created by the electro-magnetic field that surrounds anything that is alive. Note: a person with ultra-vision will perceive the entire world as being bathed in a soft purple light (intense purple if cancer-causing ionizing radiation is involved,) but they will see jagged and distorted lines where this purple light is interrupted around anything that is alive, regardless of whether it is a plant or an animal. They will actually perceive it as a more intense purple due to the fact that the distorted purple light is running in to other purple light and becoming focused.
  • X-ray Vision: allows a person to see into the X-ray spectrum, adding an extra range of colors associated with X-ray radiation. Note: this does not give one comic book x-ray vision, though it does allow one to see through solid objects. The affect would be very similar to an actual x-ray image.
  • Gamma Ray Vision: allows a person to see into the gamma ray spectrum, adding an extra range of colors associated with gamma ray radiation.
  • Visual Tuning: allows a person the ability to adjust the effectiveness of any and all available photo-receptors in their eyes from full saturation to no saturation. Note: A person with this ability combined with normal human sight and X-ray Vision (or Gamma Ray Vision) would be able to get the effect of comic book style x-ray vision. Radio Wave vision is much more beneficial when combined with this ability.

Hearing Related

  • Deafness: the person's hearing does not function.

Taste Related

  • Ageusia: the person's sense of taste does not function.

Smell Related

  • Anosmia: the person's sense of smell does not function.

Touch Related

  • Tactile Hyposensitivity: the person's sense of touch is diminished.


  • Magnetic Sense: the ability to sense magnetic fields. Note: on a planet with an electromagnetic field (like the Earth) this gives an unerring sense of direction.


Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's brain.


Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's emotional state independent of neurology.


Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's reproductive ability.

General reproduction

  • Precocious Puberty: A condition where the individual undergoes puberty much earlier than normal(generally at an age of 10 or younger.) It is beneficial because it allows for the early production of young allowing for more children to be born in an individual's lifetime which is generally good for the survival of the species. It has the flaw in females in that early puberty also leads to early menopaus, and also earlier exposure to estrogen increases the risk of cancer. In modern society, much of the potential benefit from this trait is lost. In fact, it is now considered something of a detriment in modern society as a girl who is sexually molested at a young age can get pregnant if she has precocious puberty, and earlier pregnancy is seen as more of a bad thing now.

(Note: can be activated via hack on anyone age 14 or younger who has not gone through puberty yet. Will be considered normal puberty between age 11 and 14. Also, girls who have this trait activated via the hack will be ovulating at the moment it is activated. Will activate automatically by default, but an age less than 10 can be set down to the month or day if you want a delayed activation)

  • Retarded Puberty: A condition where the individual undergoes puberty much later than normal (generally at an age of 15 or older.) It is detrimental to boys in that it slows their physical and mental development. It does the same to girls, but it can be partially beneficial too in that it reduces their risk of breast or ovarian cancer later in life.

(Note:can be activated via hack on anyone age 11 or older who has already gone through puberty, or prevent someone who has yet to go through puberty from entering puberty. Must specify age puberty will begin down to the year if activated via hack, default 6 months after activation. Girls who have this activated via the hack and then have it deactivated will be ovulating upon the deactivation, making for a good way to cheat control over the cycle if you do not have the condition module)

  • Aphrodisiac Pheromones: Pheromones let off from your Apocrine sweat glands (located in the arm-pits and groin) will cause any member of the opposite sex who smells it to become aroused. This arousal will not cause them to take particular interest in you, rather they will seek sexual stimulation from wherever they can find it (as dictated by their personality.) The strength of the arousal reaction depends on the strength of this trait. All post-pubescent humans without a genetic defect have this trait active, but it is usually not strong enough to make a noticeable difference. (around 20%)

Male reproduction

Note: Seminal fluid is a function of prostate functionality, sperm count is a function of the testicle's functionality. Lower than average prostate functionality limits the functionality of the testicles by limiting the seminal fluid to carry the sperm, but when it is the other way around then a lot of seminal fluid will be produced without that much sperm. Also, in terms of ejaculation size, the ejaculation sizes noted in hypospermia, hyperspermia, and normal sperm production are the results of laboratory measures jacking off to porn. So, lower levels of sexual stimulation. Greater levels of stimulation seen in real sex can produce occasional ejaculations of the next capacity level higher.

