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P.D.Vile (talk | contribs)
Created page with "[HEADING=1]Paradise Lost (incest, ffm threesome, low yuri, exhibitionism, plane hijacking, g10, futanari, impregnation, reference art)[/HEADING] ''This is an entry in the W..."
P.D.Vile (talk | contribs)
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[HEADING=1]Paradise Lost (incest, ffm threesome, low yuri, exhibitionism, plane hijacking, g10, futanari, impregnation, reference art)[/HEADING]
''This is an entry in the [[Writing Contest 2024/II|ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II]]. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.''<br />
''This is an entry in the [[Writing Contest 2024/II|ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II]]. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.''<br />

Latest revision as of 08:03, 24 July 2024

This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

The story starts below this point. All characters and events are entirely fictional; any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.

Chapter 1: Adrift

2024. London, United Kingdom.

Is it locked?

I gripped the handle of my bedroom door and tugged on it a couple times; it didn't budge. Good. I swear to God, Mum and Dad better not have a spare key lying around anywhere...

Swallowing my fear, I shut the light off and tiptoed quietly to the other side of my room, each little creak of the floorboards nearly making me jump out of my skin. For all I knew, that might've been my parents coming up to make sure I'd gone to bed properly... and I couldn't afford to take that chance.

C'mon, Claire. You didn't come this far just to chicken out now.

Was I being a little paranoid? Yeah, probably. (And by 'probably,' I mean... uh, definitely.) Why would they ever suspect anything? I was their pure, adorable, darling little 10-year-old daughter Claire, after all... just, well, only by day. By night, though? I was so, so much more...

...or, well, so I liked to think. In reality, all I'd ever really done was slip a hand between my legs for an hour or so every night. Sure, I'd indulged in all manner of depraved, perverted fantasies, but... well, who hasn't? I'd never even dreamt of actually making any of them a reality.

Until, that is, about a week ago... when I happened upon a site selling some rather, um, interesting products. Products I just couldn't resist buying. That was perhaps not my finest moment... but it'd worked out so far! Damn lucky the packages came in while they were at work...

And now... I finally get to use them...

Hands trembling, I reached into the back of my dresser and pulled out the lump of lacy black fabric buried beneath my normal clothes. Barely thirty seconds later, I'd stripped and put them on, relieved that all my fears about their size appeared unfounded.

Holy shit...

Since when the hell was I so damn cute?!

My eyes widened as I stared at my reflection in the window, hardly recognising the adorable, sexy little girl staring back at me. The dark, sheer fabric contrasted sharply with my pale skin, only accentuated further by the faint moonlight streaming in from outside, and my tiny, rapidly-hardening pink nipples poked out visibly from the thin slits in the bra. Considering I'd never even worn a bra before, I was stunned by how well it suited me.

And then my eyes fell below my waistline... and I fell in love with the lingerie all over again.

The panties hugged the outline of my soft, puffy pussy lips, tightly enough to display all the little details that couldn't be seen through the nearly-transparent fabric. Like the bra's cups, there was an opening running down the middle, my slick, damp folds on full display. Only my clit remained hidden, thanks to a cute bow near the top.

Before I knew it, a long, silvery strand of my juices had dripped down from my pussy, shining in the moonlight like a thread of silk.

Clearly, these weren't made for comfort, like the childish underwear I normally wore... no, these were made to arouse. And here I was-- I, a mere 10-year-old virgin!-- wearing them without a hint of shame or modesty. That feeling was... god, it was so fucking good.

That moment, I glanced surreptitiously out the window; nobody was there, and a slight pang of disappointment shot through my chest. Oh, p-please. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

There's something else I've got to do first, after all...

Reaching back into the drawer, I fished out the last of my secret purchases: a fancy-looking pink dildo. I'd worried all the ones listed online would be too big for me, but fortunately, I managed to find one labelled 'kids' size'! Better yet, it's based on a mold of a real cock... how couldn't I have bought this thing?!

Alright, h-here goes nothing. Taking a deep breath, I pressed the little button on the toy's base, and it began to vibrate slowly yet excitingly. Isn't there... anything faster? A couple more button presses later, and-- oh, yeah. Yep, that's, uh-- wow. Okay, I hope that's not too loud... oh, whatever! It's fine!!

I closed my eyes and lowered the dildo to my waist, my pussy twitching in anticipation. As it pressed against my clit, waves of ecstasy coursed through my body... until a flash of bright green light startled me back to my senses.


Even through my eyelids, it nearly blinded me, and my vision took a moment to clear. When it did, though... I was sure I was seeing things.

Standing before me was... a woman, probably in her early 30s, completely naked. Long, flowing locks of brown hair fell down her shoulders and between her full breasts, and she must've stood at least a foot taller than me.


"Hi! I'm Anne," she said brightly, reaching a hand out towards me. Dumbfounded, I instinctively took it... with the hand that wasn't holding a vibrating sex toy, anyway. "Nice to meet you, Claire!"

"Uh..." Blinking a couple times, I turned the dildo off and set it down on my nightstand. "You... too, Anne...?"


"Wait, no. Not nice." I folded my arms and frowned at her as she casually sat down on my bed. "Wh-what the hell?! Who are you?! How did you get here?! How do you know my--"

"Because you, Claire Taylor," she said, "are a very special little girl. More so than you realise."

"S-special?" The fuck?

"Your fate's been... decided for you, I suppose." Her gaze met mine; even in the dim light, I could see how steely her eyes were. "Everyone else on Earth too, in a sense, but especially you. And trust me when I say it's not a good fate."

"Decided?" I sat next to her, doing my best to process all of... whatever-that-was. "How? By whom?"

"The Cult," she replied. "The Cult of Baphomet-- or 'the Beast,' as they say. They've chosen you to be a vessel for awakening their master, and I am here to stop them."

"Right." Yeah, this is definitely some kinda... weird-ass fever dream, or something. "That so."

"Look." Anne put her hand on my shoulder and glanced down at me. "I know you don't believe me, but just... listen for a bit. That's all I ask."

"Fine," I said with a sigh. "I'll humour you. The moment you're done, though, I'm going to bed and forgetting all about this."

"Thank you. I... come from a timeline where the Cult won. The Beast rose and destroyed the world... we couldn't stop them. But we did manage to steal this." She brought out a little metal device, round and shaped a little like a fancy sword handle. "The Relic, built to manipulate time. I'm gonna use it to take them down before they can get anywhere, and you're going to help me."

"Am I now." This dream just gets more and more surreal by the second...

"I can make you believe me, you know."

"Oh? How's that?"

"Look down at your chest."

I did as she asked... and my jaw just about dropped. Right above my heart, shining through the lacy black fabric of my bra, was... a brilliant green light, the same colour I'd seen when Anne arrived. "Wh-what the...?"

"That means you've been chosen." There was a dour expression on her face. "We need to get out of here, now. Before--"

The sound of a knock on my door interrupted her. "Shit! We don't have time," she hissed. "Come!"

"Wha--" Before I knew it, she'd grabbed me by the arm, dragging me to the corner of the room-- right between the dresser and wall. It was a tight fit, but we managed to make it. "The hell are you--"

"Keep quiet, or I'll quiet you myself!" She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close... sandwiching my head right between her breasts. Right above my ass, I could feel the heat of her pussy against my skin; despite myself, I couldn't help but get a little wet. Oh, come on! Not now!!

"...oody lock." The muffled voice came from outside. "Can't believe we lost both fucking keys."

"Just break the damn thing." Another voice joined the last. "We can't afford to take any chances here."


The metallic snap startled me, and I shrunk back further into Anne's arms.

"Claire?" As the door swung open, my parents stepped inside. "We've got something to talk to you about, sweetheart..."

I wanted to respond... but I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth. Something about this felt... wrong-- the kind of wrong that makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight.

And then my mother walked right in front of us, staring me dead in the eyes. Paralysed, I simply stood there in silence, still as a deer in headlights.

But... she said nothing, and instead turned away, frowning in annoyance. We're invisible, Anne mouthed to me. Thank the Relic for that.'

"Where the hell is she." The venom in my dad's usually calm, peaceful voice made me flinch backwards. "She didn't leave her room, did she?"

"No. I was watching," my mother replied. "That toy she bought came in today. I was damn near certain I heard her using it."

T-they knew?!?!

"Seems she probably did," he said, picking the dildo up off my nightstand. "The tip's still a little wet... we can thank Him for that much, at least. It's a hell of a lot easier to train flesh that has already tasted carnal pleasure."

No, he... couldn't possibly mean...

"I told you we should've started training Claire sooner," she muttered. "All the other vessels started their training by seven. Seven! And you just--"

"I wanted her to discover it on her own first." His voice was low. Quiet. "She is our daughter, Hana. We needn't be cruel."

"That compassion of yours may be the end of us! The Carnal Sovereign will have our heads for losing a vessel--"

"We haven't lost her yet. Lock all the doors, and get Jack and Abby too. Beast willing, we will find her."

"...Right." Without another word, the two of them left the room, and I let out a breath I forgot I'd been holding.

"Are... you alright?" Anne turned me around and faced me... but I couldn't face her. "I know that... was probably hard--"

"...uck 'em."


"Fuck 'em," I muttered, tears dripping from my eyes. "Fuck them both, fuck this cult, fuck all of it. You wanted my help? Well, you've goddamn got it."

"I hate that it had to come to this," she replied, "but... all the same, I'm glad to hear it. Just one more thing first: there's something you've been wanting to do for years now... isn't there?"

I frowned. Something about her tone had me on edge. "Meaning...?"

"With your brother, that is."

"Wh-" My face turned scarlet. H-how the fuck?! "I... d-don't know what..."

"Really?" She didn't seem convinced. "But what if I told you... I could make alll those dreams come true?"

I didn't respond... but it was clear she had my attention.

"Hm?" Smirking, she leaned down until her face was eye-level with mine. "Someone's certainly keen... looks like I was right."

"S-shut up! I'm not--"

"Really?" One of her hands slipped between my legs, rubbing the damp folds of my pussy, while the other lightly massaged my nipples through the slits in my bra. "Could've fooled me."

"That's... from earlier. Not this."

"Ah, what a shame. Guess I'll just have to keep my plan to myself, then..."

"W-well..." I wasn't sure if I was redder from arousal or embarrassment. "You can tell me first... t-then I'll decide..."

Anne just chuckled, bringing her lips to my ear. "As you wish..."

...H-holy fuck...

Is she... fucking serious?!

That's me! Cute as hell, right?

Chapter 2: Innocence

[incest, ffm threesome]

My heart pounding, I peeked out my bedroom door and looked down the hallway. "Coast is clear," I whispered to Anne. "But can I please just go put on some clothes?! I'm still--"

"If we're seen, we're fucked no matter what," she replied. "Clothes, no clothes, doesn't matter. We don't have time. Just don't let go of my hand, and the invisibility won't break."

"We don't have time? Aren't you a time traveller?!"

"It's not that easy! Now, come on. And be quiet!"

With an annoyed huff, I squeezed her hand and led her down the hallway to my older brother Jack's room. The lights are on downstairs... he and Abby are probably talking to Mum and Dad right now. This is the best chance we're gonna get. Part of me wanted to go and warn them about the cult our parents secretly belonged to... but one glance back at Anne was enough to tell me that wasn't an option. Apparently reading my mind, she smiled sadly and shrugged. No helping it, I suppose...

T-they'll be fine, I'm sure...

The door swung open silently as we stepped inside, shutting it behind us. Oh, thank god. It's empty.

"It'll take me a moment to prepare the jump," Anne said. "But before we do, are you sure you..."

I didn't pay her any attention, though; instead, I walked over to my brother's bed... and buried my face in the covers. "Mmh...Jack..." I moaned, fresh juices running down my thighs. "If only you knew I was here... wearing nothing but sexy lingerie... what would you think?" Lost in the fantasy, I slipped a finger between my soft, undeveloped pussy lips; my tiny passage was too tight to let it inside, but I hardly cared. "Would you want to fuck me? Me, your slutty li'l sister? God, I fucking hope so... 'cause I wanna fuck you... so damn badly..."

"Oi." A tap on my shoulder brought me back to my senses, and I stiffened in surprise. "Jeez, girl. I knew you were a pretty... sexually keyed-up 10-year-old, but... even still. Have you no shame?"

"Oh, please. I've seen the way you've been looking at me," I retorted, trying to hide my blush. "Don't act like you're any better."

"Touché, I suppose. So... you ready?"

I grinned excitedly, my underwear doing little to hide my body's reaction.

