Daycare manager/"Touch" details: Difference between revisions

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Lv. 1, 1-5
Lv. 1, 1-5

*Naive: Will accept minimal touching such as a handshake or touch on the shoulder
* Will accept minimal touching such as a handshake or touch on the shoulder
*Sexually conscious: Same as above.

Lv. 2, 6-10
Lv. 2, 6-10

*Naive: Will accept rubbing of back or wrestling.
* Will accept rubbing of back or wrestling.
*Sexually conscious: Girls may engage in wrestling with a trust of 20+. Will regard "back-rubs" as possibly an affectionate gesture and require a "love" stat of 6 or higher for this.

Lv. 3, 11-15
Lv. 3, 11-15

*Naive: Will accept being picked up and held and feel comfortable sitting in lap.
* Will accept being picked up and held and feel comfortable sitting in lap.
*Sexually conscious: No difference from above, but will be conscious of where your hands are.  

Lv. 4, 16-20
Lv. 4, 16-20

*Naive: Will accept touching of stomach over clothes.
* Boys and per-pubescent girls will accept touching of chest.
*Sexually conscious: Girls will not accept this without a love stat of 31 or higher.

Lv. 5, 21-25
Lv. 5, 21-25

*Naive: Will accept touching of chest (over cloths) or thighs (so long as it is not mid-upper thigh)
* Will feel comfortable having their mid-upper thigh up to, but not including, the groin area touched or grabbed.
*Sexually conscious: Will allow all the above actions unless "Social Naivete" is 5 or lower. If it is 5 or lower, a love stat of 21 or higher is required for these acts.

Lv. 6, 26-30
Lv. 6, 26-30

*Naive: Will accept you reaching under their shirt and touching any part of their upper body provided they also have an exposure stat of 11+
* If exposure is 41+ male or 46+ female and can watch a male masturbate, this is the minimum to allow their legs, groin, or torso to be ejaculated on without being instantly grossed out. (also requires sufficient love for ejaculation on groin if female and non-naive)
*Sexually conscious: Love stat must also be __ to allow touching of stomach, and __ to allow touching of breasts. Also, will not allow touching of breasts in front of others without an exposure stat of at least 46+

Lv. 7, 31-35
Lv. 7, 31-35

*Naive: Will feel comfortable having their mid-upper thigh up to, but not including, the groin area touched or grabbed.
* Pubescent girls will accept touching of chest
* Will perform hand-job, but will not accept ejaculation on their hands.
*Sexually conscious: This will only be regarded as a sex act if social naivete is 15 or lower. If it is, a love stat of at least 31 is required. Also, skirt-wearing sexually conscious girls will require a touch stat 1 level higher.

Lv. 8, 36-40
Lv. 8, 36-40

*Naive: Will be comfortable with having your hand on their groin, over their clothes. Children with an exposure stat of 36+ who can be convinced to strip down to their underwear will accept touching of their groin in this context as well (skirt-wearing girls will only require exposure of 26+.) Children with exposure stat of 51+ or who are otherwise convinced to strip off their underwear will accept touching, but not fingering or jacking, of their bare privates. (skirt-wearing girls will only require exposure stat of 41+ to remove underwear if they leave their skirt on)
* Will accept your hand cupping their groin, but not fondling or stimulating it.
* Will perform hand-job, and accept ejaculation on their hands.
*Sexually conscious: Will also require a "love" score of __ or more for touching over pants, and __ for touching while stripped down and in underwear.

Lv. 9, 41-45
Lv. 9, 41-45

*Naive: If exposure score is 31+, they will not see a problem with you reaching into their pants so long as your hand is not inside their underwear. If exposure is 41+, they will allow you to reach inside their underwear. If exposure is 51+ and can be convinced to strip off their cloths they will allow any kind of non-penetrative sexual touching.
* Will accept you playing with their groin, girls will accept ejaculation with tip of penis against vaginal entrance (sufficient love required if non-naive)
* Will enjoy playing with your groin and sticking fingers into your vagina if you are female.
*Sexually conscious: This is acknowledged as a sexual act and requires a love score of __

Lv. 10, 46-50
Lv. 10, 46-50

*Naive: Girls will allow penetration of their vagina with your finger. Boys and girls can be convinced to perform a hand-job on you, but will dislike it if you ejaculate while they are touching your penis (unless they have the "curious" personality)
* Girls will allow penetration of their vagina with your finger. Will be upset at the sensation of their hymen breaking.
*Sexually conscious: This is acknowledged as a sexual act and requires a love score of __. This is also the minimum to allow french (tongue in mouth) kissing.

