Sam and Kim/Chapter 1: Difference between revisions

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As Sam walked form the kitchen and headed towards the living room, his foot caught on something hard and felt a sharp pain in his pinky toe. He cried out in pain. He had stubbed his pinky on the leg of a chair. His toe hurt. It hurt bad. He grabbed his foot and tried balancing one on leg.  
As Sam walked form the kitchen and headed towards the living room, his foot caught on something hard and felt a sharp pain in his pinky toe. He cried out in pain. He had stubbed his pinky on the leg of a chair. His toe hurt. It hurt bad. He grabbed his foot and tried balancing one on leg.  

"Mom! Muhmmyyy!" He wanted his mom to come and massage his foot. She always knew how to take the pain away. And he wanted a band aid. He needed a band aid. He would probably bleed to death if he didn't get a band aid. He remembered that he needed to apply pressure on the wound, like in the movies. But that made the pain worse, and now it really hurt. "MOMMY!" He screamed and whined and kept on calling out for his mom.  
"Mom! Mohmmyyy!" He wanted his mom to come and massage his foot. She always knew how to take the pain away. And he wanted a band aid. He needed a band aid. He would probably bleed to death if he didn't get a band aid. He remembered that he needed to apply pressure on the wound, like in the movies. But that made the pain worse, and now it really hurt. "MOMMY!" He screamed and whined and kept on calling out for his mom.  

"Sam, are you okay?" Her voice sounded distant and very worried. Sam heard his mom moving upstairs and he called out again.  
"Sam, are you okay?" Her voice sounded distant and very worried. Sam heard his mom moving upstairs and he called out again.  
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Sam, happy that his mom gave him his band aid, forgot all about the pain and went back downstairs to play with Kim. But where is that stupid ball? He wondered.
Sam, happy that his mom gave him his band aid, forgot all about the pain and went back downstairs to play with Kim. But where is that stupid ball? He wondered.

[[Sam and Kim/Chapter 2|Chapter 2]]


[[Sam and Kim/Chapter 2|Chapter 2]]
'''Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this little story of mine, which is among my first ever stories published online. I know this story isn't really exciting in THAT way (wink wink), as it isn't meant to be pure sexual fantasy. Hopefully one can value the content and plot I come up with.'''
'''Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this little story of mine, which is among my first ever stories published online. I know this story isn't really exciting in THAT way (wink wink), as it isn't meant to be pure sexual fantasy. Hopefully one can value the content and plot I come up with.'''

Revision as of 08:50, 7 June 2019

Chapter 1

Sam was bored.

His mom had taken away his phone and told him to play with Kim. He didn’t feel like playing doll games with Kim. Sam’s sister often wanted Sam to do whatever she wanted, and rarely let him have a turn to choose what to play. So instead, he sat on his bed in the corner of his room and watched his sister play her stupid games, and began rambling how dumb her dolls were. Because they were. They were dumb. Very, very, stupid. He didn't get it. Why did his little sister like to play these stupid games? The dolls didn’t do anything, you had to pick them up and make them do something. You also had to make dumb voices to pretend that they were talking.

"You know that girl is naked right?" He asked judgingly to his sister.

Kim responded a little angrily, "Yeah, ‘cause you stole her clothes and threw them in the trash!"

She pronounced “trash” as “thwash” and Sam found it funny.

"Then just go get them."

"No! That’s nasty!" She said, and made a nasty face.

"Then you don't care about that doll and you should stop playing! Let's just go play something else." Sam was just wanting to do something other than sit there and watch his sister play with her dolls. She kept annoying him by asking him to play as the dad of the stupid doll family.

"Why are you not nice like you used to be?" Kim said, with a tone of sadness in her voice.

Sam felt something like a sharp pain in his chest. Breathing became a bit difficult and he started sweating. He felt hot and very nervous.

"Um..." He started. "Well, u-umm... because you keep on doing dumb stuff." He said, his voice shaky and unstable.

She was right, he wasn't as nice as he used to be. Sam wasn't mean because she was playing dolls... Or actually, he kind of was, but recently he began teasing her more often because of something she did. Something he really didn't expect her to do.