"Am I ever..."


The first thing I noticed after the flash of green light faded was the ochre glow of the evening sun streaming in through the window. Considering it'd been well past sunset not a minute earlier, I couldn't help but feel... more than a little disoriented. I probably should've expected that, but... man, it's still weird as hell.

"Good luck! I'll be right here if you need me," Anne whispered... before letting go of my hand and promptly disappearing. Okay, this is really gonna take some getting used to...

The second thing I noticed was the lewd moaning filling the room.

"Yes, Jack... yes... just like that... mmh!"

Right in front of me on the bed were... Jack and Abby, buck-naked and lost in loud, passionate sex. He'd grown into quite the nice-looking, well-muscled man, a far cry from the skinny teenager he used to be; Abby, meanwhile, was nigh unrecognisable now. The bright-eyed 7-year-old I knew her as was gone... in her place was a petite, sexy high school girl, bouncing up and down on her older brother's cock like her life depended on it.

I wasn't sure whether the display shocked or aroused me more... and, evidently, they felt the same way. Barely a couple seconds later, they stopped and stared at me, wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

Oh, f-fuck it...

"Damn, you two." Smirking, I sauntered over to the side of the bed; they remained silent. "And I thought I was the only one that wanted to fuck you, Jack! Guess it must run in the family... hehe."

"C-Claire...?" Abby breathed. "Is that... really you?"

"Mhm. The very same," I replied, letting my eyes wander all over my siblings' bodies. "Mind if I--"

"Oh my god!!"

She hopped off the bed and wrapped her arms around me tightly, nearly crushing me in her embrace. When she pulled back to face me, tears were streaming freely down her cheeks. "W-we thought-- oh god, Claire! We thought you were dead!"

A cold sweat broke out on my back. Oh... hell. "You... did?"

"Yeah," Jack said, clearly trying to suppress tears of his own. "W-what the hell happened? Everything was normal, until one day, you just... vanished without a trace."

"It's... a long story." Sniffling, I returned the hug. This is not how this was supposed to go!! "Did... anything happen to Mum or Dad?"

With each second of silence that followed, my heart only sunk further.

"A couple weeks after you disappeared," he replied, "Dad... left. For good. Since then, Mum's not really been... all there, so I've basically been raising Abby on my own this whole time. It's... not been easy. For either of us."

As I processed their words, I wanted nothing more than to glare at Anne, wherever she was hiding-- to lay into her for causing my family so much grief and heartache. But... I'd said yes, hadn't I? I'd agreed to come with her. What made me any better? And if I hadn't... what would've happened to me?

The thought sent a shudder through my body, and I glanced away.

"So... how do you still look so young?" Abby asked. Oh boy. There it is. "You... practically haven't aged a day."

Might as well come clean...

"Well... truth is, I'm on a time-travelling adventure to save the world!" I laughed weakly, a bittersweet smile on my face. "Or... something like that. I only just left, so I'm pretty fuzzy on the details still. I know you probably don't believe me... hell, I hardly even believe myself. But... it's true. I mean- I'm here right now, aren't I?"

"Can't argue with that," Jack replied. "Not like I've got anything better..."

"Yeah. If I could stay, I would," I said. "I'll come back later if I can, but no promises."


An awkward silence filled the air as we all became keenly aware of the metaphorical elephant in the room.

"Guess I'll start." Jack's face grew pink as he averted his eyes. "So, Claire... why, exactly, are you naked?"

"Naked? I mean, I'm wea--" With a start, I realised... my underwear hadn't made the jump through time with me, and I rushed to cover up my newfound nudity as well as I could. "Oh! Um... well, I was wearing clothes. Until I came to the future." They don't need to know what those clothes actually were'''...

"Ah. I see." Frowning, he blinked a couple times. "Come to think of it... I did find something in my room, the night you disappeared."


"So that's where the tiny lingerie came from!" Abby exclaimed, perking up. "We figured it might have something to do with you, but you were always so pure and innocent... and, uh, that is not what they were. You were actually wearing them?!"


"Oh my god." She laughed, patting Jack on the shoulder. "Looks like it's your lucky day, big bro!"

A shiver ran down my spine at that. "Sorry... what?"

"Y'see... back when I was 9, I caught our brother here getting off with them." Her eyes glinted playfully as she shot him a smirk, while his blush only deepened. "He loved you a lot, you know. And not just as a sister."

"Abby!" he hissed. "What are you doing?! Don't--"

"Shh." One finger to the lips was all she needed to silence him. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"That's when we started sleeping together," Abby continued. "I already felt that way about him, and it only got stronger afterwards. Jack was my everything... but to him, I'm pretty sure I was just a replacement for you."

"Oh, don't say that. You've always had a special place in my heart, Abby... one that's yours, and yours alone. Claire's got hers too, but you weren't meant to fill it."

"Really now?" She wrapped her arms around him, her voice low and seductive-- almost a purr. "Why'd you make me wear her underwear whenever we had sex, then? Even after I outgrew them?"

Jack couldn't answer her, and she shot me a less-than-subtle wink. My heart skipped a beat. God, I'm so glad her boyfriend's our brother, not some guy in her class...

"W-well..." I stammered, hesitantly dropping my arms to my sides, "...if you want, we can... s-start making up for lost time..."

"You..." His eyes widened, and I could hear his breath catch. "Want to... make up...?"

"Mhm..." Fear, excitement, and arousal coursed through me as we stared at each other. With a smirk, Abby stepped away and pushed us closer together-- close enough that I could feel the heat of his hard, throbbing cock against my skin, barely an inch away from my chest. I practically had to crane my neck to look up at him, he was so much bigger than me.

And when I saw the lust in his gaze... it was all I could do to keep my knees from outright buckling.

"On the bed." Hunger burned in my eyes and between my legs. "I need you inside me. Now."


Oh god. Oh my fucking god. I'm about to have sex with him. Jack. My brother. Oh my god. A few minutes later, I'd wrapped my thighs around his cock, watching as my soft, wet folds enveloped his shaft. The frenetic pounding of my heartbeat was nearly deafening.

"Kiss me." Grinding her pussy against Jack's face, Abby leaned over to me, her eyes closed. I nodded as my lips met hers, our tongues curling around one another in a passionate embrace. "You should've left some of his cum for me..."

"You've been taking it for the past six years," I murmured between kisses. "Let me have it this time..."

"Fiiiine...mmh!" When I tweaked her cute, perky nipples, she broke free, breathing heavily into my neck. "Let's not keep him waiting too long, hm?"

"Yeah..." Gulping, I glanced down at his cock; it went up well past my navel. How the fuck am I supposed...

...Oh, i-it'll be fine!!

Abby just sat back and enjoyed Jack's tongue as I got up onto my knees, slipping the tip between my folds... even that was a tight fit.

Well, here goes n-nothing...

The narrow walls of my virgin, prepubescent pussy were forced apart by his girth as I took the first inch inside me... and then the second, and the third. Each little motion sent a wave of pain and pleasure alike through my hips; it hurt, certainly, but that didn't stop me from sinking as far down onto it as I could.

And when I opened my eyes next... I was shocked to see that my tiny, childish body had devoured all eight inches of his impressive length. Deep inside me, I could feel my immature womb kissing the tip of his cock, and a faint red ring now encircled the base of his shaft.

"Oh my god, Claire," Abby said, her eyes tracing the outline of his cock, faintly visible through my abdomen. "You took the whole fucking thing?! Even I couldn't do that till a couple years ago!"

"Guess my pussy's just a perfect fit for him." I smirked, my flat chest swelling with a curious sort of pride. Whenever I clamped down on him, my walls trembled with ecstasy, and I let out an involuntary moan. "Fuck, this is good..."

"It-- doesn't hurt??"

"Of course not," I replied, glancing away with a blush. "I'm having sex with my two favourite people in the whole world... how could it hurt?"

"Oh, you're too fucking cute. C'mere, sis..."

As our lips reconnected, I began to slowly move up and down; it was a little awkward at first, but it didn't take me long to get the hang of it. Before I knew it, my instincts had taken over, slamming my hips down onto his cock with wild abandon. My whole body shuddered each time it pounded the deepest depths of my pussy, and it only felt better and better once Jack started timing his movements with mine.

"Fuck, Abby..." I moaned into her mouth. "I think I might like this. A lot. Does that... make me a slut?"

"'Course it fuckin' does." She gave my nipples a light squeeze, and I gasped in pleasure. I could hardly believe the lewd voice I was hearing was my own. "Only a slut would get off on their first time as a 10-year-old. And honestly... I fucking love it."

"Y'know what?" My walls tightened as the pressure of another orgasm began to build up between my legs, and his cock twitched in response. It felt harder and bigger now... just as it'd been, right before he came inside my mouth. "So do I...mmmhh!!!"

The three of us cried out in ecstasy as we all climaxed together, my pussy squeezing Jack's seed out of his shaft and into my womb-- the womb of a child, one who hadn't even had her first period yet. I couldn't get pregnant... but that didn't stop me from trying my damn hardest to anyway. When the lewd haze over my mind finally cleared, I could tell I'd been filled to the brim with his hot, thick cum.

Fortunately, neither of them noticed the fourth voice on the other side of the room...

Once he'd pulled out of me, Abby leaned down and gave my clit a lick. "Gimme his cum," she murmured, frustrated by my cervix's refusal to let any of it leak out. "I need it..."

"Nope," I replied, hopping off the bed and stretching languidly. "It's all mine. Remember... you might be older than me, but I'm still your big sister. That means you have to do what I say."

"Hmpf." Pouting, she turned and looked away. "Well, fine then."

"I'll make sure to give you extra tomorrow," Jack said. "Unless, Claire, you're planning on...?"

"Afraid not." Their faces both fell at that. "I'd love to, but... no can do, unfortunately."

"Right... guess that makes sense." Sitting up, he gave me an affectionate kiss on the cheek, and my heart fluttered a little. "How... does that whole 'time travel' thing work, anyway?"

"Ask her," I said flatly, pointing behind me.


"Hi there!" With a slight wave, Anne suddenly popped into existence, thighs glistening. When she saw their shocked expressions, she giggled quietly. "Nice to meet you two! I'm Anne Hopkins, Claire's time-travelling guide and companion."

"Y-y-you..." Abby stammered, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, "...were watching us? The whole fucking time??"

"Sure was," she replied, unfazed. "You three siblings put on a damn good show there. Haven't seen something that hot in... oh, I don't even know how long. Bravo!"

"Oh, never mind... this whole day's just been weird as hell," the younger girl sighed. "Will... we be seeing either of you again?"

"Can't promise anything, except that we'll try." Patting my shoulder, Anne led me over to the door, and I gave them a sheepish smile. "We've just got to go find Claire some clothes, and then we'll be on our way."

"Yeah... goodb--"

"Wait!" Abby rushed over and embraced me as hard as she could, trying (and failing) to hold back tears. "I love you. We love you. And whatever happens in the future... we'll be right there, waiting for you. Okay?"


And with that, we stepped outside, walking down the hallway to my room... the same hallway we'd walked down both eight years and an hour ago.

"What are you going to do about clothes?" I asked Anne, pulling a neatly-folded (if slightly dusty) long-sleeved shirt on. Where were we going next? I had no idea, except that it was apparently colder than hell. Which... isn't actually saying much, now that I think about it, but whatever. "In case you hadn't noticed, you're a little more... um, well-endowed than my mum. I can't imagine there's anything your size around here."

"Not a problem. Watch this." One button-tap later, and her nudity had been replaced by a smart-looking coat and jeans. "Imitation clothes! This thing's amazing, I tell you."

"Imitation? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's just an illusion. See?" Grabbing my wrist, she guided my hand to her crotch; it went straight through to her pussy, no drier now than it'd been earlier. "They're not actually there."

"And you're going to... walk around like this? Outside?"


"In the cold?"

"Mhm. Don't you just love the chill of the winter air on your bare skin as you strut around the streets at night? The thrill of everyone looking at you, totally unaware you're actually completely naked?"

"I-- oh, forget I said anything." Honestly, I'm pretty sure nothing could surprise me at this point...

"Well, hurry up now," she said, running a brush through my hair. "We've got a flight to catch, after all!"


Abby waiting (not-so-)patiently for Jack to get home from work. I can't really blame her, I'd have done the same thing...

Chapter 3: Prey

[blowjob, lolidom, public]

Anne gripped my hand tightly as we rushed through the terminal to the gate of our (very hastily-booked) flight. "Damn shame security didn't pat me down," she said, earning us a strange look or two from the other travellers passing by us. "Would've loved to see their faces after realising my clothes weren't actually real..."

