Pedo Paradise/1st and 2nd grade teacher.: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 12:31, 13 February 2021

Your name is Felisha Stanton. A 27 year old primary school teacher in a small town in Nebraska. You have long, blonde that goes clear down to your ass when you don't have it in the tight braid you usually keep it in. You milky white skin is complimented by your hypnotic green eyes you got from your mother's side of the family. You stand 5'6 with a voluptuous figure accented by the pair of F cupped tits your have been blessed with. (Or cursed with depending on your perspective.)

Your tits have always been your sexual focal point and started developing early in life, a trait common to the women in your family. Yours started to swell at the age of 9 and by the time you were 12 you were sporting a pair of plump C cups. This lead to your first sexual experience with a man from your neighborhood who's kids you used to babysit for and resulted in a 2 year affair and an addiction to having your boobs sucked and fondled.

After getting used to having sex fairly regularly for 2 years your world was shook when you older lover moved away to find work in a larger city. Thing could have gone much differently if you hadn't noticed your little brother staring at your knockers, that had by this point swelled to full D cups. With you lover gone and horny beyond reason you waited till your parent's had left for a weekend get away and took your little brother into your bed and made him your lover.

As great a fuck as the older man was it was nothing compared to how good and fast your brother could get you off. After seeing your big tits in all there naked glory he was more then happy to fuck you when ever the two of you got a few minutes alone leading you to another more permanent addiction, little boys.

Over the last ten or so years you have some to terms with who and what you are, and though situations have arisen to allow you to satiate your perverted desires, over the last year you have hit a dry spell and you're growing more desperate to have a little boy to share your bed. This led you to accept a job at Thompson Elementary school where you teach a class of 1st and 2nd grade students. Though you're considered to be one of the best teachers and well liked by all your students, male and female a like, this is simply a means to your true objective: The cultivation and exploitation of a little boy for your intense and growing sexual needs.

It's Friday and your beloved students are filling into the class room to start there day of learning. You are wearing a black skirt and purple blouse buttoned to the point your huge tits will allow, still leaving a good amount of cleavage exposed. In preparation for one of these lucky little boys getting you out of your top and skirt you are wearing a pair of black, near see through panties and matching re-enforce bra with cups that barely contain your prominent, sensitive nipples.

Your class takes their seat and as usual you get them some quiet work in their readers to start the day giving you a little time to center your self and choose exactly who you are going to focus your efforts on.

Over the last few month a couple of the boys have really started standing out in your mind and even displayed a rudimentary interest in your body, staring at your tits or maybe adjusting themselves, getting tongue tied when you have tried to talk to them one on one and blushing ferociously. They're so fucking cute. Tommy, the oldest boy in the class is 8 and should actually be in 3rd grade but was held back due to poor performance. He's a confident brown haired boy that stands just a foot shorter then you putting him at the perfect level to feed your tits to. Tommy is just a bit of a bully, with a cocky attitude that he usually keeps in check when talking to you. You have noticed him pop wood several times through out the school year making you wonder if he would be just as cocky if you were naked.

Justin is a sharp contrast to Tommy. Much shorter, he's only 7 and quite shy and soft spoken. Out of all the little boys in the class he is the one that spends to most time staring at your cleavage and has turned completely red a few times when you leaned over his desk to talk to him or answer a question. The sight of your tits nearly ready to fall out of your blouse on to his desk has rendered him speechless every time and your nipples seemed to want to crawl out of your bra and into his mouth. You have long suspected there is a volcano of passion behind his brown eyes that could easily be unleashed if he was lucky enough to see a fully view of your bare titties.

Focus your attention on Tommy.

Focus your attention on Justin.

The more then year long period you have spent with out a little boy touching you has also led you to consider more aggressive options, adding a few more candidates to your list of potential lovers. The first happens to be the youngest in the class, one of only two 6 year olds and barely even that old, only turn 6 two months ago. Issac, or Izzy as the class has come to call him is a brilliant little boy who is both out going and affectionate. You have received more then a few hugs from him over the last few months allowing you the brief chance to enjoy the feel of his little body plastered against your tits and having to fight the urge to grab his cute little ass and shove your tongue into his mouth. His looks could only be described as angelic with his piercing blue eyes and blonde almost white hair, he barely stands 4 foot tall with his skinny frame. Izzy has had a staring role in a multitude of your most taboo fantasies a few of which you have enjoyed right in the middle of class while he worked quietly and you slipped a hand under your skirt behind your desk.

Focus your attention on Issac.