PIP/Chronos/With Family and Friend: Difference between revisions

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Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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He casually opened the door, and saw his big sister on the toilet.  She was bent forward, unfortunately, with her elbows on her knees.  He had absolutely no view of her pussy.  He was about to leave in frustration, when he considered that the pose left another possibility . . . her chest.  He stood directly in front of her and tried to look down her shirt.  It was inconveniently positioned, and he could barely see anything.  He reached down and pulled the neckline of the shirt forward and down a bit.  The shirt moved easily, and when he removed his hands, it stayed where it was.  That was very convenient.  He could see the milky white skin of his sister's chest, but her growing orbs were damnably obscured by her plain white bra.  He considered whether he could get her bra off, and discarded the idea.  He could probably get it off fine, but getting it back on was another issue entirely.  Then he got a better idea.  Reaching his hand through the opening of her shirt, he slowly slid it under her bra cup.  The soft flesh of her boob felt warm in his hand.  he could feel the relative roughness of her nipple as he massaged her tit.  He pinched the nipple a bit and gave her boob a few more squeezes.  It was weird.  Kind of like memory foam, when he squeezed her breast it molded to the shape of his hand, and when he moved it away it very slowly tried to return to its former shape.  Unlike memory foam, squeezing didn't compress he breast, just move it around.  He was perplexed by this, and did some further research.  His little penis was hard at attention as he continued to play with his sister's tiny boob.  He suddenly felt a bit drained.  Taking that as a precursor to something more, he quickly left the bathroom and closed the door.
He casually opened the door, and saw his big sister on the toilet.  She was bent forward, unfortunately, with her elbows on her knees.  He had absolutely no view of her pussy.  He was about to leave in frustration, when he considered that the pose left another possibility . . . her chest.  He stood directly in front of her and tried to look down her shirt.  It was inconveniently positioned, and he could barely see anything.  He reached down and pulled the neckline of the shirt forward and down a bit.  The shirt moved easily, and when he removed his hands, it stayed where it was.  That was very convenient.  He could see the milky white skin of his sister's chest, but her growing orbs were damnably obscured by her plain white bra.  He considered whether he could get her bra off, and discarded the idea.  He could probably get it off fine, but getting it back on was another issue entirely.  Then he got a better idea.  Reaching his hand through the opening of her shirt, he slowly slid it under her bra cup.  The soft flesh of her boob felt warm in his hand.  He could feel the relative roughness of her nipple as he massaged her tit.  He pinched the nipple a bit and gave her boob a few more squeezes.  It was weird.  Kind of like memory foam, when he squeezed her breast it molded to the shape of his hand, and when he moved it away it very slowly tried to return to its former shape.  Unlike memory foam, squeezing didn't compress her breast, just move it around.  He was perplexed by this, and did some further research.  His little penis was hard at attention as he continued to play with his sister's tiny boob.  He suddenly felt a bit drained.  Taking that as a precursor to something more, he quickly left the bathroom and closed the door.

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Shelly climbed up into his lap, which wasn't unusual, then said, "everything stopped . . . a little bit ago . . . like they was froze . . . for real.  I ain't making it up."
Shelly climbed up into his lap, which wasn't unusual, then said, "Everything stopped . . . a little bit ago . . . like they was froze . . . for real.  I ain't making it up."

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At just that time, Dana came barreling into the room.  "What's up, people," she said, then looked at the screen, "Red Dead?  Naw, let's pull up a two player game, son!"
At just that time, Dana came barreling into the room.  "What's up, people," she said, then looked at the screen. "Red Dead?" she said all gangsta. "Naw, let's pull up a two player game, son!"

Revision as of 07:17, 8 December 2018

Ethan felt that he really needed to tell his friend about his new powers . . . but there was a second felling that was stronger. Dana had always been so pretty. Ethan had . . . thoughts about her for years now. He never wanted to mess up their friendship; but now with this power maybe he could mess around with her without messing up their friendship. Then there was also his sister Sarah. She was getting boobs now, and despite Ethan's best efforts, he had yet to even catch a glimpse of them. Speaking of boobs, his mom had an amazing set that Ethan just had to see. It could even be fun to play with his baby sister Shelly.

Ethan suddenly realized that all he could think about was perverted things to do with his new power. Did that mean something was wrong with him? Maybe if he just satisfied his curiosity he would get it out of his system, and he could move on to more intellectual uses of his power; for now, however, he was hornier than he had ever been.

Ethan turned back to Dana as the bus bus was turning down their street. "Hey," he said casually, "you want to come over today?"

"Sure," replied Dana, "what do you have in mind? Try to see your sister's boobs again?"

"Nah," said Ethan as he blushed deeply, "that didn't work even with your help. I figured we could just hang out, and maybe play some video games."

"Okay," said Dana, "let me just pop into my house and let mom know where I'll be."

The bus came to a stop at the local bus stop, and Ethan took his place in the line to leave. He was soon out of the bus and on his way to his house. Dana waved at him as she ran over to her house. "Be right back," she yelled.