"Oh, you'll live," I replied under my breath, keen to avoid drawing any (more) attention to us. "Now, would you at least try to keep it in your pants while we're in public? I'd rather avoid getting you arrested, if at all possible."

"Tch, where's the fun in that?" Smirking, she gave me a seductive wink. God, I hope no one noticed that. "Danger's the spice of life, after all!"

I couldn't help but sigh in defeat. "Uh huh. Speaking of 'danger,' what exactly are we gonna be doing in-- Rei... Rek..."

"Reykjavik. Iceland. Every decade or so, the two branches of the Cult hold a conclave, and that's where it is this year. We'll be... crashing the party, so to speak."

"And that means...?"

"Eh, we'll just figure out the details when we get there," she said. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!"

...Do you now. "Well... if something goes wrong, I guess we can always just jump ba--"

"Sh!" Right before we rounded a corner, Anne yanked me over to the wall and flattened herself against it, motioning for me to do the same. "Grab my hand. And don't let go."

"Huh?" Startled, I did as she said without thinking. "Wait, what? Why??"

As she covered my mouth with her free hand, an adult man (roughly Anne's age) and a teenage girl suddenly popped into view. His eyes narrowed, intently scanning the faces of the crowd streaming past us... while she simply rolled hers, apparently uninterested.

"She's here," he muttered, standing not two paces away from us. "Somewhere. I know she is. She has to be."

"Yeah, Jim. Somewhere," the girl replied flippantly. "Not saying much. This place is fuckin' huge, in case you forgot. Here's no better than the last, like, 10 places you dragged me off to."

"You know just as well as I do how important this is." His attempt at sternness was immediately undercut by her sticking her tongue out at him childishly. "Don't you?"

"I mean... yeah," she sighed. "But why can't we just use the Relic to look for her? With the Veil, nobody would notice. Besides, it'd save us all this walking..."

"Maybe. If the Veil actually worked right, anyway."

"We brought it for a reason, didn't we?"

"Yeah. Not letting you be lazy, Lisa," he said. "You're still a growing girl, you know. What's the harm in a little exercise?"

"Oh, please. I'm seventeen, not seven. Don't treat me like some kid."

"Even still, an extra couple thousand steps won't kill you."

"Sure goddamn feels like it will..."

Their voices trailed off as Jim and Lisa continued down the corridor, quickly vanishing into the endless multitudes of people. "Fuck," Anna swore, her tone unusually bitter. "That makes things... harder. A lot harder."

Leaning against the wall, I took a deep breath. That exchange was about as tense and stressful as it was confusing. That is... very. "So..." I glanced at her, my eyebrows raised. "Mind explaining what that was all about?"


For your sake, dear reader, I'll summarise what she said here: you know the whole 'fabric of spacetime' thing you hear about in science documentaries and stuff? Well, apparently Anne's device controls the time part & theirs controls the space part. Since they're both the halves of something they call 'the Relic,' theirs gets dragged through time with us when we jump, so we can't just time-travel away (sadly). She hoped she'd stolen the time half before anyone else got their hands on the space half, but no such luck... a couple vessels (Cult higher-ups, and what I would've become if Anne hadn't taken me) from her time ended up following her to the past. Their Relic can detect nearby vessels, and they also brought another device that hides unusual things from onlookers.

Now, how much of this did I actually absorb?... Uh, probably not as much as I should've. All I knew was they're hunting us, and that's really fucking bad...

"Oh, thank god..."

Anne visibly relaxed as the plane's wheels lifted off the runway, beginning our ascent into the dark, star-studded heavens. (Also known as '30,000 feet in the air' by boring people.) "How far's Iceland?" I asked, stifling a yawn. It wasn't that late yet, certainly no later than I usually stayed up for... self-pleasure, but that was only because of our time-jump. For my body-clock, bedtime was a while ago now. Guess that's jet lag (or... devil-powered-time-travel-device lag?) for you. "I'd kill for a half-decent hotel."

"Mm... few hours away, I reckon," she said. "Don't count on a hotel, though. Odds are, they know what we're planning and are now waiting for us there. We'll probably be able to sneak away just fine, but that's no guarantee."

"Think they'll leave us alone tonight if we ask nicely?"

"I'm sure they'd love to... well, I'll buy you a coffee or two if you really need it. For now, just try and get some rest here."

"Fiiine..." I stood up from my seat, suddenly thankful for my petite frame, and stretched. The dim, orangeish light above me shined directly on my chest now, and I could feel the other passengers' gazes slowly turning on me. Whenever they thought I wasn't looking, they'd steal a (not-so-)subtle glance or two at my body out the corners of their eyes, their true colours blindingly obvious.

That's right, everyone... take a nice, looong look, I thought, my heart quickening with excitement. I'm just an innocent little girl... I don't know any better. I don't know how sexy you all think I am. After all, I'm only 10... why would I? Hehe. Eager for more, I turned around slowly, making sure to give the passengers on the other side of the aisle an ample view of my cute, tight ass. I can't believe I'm getting away with thi--


"Umm..." I whispered to Anne, the hairs on my neck standing on end. "Was the back of the plane... always so empty?"

"Huh?" Her breath caught when she saw what I was talking about. "No... it wasn't. This was the only pair of open seats left when I booked it... most of those were full."

Just then, a couple familiar faces stepped out of the bathroom... before getting a pair of passengers and ushering them inside.

"...Shit," she muttered. "They outplayed us. Dammit!"

"How the hell are they here?!"

"Must've figured out what flight we were on and jumped to it after takeoff. They're probably taking people off the plane to help narrow us down."

"Can't we... go to the future, or something??"

"Yeah, we could. If you fancy falling to your death from six miles up, that is. And we'd both be naked, so we might well die of hypothermia or suffocation before even hitting the ground!"

"Well, what else is there?!"

"Hold on a minute. I'll... think of something." Grimacing, she rubbed her temple; seems I wasn't the only one with a headache. "Okay. New plan. We use your... charms."

"The fuck--"

"You heard me. Get them to let us into the cockpit and lock the doors. That'll buy us some time, at least."

"Uh... right. And how do I do that, exactly?"

"You're a smart kid. You can figure it out. I believe in you!"

"I'm-- what??"

"This might help, though." She rummaged around in her bag, pulling out some sort of... small, pink egg. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it looked an awful lot like--

"Is-- that a... vibrator?!"

"Yeah. Obviously. What else would it be?"

"Sorry, why the hell have you got a bloody vibrator?? We're on a damned plane, for fuck's sake!"

"What, you've never wanted to cum for hours on end while the two complete strangers next to you pretend they're not watching?"

"I-- okay, yeah, I guess that is kinda hot. But--"

"No more buts. We haven't got much time. Just get going!"

"Hold on-- mmh!" A sweet moan escaped my lips as she turned it to its max setting and slipped it inside my panties, pushing it inside my passage. Everyone around me was staring now, the lewd blush in my cheeks putting my arousal on full display for all to see... which only made me feel even more aroused than I already did.

My knees quivering, I stepped out into the aisle and began to limp to the front of the plane, holding onto the seats to keep from collapsing under the intense stimulation. My tiny, undeveloped pussy, still sensitive after my recent virginity loss, was no match for this adult sex toy... something told me Anne knew full well what she was doing there.

Much more of this, and... I won't be able to hold back any longer...

"You doing alright there, sweetheart?"

All of a sudden, I gasped, looking up to see a stewardess smiling down at me. I'd have appreciated the gesture of kindness... if not for the lascivious glint in her eyes, telling me 'kindness' was the last thing on her mind.

"Yeah, just..." I breathed, doing my best to suppress my moans, "...feeling a little feverish, that's... all..."

"Oh, no... we can't have that," she purred, leaning down until her lips were barely an inch from mine. "Just... follow me, mmkay? Trust me... I can do a few things that'll make you feel alll better afterwards..."

H-holy shit. She's actually hitting on me. Like, super obviously. Holy shit. And I... mmh! God, I want it!! But...

"Umm..." I gave her the cutest frown I could, doing my best to play up my natural childish innocence. "I'm scared... can I take my mum with me?"

"Your--" The stewardess glanced behind me to see Anne coming down the aisle as well. "Tch. Fine. I'll get you some water."

"I really appreciate it, miss," she said, smiling apologetically. "My daughter's not the best with heights, and the passenger area was... a little too scary for her. Any chance we could spend a minute or two in the cockpit? Might help her nerves if she saw the pilots."

"Ooh! I could watch them fly the plane?!" I exclaimed, excitedly grabbing the woman's sleeve. "Can I? Pleeease? I promise I'll be good!"

"Well... I shouldn't, but..." She sighed, but smiled and affectionately patted my head. "I can make an exception. Follow me."

"Your mum?" Anne whispered to me as we walked down the plane. "Not your sister? Or even your cool young aunt?"

"Oh, please. You can deal with having a daughter for five minutes," I replied. "Gotta say, though... that was a lot easier than I expected."

"Perks of being a kid. You can get away with anything."


"Here we are," the stewardess said, opening the cockpit door. "Hey, Captain? I know we're not supposed to do this, but there's a kid here that's scared of heights, and she wanted to watch you fly the plane. Mind humouring her for a bit?"

"Of course! C'mon in, you two." As we stepped inside, Anne gave him a polite nod, and he smiled warmly. "I'm Captain Jones, and it's my job to make sure you feel as safe and comfortable as possible. What's your name, sweetheart?"

"C-Claire," I stammered. Well, what now?! I never thought we'd get this far!! "Claire Taylor. And this is my mum, Anne."

"Ah, such lovely names! Perfect for such lovely girls. " He chuckled jovially. "I must say, Mrs. Taylor, I can hardly believe you're her mother. You don't look a day over 25!"

"Oh, you're too kind," she replied, and I did my best to ignore the insufferably smug look she was giving me. "Really, I can't thank you enough for all this. Claire here was feeling awfully nervous back there... I couldn't bear to watch her suffer like that."

"Think nothing of it," he said. "It's the least I can do to help people in need, especially passengers. Liam, why don't you give our guests a tour?"

"Ah... alright." The quiet young man in the co-pilot's seat turned to face us. "I'm the first officer, Liam Andrews, and..."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but notice Anne subtly eyeing the stewardess. She stuck around for a bit, but once she'd realised her hopes of high-altitude fun with an underage passenger were all but dashed, she quietly excused herself and left the cockpit. Once the door was firmly closed behind her...

"Sorry about this, you two."


Neither of them had time to react as Anne grabbed the device from her bag, smacking its hilt into their heads in quick succession. Within three seconds, they were both slumped over their consoles, out cold.

"Heh. The Sovereigns would kill me if they saw me using the Relic like a club," she remarked wryly. "Lock the door. We don't want anyone interrupting us if we can help it."

I didn't need to be told twice. "So... what's the plan? Land ASAP and get the hell away from them?"

"Uh..." She blinked a couple times, apparently just now understanding what exactly she'd done. "...shit."

"Oh, don't tell me..."

"I... don't suppose they happened to teach basic aircraft operation in 4th-year science class, did they?"

"You're fucking kidding me. You hijacked a plane, despite having no damn idea how to fly the bloody thing?!" I sputtered incredulously. "What happened to 'trust me, I've got this'?!"

"Don't worry about it. Everything's fine," she said, unceremoniously shoving the captain out of his chair. The slight quiver in her voice betrayed the fear she was feeling. "Can't be that hard to figure out. Right?"

We glanced down at the control panel, and then at each other; it was blanketed in countless buttons, knobs, and switches, and neither of us had the faintest clue which of them did what.

"...okay, maybe it is that hard."

"Oh god. I'm going to die in a plane crash I helped cause. Fuck me..."

"I'm happy you feel that way about me, Claire, but now's really not the time!"

"That's not what I..." We both fell silent as our gazes met one another, her cheeks turning a slight pink. "Actually... if we've only got another few minutes to live, we... might as well make the most of them..."

"Yeah..." Anne murmured, pulling me in closer. Suddenly, the vibrations in my pussy felt a lot stronger than they did a moment ago. "Good point..."

"I always wanted to have sex with another girl." I reached a hand out towards her chest; it phased right through her coat to her bare breast, her nipples deliciously firm and perky. "Never thought it'd come so soon..."

"Glad I could be your first," she said. "And... sorry I had to be your last."

"You'll just have to give me all the pleasure I'll be missing out on right now. How many times d'you think I can cum before we start going down? I bet they'll let us through the pearly gates if we hit double digits."