One day, while Sam and Kim were both playing with her dolls (embarrassing times), he was once again teasing Kim about how dumb her dolls were, despite that at the time he was playing dolls with her. Kim began to tire of Sam's incessant bullying. So, to stop another word from coming out of his mouth, she kissed him right on the lips. It was extremely unsettling for Sam, but for Kim it was simply an idea to shut Sam up. It was a short, quick peck on the lips, not even a kiss really, but for Sam this new feeling was unlike anything he had experienced before. “Weird,” Sam thought, “why did she kiss me like that?”

He never did like it when mom and dad kissed. It was gross. And weird. And nasty. He found it gross when adults in movies or in real life kissed. But Sam didn't find it gross when kids kissed. Although he's only ever seen kids kiss in two occasions. The first was in the movie "The little Rascals," where that girl whose name was... it was... Well, whatever that girls name was, and Alfalfa kissed. He didn't find it gross, just weird. The second was in his school’s playground, where Joana (one of Sam’s friends) and her boyfriend kissed. He just felt awkward staring at them, but not grossed out by it.

Sam continued to watch his sister play.

Sam didn't really know if it was right or wrong. He didn't think it was bad though. His mom and dad kissed all the time, but still, Kim was his little sister. She was two years younger than him. Although she always reminds everyone that she’s one and a half years younger than him, just to clear things up for those who may not know or forgot somehow.

He never really hated his little sister. She was fun to play with and she wasn't mean or super annoying like kids usually are in movies or like one of his friend says his sister is. He knows that almost every brother and sister in the world are always fighting and being mad at each other, just like the movies. But he and his sister weren't like that. Sam and Kim weren't always fighting and being mad at each other. They only yelled at each other every once in a while. Not always. Not like in the movies. Or like his friend said. Kim and Sam usually shared their toys, and when they didn't, they didn't fight over the toy, or the remote, or whatever. He usually let her have it. Sometimes he worried that Kim might become like those girls in the movies where the dad is super rich and dumb and the girl is super mean and she does bad stuff because she thinks she is so cool just because her dad has so much money. But so far, his sister hasn't become evil like that.

“I’m bored” Kim at last said. She was really tired of playing all by her self, and her big brother didn’t want to play with her since he kept on saying that her Barbie girls were stupid. Her big brother wasn’t always very patient when they played with her Barbies, but now he never wants to play doll, or city, or house and she doesn’t know why.

It took Sam a few seconds to react, as he was half asleep when his little sister finally said what he was waiting to hear.

“Okay, let's play something fun!” He said excitedly.

“What do you want to play?” Kim asked, hoping her brother would say “City.”

City was Kim's and Sam’s new game they made up some months ago. They got all the toys they had, Kim’s and her brother’s, including any building blocks, boxes, dolls, (although his brother called his dolls action figures), cars, and anything else they could find. Then, they build an awesome city and made houses with boxes and then chose a person to play as and they made banks and McDonald’s and all fun stuff just like a real city! It was super fun. Sometimes Kim was the mom and Sam was the dad. Sometimes she owned a store and Sam bought fruit to take to his house in a cool car. Sometimes they had dogs, other times they had airplanes. She loved that game, and Sam did too, but he sometimes pretended he didn’t.

“Do you want to play ball?” Sam responded.

“Huh!?” Kim almost thought he said doll, not ball. She was about to criticize him for contradicting himself, but it was a false alarm. “oh. Okay.”

Sam felt the need ask which specific type of ball game they were to play. “Catch ball or Soccer?” Catch ball was the game in which threw the ball and the other caught it. Sam asked because he wanted to know which ball to go get. They had two balls, and the one that wasn’t the soccer ball was too small to play Soccer with. They couldn’t play catch ball with the soccer ball because it was too big and heavy. Sometimes, if they caught it wrong, their fingers would get hurt.

Sam once caught the soccer ball really badly and his finger broke because of it. His finger felt very much broken, but his parents insisted that he only sprang his finger. Sam knew his finger was most definitely broken because of the pain, but also because his finger didn’t have a spring inside. There was only a bone and muscle and other stuff like blood in his finger, not a spring. At least that’s what he believed, although he’s never actually seen the inside of a finger. But he didn’t want to. Sam didn’t like violence. Cutting a finger and seeing inside was definitely violent, with lots of blood.

Kim gave it some thought, and after a few seconds she answered. “Catch ball.”

