Villainy/Character/Overmind: Difference between revisions

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== Family ==
== Family ==
Overmind's closest family are all deceased.

== Social ==
== Social ==

Revision as of 11:24, 29 July 2018



  • Codename: Overmind
  • Full Name: Jason Francis Kresh
  • Assumed Name: Varies
  • Common Name: Master
  • Classification: Villain
  • Motivation: Power Lust


  • Gender: Varies (Usually Male) - Currently Male
  • Species: Varies (Usually Human) - Currently Human
  • Ethnicity: Varies - Currently Scottish/Irish/Welsh
  • Age: 83 years old - Currently in a 28 year old body
  • Height: Varies - Currently 6'0"
  • Weight: Varies - Currently 195 lbs.
  • Measurements: Varies - Currently 38/32/36
  • Penis: Varies - Currently 9" (Uncircumcised)
  • Hair: Varies - Currently Medium, Straight, Red
  • Eyes: Varies - Currently Bright Green
  • Skin: Varies - Currently Fair Freckled


  • Area Knowledge (Earth): Overmind has been all over the Earth and never forgets anything. His knowledge may be out of date, but he has a good chance of knowing his way around anywhere he finds himself.
  • Attractive: Overmind nearly always chooses vessels that are extremely attractive.
  • Iron Nerves: Overmind has an amazing resistance to fear and fear inducing abilities.
  • Lightning Reflexes: Overmind has reflexes that exceed his body's natural ability to react.
  • Omni-scholar: Overmind has been around so long that with his perfect recall he can be considered an expert on any subject.
  • Sharp Eye: Overmind has an eye for detail, and can pick up on the smallest inconsitencies.


  • Irrational Attraction (serious, causing taboo sex acts): Overmind sees people as his playthings, and is most amused by breaking social norms in his doll play . . . or especially making his dolls do it themselves.
  • Irrational Fear (serious, cramped spaces): Overmind was tortured to produce his power in a cramped room; and can't bring himself to enter a room that is 8'x8' or less.
  • Psychological Instability (catastrophic, indiscriminate attacks): Overmind can have a psychological break if pushed too far. When this occurs he violently lashes out with his mind at those around him. This usually last an hour or more, and often leaves brain damaged bodies and corpses behind.
  • Traumatic Flashbacks (of his treatment during Project: Prometheus, Triggered in cramped rooms): If forced to remain in a cramped room Overmind has Post Traumatic Flashbacks of his treatment during Project: Prometheus. This often triggers his above instability.


  • Animal Control: 16E - Overmind has the ability to control the thoughts and actions of nearby animals.
  • Animal Summoning: 16E - Overmind can summon animals within range to come toward his location at their best possible speed.
  • Broadcast Empath: 16E - Overmind can impose emotional states on anyone around him.
  • Coma: 16E - Overmind can send people into a coma. Once in the coma the individual's healing system must bring them out of it. That means that those with regeneration come out of the coma much quicker.
  • Comprehend Languages: 16E - Overmind can understand any language without needing to know the language.
  • Control: 16E - Overmind can take direct control of a target, dictating their every action like a puppet.
  • Empathy: 16E - Overmind can read the emotions of others.
  • Hypnotism: 16E - Overmind can implant suggestions in the minds of others as if he had hypnotized them. This doesn't allow them to do something they wouldn't be willing to do, but a creative mind can get around that restriction.
  • Iron Will: 16E - Overmind is exceedingly resistant to being mentally controlled, even for a telepath.
  • Mental Freeze: 16E - Overmind can freeze a person in place by disconnecting their mind from their motor system.
  • Mental Illusion: 16E - Overmind can create an illusion in the minds of those around him. This is directly in the mind of the target, so it can be different for each person present. The illusions can affect all of the target's senses.
  • Mind Blank: 16E - Overmind is tremendously resistant to attempts to read his mind or sense his presence. This affects Life Sense, Mind Probe and Telepathy.
  • Mind Blast: 16E - Overmind can make a direct attack on the minds of others.
  • Mind Drain: 16E - Overmind can use the minds of others to heal psychic damage to his own, while dealing psychic damage on them.
  • Mind Field: 16E - Overmind can erect a psychic barrier that is difficult for mental powers to penetrate. He can place this barrier around anyone in range as selectively as he wishes.
  • Mind Over Matter: 16E - Overmind can continue to act even after having sustained physical, mental, or spiritual damage that should kill him by sheer force of will. This simply delays death, he must still find a way to heal before it ultimately overtakes him.
  • Mind Probe: 16E - Overmind can probe the minds of others for information.
  • Personality Transfer: 16E - Overmind can transfer his mind into the body of others. He can choose to "swap" minds, or let his current body go comatose while he just takes his victim's body on a joyride.
  • Phobia: 16E - Overmind can trigger a victim to experience their greatest fear without having to know what that fear is. They experience the fear event as though it were currently happening to them.
  • Remote Sensing: 16E (Through living target in range) - Overmind can experience the world through the senses of any being withing range.
  • Sensory Block: 16E - Overmind can prevent the sensory information of those around him from reaching the brain. He can affect each sense individually, or in groups.
  • Shouting: 16E - Contrary to the name, this power simply allows Overmind to disallow actions against him while he is speaking. It is the classic villain ability to monologue without the heroes attacking.
  • Sleep: 16E - Overmind can put people to sleep with his powers. They can be awakened normally thereafter.
  • Speak with Animals: 16E - Overmind can effectively communicate with animals.
  • Telepathy: 16E - Overmind can communicate directly mind to mind with any being.
  • Recall: 16 - Overmind can remember everything he has ever experienced (since Project: Prometheus). This is a separate power from his Telepathy.

Range is 116 miles for all powers.
E = elementally linked. These are all elements of a single power, so if any of these powers is affected by negation, adsorption, or other form of reductive manipulation, they all are.


  • Accuracy (perception): 13 - Overmind is very perceptive, but does not posses any of the other Accuracy sub-skills; nor does he need them with the powers that he has.
  • Animal Handling: 11 - Overmind is highly skilled at riding and training animals as well as their care.
  • Artist (actor, dancer, writer): 7 - Overmind is a skilled actor, but possesses no other Artist sub-skill.
  • Charisma: 11 - Overmind is highly skilled at interrogation, intimidation, and persuasion.
  • Detective: 11 - Overmind is skilled at clue analysis, counterfeit recognition, identification systems, law, legwork, and police procedure.
  • Medicine: 11 - Overmind is very skilled at brainwashing, first aid, forensics, medical treatment, and surgery.
  • Military Science: 9 - Overmind is skilled in camouflage, cartography, tracking, cryptography, danger recognition, demolition, and field command.
  • Scientist: 11 - Overmind is highly skilled in concealment, escape artistry, locks and safes, pickpocketing, stealth, forgery, and security systems.
  • Vehicles (land, water): 7 - Overmind is skilled in all forms of land, and water vehicles.



Overmind's closest family are all deceased.


  • Work:
  • Co-workers:
  • Friends:


