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* [[The Entertainer/The King and his kids in a wagon|"Stick with the horses, Torrick."]]
* [[The Entertainer/The King and his kids in a wagon|"Stick with the horses, Torrick. This is a family matter!"]]
* [[The Entertainer/One little girl and two men in the wagon|"Son, would you like to take the reins and lead us back home?"]]
* [[The Entertainer/One little girl and two men in the wagon|"Son, would you like to take the reins and lead us back home?"]]
* [[The Entertainer/A body guard and two kids in a wagon|"I don't feel well...I'll uh...Conduct the wagon."]]
* [[The Entertainer/A body guard and two kids in a wagon|"I don't feel well...I'll uh...Conduct the wagon."]]

Latest revision as of 10:05, 20 October 2019

The King completely drank the bottle for himself in one sitting, then let it into the backpack with the rest. He then pat both of our heads, rubbing our hair. "So you two got yourself a big wolf man? How did you get him?" "Alice made weird noises and called him up!" The little prince said while pointing at me. "Really?" He looks back at me with an eyebrow up. "Actually, i was just doing animal noises, i was expecting something else!" "Ohhh, what sort of noises?" "Weird noises!" The Prince added up. "Yep!" No real point explaining them. "...Well you got a fine catch so everything is fine!" He kept rubbing my head, then let his hand slide on my side toward my hand. "...And look at those hands! Did you gut him or something? That's some blood!" "I had to stitch up Torrick after we killed the beast!" "Yep, she did a fine job patching me up, sir." Jumpy said while looking back at us, then keeping his eyes on the road. "Really? I didn't know you doubled up as a doctor!" He laughed "Well...Not really, he made me learn on the go!" "That's fine too!" He gave a nice rub to my hand, then lick up his own hand.

"Dad! Don't do that! That's creepy!" "What? What's creepy?" He lick up his thumb, pressed it against the blood on the chest of his son, then licked it up. "I'm just tasting the kill, son! Nothing wrong with that!" Me and the Prince looks at each others, I've shrugged at him. "Well, let me tell you how i got my catch!" He picked me up and made me sit on one of his leg, then got his son on his other leg. He then let his two hand slide on each of our back, and gently rubbing the side for both me and junior. "It was...Today! I've taken up my shotgun with Mault's son and Igor's son. Glorious bastard they are! We made way on the opposite side of you two because...Er...Yeah, Yeah yeah, we had to!" With one hand he reached down for a bottle of wine, opened it and some fell on his chest." "Dad, you're drinking too much!" The prince said."

"Son there is a time and a place for telling me that..." He poked junior's chest. "Not today, one day you'll sit in my place and drink as much as you want! Alice here have a drink." He passed up the bottle to me." "Why does she get a drink? I wanna too!" "You're too young..." I grinned for a moment. "Too young? He'll just see how it tastes like and won't want to drink it up." I passed it up to junior...Who said. "No thanks, I don't wanna act odd like you, Dad! You stink too." "Good! This is settled! Yeah!" He took up the bottle and drank some more before letting the half down into the backpack. He then put back his two hands on the opposite end of our sides, then pulled us up close awkwardly.

"Okay so...We walked for a hour and...We saw the most beautiful fucking tree ever! Light shining down, vines wrapped it, a circle of water shimmering and in the middle that horse. God damn what a beauty." "For real?" The prince ask. "I've came here with your mother a few times!" He nudged the boy with his elbow. "Wait, I should skip that part...Too young. Anyway. I had the men prepare their ropes, I've got out a carrot. Horses loves these like us...Speaking of carrots." He went back into the backpack and took out two of them and one to me and the prince. "Here, you kids eat that. I've already ate. Anyway, after a round up we tied her up put her on the side, let a tarp slide underneath her and got her back. The end." "Well that was fast!" The prince said. "So it's a girl?" He then ask. "Yep! Do you know what that means...?" "No...?" "That means not only we get little baby unicorns at home, but Alice gets to science on their horns! ...When we'll get little horsies that is." "Wait? Science on their horns? Why? And why is Alice the one to do that?" "Oh uh...Well uh...Yeah, that's because Alice is learning to be a scientist at her father's place! That's it. Yep. And uh...You know, I can't allow anyone to touch the horse until she's bred a few. Never spoil your victories right away, son." He said with a index up.

"Huh? I didn't know you knew more than that! No wonder you knew all these weird voices!" The Prince smiled at me, I smiled back. "Yeah, i have a lot of tricks up my sleeves, kid." "Kid?" "That's the way my father talks sometimes!" I tried to justify while letting out a little laugh. "I'm a year older than you! It's weird you called me that!" "Oh, kids...Could you do me a favor?" The King ask. "Sure, Dad!" "Could you let your carrots in your mouth for a moment? You'll see how good it tastes when you do that!" "Well uh...Okay!" The Prince did so. "You too, Alice!" "...Fine." I've done so too. "Look at me for a moment!" We both looked back at him.

Two little kids on his lap with carrots in their mouth facing him, must be a good view...for a pedophile. Wait. He then rubbed both our heads. "Does it tastes good? I bet it does!" The prince then lick up the carrot. "It's tastes okay!" He kept licking it. "Try licking it too, Alice!" The prince said. I've let out a groan, and did so...Except i gave a lustful look at the King while doing so. "Awww gee, what is happening behind? I can't join up the fun if i have to concentrate on the road!" Groaned Torrick in the front. "I'm just showing the kids how great carrots taste if they leave it in their mouth! Nothing wrong!" He said. "It sounds right to me, my King! And i want in...!"

Looking back at senior, he was leaning his hand over his pitching tent, giving it some thoughts.