"Well, we'll never know if we don't try..."

Just as she tugged the zip of my jeans open and rolled my shirt up, our lips less than an inch apart, one of the screens on the dashboard caught my eye.

"Autopilot... active?"

"Huh?" She turned to look where I was pointing. "O-oh. So it is. Um. Okay. Guess we're... not about to crash after all, then..."


Blushing furiously, I hopped off her lap and fixed my clothes, a lethal dose of embarrassment coursing through my veins. "Ahem." I coughed, clearing my throat. "Still need a new plan, though. Any ideas?"

"Hm... oh! Here's one. Strip."

"What, and being naked means you know how to fly a plane, does it??"

"No, it means you can seduce the guy that does and make him do it for us!"


A couple minutes later, I'd stacked my clothes in a neat pile on the console, and I turned to face her. She'd deactivated her 'holo-clothes' as well, restraining the co-pilot's arms behind his back. "You take his trousers off, and I'll wake him up."

"Why not the captain?" I asked, crawling between his legs and tugging them off. His cock was big yet soft, and strangely fun to play with too. I almost felt like a little kid washing her dad's body in the bath; the thought made me giggle. "Surely he'd be the better pilot."

"Yeah, but the co-pilot's younger, so his dick's probably better."

"That's how we're deciding?"

"Well, you'll be the one sucking it. You tell me which you'd prefer."

"Fair enough..."

"Oi." Anne slapped him, pouring the cup of water the stewardess had got for me over his face. "Wake the fuck up, Captain. You've got a plane to fly and a 10-year-old mouth to fuck, you lucky bastard."

"H-huh...?" The man slowly came to, squinting at her. "What? The hell? What... happened?"

"You get one guess," she said flatly as he stared, mouth agape, at the unconscious form of the captain.

"I-is this a hijacking?!"

"Call it whatever you like, I don't care. Fact of the matter is, you'll be flying us to the nearest airport now, and that's that."

"And why the hell should I--"

"Believe me," I interjected, wrapping my hands around his cock, "I can be very persuasive." He just watched in shock as I took the entirety of his rapidly-hardening length into my mouth, all the way to its base.

"You're making your daughter suck my dick?!"

"Hot, right?" She smiled flirtatiously, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Every man's dream is to fuck a sexy young mother and her preteen daughter. Don't pretend otherwise."

"What the bloody hell are you on about?!"

"This little whore's a sex prodigy, you know! Just this evening, she had a threesome with her little sister and older brother. Jealous yet?"

"Her younger sister?! What kind of twis--"

"I said little, not younger. Claire's 10, and Abby's 15. Duh."

"...This has got to be some sort of fever dream, I'm sure of it..."

"Exactly," Anne purred, peppering his neck in kisses. "Just relax. You can have alll the fun in the world, right here and now, and nobody has to know..."

"I'm... not a pedo..." The hard, throbbing cock in my mouth did little to convince either of us of that. "I have a wife, you know... and kids..."

"Well, I could always just send them a picture of this... good luck convincing them you're not after that."

For a moment, he just laid back in his chair, silent save for the occasional gasp of pleasure. Clearly, my efforts were bearing fruit.

"She's not gonna let you cum till you agree, you know."

That proved to be the final straw. "Fine," he spat. "Fine. Where... do you want to go?"

"Closest airport. The sooner we land, the better."

"For a plane of this size? That'd be... Glasgow, probably. Maybe Edinburgh."

"In Europe."

"Then...mmh!--Bergen? In Norway?"

"Has it got a rail connection?"

"I don't know! I'm a pilot, not a conductor!"

"Hah..." She sighed, running her hands through her hair. "That'll have to do. Send us there."

"What about the passengers?"

"Your problem, not mine!"

"Okay, okay! Just a moment." He grabbed the intercom and turned it on; despite my better judgement, I couldn't help but speed my motions up. A lot. "All passengers, this is your captain speaking. I must regrettably inform you that, due to a snap blizzard, the poor visi--mmh!--bility and high wind speed around Keflavik Airport render it inadvisable for us to proceed to Reykjavik as planned. Instead, we shall be redirecting this flight to Bergen, Norway. We apologise for the inconve--mmh!--nience, but please understand that we have made this decision to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew aboard the aircraft. Thank you very much."

"Well done," Anne murmured as he shut it back off. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

"Fuck off..."

An hour later...

"Oh, god. Fuck, Claire... I need to land, but... I'm about to cum... holy shit..."

"Really now?" I said as I slammed my hips down on his cock, the thrill of fucking him when he needed to focus the most sending shivers down my back. I'd came plenty of times by now... but my lust remained unabated. "I'm not convinced... show me just how badly you want it."

"Claire Taylor..." he moaned, "I wanna cum... inside your 10-year-old, kiddie fucking pussy... I wanna fill your tiny preteen womb up with my hot fucking seed... please..."

"What are you?"

"A pedophile..."


"Proud of it!"

"Hmm..." I glanced at Anne, who'd been enthralled by the display for a while now. "What do you think? Do we let him?"

"Well, I don't know..." The thought that he might not get the release he'd waited so patiently for sent a jolt of terror through the man, and he looked up at her with wide, pleading eyes. "Eh, just fuckin' with ya. Sure, go ahead. You've been a good boy."

"Mmh!!" As the wheels hit the ground, his cock erupted inside my pussy, sending pulse after pulse of thick, sticky cum straight into my womb. Some of it spilled out, dripping down my thighs onto the black leather seat. With each pulse, I squeezed the base of his shaft, greedily milking every last ounce of cum out of his pent-up cock and past my cervix.

"Thanks for the meal, Captain," I said, wiping it up with my fingers and licking them clean. "I had a lot of fun playing with you today... a bit of a shame I'm not fertile yet, but oh well. You'll just have to settle for your daughters at home instead... I'm sure they'd love to be the mothers of their new siblings."

"Will I... ever see either of you again?"

She smirked, the Relic in her hand, and grabbed me by the shoulder.


And with that, we vanished in a flash of green light, leaving the poor man even more baffled than he already was.

Good luck catching Anne wearing anything more than that. I know I never have.

Chapter 4: Masquerade


2035. Tokyo, Japan.

"Y-your steak and bisque, girls..."

The waitress's hands trembled as she set the plates of exceedingly fancy-looking food down on the table in front of us. "Please e-enjoy," she stammered, blushing furiously. "If you'd like anything else... j-just let me know..."

Why, exactly, was our waitress so flustered, you might be wondering? Well, I'm just guessing, but... it might've had something to do with our bare chests. Or our naked thighs, or our exposed pussies. Every few seconds, her eyes would dart over us, stealing countless less-than-subtle glances at our nude bodies... and it wasn't hard to tell who she preferred looking at.

Not the adult, that's for damn certain.

"We'll be alright," Anne replied nonchalantly. "But... something tells me you might like something from us. Hm?"

"O-oh!" The waitress flinched in shock, almost dropping the bottle of wine she was holding. "No, not at all. It is my job to be of service to you... I would never ask anything of a customer."

"Really now?" Her arms fell to her sides as she smirked. "What... sorts of services do you offer, pray tell? My sister and I would be... very interested to hear about them."

"Please, don't be shy," I added. When I uncrossed my legs, she didn't even bother pretending to look away.

"Umm..." The waitress's voice was barely a whisper now. "Any...thing you want..."

"In that case..." Her eyes widened in anticipation as Anne spoke. "Pour us our wine, would you?"


"That bottle's not just for decoration, is it?"

"O-oh. Right. Of course." Embarrassment joined arousal in painting the waitress's cheeks a deeper red than the liquid now filling our glasses. Without another word, she disappeared out the door.

"How long do you think it'll take her to start getting off?" I asked Anne wryly.

"Who knows," she replied, swirling the wine around before taking a sip. "Five minutes, maybe?"

"Hm." I peered into my own glass and gave it a hesitant sniff; it smelled... odd. Not entirely unlike grape juice, and yet not at all like it either. "I'm surprised she actually poured it for me. It's pretty obvious I'm not old enough to drink yet."

"Well, you saw how she was looking at you." Her eyes scanned my bare, flat chest, savouring the sight of my undeveloped breasts. "I don't think she cared one bit about how old you were. And... neither do I, frankly. Drink all you like."

"Really? You don't care? I never would've guessed," I giggled, swallowing a small mouthful of the wine. Almost immediately, I could feel a pleasantly warm buzz spreading through my body, and I shivered a little at the curious sensation. "I have to say... between today's hotel and yesterday's hijacking, none of this feels real. It's like... I'm living in the world's dumbest spy movie, or something. Not reality."

"Any spy movie with naked kids in it automatically becomes the world's best, if you ask me." She paused for a moment... before that all-too-familiar smirk reappeared on her lips. "Hey, maybe we should buy a camera and record ourselves next time! I bet we could make--"

"Okaaay, let's not get ahead of ourselves," I interjected, blushing. The idea appealed to me... more than I'd like to admit. "Fancy dinner now, spy shenanigans later. Alright?"

"Tch, you're no fun..."

After devouring the world's poshest steak & chips and lobster soup with none of the refined elegance it deserved, I walked over to the long, wall-sized window and gazed out over the nighttime Tokyo skyline. As a half-Japanese girl, I'd been to the city plenty of times before; not until seeing it from up high, though, did I really understand just how damn big it was. Was that because it actually had gotten bigger, 11 years in the future, or because of the view from the suite? I wasn't sure, but either way, it was certainly a sight to behold.

40 million people, all below me. And with nothing at all between their eyes and my body...

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Anne said, coming up behind me. I stiffened a little in surprise; though we'd been naked together the whole day, I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious anyway. "Sure beats that shitty hotel in Bergen, at least."

"Got that right," I replied. "And that bed! God, it was fantastic. Don't think I've ever slept so well before... why'd you only ask for one, though?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, close enough to feel the heat of her breast on my cheek. With a start, I realised her gaze was fixed not on the view outside... but rather, on my reflection in the glass. The fact that she wasn't looking directly at me did little to calm my nerves. "That way, I got to sleep with a cute, naked 10-year-old girl. 'Course I only asked for one."

"Hey. I'll have you know I was born in 2014. That's, like, 21 years ago by now." I leaned into her side, enjoying the feeling of her warm, soft skin on mine. "So I'm technically a legal adult, right?"

"Nah." Smirking, she gave my nipple a quick pinch, and a sweet moan escaped my lips. "Too sexy to be anything but a kid. Try again in a few years."

"Ahem." My face grew hot as I glanced away from her. "Come to think of it... you can't be much older than me, can you? Birth-year-wise, I mean. Hell, you might even be younger for all I know."

"Yeah... without time travel, we'd be about the same age. I somehow doubt the police would accept 'relativity' as a reason for 'why I get to fuck a 10-year-old,' though."

"So... you would, then? Have sex with me?"

"Obviously, yeah."

"Then why haven't you made a move yet?"


My cheeks flushed with a cocktail of alcohol, embarrassment, and arousal, I turned to face Anne again, holding my arms behind my back. The moment I did, a lewd pulse shot through my pussy, and I could feel my love juices tracing a wet, sticky path down my thighs. "You could've, plenty of times now. You could right now... it's not like I'd stop you, you know? So..."

Won't you? I didn't finish the thought, but... I hardly needed to.

The older woman just giggled, leaning down and giving me a quick peck on the forehead. "I'm flattered, sweetie, but... sorry. I'll have to decline."

As her words hit me, I felt... light-headed, almost, like my stomach had just done a flip or three. Dammit, Claire!! Why'd you have to go and--

"We've got things to do, in case you forgot," she continued. "If we have sex now, all those plans are gonna go out the window! Maybe another time."

--oh... so that's why...

"Hmpf." I pouted, my arms crossed in front of my chest. You wanted to see my nipples? Well, too bad!! "Fine. You owe me, though."

"Right. Now, come on and get ready. We're leaving in a few minutes."

"Yeah, just a moment. Need to put some clothes on..."

"Oh? You're not going naked?"

"Nope. Not again. Had more than enough of that in Norway already, thank you very much."

Anne chuckled, tossing me the clothes we'd... acquired from a shop in Bergen. "Fair enough..."

2033. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

"Hey. Backs against the wall, everyone. We've got one last inspection to do, then you'll be going out there. Make sure you're ready."

"Yes sir..."

The pounding of my heartbeat was nearly deafening as the man in the white coat made his way down the line of 20-ish children, his gloved hands leaving no inch of their bodies untouched. His calm, professional demeanor did little to hide the lewdness of his fondling.