  • Egg seeking sperm: A feature that sperm can possess where they can smell the egg through hormones in the vaginal excretions or fluid in the uterus. This will align the sperm to all swim in the correct direction rather than the norm where the 200 million sperm all swim in random directions and due to their sheer numbers some manage to make it to the right place by random chance.
  • Spermicide resistant sperm: Resistance to anything that may damage or kill a sperm cell, such as the acidic environment of the vagina, actual spermicide chemicals in condoms, or even chlorine in pool water. While the uterus is far more hospitable to sperm than most environments, it is still not perfect. Note: Any environment where the spermicide resistance level will render the sperm completely immune to environmental spermicides in that area will support the sperm for that male's male fertility attribute divided by 10, (so 20 days if this attribute is maxed out.)
  • Extreme hypospermia

Produces less than 0.5 ml (0.1 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity, just 1 or 2 individual drops, hardly even enough to get a woman pregnant even with a full sperm count in that single drop. (requires 2 hours to recover to full capacity)

  • Hypospermia

Produces 0.5 to 1.5 ml (0.1 to 0.3 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity, less than a dozen individual drops. (requires 3 to 12 hours to recover to full capacity)

  • Mild hypospermia

Produces 1.5 to 2 ml (0.3 to 0.4 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. Barely a dribble, not likely to even leak out of the woman's vagina. (requires approximately 1 day to recover to full capacity)

  • Normal semen production

Produces 2 to 5 ml (0.4 to 1.0 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. This is in an average ejaculation, can be exceeded with a lot of stimulation. (Requires 1 to 3 days to recover to full capacity)

  • Mild hyperspermia

Produces 5 to 5.5 ml (1.0 to 1.1 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. (Requires 2 to 3 days to recover to full capacity)

  • Hyperspermia

Produces 5.5 to 10 ml (1.1 to 2.0 tsp) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. (Requires 2 to 4 days to recover to full capacity)

  • Extreme Hyperspermia

Produces 10 to 20 ml (2 to 4 tsp or 2/3 to 4/3 Tbs) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. This is the range of porn stars and other stand-outs, far beyond the capacities of the normal man to reach but still within human achievement without medical abnormalities. (Requires 3 to 6 days to recover to full capacity)

  • Very extreme Hyperspermia

Produces 20 to 40 ml (1.33 to 2.66 Tbs) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. This is pushing the bounds of what is medically possible, but it can still happen for extreme outlyers. Usually accompanied by issues generated by an oversized prostate, but it is theoretically possible (but has never been recorded) for this to happen without adverse effects. (Requires 4 to 8 days to recover to full capacity. Note: Activates automatically without adverse effects with maxed out male fertility stat.)

  • Medically problomatic Hyperspermia

Produces greater than 40 ml (2.66666 Tbs) of seminal fluid per ejaculation at maximum capacity. The only way to have this happen is to have a prostate so large that it impedes other bodily functions, normally urine at the least. (Requires 5+ days to recover to full capacity)

  • Ogliospermia

Lower than average amount of sperm cells per ml of seminal fluid (15 million or less.) Seminal fluid may appear whispy or clear.

  • Normal sperm production/content

seminal fluid has 15 to 150 million sperm cells per ml. Scales with larger ejaculation sizes to maintain 15 to 150 million for every ml ejaculated. Seminal fluid may appear whispy white to milk white, but will always be liquid. (Note: These measurements are based on having a reasonable recovery period of about 24 hours between ejaculations. Someone with normal sperm production may even get to the lumpy and gel-like state of extreme sperm production for a single ejaculation with 3 days of saving up their sperm.)

  • Extreme sperm production/content

seminal fluid has greater than 150 million sperm cells per ml. Scales with larger ejaculation sizes to maintain levels greater than 150 million for every ml ejaculated. Seminal fluid will be milk white or pearly white, and may be lumpy and gel like. (1st ejaculation after raising fertility or lowering ejaculation size without modifying fertility will always produce in excess of 500 million sperm per ml. Note: These numbers assume a normal or slightly larger ejaculation size. With extreme or very extreme hyperspermia, this state can only be maintained for 3 ejaculations and then will take on the state of the milky white liquid of normal sperm production and stay that way until there are 3 days worth of recovery.)

  • Prostate Production

The actual sperm-count per ml can really have nothing to do with how much sperm the testicles produce. Rather, it could have to do with how much fluid the prostate is pushing out along with the ejaculation. It is natural for the prostate to grow with a man's age, and it is also natural for increased amounts of sexual stimulation, both the durration and the intensity of the stimulation, to increase both the sperm cells and the seminal fluids that are made ready to be ejaculated once orgasm is finally reached. However, the prostate can make seminal fluid a lot faster than the testicles can add sperm cells, therefore it is likely for unusually large ejaculations to become somewhat watered down due to the increased seminal fluid.

Semen, depending on the amount of seminal fluid involved, can fall into a number of categories based on the consistency of the fluid.

