58Hours/20160610: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "== Friday, June 10, 2016 == <font color="red"><i>As I'm going to mention in the author's comments page, this story is still very much a work in progress, and my method of writ..."
LoganY (talk | contribs)
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Yuu decided she was right, and just focused on the feeling of the two bodies against his as he drifted off to sleep.
Yuu decided she was right, and just focused on the feeling of the two bodies against his as he drifted off to sleep.

Latest revision as of 09:12, 23 February 2021

Friday, June 10, 2016

As I'm going to mention in the author's comments page, this story is still very much a work in progress, and my method of writing involves jumping around and writing whatever part I'm feeling inspired to write. This means that there are parts where all I've written is some general notes to keep clear what's going on in the story. Those parts will be marked like this, in red italics. The notes for right here, are that a week before this date, Yuu and Valen started going out. Earlier this day, Yuu's sisters Minako and Faye found out about it. Minako was devastated, and Faye couldn't understand why the news made her sad. Minako told off Faye, forcing her to examine just how she feels about Yuu. Yuu, Minako, and Faye are currently mostly home alone; the only other person present in the house is their youngest sister, Rika, who has already gone to bed. Their mother is gone to visit her friends, something she does on irregular Friday nights, whenever everyone's schedule manages to sync up.

Minako lay in her bed, sobbing. In her mind, the world was crashing down around her.

Somewhere inside of her, she always knew he was going to choose Valen. 'It was obvious, looking back... I thought I was ready for this moment, but now that it's here... it doesn't hurt any less,' she thought to herself.

She thought back to one of her earliest memories, just after her parents had told her they were getting a divorce. She didn't have any clear recollections of her father; rather, she remembered that she was in her room crying. She had thought that Mom and Dad didn't love her or her siblings anymore, and that they were going to abandon everyone. She remembered Yuu coming into her room and just holding her until she fell asleep, letting her know that everything was going to be alright.

When she was a little older and asked her mom why people get married, she answered that you marry someone you love. Minako had said right away then that she wanted to marry Yuu. Of course, her mom had laughed, the way you do at a kid's innocent but naive statement, and told her that it doesn't quite work that way. Despite that... 'All these years,' Minako thought to herself, 'I have never once wanted to take that statement back.'

Minako sniffled. “I... I feel like trash for everything I've put him through,” Minako muttered to herself. “I just wasn't ready to admit that there was nothing I could say or do to change the fact that we never could have been together in the first place...”

Minako's sobs slowly died down. She sat up in her bed. “... no,” she said to herself, wiping her eyes. “I can't keep feeling like this forever. And I'm not giving up without a fight.”

Yuu was lying in bed, reading a book. He heard his bedroom door quietly open and shut. It took him a moment as he sighed before turning to look. He had long since given up asking Minako to knock before coming in. He turned bright red when he saw Minako standing there wearing just a bra and panties. As he saw her reach for the clasp of her bra, he quickly screwed his eyes shut.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?” Yuu shouted, as Minako let her bra drop and slid her panties to the floor. “Am I really that ugly?” she asked, a sad tone in her voice. “No, of course not! You're really pretty! It's just that...”

“... just that I'm your sister?” Minako finished. “... yeah,” Yuu gulped.

“Look, it's just supposed to be symbolic. I'm trying to bare my heart to you right now. Could you please just open your eyes?” Minako quietly said. The hurt in her voice convinced Yuu to sit up and look, though seeing her standing there naked immediately started having the exact effect he was afraid it would. Minako took a step forward. “I'm sorry. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I'm even sorry for this, since now that I'm in the middle of it I realize just how corny and just outright bad an idea it was to try and be all symbolic. All my teasing, every embarrassing display... it was all because I hoped that, somehow, I could convince you to see me as... as someone you could spend the rest of your life with. I understand why you chose Valen. All I can do is to beg you to hear me out.”

Yuu sat there, trying desperately to figure out what to say. Before he could manage anything, however, the bedroom door opened again to reveal Faye standing there in her pajamas. She strode into the room with her eyes narrowed at Yuu, not even acknowledging Minako's presence. Yuu sat there nervously for a long moment, wondering why Faye was so mad at him – she had never blamed him for Minako's behavior before.

Without warning, Faye lunged forward and began to greedily kiss Yuu. As her weight leaned into the kiss it slowly pushed the two of them back onto the bed. As soon as Yuu's back hit the sheets, Faye broke the kiss and stood back up straight. Yuu took a moment to gather his wits from the surprise before sitting back up. “I'm so, so sorry...” Faye said as she started to cry a little. “I'm such a horrible, horrible sister... I never tried to... I never noticed it happen...”

“What? What's the matter?” Yuu asked, his bewilderment not entirely gone but mostly replaced with concern. “I... I love you,” Faye coughed out. “I didn't realize it until I found out about you and Valen. And now I can't bear to let you go. I never meant for this to happen! Can you ever forgive me?”