God, Anne, I hope you're right about this!!

She'd taken us to some 'contact' of hers-- a turncoat in her timeline. He hadn't told us much, but he did give us one thing: apparently, the Carnal Sovereign (the leader of the Cult's Carnal branch) had last shown himself at an 'exhibition' in Amsterdam a couple years ago, where he'd bought a daughter of the Lost Sovereign (the other branch) for himself. The plan? Free the girl, take her place in the auction, and get close to the Sovereign. Then, I'd 'expose' myself as a Lost spy, using their already-tense relationship to spark a conflict. Hopefully, they'd destroy each other with their infighting, dooming the Cult to failure and saving the world.



I glanced over to see the girl a few spaces down from me, maybe eight or nine years old, convulsing in pleasure. A lewd puddle had formed on the floor between her legs, the "doctor's" hands glistening with her love juices. As he stepped over to the next girl, a mid-teen, she pushed her hips out proudly, clearly eager for her 'inspection.'

The strangest part? She was far from the only one to be so keen.

Okay. This is weird, right? I'm not going crazy here, am I? All our arms were bound behind our backs, and there were even starting price tags hung from collars around our necks. (Apparently, I'm worth at least 80 grand, way more than anyone else.) It was blindingly obvious what this was. So... what the hell?!

"Hey," I whispered, nudging the shoulder of the girl next to me in line. "Is it just me, or... is everyone else way too excited about all this?"

"Huh?" She frowned at me, almost like I'd just said something crazy. "I mean... you signed the consent form too, didn't you? It's not like anyone's making us do this. Why aren't you more excited?"

"Um--" Thanks for totally forgetting to mention that part, Anne!! "R-right. Yes. Of course."

"Ah! I know. You're worried about your new master, aren't you?" The girl nodded sagely, giving me a warm smile. "Don't worry, I get it. I'm worried too... especially after my last one."

"What... was wrong with your last one?"

"Well, he treated me like a princess, which was nice. Just... he wasn't nearly kinky enough."

"Mm, yeah, that ma-- huh?"

"Yeah! All he ever wanted was kissing and missionary and stuff. Boring! I mean, what kinda 'master' only likes vanilla?! So, I decided to request a transfer-- ooh, look!! Look, I'm next!"

"F-fair... enough..."

As the sound of her lewd moans filled the air, the heat burning in my lower body grew into a veritable wildfire. Suddenly, I understood why all the other girls wanted to be 'inspected' so badly: the bindings kept them from satisfying their desires themselves.

...Dammit, now I'm getting e-excited too!!

"FUCK!!" The girl came violently, crying out in ecstasy as her budding chest rose and fell with her short, ragged breaths. I glanced down to see her clit poking out proudly from the top of her tween pussy, practically begging for someone to pleasure it.

And, despite my younger age... mine wasn't any more modest.

F-finally... my turn...


The rough, intense sensation of blue latex on my aching pussy I'd expected to feel... never came. Instead, the doctor just... stepped back, paying me not even the slightest bit of attention.

"Umm... sir..." I murmured, blushing furiously. I-I can't believe I'm about to... "Are you... not gonna inspect me?"

"No," he replied matter-of-factly, seemingly completely indifferent to the desperately horny 10-year-old girl right in front of him. Somehow. "Special orders from the higher-ups. You're not to be touched until you're on stage."

"O-oh. I see." I, uh... can live with that...

"You done here, doc?" a smartly-dressed man in a strange-looking mask said, pulling the curtain aside. I couldn't make out much of the chamber beyond, but-- holy hell, it's THAT big?!

"Yep." He stripped the gloves off and tossed them in a bin labelled 'BIOHAZARD.' "Healthy young girls, every last one of 'em. They're all yours."

"Right. Your attention, please!" The man clapped, and the line of children went silent almost immediately. "I know you kids are all excited to meet your new masters and mistresses, but wait your turns! You'll all be sent to beautiful new homes full of all the love and sex you could ever want, I promise, so be patient. We've got some very special guests in the audience today, and I do not want any of you interrupting things like you did last week. You know who you are." He glared at the third girl in line, who just giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.

This happens WEEKLY?!

"Alright, Lindsey! You're up first..."

"And now..." I gulped as the auctioneer's voice sounded off the walls of the dizzyingly large hall, trying (and failing) to calm my nerves. A pair of young women dressed in inverse bunny suits, their nipples and pussies covered only by heart-shaped pasties, put their hands on my shoulders and led me past the curtain I'd been waiting behind. "The final member of today's truly spectacular lineup! One of the Lost Sovereign's many daughters, she's the crown jewel-- the prize rose, the crème de la crème!-- of little rich girls! Starting at the unprecedented bid of 80,000 dollars, give it up for... NATALIE WILLIAMS!"

The also-masked crowd erupted into raucous cheering, and before I knew it, I was standing in the dead centre of the stage. With each short breath, the air around me seemed to grow colder, prickling my bare skin and reminding me of how exposed my naked body really was. Suddenly, harsh white floodlights were trained on me, stripping away any last shreds of modesty I might've still had... and, thanks to the bindings, I couldn't cover either my eyes or my nudity.

"At only 11 years old," he said, "you might expect her to be a pure, unspoilt flower, wholly devoted to His cause! But... well, let's hear it from her. Nat, sweetie, why don't you explain why your daddy sold you to us?"

"Umm..." I was already struggling to withstand the immense pressure of so many gazes, and it only got worse when he brought the microphone down to me. "Because... I was sinful... and impure..."

The auctioneer gasped in mock surprise. "Unthinkable! Everyone, could this really be true?! We'll have to investigate..."

One of the bunny-suit-clad women produced a camera from inside the podium, pointing it right at my lower body; one button-press later, every last minute detail of my pussy was being projected on the canvas behind me for all to see.

And... the evidence was pretty damn conclusive.

"Oh, what's this?" His white-gloved hand reached down and spread my immature lips apart, my soft folds glistening brilliantly in the light. A droplet of my juices even dripped down onto the camera lens, undeniable proof of my arousal. "For shame, Nat! For shame indeed. Now, would any of our esteemed audience members really be willing to pay a whole 80 grand for such a depraved, sinful little girl?!... Oh, who am I kidding. Of course you all would." He smiled good-naturedly, and they all laughed.

"How cruel, how hypocritical a man the Sovereign must be to sell his own daughter off for feeling a little horny... when he's the one sleeping with her!" He pulled his hand away, and I let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. Panting, I nearly collapsed under my weakening knees. The women had to hold me upright; I'd have appreciated it, if not for the slightly-too-tight grip one of them had on my ass. "But, well, that's the Lost for you. We of the Carnal do not fuck our daughters shamefully and secretly, as they do; but, rather, OPENLY and PROUDLY! As it should be. We celebrate pleasure! We celebrate sex! We celebrate the female body, at all its ages, shapes, and sizes! Just as He wills we must."

As the auctioneer spoke, I watched the audience rise from their seats in thunderous applause, some openly whistling and cheering. There must've been at least a couple thousand of them, each of their gaudy masks somehow even more garish than the last... the feeling of being watched by so many people was as embarrassing as it was exhilarating.

"SO!" The man stepped behind me, holding the microphone in one hand and grabbing my chest with the other. Moaning involuntarily, I could do nothing but glance to the side and watch the video feed as he teased my tiny, pink nipple. Against the pale skin of my undeveloped breasts and the dark backdrop of the stage, it couldn't have stood out any more prominently. "What say you, honoured guests? Will you give this oh-so-adorable, oh-so-sexy underage girl the love and sex life she deserves? The life she was denied by the fools of the Lost? Will you?!"





"Ninet-- Hundr-- One-twen-- One-fif--"


Within barely a minute, the starting bid of $80k had rocketed well past $500k... and it showed no signs of slowing down. It was a strange feeling, watching so many people throw so much money around for me... me! I mean, what?! A couple weeks ago, I was just a normal 10-year-old girl... and now, I'm worth-- "1 million!"-- a MILLION?! As the number climbed higher and higher, the excitement whipped up by the auctioneer faded, leaving only two remaining bidders: an older woman and a young couple.

Neither of whom looked at all like the picture of the Sovereign the informant had shown us.

W-what's going on...? A cold chill broke out along my spine as I scrutinised their faces, hoping for any sign that I was wrong. None came. Hey. Anne?... Anne! You're there. Right? We haven't screwed this up, have we? She was invisible. I knew that fact full well. I knew I wouldn't see her anywhere, however hard I looked. But... it was still damn hard to keep myself from panicking anyway.

And then... a pang of familiarity shot through my mind when I glanced at the couple again.


It... can't be...

They found us?!

Worse still, they were still going strong, while the woman's bids had only grown increasingly hesitant. I knew we never should've put so much faith in that information, I thought, swallowing dryly. Who knows what they could've done? What if they warned him?! What if--


The crowd fell silent as a new voice, deep and booming, filled the chamber. In the darkness, I could barely make out the form of a tall, broad-shouldered man walking down the velvet-carpeted aisle, an air of absolute confidence about him. And when he stepped off the stairs and into the spotlight... the auctioneer, the women, and the audience all knelt without a moment's hesitation.

Oh, thank god.

"Your Excellency." Even as he spoke, the auctioneer's eyes remained fixed on the floor. "You honour us with our presence. That alone is more than sufficient payment for this young girl. Please, allow us to offer her to you free of charge."

"You're too kind," the Sovereign said, eyeing me up without a hint of subtlety. I could hardly believe how much bigger he was than me; he was easily three or four times my size, and his hips were just barely below eye level. "I would never dishonour such a... perfect specimen by taking her for free. Accept my money... I insist." Something about that last word made me shiver. Clearly, this was a man not used to being told no.

At that thought, it was all I could do to keep from cumming right there on the spot.

"Of course," the smaller man replied, clipping a leash to my collar and handing him a key. "For her bindings, sire. She is now yours to use as you please."

"Indeed." Bending down, he grabbed my chin and inspected my face. "I've always wanted to get my hands on a child of the Lost... especially if she's ol' Nick's. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I make her mine."

Do it. Take me. Fucking take me! Right here! Now!! Please!! Oh, why do I have to be impersonating a fucking prude?!

"Don't worry, kitten," he murmured, bringing his lips to my ear. "I see all that desire and lust you've repressed for so long... and I will set it free."

"Y-yes... sir..."

This is the best idea we've ever fucking had...

Chapter 5: Trojan

[domination loss, submissive loli]

2033. Rural Michigan, United States. The Carnal Sovereign's mansion.

"Girl, you look utterly ravishing."

"Thanks," I replied, glancing over to find Anne leaning against the wall. I knew she'd been at my side (just invisible) the whole time, but this was still the first time we'd spoken since I went undercover. "Damn shame we lose our clothes when we jump. I'd love to keep this lingerie for myself."

"Isn't it just..." She shot me a crooked grin. "Hey, fancy a quickie before you have to go get eaten up by the big bad wolf in there? I bet we could fit an orgasm or two in without them realising."

"A tempting offer," I said, "but I've been waiting for this for, like, three days at this point. I am not taking that chance."

"Can't fault you for that, I guess. Especially after all the stuff they made you do... god, I'm so fucking jealous. You have no idea how badly I wanted to be in that auction too."

"Yeah, like anyone would want to waste their money on you when they could get a cute, tight little 10-year-old like me instead." I chuckled, standing up and stretching languidly. The sexy young girl staring back at me in the mirror, her adult clothing at odds with her childish body, looked confident. Powerful-- like she could do anything.

And... you know what? She goddamn could, and she goddamn would.

"So." I adjusted the straps of my bra and sauntered over to the master bedroom's doors. "You're done with your preparations, I hope?"

"Sure am, Alison," she replied. That was the new name he'd given me... the same one as his late daughter. "Lock's fucked, and the knife's hidden on the right side of the mattress, near-ish to the headboard. There's a little groove in the bed frame to mark the spot. If you ever want out, just say... uh, let's go with 'watermelon.' The moment you do, I'll jump us out."

"Mm... well, I probably won't need it." I gripped the door-handles, the cold metal like ice against my skin. "Appreciate it, though. If it's too much, I'll make sure to use it."

With one last thumbs-up, she vanished, and I pulled them open.

"I trust you've been looking forward to this as much as I have, Alison."

