Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Letter: Difference between revisions

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You shrugged it off as typical crap you had to deal with and checked your mail box. the only thing inside was a folded up piece of paper. You pulled it out and looked at it. What you read maid the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
You shrugged it off as typical crap you had to deal with and checked your mail box. the only thing inside was a folded up piece of paper. You pulled it out and looked at it. What you read maid the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

<div>''''' ''St. Andre Truitt Academe'' Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers, addendum'''''</div>
<div> ''''' ''St. Andre Truitt Academe'' Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers, addendum'''''</div>
'''''(For Adult use only, do NOT let the children read this document)'''''
'''''(For Adult use only, do NOT let the children read this document)'''''

Revision as of 07:13, 15 December 2017

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You woke up in the morning very refreshed and excited about what lied ahead. You have enjoyed quite a few young girls, you even have a few that the town is letting you impregnate. Your master plan however is to impregnate them all, to show these hypocritical bastards just how depraved they really are. Each and every encounter started out the same way, the adults were disgusted with your new job at first, some even angry, showing you open scorn, then later as you carried out more and more punishments, their true nature came out. The School Dr. setting the kids up to get pregnant from you and each-other, even the kinder-gardeners; Fathers jacking off on their daughters while they are changing their diapers; teachers and faculty looking at students with obvious lust as you discussed possible punishments with them, others offering to help you with the punishments or asking to watch; the head Master giving you his own daughter to impregnate, his cock rock hard and drooling as he watched you impregnate the girl. One family even offered you their daughter as a sex slave whenever you wanted as long as you kept their image pure and did not ask them to commit incest.

You knew where all of this was leading and eventually the dam was going to break. You were going to show these bastards who they truly were even if had to fuck and impregnate every singe one of their little girls to do it. The only people you cared about were your sister, your daughter/nieces and a few others that pulled at your hear strings, but everyone else was going down.

You walked out of your house and waved to your neighbor Ms Franklin. "Morning Ms. Franklin, Morning Melisa." She looked up from a letter she was reading. She looked your way palled, grabbed her youngest daughter, 4 year old Melisa's hand and quickly headed into her house. You watched then as they passed you, well you watched little Melisa, she was a cutie.

You shrugged it off as typical crap you had to deal with and checked your mail box. the only thing inside was a folded up piece of paper. You pulled it out and looked at it. What you read maid the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.


St. Andre Truitt Academe Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers, addendum

(For Adult use only, do NOT let the children read this document)

The town council, after having reviewed testimony from the Headmaster of St. Andre Truitt Academe, The Mayor and Concerned parents, has determined that the new Disciplinary Action Program (DAP) is a resounding success. At the suggestion of the chief of Police the council has decided to extend the program to all children between the ages of 4 and 17. Regardless if they are attending St. Andre Truitt Academe. This discipline program will also be in effect for all disciplinary actions during and after school time; at school, in the public or at home. All children are hereby mandated to receive Dr. Andrea Hartell’s special treatment to ensure they are fully prepared for the program and that the DAP will not cause them any permanent physical harm. There will be no exceptions.

Mr. John Gardner will continue to act in his role as head of discipline in all matters. All parents, public officials, Members of the church and faculty of the school will defer to his judgment in this regard. Any child who turns 18 prior to completion of their discipline will continue to be treated as a child until they are cleared by Mr. Gardner.

No due process is required for the DAP program, if the complaint must come from one fro the following individuals.

The Deacon

The Mayor

Any member of the City Council

The Chief of Police

The Headmaster of St. Andre Truitt Academe

The Master of Discipline St. Andre Truitt Academe

Faculty of St. Andre Truitt Academe

Parents of the child in question.

All other complaints will be given due consideration and investigation by the police or the master of Discipline St. Andre Truitt Academe he following items are amended on the infractions list

Small infractions

A small infraction is something that can be considered inappropriate behavior resulting in punishment that will result in a ticket of less than $200 or a normal punishment duration of less than 24 hours.

Middle infractions

Behaviors that show a willing disregard for the structure or expected behavior or the towns laws, resulting in punishment that will inure a ticket of $200 but under $500 or a punishment duration of greater than 24 hours or equal to one week.

Severe infractions

A severe infraction is anything that strongly and willfully disrupts the natural order or violates the towns laws, resulting in a ticket of $500 or more or a punishment with a duration of greater than on week or equal to three months.

Extreme Infractions

In cases of multiple severe infractions taking place simultaneously, or an activity that could be otherwise punished with a duration of greater than thirty days, as well as immoral sexual activities, clothes on or off, that involve three or more people either participating or observing, may result in a more extreme punishment than is available under the mantle of severe infractions.

The goal of a punishment for an extreme infraction is to nearly or completely destroy the student’s future prospects in order to use them as a deterring negative example for other students. This punishment should not leave the student with any of their dignity intact, and if it is possible to recover their dignity from this punishment then it will only be by the grace of God.

Displaced punishments

Sometimes a Child may perform an illicit activity for the benefit or at the request of another, or to get another person’s attention. In these cases, it may be appropriate to make the intended beneficiary of these actions suffer a punishment as well or instead of the one who actually committed the infraction. In cases where someone goaded a child into a punishable action, this makes sure all parties involved are punished. In cases where it was willingly done for the benefit of another, this denies them of any sense of righteous martyrdom that might make them feel it was worth the punishment for the benefit they rendered the other, and in the case where they were trying to get the attention of another party, this will make that attention become very negative in nature.

Displaced punishments should be at a minimum half to a full level of severity below what the child who actually committed the infraction got or would have gotten, except in the cases where the other person encouraged or goaded the other into this action. If that was the case, the person who did the encouraging is equally as complicit in the violation and can face the exact same punishment or one of comparable or possibly slightly greater severity.

Displaced punishments can also be used on family members, friends, or romantic partners in cases where a student has already had their punishments escalated all the way to an extreme level and shows no improvement or seems to enjoy the sexual stimulation instead of finding shame in it. In this case, displacing their punishments to a member of their peer group who they have a close personal relationship with may help them to correct their behavior, either through the shame of forcing their close relation to suffer for their crimes or through pressure put on them by their close peer.


"Shit!" you exclaimed out-loud. No wonder Ms. Franklin ran inside with Melisa so fast, the town council just handed you every little girl in town, even those deemed not ready for school, those who were home schooled or did not attend the academe for any other reason.

As you stood there reading and re-reading the letter thoughts of your own daughters slipped into your mind. They were going to have to undergo the treatment, they were going to become fertile at 9 years of age, you could impregnate them now. But you are going to have to be more careful. If you knock them up the town will turn on them you and your sister.

You are pulled from your thoughts by

You have to get to work