Lv. 11, 51-55
Lv. 11, 51-55

*Naive: Will accept penetration of their anus with your finger. Curious personality will enjoy seeing semen and will accept having their bodies ejaculated on. This is also the minimum for boys to receive oral sex. Children who perform a hand-job on you will also be more comfortable if you ejaculate while they are giving the hand-job, but will still consider it gross and will loose trust if you do not help them to clean it up quickly. (Curious personality will have opposite reaction and object to you cleaning it up too quickly)
* Will accept penetration of their anus with your finger.
* Will penetrate your anus with their finger if they have "enjoys gross things" quirk.
*Sexually conscious: This is acknowledged as a sexual act and requires a love score of __
* Girls will feel comfortable penetration of vagina with penis if they have experienced it before, will be upset at the sensation of their hymen breaking and will feel uncomfortable if this is their first time. (bad first time sexual experience = -5 touch)

Lv. 12, 56-60
Lv. 12, 56-60

*Naive: If trust is 41+, girls will not freak out when their hymen is broken provided they receive a proper explanation. Will also accept repeat vaginal penetration with penis (has had PIV sex with you on a previous occasion.) However, they will find semen to be gross, but not as gross as pee. Members of both genders will allow your penis to be rubbed on any part of their outer body except their face, but will find semen to be gross, but not as gross as pee. (Curious personality, as well as playful personality, will not find semen gross and actually think it is interesting whether in or on their bodies.)
* If trust is 41+, girls will not freak out when their hymen is broken provided they receive a proper explanation.
* Boys will penetrate your vagina with their penis if you are female.
NOTE: Ejaculation on cloths results in loss of trust unless they have exhibitionist levels of exposure (71+)
* Boys will penetrate your anus with their penis if they have "enjoys gross things" quirk.
*Sexually conscious: This is acknowledged as a sexual act and requires a love score of __

Lv. 13, 61-65
Lv. 13, 61-65

*Naive: If trust is 41+, girls will accept first time (never had PIV sex before) vaginal penetration with your penis, or repeat penetration of anus with penis (has had anal sex before.) Will accept ejaculation in the anus or (if a girl) the vagina as it does not make as big of a mess. (Know-it-all will greatly prefer PIV sex because it's less dirty)
* Girls will feel comfortable with their first experience with sexual intercourse, provided they receive proper warning about breaking their hymen
*Sexually conscious: This is acknowledged as a sexual act and requires a love score of __

Lv. 14, 66-70
Lv. 14, 66-70

*Naive: Girls will accept oral sex performed on them, both genders will accept having their torso, arms, or legs ejaculated on regardless of personality type.
* Girls will accept oral sex performed on them.
* Children with curious personality will penetrate your anus in a manner you have previously penetrated their anus.
*Sexually conscious: This is acknowledged as a sexual act and requires a love score of __

Lv. 15, 71-75
Lv. 15, 71-75

*Naive: Will give oral sex, but will be against you ejaculating in their mouth. (Will not like it on their face either, but will find it preferable to in their mouth. Will be against intentional ejaculation on their face, but will accept it after pulling out of their mouth.)
* Will give oral sex if they do not have "hates gross things" quirk, but will be against you ejaculating in their mouth unless they have the "likes gross things" quirk.
* Will accept you ejaculating on their face or hair if they do not have the "hates gross things" quirk.  
*Sexually conscious: Receives an additional 3 levels of "uncomfortable range" acceptance as this is a method that doesn't risk pregnancy, also requires love score of __
(Note: Face, hair, and mouth is scarier than genitals and vaginal sex if they don’t know the risk of pregnancy. Those who know the risk of pregnancy will allow these acts earlier in order to avoid it. Touch stat will progress faster due to increased "uncomfortable" acceptance range in exchange for a much higher love stat being required for PIV sex.)

Lv. 16, 76-80
Lv. 16, 76-80

*Naive: Will give oral sex and accept ejaculation in their mouth, will still dislike it in their face or hair.
* May enjoy being tied up or otherwise restrained during sexual activity.
* May learn to enjoy you ejaculating in their mouth without "likes gross things" quirk with love 61+
*Sexually conscious: No difference from above, still requires love score of __, Will receive an additional 3 levels of "uncomfortable range" if love score is __.

Lv. 17, 81-90
Lv. 17, 81-90

*Naive: May enjoy being tied up or otherwise restrained during sexual activity.
* May learn to enjoy pain during sexual activity, traumatized children may develop Stockholm syndrome.
* Children with "hates gross things" quirk and 71+ love may learn to become comfortable giving oral, but not ejaculation in their mouth.
*Sexually conscious: Requires love score of __
* Children with "hates gross things" quirk and 61+ love may learn to accept ejaculation on their face or hair.