The oaken double-doors of the great bedchamber slammed shut as I stepped inside, the dull boom reverberating through my body. "Y-yes, Master," I murmured, meeting the gaze of the man I'd wanted to fuck me for... well, longer than I'd like, at least. He set the dusty tome he was reading down on the nightstand, swirling a bit of wine around in his glass. Even in the dim, purplish evening light streaming in through the silken curtains covering the windows, it was clear just how well-toned the muscles of his bare chest were. "Am I... to your liking?"

"Very much so." The Sovereign sat upright in the bed, the blanket shifting just enough to tease at what was beneath. "That outfit suits you perfectly, kitten. It's truly delectable."

"Um... c-c-can you..." Blushing, I averted my eyes. Childhood innocence, don't fail me now...

"Hm? Speak up, my darling. Don't be shy."

"Can you... call me Alie?" That seemingly caught him off-guard; seizing the opportunity, I continued. "I know I can't replace your daughter. I know I never will. But... I want to help fill that hole in your heart, even if only a little. Please... Daddy?"

At that last word, I could see the blanket twitch lightly. "Very well... Alie." His erection sprung free, and a pulse of arousal shot through my hips. "Come. Let your father show you what you've missed, all these years we've been apart."

"Yes, Daddy..."


"Mmh!" I shuddered as his cock rubbed against the folds of my pussy, its shaft glistening with my fluids. All the pent-up lust of the past few days was practically boiling inside my body now, threatening to overwhelm my mind like a dam on the brink of bursting. Under such relentless pressure, it was getting harder and harder to keep the 'Alison' act up.

Fortunately, though... I'd only have to pretend to be a prude for a little while longer.

"Your body doesn't lie," he purred, his lips not an inch from my ear. "Don't fight the pleasure, kitten. Revel in it. Just as He intended us to."

"Holy... c-crud!" I gasped as he rubbed his hard, throbbing shaft against my aching clit. Glancing down, I realised for the first time how truly massive it was: the tip went up almost to the base of my ribcage, and my small, childish hands would've struggled to fit around its full girth. "Oh my gosh. I'm s-sorry, Daddy! I- I didn't mean to say a bad word. Please... please don't be--"

"Beast almighty." The Sovereign wrapped his arms around me, his grip firm yet gentle, and kissed me on the forehead. The pulses of his cock as it pressed into my torso felt stronger and hotter than ever before. "Lord, you're adorable. Don't worry... I would never hurt you."

In that moment... I found myself wondering if living the rest of my life as Alison would really be so bad.

I-I could. I fucking could. I knew I shouldn't. Of course I did. But... I couldn't stop thinking about it. Wanting it. I just... have to give in. Obey him. Submit to him. Alison. Alie. My name. Not Claire. Alison. His daughter. His. His. With each sensual kiss, each frantic, desperate grind of my hips around his shaft, my desire grew tenfold. I wouldn't even have to pretend to break. I just fucking would.

...No. Not would.


And then, a moment of clarity-- blessed clarity. Even as his lips wrapped around mine, I suddenly felt strangely numb, floaty, lightheaded-- detached, almost. The eyes I was seeing through were not my own; the sweet moans filling the air were not in my voice; the soaking-wet pussy still rubbing greedily against his cock did not belong to me. Were they Alison's? Was I Claire, watching helplessly as my sense of self flickered and faded? Or was I Alison? Was I the Sovereign's daughter, the girl called Claire just some distant stranger? Ali-- Clai-- who was I?

I couldn't tell; and that terrified me.

"Hah!" Not a second later, reality came back into focus, and cold, sharp air filled... someone's lungs. Alison's?... No.


For a moment, I just sat there in silence, still save for the trembling. The gasping. The shivering, the shaking.

"It's okay, Alie," he murmured, pressing my head into his chest. "Daddy will protect you. There's no need to be afraid."

Of you? No, I thought, that was never the problem. But...

Holy fuck, that was hot!!!

Had I just almost experienced ego death? ...Yeah, maybe. But was I also enough of a pervert to get off on that? ...Yeah. Definitely.

And that was one thing about Claire Taylor that Alison... Whatshername could've never hoped to beat. (One of many, of course!)

"T-take me," I stammered, looking up at him with lust-filled eyes. My fingers slipped between my puffy pussy lips, pulling them apart to reveal the sweet, deliciously underage folds beneath. "Take me, Daddy. Take your little girl. Make her yours."

He didn't need to be told twice as he laid back, grabbing me by the hips and lifting me onto the tip of his cock with remarkable ease. I nearly had to stand up straight just to fit the whole thing between my legs. "I want to watch you put it in yourself, kitten. Can you do that for Daddy?"

"Of course." I grabbed his shaft and deftly moved it under my pussy, my tiny clit easily dwarfed by the sheer size of the head. Even still, that didn't stop my body from swallowing it up like it'd been made for sex.

Only then did I remember I was supposed to be the innocent and pure Alison, not the kinky and experienced Claire.

"Wow," the Sovereign grunted, exhaling as more and more of his shaft disappeared inside me. "You're... doing a lot better with this than I expected."

Ah, shit. "Um... Da-- my old dad made me do this a bunch for him." Putting on my best 'scared' expression, I looked away. "But then he always yelled at me for being a p...perv... umm, bad girl. Just... holy h-heck, your thing is so much bigger." A cry of ecstasy escaped my lips as I took his full length, the entrance of my womb kissing the tip. The walls of my passage shuddered and shook with pleasure and pain alike, my prepubescent pussy clearly struggling with the girth of his thick, adult-sized cock. It was nearly too much for my 10-year-old body to take. Nearly. "And so much better, too..."

"I'm super proud of you, sweetie." His fingers traced the outline of his shaft in my bulging abdomen, marvelling at the lewd display. The already-tight garter belt looked moments away from snapping under the strain. "Why don't you try moving on your own now?"


"Alie?" His voice was still soft and gentle... but it carried a distinctly dark undertone now. "I wasn't asking, kitten."

"Don't fucking call me that, sinner," I snapped, (exaggerated) fury burning through the lust in my eyes and taking its place. Well, this is where the fun begins. Here goes nothing, I suppose. "Are you not ashamed to indulge in such depravity when He is watching over us all?"

"...What... did you just say?"

"You heard me." I glowered at him, while his expression remained calmly neutral. "Or are your ears as dysfunctional as your morals?"

He remained silent, and so I continued. "You Carnal are a blight on this world. That we aware few of the Lost have been forced to work alongside you for the Cult is a disgrace."

"Spare me." His voice was barely louder than a whisper. "You're... indulging in depravity right now too, aren't you? And your dad raped you. I know he did. Yet I'm the sinner here?"

I laughed coldly. "Deaf. Blind. Dumb. All of you. Of course I am a sinner. The pleasure my flesh so desperately craves is proof enough of that fact; but so is he, and so are you. So are we all."

"What non--"

"Silence." My pussy clamped down on his cock, and his words died before they'd even left his lips. "That we sinful creatures dare to exist among the perfection of His creation is an insult to Him. A sin in itself-- one for which there is no more fitting punishment than the fires of Hell." Man, what the fuck am I even saying here? Hell if I know. I just hope he buys it...

"A fitting punishment?" The Sovereign scoffed. "Yeah. You'd better believe that's what you'll get, traitor. I hope you're ready for the punishment of a lifetime."

"A mere mortal lifetime could not possibly compare with the eternal damnation awaiting my immortal soul." I smirked, undeterred by his threat. "Torment me all you like; I deserve far worse."

"We'll see about that," he growled.

"Will we now." Oh, if only... "Look at this. Do you really think you're in any position to make demands here?"

He remained silent. Ah, well. Guess he's all bark and no bite, I thought, doing my best to hide my disappointment. Damn shame. I was looking forward to that biting... eh, fuck it. Might as well have a little fun while I'm at it.

"Didn't think so," I purred, slowly moving up and down along the length of his cock with all the skill of... a much-too-experienced, hypersexual 10-year-old. "You Carnal... all the same. All slaves to your worldly desires... even you, so-called Sovereign."

"Am I?"

"Aren't you? Look. I just have to clench!..." His shaft stiffened, and I couldn't help but smirk at the transparent display. "...a muscle or two, and you become clay in my hands."


"Lost for words, pedophile?" I slammed my body down on his, the bedframe creaking beneath my weight. "Don't you have any shame, getting off on a little girl's pussy? I'm eleven, you know. E-le-ven. A primary schooler!" The bulge in my abdomen throbbed in time with his heartbeat. "I've never worn a real bra! I haven't even had my first period yet!" My hips started moving on their own, gyrating around his cock like a whoreish dancer's. "That's the problem with little kids, isn't it? However hard you breed 'em, they never seem to get pregnant. Isn't that just terrible?!" With each thrust, I felt it grinding against my G-spot, sending shudders of ecstasy up my spine. "You'd have loved to see that, right? Your darling daughter Alie, her sexy, underage belly bulging with your baby. The preteen mother of her unborn sister!" Too aroused to think straight, I pulled back the skin covering my clit and rubbed it with wild abandon, any semblance of 'self-control' long gone. "God, you're so fucking desperate to cum! To fill my little-fucking-girl womb up with your hot fucking seed!! So why don't you fucking beg for it?!"

So lost in my own horny little world was I, I hardly noticed the confident glimmer in his eyes... as he sat back, calm and collected as ever.

"Beg! Beg! Beg!!" My howls echoed around the spacious chamber; the whole mansion could probably hear me. "But you never fucking will. You don't deserve it. There's only one thing a sinner like you deserves, and that's a place in Hell!" I reached down to the base of the mattress, feeling around until I found the groove in the frame, and grabbed the handle of the knife Anne hid there for me. "So why don't I send you there myself?!"

Only then did I realise... he seemed just a little too unbothered by the blade hovering at his neck.



He didn't respond... instead driving his cock straight upwards, slamming hard into deeper depths of my body than I knew existed. As the tip passed through my cervix and into my womb, all the air was forced from my lungs, and I nearly fainted on the spot. Caught in a daze, I drew my hand back, and the knife fell silently to the rug-covered floor.

"You break the Cult's pact." Each violent, brutal thrust sent pleasure and pain lancing through me. "You betray my trust." Stars and spots filled my vision. "You defile my late daughter's name." My frail, childish body was helpless against his relentless strength. "You are a fucktoy." I'd gone limp now, kept upright only by his cock; perhaps he was right about that. "And I will use you until you break."

He paused just long enough for me to find my bearings again, and the world suddenly snapped back into focus. Fuck. Oh, fuck. Ohfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

God, I wish I could stay!!

"Tempting, but..." I hopped off the bed, wincing as a wave of soreness cut through my thighs. "Sorry. No can do."


Seizing the opportunity, I sprinted over to the door and twisted the handles with all my might; the already-weakened lock snapped instantly. As the doors swung open, I jumped into the hallway... just out of reach. "Anne! Watermelon time!"

"Water-- what?"

That instant, Anne popped into existence and winked coyly at the Sovereign, much to his bewilderment. "The Lost Sovereign sends his regards!" she said cheerily, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"That fucking basta--"

He never got to finish that thought, though, as the Relic flung us... however-many-years into the future.

Chapter 6: Unbroken, Part 1

[live TV exhibitionism, low yuri]


"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Eh, we'll be fine. You saw how the place looked. Nobody's been anywhere near here in years."

"If you say so..."

Apprehensively, I glanced down the unpaved road, half expecting a pair of eyes to peer back at me from the tall, dark forest surrounding us. The time-jump hadn't left me with any clothes (not that 'skimpy, sexy lingerie' would've been any better), so there was a solid 'nothing' hiding my nudity from any onlookers. Had I done much worse things in front of much larger audiences? Yeah, but at least I was ready for those...

If nothing else, Anne certainly didn't seem worried; she was practically skipping with joy down the road in front of me, not even bothering to remain invisible. But, well... I could hardly blame her.

After all, when we reappeared at the mansion 8 years later... it was completely abandoned, now little more than a dilapidated ruin.

What happened in those years? We weren't sure, but it probably wasn't anything good for the Cult.

"I know it can't take clothes, but..." I ran my hand over my (regretfully) flat belly, sighing. "Did it have to leave that lingerie behind? Kids'-size full sets aren't exactly common."

"'Fraid so," she replied. "The Relic doesn't take any 'foreign material' with it through time..."

I never heard those last words, though... as I stopped, suddenly feeling a pair of hands gripping my shoulders.

"You're coming with us."


Before her name had even left my lips, she disappeared; not even the sound of her footsteps remained. Dread rising in my gut, I glanced up behind me to see... none other than Jim and Lisa.


"What do you want from me?"

