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[[File:D&D-Elethaloria-Asteralenell.png|thumb|frame|Elethaloria Asteralenell]]
[[File:D&D-Nobranelavel-Asteralenell.png|thumb|frame|Nobranelavel Asteralenell]]
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[[File:D&D-Elethaloria-Asteralenell.png|thumb|frame|Elethaloria Asteralenell]]

Revision as of 18:00, 12 March 2020

Deladaravona Asteralenell
Elethaloria Asteralenell
Nobranelavel Asteralenell

You are Deladaravona Asteralenell (dela∙DARA∙vona aster∙ALAH∙nel). You are a ten year old elf who lives with your parents and older brother in a woodland home just north of the city of Chitinbone, in the Duchy of Kohr, in The Kingdom of Garia in the world of Shiar'Elestria. There are very few elves in Garia, and you are one of the few. You and your family spend most of your time in the forest, and see humans infrequently. You are more accustom to seeing the resident fey of the land than other "civilized" races. When you do meet other non-fey races, they usually call you Dela. You always thought that was silly, as Deladaravona means The Morning Sun Glistening from Smooth River Stones. Dela simply means The Morning Sun. Your family name is that of your mother's clan, as is custom. Asteralenell means Starlight Casting Shadows in the Woods by a Lake. You have lead a very happy life so far, and quite enjoy the natural splendor of your home. You have never seen the elven homeland of Ælfinhiem; but your father's stories of it fill you with glee whenever he relates them to the family. Whenever you ask why your family doesn't live in Ælfinhiem, your father always replies with the same enigmatic response: "If one grows an orchid surrounded by orchids, one cannot expect that orchid to stand out." You still have no idea what he's talking about. Maybe you would understand if you ever actually saw an orchid.

Speaking of your father, his name is Andersaul Eselavel (an∙DER∙sahl es∙EL∙eh∙VEL). Your father's name means Young Man Running Briskly and his surname means Basking in the Winter Cold. Your father is a ranger of some reputation. Though retired from adventuring now, when he was younger he was quite a well known beastmaster. His companion wolf, Druna, still lives with your family. Druna is an elven translation of her wolfin name, and means Biting Deep. Druna is a member of the family. She literally is, as she is your father's mistress . . . with your mother's blessing no less. Your father and Druna have no offspring of their own, even though they try loudly every mating season. Your father explained to you once that it would take powerful magic to make that happen, and he and Druna had consigned themselves to never having offspring of their own. Perhaps because of this, Druna has always been like a second mother to you . . . a mother you can't understand the speech of; but a mother nonetheless.

Druna is much older than her kind normally lives. Your father once explained that it was because her lifeforce was tied to his own. She was basically a nursemaid for both your brother and yourself growing up; or so you've been told. She is very caring, nurturing, and protective toward you and your brother . . . in fact she can be a bit over-protective. She is very loving with your father, and can actually become romantic with him even when she is not in heat; which you are told is quite unusual for a wolf. She seems a bit colder toward your mother; more like she is simply tolerating her than considering her part of her family. It has always seemed normal to you that your father had a wolf mistress. It was only after seeing the reactions of some human visitors a few years ago that you realized how taboo it was in the land you lived in to have more than one lover, and to mate with animals. Your father didn't pay any attention to the scorn shown, however, so you never let it bother you.

Speaking of humans and their judgments, those self-same visitors were surprised that your mother had once had a nymph lover. You could never be sure if it was because they were both women, or that the nymph was a "wild" race. Humans seemed pretty uptight sexually . . . so maybe both. Your mother, Elethaloria Asteralenell (el∙ETH∙alor∙eeah aster∙ALAH∙nel), seemed to care even less than your father about your guest's discomfort over her love life. Her is actually the name of a beautiful but toxic flower from Ælfinhiem, and means In Death Beauty Leaps Forth. She had been an adventurer when she was younger as well . . . a skilled warrior. She still carried her blade with her, and one look at it was usually enough to snap shut a rude comment before it formed. Your mother was always the more reserved of your parents. That is not to say that she was not loving. On the contrary, one would be hard-pressed to find a more loving mother. The thing was that she was subtle in her affections. She ran cool, but once one was used to it; it wasn't hard to feel the love. Your draconic blood that gave you your sorcery came from your mother's bloodline. It cropped up from time to time in the Asteralenell clan. Your mother didn't have the gift; but your grandmother and great-grandmother both had; as had your uncle.


Andersaul Eselavel