  • Dry and stringy: almost no seminal fluid, it is almost entirely sperm cells. This is categorized as a disorder of the prostate, and will be considered a reproductive flaw by the system. Ejaculations at this level will cause most of the sperm to be trapped in the urethra, and will be as painful as passing a kidney stone. This trapped semen can also lead to a urinary tract infection. Semen has a consistency similar to silly string, except more sticky and grainy, similar to what happens if a guy ejaculates in the shower and the water washes away the seminal fluid.
  • Wet cement: sperm cells are around 3-5X the volume of the seminal fluid, accounting for 5/6 to 3/4 the volume. Ejaculation is not possible with less seminal fluid, and even at this level a large amount of it is likely to be trapped in the urethra and can lead to a urinary tract infection. However, simply urinating after ejaculating is enough to wash it out. There will be visible lumps in the semen which will be pure white, and it will roughly keep its shape if placed on a flat surface as the fluid runs off away from it.
  • Gel-like: Sperm cells make up 2/3 the volume of the semen, meaning there is 2X the volume of sperm cells compared to the fluid its suspended in. Artificially raising fertility with hacks will set prostate production automatically to this level if it would otherwise be lower as this is judged to be the least damaging level of extreme thickness semen can have. Semen will come out in thick white ropes that will not be lumpy but will seem to roughly keep their shape after leaving the penis, as though the penis had created some pure-white colored hair-gel instead of semen. It can be made into a glob and will not exhibit any visual changes to its shape that are visible to the naked eye within 10 seconds, but it will slowly flatten out. Seminal fluid can run away from the glob of semen, so time can change its nature closer to the wet cement grade if it is left out exposed to air.
  • Molassis-like: Sperm cells make up around 1/2 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume is 2X the volume of sperm cells ejaculated.) Semen is pure pearly white and can form puddles, but it is so thick and sticky that it doesn't like to flow even against gravity. It will flow if in an environment with more fluid, such as the inside of the vagina or the uterus, but if it is on bare skin it will be likely to stick to the surface and not flow even if pulled by gravity all that fast. The best it will likely do is smooth out relatively quickly if it was in a gel-like clump previously.
  • Thick and milky: Sperm cells make up around 1/4 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume is X4 the volume of sperm cells) Semen will have a pure white color that is similar to milk, and will flow like a fluid, however it is much thicker than a normal fluid. Its thickness, as well as its stickiness, would be best compared to warmed honey. It will run very smoothly, but it will not slosh around if in a container and will stick to everything.
  • Thin and milky: Sperm cells make up around 1/6 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume X6 the volume of sperm cells) Semen will have a pure white color that is similar to milk, and will still be thick enough to observe visible differences if sloshed around in a container (or if you try to swallow it,) but it will loose its sticky quality and can run down a virtical surface a lot more easily.
  • Thin and cloudy: Sperm cells make up around 1/10 the volume of the semen (actual semen volume X10 the volume of sperm cells) Semen will have the consistency of warmed syrup, and will be very runny. It will no longer be pure white, rather it will have clear borders at the edges of the fluid with a cloudy white substance in the middle of it that represents the sperm cells. (Note: This is the thinnest that the semen can be while still maintaining the chance of impregnation appropriate to a given fertility level.)
  • Thin and wispy: Sperm cells make up around 1/20-1/100 the volume of the semen. Semen will have the same runny consistency of warm syrup (thicker than water, but still runs like a fluid, this is the thinnest semen can get due to the proteins in the seminal fluid.) However, the semen will be mostly clear with a few whisps of white running through it that are sorta cloudy but are more like the high whispy seris clouds you see on a cold day, little strings and trails of white that go through the mostly clear seminal fluid. (Chances of impregnation from semen of this quality decrease exponetntially as the amount of whispy white goes down. It is around 95% of what it was for the same fertility level at the "cloudy" thickness at 1/20, but decreases at increasing rates to around 5% at the 1/100 level. Note, this is still a virtual guarantee at fertility levels higher than 180 due to the sperm cells living so long.)
  • Watery and clear: Sperm content is negligible if any. Semen has the watery consistency of warm syrup that is a little thicker than water due to the proteins dissolved in the fluid, however there are no traces of white that are visible to the naked eye and it runs like a fluid. Chances of impregnation by semen of this quality is less than 1% of what it would normally be for the given fertility level. (around 1% for a 100 fertility, or around 50% for a 200 fertility.) Note: Males who are completely infertile can still produce semen of this quality.

NOTE: Your set typical ejaculation thickness represents the quality your semen will have if you ejaculate quickly without much sexual enthusiasm. Increasing amounts of sexual stimulation can increase the semen volume, and thus drop the thickness, by 1 or 2 categories, and it is possible for someone with over 180 fertility to even drop 3 categories.

Female reproduction

  • Responsive uterus: The uterus responds better to the hormones let off by a fertilized egg, calming down the walls of the uterus to stop the menstrual cycle from washing out the egg before it can implant. Note: this would also inhibit the effectiveness of hormonal birth control.
  • Irritation resistant uterus: The walls of the uterus can resist their natural reaction to twitch and create an environment hostile to the implantation of a zygote when exposed to physical irritants. Note: this trait would inhibit the effectiveness of birth control methods such as IUDs.
  • Teratogen resistant uterus: A "teratogen" is the medical term for any chemical or hormone in the woman's body, whether consumed (such as alcohol) or naturally produced (such as stress hormones,) that can harm the developing baby. A teratogen resistant uterus can prevent these things from harming the baby.


Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's ability to transition themselves through the world.


Abilities and disabilities related to the individual's physical structure that isn't covered above.