Wrapping the long coat they'd given me tighter around my body, I regarded Jim warily as he flicked the safehouse's lights on. I couldn't tell where we were; probably somewhere underground, given the lack of windows, but we could've been anywhere from Antarctica to Siberia for all I knew. They hadn't exactly bothered to inform me where we were teleporting to.

"Don't worry." He tossed me a frigid water bottle, and I eyed it with suspicion. "We won't harm you."

"Bullshit," I snapped. "You're Cult agents. I know the kinda fucked-up shit you people get off on. Why the hell should I believe you?"

"Agents? Please. Nothing of the sort. We're just trying to keep your... chaperone from screwing things up more than she already has."

"...What do you mean?"

"She never told you, did she?" Sighing, he sat down on the dusty old sofa. "About our world, I mean. The one where the Cult won."

"Uh-- well, she told me you summoned the devil. That seems... pretty damn bad to me, honestly."

"But what if that 'devil' ended poverty? Sickness? Hunger? Doesn't that world sound so much better than this one?"

I... couldn't find the words to respond.

"That's what we had," Jim continued. "A world free from want and suffering. And that's the world she chose to burn down."

"Why?" My words caught in my throat, for some reason. "If it was so idyllic... why would she do that?"

"The price... was rule by the Cult." There seemed to be a great sadness in his eyes as he said that. "They became... totally unchecked. Unshackled by legality, morality... decency. She hated that-- and rightfully so. I'm pretty sure all of us did, by the end. But... she took it further than anyone else and rebelled, even though she knew the Beast would destroy the world in revenge. She broke the oath we all swore... and humanity paid the price."

"'We'?" I scoffed. "You make it sound like Anne was one of you."

"She was." The certainty in his voice sent a cold chill down my spine. "The one you call Anne, the vessel bound to His Heart... is none other than you, Claire Taylor."



It can't be...

I'd hoped Jim was lying. Anne? A member of the Cult? Me?! Surely not. But... the longer he spoke, the more convincing he got. Too much of it sounded too plausible to be a trick... I'd wondered how she knew so much about me, about my future, the night we first met. And if she were me, she would've been raised by the Cult... the very fate she saved me from. Of course she'd have been one of them. How couldn't she? The Relic's illusions would've made it easy to hide her true appearance, too...

"So... anyway," he said, blushing slightly and averting his eyes. "Mind telling me... why, exactly, the two of you were naked? I know you've always had a penchant for showing off, but--"

"No! I--" I pouted, my cheeks colored scarlet with embarrassment. "I mean... okay, yeah, maybe I do. But that wasn't it. Actually-- come to think of it, why aren't you?"

He stared at me blankly for a solid 10 seconds before responding. "Uh... if this is some weird way of asking me to strip, then--"

"No!!" My face reddened further. "That's not... ugh. The Relic doesn't let us take stuff with us through time, and apparently, that includes clothes. Does yours... not do that?"

"...the hell? Wha--" he sputtered incredulously. "Okay, that's weird. She must've... broken it, or something. It's not supposed to do that. So... you lose your clothes, every time you jump through time?"


"Damn. And I thought we had it bad."

"What's so bad about that?" Lisa popped in out of nowhere and sat down next to me on the couch, slipping her hand under my coat. Her touch felt startlingly cold on my bare skin, and I squeaked a little in surprise. "Cuties like you deserve to be seen by the world... so why don't we get you out of this ugly ol' thing and into your birthday suit, hmm?"

"Umm..." I murmured, my face hot with more than just embarrassment now. "W-well... if you insist, I g-guess I--"

"Lisa! Leave her alone," Jim said, scowling at her. "She's a kid, in case you forgot."


"No buts. Hands off her, and that's that."

"Beeeh." She stuck her tongue out at him, but complied (albeit begrudgingly). "You're no fun."

I... couldn't help but agree, despite my reservations about the situation.

"Anyway," I said, clearing my throat. "You had it bad? How so?"

"Kept flinging us halfway around the world whenever you jumped," he grumbled. "We stay the same distance away, so it wasn't a big deal when you jumped inside the mansion, but the actual position is random. Which is to say... middle of nowhere, most of the time."

"Huh. Couldn't you just teleport back to where you were, though?"

"The Relic needs to know where you are too, not just where you want to go. Forced us to wander around for ages, hoping for a street sign, or building, or... something. Ever tried finding one of those in the Himalayas?" He huffed in irritation. "Damn GPS. Just has to get fried by time travel, doesn't it."

"Well, that explains a lot," I mused. "For what it's worth... sorry about that, Jim."



"My name is James. James Lim, not Jim. Lisa just calls me that 'cause she knows I hate it."

"Got it... Jim."

He just sighed in defeat. "I've gotta deal with two of you brats now?... Fuck's sake."

"Y'know, you cooould always just punish us for being bad, bratty little girls," Lisa cooed, winking slyly at me. "I'm sure you could be veeery convincing..."

"Dream on, girl. Not a chance."

I offered her a sympathetic smile. "Believe me, I know the feeling. Anne's been stringing me along for weeks."

"Ouch... hey, here's an idea." As she brought her lips to my ear, I could feel my heart pounding in anticipation. "If the adults won't satisfy us... why don't we kids just do it ourse--"

"Girls! We've wasted enough time here," 'James' interjected. "Claire's-- er, the older one-- still on the loose. We haven't got all day."

"Got a plan?" Taking a deep breath, I met his gaze. "I can't say I... agree with your goals, but I do still want to talk to her again. So... for now, I'll help you find her."

"Glad to hear it," he said. Man, how come Lisa got the normal guy, while I got stuck with the weirdo?!-- uh, well, I guess the weirdo is me. So... yeah, maybe I kinda deserved that, actually. "Unfortunately, you're already making things... difficult for us, to say the least."

"I am? How?"

"The tracker." He brought out the space half of the Relic and showed it to me; the button at the top glowed a bright green. "A secondary feature, like your time-Relic's illusions. It lights up if a vessel is nearby. That's how we've been keeping up with you."

"And I'm... jamming it by being here?"

"Bingo." Sighing, he massaged his temple. "Dammit. I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this."

"Ooh!" Lisa perked up, giddy with excitement. "Does that mean what I think it means?!"


"I think it does!" Energy sparkled in her eyes... a little too much energy, in fact. "It's your lucky day, Claire. We get to use my plan instead of Jim's dumb, boring, stupid one!"

"And t-that is...?"

"Ever wanted to be on TV?"

The question caught me by surprise... but it wasn't long before I caught onto the idea. "You're... not saying..."

"Oh yes I am!" She practically sprinted over to an empty wall, hanging up a white canvas. "JIM! Get the camera! We've got some network stations to hack, a message to send, and a little girl to turn into the world's first 10-year-old TV pornstar!"


Sorry, w-WHAT?! The fuck?!


And-- um... when do we start?!

Anne stared blankly at the ceiling of some nameless motel in some nameless town, somewhere in... Indiana? Pennsylvania? She wasn't sure. All she knew was... it was far away-- from there.

The place she'd abandoned Claire.

Mindlessly, her eyes flicked to the old CRT television sitting on the drawer in front of the bed, somehow not yet sold off as some antique to a collector. The news was on. Again. Droning on and on and on about...

"...staff at Concertgebouw, a historic concert hall in the Netherlands, have been indicted by European authorities on suspicion of engaging in human trafficking. Investigators recently uncovered evidence linking them to Daniel Stone, the latest of several high-profile criminal cases brought following the late billionaire's death in Switzerland. It remains to be seen..."

...something-or-another. It sounded important, but each dull, dry word just went in one ear and out the other. Again, and again, and again.

She'd been so careful these past few weeks-- never staying anywhere for long, never doing anything without a backup plan, never taking any pointless risks. The whole world was on the line; she couldn't afford to make any missteps. But... when she saw the Sovereign's abandoned mansion, she let her guard down. After all... she thought she'd won.

The worst part?

She... had won.

The Cult was gone. The Lost and Carnal tore each other apart, destroying themselves in the process. All Anne needed to do was jump forward one, two, three decades-- enough for the dust to settle, enough for a new dawn to rise on a world free of the Cult, free of the Beast and its threats. If she destroyed the Relic, there was nothing Jim and Lisa could do to reverse that.

But now they had Claire.

That shouldn't have mattered. She'd sacrificed far more for far less over the years, in her fight against the Cult... besides, she knew Jim and Lisa. She knew they wouldn't hurt her.

Would they?

Claire was their last shot-- their last chance at forcing Anne's hand. The stakes were just as high for them as they were for her. Would that be enough? Would they set their feelings aside for the sake of the 'greater good,' just as she'd done so many times before? And if they did... what would she do?

The thought of making that choice left her feeling sick to her stomach.

Is it selfish to want her to live a happy life? The life I never could? Of fucking course it is. I know that full well. But...

"Why does that have to be so wrong?!"


No answer came, save for the drone of cars rushing down the freeway.


Out the corner of her eye, she saw the TV suddenly change channels, even though she hadn't touched the remote. Huh, she thought, absent-mindedly glancing at it. Is it some kinda spe--

Excuse me, WHAT?!

I stood before the blank canvas sheet and gulped, staring apprehensively into the camera set up in front of me. The studio light behind it shone brightly and harshly over my whole body, every last inch of my nudity plain for Jim and Lisa to see.

And soon... the whole world would join them.

"3..." Lisa mouthed, beginning the final countdown. "2... 1..." With each lowered finger, I felt my heartbeat quicken. As she pulled her thumb in, making an 'O' with her hand, it practically reached a fever pitch.


A strange wave of calm washed over me when I saw the little red 'recording' light pop up, and I took a deep breath. Okay. Here goes.

"Hey, Anne... it's me. And... you too, I suppose." I chuckled, a bittersweet smile on my face. "I know you're probably worried... but don't be. I'm fine, I'm safe. They've promised not to harm me. Jim and--"


"...Jim and Lisa aren't weirdos or anything." I smirked impishly at him. "Well, Jim isn't. Lisa, I dunno. She tried to make a move on me earlier, and he stopped her. Then she tried to make a move on him... and, uh, he stopped her. Again. Killjoy."

"I know, right?!"

I cleared my throat. "Anyway! They've got, uh... a message... for..." My self-control began to waver, and the inside of my thighs grew damp. "...for an hour, turn back the clock 2 days... and meet us at the Washington Monument at noon. If you do, they'll release me to you...f-fuck!...they just want to talk. If not... turn it forward instead. They know you've already won... they can't stop you."

With each word, my hand crept closer and closer to my aching, twitching pussy, and I gasped as it brushed against my clit. "Either way, they w-won't harm me... and I think I can trust their word. Just--" Slipping a finger inside my folds, I leaned back against the wall, panting. "If you jump forward... the whole world will have seen me...mmh!...getting off... naked... millions of people...fffuck!!" I spread my legs, giving the camera a clear view of me fingering my underage passage. "Oh, that'd be just awful... if everyone on the planet remembered me as 'naked TV kid'... terrible... I'm only 10, you know? I've got a lot of life left to live, and that would--fuck!--ruin it... oh yeah, make sure you zoom in on my kiddie fucking pussy..."

Nodding, Lisa jumped behind the camera and focused directly on it... much to Jim's dismay. "Okay, that backfired," he grumbled, grabbing the microphone. "Christ, kid. We're not filming a fucking porno here..."

He might not have been, but Lisa sure was-- and I was more than happy to be its sexy child star.

"Well, whatever. Guess I shouldn't be surprised," he continued. "You were always like that, Claire. Anyway... you heard her. Make your decision in an hour. We'll be waiting at the Washington Monument... ugh. This is just sick. Claire, anything else you want to say to her?"

"Mm... I'm about to cum..."

"Fuck's sake. I'm turning it off--"

"Oh, no you don't!"

Lisa snatched the camera from the tripod and brought it close to me, well out of his reach. "Yeah, girl... rub that 10-year-old fucking clit," she murmured, holding it barely an inch from my pussy. They must've been able to see every last detail now, and the thought sent my lust into overdrive. Desperate for more pleasure, I grabbed her head and shoved it between my legs. "Lick it. Fucking lick it."

She didn't need to be told twice; when I felt her tongue slipping between my folds, greedily lapping up all my juices, that was enough to push me over the edge.


Orgasmic shudders ran through my hips as I came, and she pulled away, licking her lips. "Pose for the camera!"

I grinned, making peace signs with my hands. "Thanks for tuning in, everyone," I purred. "I hope it wasn't too blurry at the end there... I kinda came on the lens a little. Sorry!" Yeah, right. As if! "See you next time!"

