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I'll be leaving this city in few hours.
I'll be leaving this city in few hours.
===== Morning Star, 2nd, 4E 202 =====
Dear diary, I have met my defeat, perhaps for one final time.
Eltrys was dead by the time I got to him. Guards had taken him out by orders of Thonar, and he had also ordered for me to be imprisoned as well. Every recent murder that took place in this city was pinned on me. I was surrounded, every guard in this city knows that there's a bounty of tens of thousands of Septim on my ass, a sum that even a king would have trouble paying. Death wasn't an option; they were intent on capturing me alive. I had no choice but to go quietly.
From this day forward, I'll be calling Cidhna Mine my new home. It's where I'll be serving my life sentence. If not even the king of the Forsworn hasn't been able to make it out in twenty years, what chance do I have?
A death sentence has been ordered, but nobody will tell me when I'll die. It'll come as a surprise, with no warning in advance. Just one day in the future, probably decades from now, they will drag my ass to the guillotine and end my life within minutes. I was also told that my contact to the outside world will be completely cut off and no news from the outside world will reach me. Only people who are capable of providing me with information are the prisoners who might come here in the future.
As for my prison outfit, there is none. I'm not allowed to wear actual clothes. Instead, guards locked me in a collar made out of Ebony that no ordinary tool can cut or open, and gave me cuffs to match a set. They gave me piercings enchanted with magic and locked them to my most sensitive places. With one snap of a finger they're designed to stimulate my nipples and my clitoris. They may sometimes even activate automatically. And then, they gave me one more mark of slavery. They labeled me by putting a lewd, heart-shaped very much visible tattoo on top of my womb, enchanted with ancient, foul magic to enhance my sensitivity and horniness.
The guard said that they'd come here to fill a Soul Gem every three days to take care of any and all possible pregnancies, and bring me some food and water as well, basically to keep me living.
There was only one thing that could make my sentence worse, and that would be solitary confinement. Luckily, that's not the case. Then again, my fate could perhaps be more horrifying for someone else, considering that I'm the sole female prisoner this mine has seen in years… But something tells me that I don't need to exactly spell it out for you, my dearest diary, my only friend in the next and perhaps even final chapter of my life…
After it was all said and done, they threw me in and locked the door. My sentence had started, and I dread to think what these murderers, rapists and criminals have in store for me.
===== Morning Star, 3rd, 4E 202 =====
Day one.
This prison isn't as populated as I expected it to be. Including Madanach, there's only six men here. They're mostly either Forsworn or people who were thrown here on suspicion of being Forsworn. Because of that, most of the prisoners here are my fellow Bretons. I was told one thing right off the bat, and that is that I'm now Madanach's property. I may be the prisoner of the Silver-Blood, but the Forsworn King in Rags owns my body. I am but a meat toilet for these men.
Borkul is perhaps the clearest exception to the rule of people here being Forsworn. He's the biggest and the meanest looking Orc I've ever seen and a true criminal at heart. He's a murderer, a rapist, a thief… If there's a sin for a man commit he's done it. He's Madanach's first hand man, and he was the first one to use me in here. He was so happy to actually have a bitch to dominate. He alone must've raped me for an hour or two. He was so barbaric, it was a genuinely brutal rape. What's so scary about it is that he could've probably snapped my neck at any moment if I complained at anything or even moaned funny. No doubt he would've done it if he was still enjoying his freedom raping children out there in Skyrim.
Uraccen was next, and then Braig. They were both very tame in comparison, and even though they were being forceful, it felt like making love in comparison, but they were also very quick shots. Odvan and Duach wanted to do me at the same time. Odvan did me from behind, which was nothing special, but Duach… He had such a big and smelly cock, and he stuck it so deep down my throat. He grabbed my head and didn't pull out at all, he barely gave me time to breathe. Grisvar was the last, and he was the only one who wanted to fuck my ass, although he did also finger my pussy at the same time.