Lv. 18, 91+
Lv. 18, 91+

*Naive: May learn to enjoy pain during sexual activity, traumatized children may develop Stockholm syndrome.
* Children with "hates gross things" quirk and 81+ love may learn to enjoy you ejaculating in their mouth.
*Sexually conscious: Requires love score of __

[[Daycare manager/stats|back]]
[[Daycare manager/stats|back]]

[[Category:Daycare manager|"Touch" details]]
[[Category:Daycare manager|"Touch" details]]

Revision as of 11:32, 16 November 2018

This is my 3rd draft of the "Touch" stat, it compresses down the non-sexual touching to occupy less room than the previous draft in order to make room for BDSM at the top levels and also add more graydations to the progression on sexual touching once you get up to the required level. (also means sexual touching will be accessable earlier in the game progression.)

Please note that the child's state of Naivete is very influential on this stat as several of the functions of "touch" are kicked over to "love" once they gain sexual awareness and their social naivete drops below 25.

Lv. 1, 1-5

  • Will accept minimal touching such as a handshake or touch on the shoulder

Lv. 2, 6-10

  • Will accept rubbing of back or wrestling.

Lv. 3, 11-15

  • Will accept being picked up and held and feel comfortable sitting in lap.

Lv. 4, 16-20

  • Boys and per-pubescent girls will accept touching of chest.

Lv. 5, 21-25

  • Will feel comfortable having their mid-upper thigh up to, but not including, the groin area touched or grabbed.

Lv. 6, 26-30

  • If exposure is 41+ male or 46+ female and can watch a male masturbate, this is the minimum to allow their legs, groin, or torso to be ejaculated on without being instantly grossed out. (also requires sufficient love for ejaculation on groin if female and non-naive)

Lv. 7, 31-35

  • Pubescent girls will accept touching of chest
  • Will perform hand-job, but will not accept ejaculation on their hands.

Lv. 8, 36-40

  • Will accept your hand cupping their groin, but not fondling or stimulating it.
  • Will perform hand-job, and accept ejaculation on their hands.

Lv. 9, 41-45

  • Will accept you playing with their groin, girls will accept ejaculation with tip of penis against vaginal entrance (sufficient love required if non-naive)
  • Will enjoy playing with your groin and sticking fingers into your vagina if you are female.

Lv. 10, 46-50

  • Girls will allow penetration of their vagina with your finger. Will be upset at the sensation of their hymen breaking.

Lv. 11, 51-55

  • Will accept penetration of their anus with your finger.
  • Will penetrate your anus with their finger if they have "enjoys gross things" quirk.
  • Girls will feel comfortable penetration of vagina with penis if they have experienced it before, will be upset at the sensation of their hymen breaking and will feel uncomfortable if this is their first time. (bad first time sexual experience = -5 touch)

Lv. 12, 56-60

  • If trust is 41+, girls will not freak out when their hymen is broken provided they receive a proper explanation.
  • Boys will penetrate your vagina with their penis if you are female.
  • Boys will penetrate your anus with their penis if they have "enjoys gross things" quirk.

Lv. 13, 61-65

  • Girls will feel comfortable with their first experience with sexual intercourse, provided they receive proper warning about breaking their hymen

Lv. 14, 66-70

  • Girls will accept oral sex performed on them.
  • Children with curious personality will penetrate your anus in a manner you have previously penetrated their anus.

Lv. 15, 71-75

  • Will give oral sex if they do not have "hates gross things" quirk, but will be against you ejaculating in their mouth unless they have the "likes gross things" quirk.
  • Will accept you ejaculating on their face or hair if they do not have the "hates gross things" quirk.

Lv. 16, 76-80

  • May enjoy being tied up or otherwise restrained during sexual activity.
  • May learn to enjoy you ejaculating in their mouth without "likes gross things" quirk with love 61+

Lv. 17, 81-90

  • May learn to enjoy pain during sexual activity, traumatized children may develop Stockholm syndrome.
  • Children with "hates gross things" quirk and 71+ love may learn to become comfortable giving oral, but not ejaculation in their mouth.
  • Children with "hates gross things" quirk and 61+ love may learn to accept ejaculation on their face or hair.

Lv. 18, 91+

  • Children with "hates gross things" quirk and 81+ love may learn to enjoy you ejaculating in their mouth.