"There won't be a next time," Jim muttered, wresting the camera from Lisa's hands. He wasted no time in shutting it off. "I can't fucking believe you two..."


The (admittedly hazy) image of Claire cumming blinked off, the news anchors from earlier taking its place.

"Wha... are you hard?!"

"No, I--"

Eyes wide in equal parts shock and arousal, Anne shut off the TV, trying to process... whatever-it-was she'd just seen.

I... fuck, that's a relief, she thought, grabbing the Relic and turning on her illusion-clothes. I thought for sure they were gonna threaten her life or something, not do a... uh... worldwide porn broadcast...? ...Honestly, that whole thing might've well been Claire's idea. I wouldn't put it past her, at least. And if they had the virus we used in our timeline to deliver the Cult's manifesto... yeah, that probably wouldn't have been too hard.


Off to Washington, I guess...

One of Lisa's (many) failed seduction attempts. Don't you just feel awful for that adorable li'l bunny?

Chapter 7: Unbroken, Part 2

[selfcest, ffmm threesome, futanari, impregnation]

Two days before my little performance (which, thanks to the time-jump, had now basically never happened... unfortunately), Anne met us at the Washington Monument, as planned. She said little to us as we teleported back to the safehouse; the tension in the air was almost suffocatingly thick.


The rest of us watched her sit down on the couch with bated breath.


When she tapped the Relic, her clothes vanished, revealing the body I'd grown so familiar with over the weeks. Her hips were just as wide, and her breasts just as full, as I remembered; guess adult-me really was a hottie after all, huh. And, as my gaze reached her face, staring back at me was... myself.

It was a strange feeling, looking into my own eyes; they were not so similar as to be a reflection's, yet not so different as to clearly be another's. I couldn't put my finger on what exactly had changed... but one thing was for certain: Anne Hopkins was gone. In her place was Claire Taylor.

Meanwhile, Jim was blushing again, making an almost comical show of covering up his eyes. Giggling, she puffed her chest out and uncrossed her legs; her body was practically (and literally!) dripping with sex appeal, and it was all I could do to keep from touching them myself. "C'mon... you know you wanna look... and you know I want you to..."

"No, t-thank you..."

"Bah, you're no fun."

"So..." I interrupted them before they could derail things any further. "I think... you've got some explaining to do, Anne."


"...And... I'm sorry for abandoning you." I'd never seen such sincere regret in her usually-playful eyes before, and I smiled warmly. Everything she'd said aligned pretty much exactly with what Jim told me; it was... strangely relieving to hear it from her directly, though. While I wasn't thrilled about having been lied to, I understood why she did it, and... well, I'd probably have done the same in her position. Unsurprisingly.

"Don't be," I replied. "I think you made the right choice. Besides... enemies or not, they're good people. I know you wouldn't have left me with them if they weren't."

"Yeah. But..." Anne glanced up at Jim; he met her gaze, albeit reluctantly. "We don't have to be enemies... do we?"


"I know you thought the Beast could solve humanity's problems," she continued. "And I know it did. Some of them, anyway. I thought the same too, at first. But... look at the world around us." She raised her arms. "It's still here. It's still ticking, even with the Cult dead and buried. Even without the Beast. We've survived thousands of years without divine intervention just fine... and I don't think we have to sell our souls to the devil just to survive another thousand more."

For a moment, he paused, reflecting on her words. "Maybe not." It sounded like he was... admitting that almost more to himself than anyone else. Guess that's nothing new to him, huh.

"So... how about this instead?"


"We work together, like we did in the old days. Combine the Relic's halves, solve those problems ourselves-- without the Cult, without the Beast."

I felt like I could've cut the air with a knife as he mulled her proposition over, the room deathly silent.


"Fine." His voice was quiet, yet firm. "I accept."

"Thank you..." A twinkle appeared in Anne's eyes. "...Jim."

"Oh, for--"

"Anyway... Claire." She turned to face me. "What do you want to do? Come with us? Or... try and live a normal life again? I bet your brother and sister are still together. I'm sure they'd love to adopt you as their daughter."

"I can't return to my time?"

Even if I knew it was unlikely at best, I'd held out hope she could come up with something. But... those hopes were dashed when I saw her reaction. "...No. Not without undoing everything we've done to bring the Cult down."


I thought I'd be sadder to hear that, honestly. As exciting as our adventure had been, I'd really been looking forward to enjoying the comforts of home life again... but I knew what I was giving up when I went with Anne, that first night. I'd long since made my peace with that choice.

Ah, well. Time for plan B.

"Then... would you two adopt me?" The question seemed to catch them both off-guard, and they glanced at each other in surprise. "I think... I might not mind being your daughter instead..."

"You heard her... darling." Still entirely naked, Anne stood up and sauntered over to Jim, her hips swaying sensually with each step. Even he couldn't help but appreciate the display, if the growing bulge in his pants was any indication. "I've gotten pretty used to living as Anne Hopkins by now. Staying that way might not be so bad. So... how about it?" When she placed her hand on his thigh, he visibly stiffened. "Shall we... consummate our marriage?"

"Hey," I said, annoyed that I'd been ignored. "You're not leaving me out of this, are you? You can't just not fuck me for, like, 3 weeks and expect me to be fine with this."

"Me either," Lisa added. "If anyone deserves a pounding here, it's me."

"Of course not, my darling daughters!" She gave us both pecks on the cheek. "And Jim doesn't mind either... does he?"

"N-no! I would... never..."

"Glad to hear it, girls... now, go get ready in the bedroom. Your parents need to do a quick supply run first..."

A couple minutes later, Lisa and I were laying down on the bed together, our clothes a distant memory. Not until now did I really appreciate how incredibly cute the 17-year-old truly was: straddling the line between child and adult, her petite, slender body exuded an innocent sexiness unique to girls her age. (Her wet teen pussy certainly didn't hurt the look, either.)

"Hey," she whispered, clearly equally enthralled by my own body. "I dunno about you, but... I can't take any more of this. Wanna--"

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask..."

Before long, we both had a couple fingers inside each other, gently pumping them in and out of our pussies. Hers weren't that much bigger than mine, but the difference in experience couldn't have been clearer; with each thrust, she pressed up on the roof of my passage, her touch somehow sending shock after electric shock through my hips.

Moments later, though... Anne and Jim reappeared in a green flash, holding-- a couple packs of... pills...?

Huh, I thought, blinking in surprise. I was expecting toys, not-- wait a moment...

"Are those... contraceptives?" I eyed them warily. They'd better not be.

"What? No, of course not," Anne replied. "Why would we ever want those?"

"Okay, good. What... are they, then?"

"You'll see." She winked at me, sitting on the foot of the bed. "First things first, though... whose cock do you want? Dad's?... Or mine?"

"Uh--" Something didn't seem quite right about that. "Do you... have one?"

"When you can travel freely through space and time..." Popping one of the packs open, she swallowed the contents. "Anything is possible, my dear."

To my surprise... a fully-fledged cock sprang up from her lower body, right where her clit had been. It pulsed and throbbed just like any other, and there was even precum already dripping from the tip. I couldn't believe something so huge, so lifelike, had just... appeared between her legs, seemingly out of thin air.

And I couldn't wait to feel it deep inside me.

"I bought the largest size they haaad!" she cooed seductively. "Sooo? Whaddya say, sweetheart?"

"Just one thing." I spread my legs, pulling my puffy, soaking-wet lower lips apart. My tiny, tight hole twitched in anticipation. "Get the fuck over here and pound your 10-year-old self's child pussy."

The next few minutes were a blur. Our four-way family orgy really tested the limits of the bed's size, but we soon settled on something: Lisa would suck Jim's cock, I'd eat her pussy, and Anne would fuck me in missionary. That way, nobody was left out.

"How is it, sweetie?" Anne moaned, slamming her hips into mine. Each time the entrance to my womb kissed the tip of her cock, a lewd thrill shot through my abdomen. "How is my thick fucking cock?"

" I've ever fucking had," I gasped in between mouthfuls of my new older sister's pussy. "Don't stop..."

"Better than the Sovereign's?" It... wasn't just kissing my womb anymore. "Better than your brother's? The pilot's?"

"Yeah..." As it passed through my cervix, it was all I could do to keep my wits about me. "Theirs were good, but... they weren't my mother-slash-older-self's cocks, were they?"

"Fuck!" She stiffened at that, quickening her pace. "Moan for me, sweetie... moan for Mummy..."

Lisa was grinding her pussy into my face too fiercely to let me respond, but Anne didn't seem to mind. "Hey... you wanna remain my little girl forever?"

"Mm... 'course I'll always be your little girl, Mummy..."

"No." When she reached for one of the pill packs, I realised... she wasn't joking. "I mean literally."

The thought made me clamp down on her as hard as I could.

"That a yes, then?"

"F-fuck yeah... obviously..." I panted.

"Lisa, sweetheart..." Anne gave her ass a tap, and she paused her sucking just long enough to glance backwards. "Let your little sister breathe for a moment, will you? She'll be back to eating you out before you know it."


As Lisa pulled away, she popped the pill into my mouth; the teen girl's love juices were more than enough to wash it down. The moment I felt it travelling down my throat, a wave of arousal crashed into my body.

I'm gonna be a kid. Forever. If I didn't know better, I'd have almost thought she'd given me an aphrodisiac. Each and every sensation, no matter how tiny, was practically overwhelmingly intense now. A little fucking 10-year-old girl. The rest of my life.


Anne's thrusts grew shorter and quicker as she leaned in to suck my nipples, which were poking out proudly from my flat, now permanently-underage chest. Neither of us had much longer left.

"I've got one more..."

I felt my pussy twitching at the thought, quivering and shaking around her cock. "What... is it...?"

Bringing her lips to mine, she shoved Lisa's ass out of the way again. The other girl was too engrossed in her blowjob to notice, though.

"What's the opposite of contraception?"

My eyes went wide, and I opened my mouth without hesitating even a second. "Give it. Now. I fucking need--"

She slipped it between her teeth and kissed me, her tongue roughly shoving it down my throat. "How does it feel, having guaranteed pregnancy sex for the first time in your 10 years of life?"

"Better than... anything else I've ever done... fuck!"

As I wrapped my legs around her hips, their grip tight and absolute, Anne leaned in close and began to pound my pussy with wild, animalistic passion. "Not gonna let me pull out?" she breathed, her voice dripping with lust.

"Fuck no..."

"Even though you're gonna get pregnant?"

"Fuck no. Give your daughter... your kiddie fucking self... a baby...mmh!!" I gasped, arousal clouding my mind and blotting out my reason.

"Breed meeee!!!"

My whole body shuddered as she came inside me, filling my ultra-ripe, ultra-fertile womb up with her hot, thick cum. There was so much of it, my belly began to swell; for a moment, I almost thought it'd done accelerated pregnancy, not just guaranteed.

"I can't believe my adorable little daughter was actually such a huge slut..." Anne murmured, giving me a loving, motherly kiss.

"Thanks!" I replied, beaming. "I learned from the best!"

"Indeed you did... and I couldn't be prouder, sweetie." She kissed me again, and I giggled at the praise.

"You're gonna help me teach our daughter too... right, Mum?"

"Of course..."


Hey, everyone! Future Claire here, popping in to give a bit of a retrospective on this whole thing. Honestly? It had its ups and downs, and there were definitely some things I could've done without. (Ever experienced time-travel-induced jet lag? No? Good. Keep it that way if you can.) Even still... on the whole, I don't think I've ever had more fun in my life. Running around the world with Anne, jumping across time, fighting to destroy a devil-worshipping cult... it made me feel like I was living in my own, personal sci-fi movie or something. Who wouldn't want to give that a try?! (Especially one so... sexually gratifying, hehe...♡)

Life with Jim and Anne wasn't half as exciting as all that, though. My dreams of becoming a mother at age 10 were (unfortunately) dashed... turns out, all that cum was just for show. Apparently. Disappointed? Yeah, so was I. It's been a whole 9 years since then, and I still haven't gotten pregnant yet... sigh. One day.

Oh, and in case you're wondering... no. I don't look a day over 10. And yes... it's just as hot as you think it is. I've been trying to get Dad-- er, Jim-- to let us make "Very Legal" family porn videos (the law doesn't care about time travel, so why should we?!), but he's been as much of a stick in the mud about that as ever. Sis and I went behind his back and made some anyway, though! (Make sure you keep the secret for us... okaaay?~)

Anyway... one thing's for certain: I sure as hell had fun... and I hope you, my dear readers, did too.~♡

The end.