These men also found humor in the fact that there were markings on my ass about all the men that raped me two days ago, and they continued the tradition. They also wrote some degrading words on my other cheek. It's a good thing these drawings aren't permanent, apart from that one anyway… They'll probably write something else tomorrow.
Then, the cycle began anew.
Borkul was already satisfied, but the other five weren't. They all took turns and did me for hours. They let me breathe at times, they forced me to do a lot of foreplay to keep themselves going and recover between turns. I was only let go after Madanach actually came to us, wondering what was taking so long. He had insisted on getting me last after I was already dead tired and exhausted from being raped, but even he had gotten impatient. I was promptly dragged off to the quietest corner of Cidhna Mine.
Madanach is the only one here to actually have a proper bunk here along with a bed… Which he then proceeded to tie me into. Then, he unleashed years of pent up sexual frustration on me. He said that he hadn't masturbated, not even once. He was saving all that energy for the next bitch to get sentenced. I was expecting this old man to be done quickly because of this, but no. He took it surprisingly slow, but what he lacked in intensity, he had in technique. He made me come multiple times before he even finished inside me, and that was just his first shot. He made love to me, and he made me like it. His dick was so big too, even bigger than Borkul's beastly green shaft.
Well, he's done for now, but I'm still in his room. He's writing something, and he also gave me a permission to document my time here for you, my diary, but only when I have free time. He also said that he noticed that I'm a Vampire when he fucked me the first time around. He said that I'm allowed to feed, but only on Grisvar, I'm not allowed to sink my feet into any other person's flesh here. Why did he pick that guy? Well, no idea, but it makes me glad that I can eat more than just stale bread… I guess they don't want me to become blood-starved, as that can have some effects on my physical appearance as well… I've never let it progress that far as hunger usually kicks in way before the changes start happening, but I think it's possible? There are differences between different bloodlines too, I don't know… It could be that Lord Harkon's bloodline doesn't have those problems, but I doubt they'd believe me. Besides, like I said, I'm happy to drink blood if I can.
Still, I have to wonder, is this really my life now? I find it hard to wrap my head around, but it really seems so…
I kind of had fun today though. Well, as much as fun as you can have knowing this is your life now… It's weird, I know, but I have no other choice… Don't think less of me just because I've lost my hope, my dear diary…
===== Morning Star, 4th, 4E 202 =====
Day two.
They let me sleep well, and I had a lot of time to contemplate my destiny, weigh my past life choices, my future choices, or lack thereof. I could try to kill one of these men, or some of them, but what would that accomplish? Nothing. I would still be stuck here. It's not like they would try to kill me either. They value me alive. I don't want to make enemies out of any of them either. I'll just be the good girl they expect me to be.
It saddens me to think, but I really have no other choice but to submit, just like I did yesterday, just like I did today. It's not like they're forcing me to do anything that horrible… They just want to use my body, and maybe have a little kiss, maybe make me suck them off every now and then. I still like to think that there's more worth to my life than just that, but… Clearly the people who have control over me don't see any more worth in me. Was this my destiny all along? I don't believe in destiny, but if this is what the gods planned for me… Well, I can only wait for my final judgment.
Still, there could be a chance of me getting away in some way, as distant as it may be. I am after all a Dragonborn. My voice is a weapon more powerful than any sword which can used to oppress me. They don't know the true extent of my Vampiric powers either. These men might have all the confidence in the world with their petty shivs, because in my eyes I'm really just a kid… But to pivot back to my previous point, even if I raised up to rebel against my fellow prisoners, it would accomplish absolutely nothing.
Well, I do still believe that I have some chance of getting out of here, even if it's just one in a million. I just have to be patient and wait for that day, or die trying. That I'll do… I'll wait, I'll let them have their way with me and be a good little whore.