Yuu reached out to hug Faye, an embrace she quickly reciprocated as small sobs shook her body. After a long moment, Minako put her hand on Faye's shoulder, pulling her back so that the three could face each other. The surprise with Faye had almost pushed Minako out of Yuu's mind, and Minako's nudity gave him the uncomfortable realization that he had just pressed his boner up against Faye as he tried to comfort her.

“I feel the same way; I love you, and I don't care what anybody thinks about it,” said Minako. “We've both been in love with you for years; it's just that I've embraced my feelings for a very long time, while Faye only realized it when I made her think about just why she was feeling jealous today.” Yuu looked at Faye, and she nodded in confirmation.

“I'm sorry that I've made you feel so uncomfortable these last few years. That isn't what I wanted. I just wanted you to feel the same way about me that I do about you,” said Minako. Faye continued, “We'd... understand... if you feel disgusted at us. If you tell us to go away, we will.” Before Yuu could respond, Minako quickly interjected. “But before you do, could I at least get a kiss? It's only fair, since Faye got one.”

Yuu's mind was still trying to process everything that had just been confessed to him. He didn't know what to make of their feelings, how he felt about the whole situation, how he felt about them now, or what he should do next. He did know for sure that he didn't want to hurt either of them, and holding on to that thought for second or two did tell him that he should at least give Minako that kiss. Yuu nodded.

Minako moved in to kiss Yuu, and as their lips touched she gave out a small sob from the emotional release of finally getting something she had wanted so badly for so long. As they kissed, Yuu thought desperately about what he should say to them that wouldn't hurt them. At the same time he wondered whether he even wanted to push them away. When several seconds had gone by and Yuu hadn't ended the kiss, Minako decided that this was going to be her only chance and decided on a bold action. She gently probed Yuu's lips with her tongue, and after two unsuccessful tries had her tongue wrapped around his. Without any hesitation, she moved to test her next boundary and moved her hand to begin rubbing Yuu's crotch through his pajamas. Yuu's mind struggled to object but couldn't find words over the beautiful naked girl rubbing his dick.

Sensing what Minako was trying, Faye stripped off her clothes as quickly as she could. As soon as she was nude, she gently tugged Yuu's pants down in such a way that Minako wouldn't have to move her hand, just lighten her touch for a moment. The sudden feeling of skin on skin down there nearly snapped Yuu back to his senses, but as he attempted to formulate an objection, Minako broke the kiss and his willpower was suddenly destroyed by the sensation of two tongues working him.

A little over an hour later, Yuu was lying naked in bed, Minako and Faye cuddling him on either side. The girls had spent less than a minute on foreplay before pulling him back onto his bed. Faye had insisted that it was only fair for Minako to go first, since she had been waiting for this longer, and from there the two girls had taken turns riding him, until the trio lay exhausted.

As with most men, the relief had cleared his mind. While he was working out what to say, Faye spoke up. “So what's on your mind?” Yuu worked on his thought for a few seconds more before responding. “I've never really thought very deeply about how I feel about you two. I mean, obviously I love you, but I've really never thought about either of you romantically before. But the way I feel in my heart right now – I'm moved. I can't help but feel that, if this is the kind of love you two want from me, then how could I possibly not reciprocate? Both of you... you've won. However I felt before tonight, I'm in love with you now.” With that statement, Minako squealed and hugged Yuu even tighter.

“There is something troubling me though,” Yuu said a moment later. “I do still love Valen, as well. And now... I feel like you two did earlier, that I'm going to lose her. I mean, just how do you explain this?!” Faye stroked Yuu's forehead. “Don't let that spoil the moment,” Faye said gently. “We'll talk to Valen in the morning.” Minako nodded and then took over. “I don't want to take you away from her or hurt her or anything. You feel the same way, right Faye?” Faye nodded, and Minako continued. “She's our friend too, after all. Honestly, the way I feel right now... I want everybody I care about to feel this way. It's like... fireworks, going off in my heart, and I want to share them with everybody.”

They lay there for another long moment before changing the subject. “What about Mom? You guys should probably head back to your own rooms, I can't imagine what she'd do if she found us all naked in bed together,” Yuu continued. “Please can we stay the night?” Minako asked. “I just... I just want to wake up here, as proof tonight really happened.” “Don't worry about Mom,” Faye said. “I'm usually awake when she gets home on Friday nights, the only room I ever hear her check is Rika's. Take it as a statement of how much faith she has in us. Or how understanding she is that we might go out and have our own fun on Friday nights. Either way, she's not going to find anything tonight, and if she asks in the morning why we're all coming out of the same room, we'll just tell her that we were up late playing video games in here until we all sort of passed out. Now, that's enough worrying for now. Let's enjoy what we have together here and now, and we'll worry about tomorrow's problems tomorrow.”

Yuu decided she was right, and just focused on the feeling of the two bodies against his as he drifted off to sleep.