Ethan entered his house, and walked toward his room. His dad had just woken up, and was in the shower. Ethan thought briefly about slowing down time to get a better look at his dad's cock, but figured it could wait. It wasn't that he was gay, per se . . . he liked girls. He just like boys too . . . not as much as he like girls though. Mom would still be at work at this hour; and wouldn't be home for a while. His parents would have a few hours together with the family; then dad would be off to work a bit before everyone else's bedtime. Third shift sucked; but his dad always said, "I can't pass up on the shift premium. An extra dollar an hour is an extra dollar an hour. It really adds up." Ethan still remembered when his dad had tried second shift. The family never really got to see him. Third shift was definitely better than second shift.

Ethan climbed the stairs toward his room. Going down the hall, he heard someone peeing in the upstairs bathroom. It had to be his sister Sarah. He really wanted to see her boobs; but maybe seeing her peeing would be cool too. He had seen Dana peeing one time, and that was a transformative event . . . even though he made light of it at the time to seem cooler. He approached the door, considering how he should proceed. So far he had made time go faster and slower. With the car he had made just the car go slower. He decided that in this instance, he needed to just make Sarah move as slowly as he could. Maybe he could make it like she had stopped moving in time at all. As he was about to proceed, it occurred to him that he had almost made a grave error. There were other people in the house. If he only slowed Sarah, he could still get caught. He would have to slow the whole thing.

He took a couple of cleansing breaths as he steadied his nerves; then focused on slowing time down. He looked out the upstairs window at a flag across the street. He watched the flag as it flapped in the breeze more and more slowly. He concentrated harder as it got closer and closer to standing still. Once it seemed to have stopped moving altogether, he turned his focus back to the bathroom door. He had to keep his cool. If he freaked out, time could go back to normal again; and he would be screwed.

He casually opened the door, and saw his big sister on the toilet. She was bent forward, unfortunately, with her elbows on her knees. He had absolutely no view of her pussy. He was about to leave in frustration, when he considered that the pose left another possibility . . . her chest. He stood directly in front of her and tried to look down her shirt. It was inconveniently positioned, and he could barely see anything. He reached down and pulled the neckline of the shirt forward and down a bit. The shirt moved easily, and when he removed his hands, it stayed where it was. That was very convenient. He could see the milky white skin of his sister's chest, but her growing orbs were damnably obscured by her plain white bra. He considered whether he could get her bra off, and discarded the idea. He could probably get it off fine, but getting it back on was another issue entirely. Then he got a better idea. Reaching his hand through the opening of her shirt, he slowly slid it under her bra cup. The soft flesh of her boob felt warm in his hand. He could feel the relative roughness of her nipple as he massaged her tit. He pinched the nipple a bit and gave her boob a few more squeezes. It was weird. Kind of like memory foam, when he squeezed her breast it molded to the shape of his hand, and when he moved it away it very slowly tried to return to its former shape. Unlike memory foam, squeezing didn't compress her breast, just move it around. He was perplexed by this, and did some further research. His little penis was hard at attention as he continued to play with his sister's tiny boob. He suddenly felt a bit drained. Taking that as a precursor to something more, he quickly left the bathroom and closed the door.

Time returned to normal just as the door shut. In the bathroom there was a sudden sound, as Sarah's clothes snapped back into place. "Hey!" yelled his sister from the bathroom, "what the heck?"

"You okay sis," he asked as he managed to get a few steps away.

"Fine," she replied, "it's just . . . I'm fine. Forget about it."

"Okay," he replied simply. He made his way back to his room. That wasn't enough time, he thought. At least he had a warning. It seemed that taking the flow of time down so far was very draining compared to slowing it less. It made sense, but limited the possibilities of his sexual exploration tonight. There is a good chance if he had just slowed Sarah that he would have had a lot more time; but at the risk of discovery. With time and practice, he was sure he could last longer; but that didn't help him tonight. He was already feeling less tired in that area. It was strange to have an entire part of yourself that you had sensation about. Now in addition to mental and physical fatigue, he could add temporal fatigue. Yes . . . and he needed to improve his temporal fitness to get more temporal energy, and succumb to temporal fatigue less quickly, and recover his temporal energy more readily. That meant exercising his new abilities.

Having reached his room, he plopped down into his beanbag chair, grabbed his Playstation controller, and started the Playstation and Red Dead Redemption. He was thinking about his situation, when his little sister, Shelly, walked in through the open door.

"Hey, bubby," said the adorable toddler. "Everything ain't froze no more."

Ethan froze in what he was doing with his game . . . which got his character killed, of course. She couldn't have experienced his time stop, could she?

"What do you mean Shelly," he asked.

Shelly climbed up into his lap, which wasn't unusual, then said, "Everything stopped . . . a little bit ago . . . like they was froze . . . for real. I ain't making it up."

This opened a whole new can of worms. If Shelly wasn't stopped in time like Sarah had been, what did that mean. Had he somehow missed her when he froze time? Was she immune to his powers? If she was immune, are there others that are immune? Maybe she could also control the flow of time, and was therefore unaffected. He needed to find out.

At just that time, Dana came barreling into the room. "What's up, people," she said, then looked at the screen. "Red Dead?" she said all gangsta. "Naw, let's pull up a two player game, son!"

Now what was he going to do. Ethan had to figure this out.


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