Sam jumped off the couch and went looking for the small red ball they used to play catch ball. Sam couldn’t remember where the ball was, so he asked his sister to join the search. “Come on, let's go,” he said, and signaled her to follow.

They walked from the room Sam and his sister shared as their bedroom and began heading downstairs. Sam really liked his house. It wasn't a really rich guy's house but it also wasn't a poor guy's house. His house was kinda in the middle. Sam's family didn't live in the city, but it was close. They lived where there were lots of other houses in their neighborhood.

"Do you know where the ball is?" His sister wanted to know. When Sam didn't respond soon enough she asked again, louder this time. "Sam, do you know where the ball is?"

Sam was in his own head, thinking about the time he helped paint the house. He really liked his house because it looked so new and cool. All wall inside the house except for his parent's room and bathrooms were painted red. And the outside of the house was painted a light blue. And every door was white, very white. Actually, all the paint was very new and bright. The red was a bright red, the white was very white, and the blue was colorful. He really like how the paint and colors looked so colorful. It didn't look like the boring gray or old paint he's seen on other houses, he likes colors that are colorful. Sam liked that word; colorful. It even sounds colorful.

At last his sister had enough of her big brother ignoring her. "Sam!" She screamed.

"What!?" He snapped, angry that his sister kept annoying him.

”I said for a hundred million times, where is the catch ball!?" Kim once again had to ask.

"I don't know!" Sam felt she was accusing him of something. "It's probably in the living room."

"Then why did you come to the kitchen?" She demanded.

"The ball’s not here." She sighed and marched off angrily. Most likely to look for the ball.

Why did Sam come here? I was in my head and never thought of where I was going. This might be a problem when he gets older. The fact that he keeps on getting distracted by what’s going on in his head, and not paying attention to other stuff. Maybe it didn't matter though.

"Fine let's go get your ball." He said to no one. He had forgotten that his sister had left.

As Sam walked form the kitchen and headed towards the living room, his foot caught on something hard and felt a sharp pain in his pinky toe. He cried out in pain. He had stubbed his pinky on the leg of a chair. His toe hurt. It hurt bad. He grabbed his foot and tried balancing one on leg.

"Mom! Mohmmyyy!" He wanted his mom to come and massage his foot. She always knew how to take the pain away. And he wanted a band aid. He needed a band aid. He would probably bleed to death if he didn't get a band aid. He remembered that he needed to apply pressure on the wound, like in the movies. But that made the pain worse, and now it really hurt. "MOMMY!" He screamed and whined and kept on calling out for his mom.

"Sam, are you okay?" Her voice sounded distant and very worried. Sam heard his mom moving upstairs and he called out again.

"Mom I hurt my toe! It really hurts! Mom… Mom!"

"I'm coming baby, calm down!" She responded. Sam heard her rapid footsteps coming down from the stairs. He really wanted her to hurry, the pain was so bad Sam felt he was probably going to pass out or die. He didn't want to die, not so young.

Sarah finally reached her son, who had been calling out to her in a young, yet loud voice full of anguish. She was trembling. Sarah always worried tremendously when her children could be in harm's way. She saw Sam on the ground now, clutching his foot, tears running down his face and his features all scrunched up in pain.

She rushing over to him and began calming him down. She asked which toe had he hurt and began rubbing his poor little toes to help ease the pain. When Sam kept asking for a band aid, she could not refuse. So, Sarah had to carry him to the upstairs bathroom, as he was unwilling to climb using his injured foot, and gave Sam the band aid he so desperately desired.

Sam, happy that his mom gave him his band aid, forgot all about the pain and went back downstairs to play with Kim. But where is that stupid ball? He wondered.


Chapter 2

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this little story of mine, which is among my first ever stories published online. I know this story isn't really exciting in THAT way (wink wink), as it isn't meant to be pure sexual fantasy. Hopefully one can value the content and plot I come up with.

In the next chapter you will get to know a bit more about the characters as there will be a time jump. The characters will have aged a bit and will be able to have more complex emotions and thoughts. Please feel free to leave any thoughts or comments, ideas or suggestions, or anything else you want to see me put out in the discussion section. Feel free to talk to me at anytime and I will try to respond as soon as possible. See ya!