Revision as of 09:59, 15 May 2020

Evening Star, 29th, 4E 201

My journey brought me to Dawnstar for my next side contract, but I ended up doing some other pointless things, like visit some stupid museum dedicated to the Mythic Dawn. The man in charge of it did talk about collecting all the shards of Mehrunes' Razor which supposedly all located in Skyrim, and promised good money for them. I won't go out of my way to find them because that would potentially take days off form my schedule, but I suppose if I'm in the area where they're supposed to be… What's the harm in spending an extra hour to look for it?

I also killed a dragon together with Sofia. I guess there were some city guards shooting arrows at it too, but they were useless as always. Then, I went on to kill my contract Deekus who was scavenging a ship on the northern coast in the middle of nowhere. He tried to run away… Well, I guess he was intending to swim away, but he didn't succeed. Time to return to the Sanctuary I guess.

Evening Star, 31th, 4E 201

I have been tasked with killing a man called Gaius Maro, who is the son of the leader of Penitus Oculatus. Basically, I am to strike a blow against the Emperor's personal elite guard here in Skyrim. I'm also expected to plant a letter to frame him in a plan to assassinate the Emperor. What will this accomplish? I'm not sure and I don't care!

I expect this task to be a long and boring one which involves a lot of stalking, standing still and waiting, but it'll all be worth it eventually. Good things always come to those who wait.

I've already made it to Dragon Bridge, and I saw him wave his mother and father goodbye. How sweet. I also happened to come across his travel schedule. How careless of them to let the door to their office open, and how careless of them to leave something like that on the table. I didn't actually steal it or anything either. I just read it. I'll meet him in Markarth two days from now.

See you soon, Gaius my dear.

Morning Star, 1st, 4E 202

I had an entire day for myself, but it didn't end up going quite as I planned.

It all started with me checking in to the inn. The place was packed because of the festivities going on. Lots of mead were being consumed, and most of the people were piss drunk. Anyway, I met Margret there. If you remember, that's the woman who I saved from the Forsworn the first time I was here. I talked with her a little, but there wasn't really much to go over. She was still shocked about how it could've happened to here, and since she has already rewarded me, there wasn't much to go over. That's when a man named Eltrys approached me and asked me to go meet him at the Shrine of Talos.

He told me a story about how his own father died at the hands of Forsworn in this city, basically to prove the point that this problem isn't a new one, and about how guards aren't willing to do anything to solve any of this. He needs help, apparently. All these people here need help, because these killings and attacks aren't going to stop any time soon. Eltrys here need help to expose the corruption at the upper echelons of this city. It sounded like a mighty distraction from the reason why I'm here in the first place, but since I had the day off, I ended up searching for clues anyway.

From here onwards, things started to slowly and progressively get bad.

My first course of action was getting back to Margret and interviewing her. I felt like she owed me an explanation about why she thought she might've been attacked, and I got my first important clue. She's an Imperial investigator, working for General Tullius. She's been sent here to do some work regarding Cidhna Mine, which is one of the most infamous prison here in Skyrim, a prison that nobody can escape, or something like that. It's owned by the Silver-Blood family, which is probably why the Imperials are so interested. It's all politics which I don't really care about all that much, but whatever. My next step was going to the Silver-Blood family, which is my best bet at finding source and information regarding this mine. After all, it's highly suspicious that a woman sent to investigate a prison would get assaulted on the street.

Then, when I left the inn, one of the city guards came to me and warned me about asking questions, telling me to back off, but I didn't listen. I continued my research.

I wasn't welcomed into the Treasury House, which is owned by the Silver-Blood family. It's the day of the New Life Festival, so I expected the place to be a busy one. I wasn't going to be able to talk to anyone prominent, so I had to come up with an alternative plan. This plan, of course, was infiltration. I snuck into their home and broke into the family head's room. Thonar is the most prominent member in this family, so his journal was on my mind. I learned that Thonar has the king of the Forsworn, Madanach, imprisoned in the Cidhna Mine, and that this man is somehow behind these attacks. They have some kind of deal with each other, him and Thonar. I couldn't believe it, I actually had the evidence about this conspiracy in my hands, the proof of corruption I needed. It doesn't omit how Madanach is able to control his underlings from the prison though, but for that, there was one final piece to the puzzle.

It was time for me to go see if I could find evidence from the man who actually tried to kill Margret. He's name was Weylin and he used to live in the Warrens. Getting to his room was pretty easy, and it didn't take too long for me to find a letter from a chest inside his room either. I was interrupted by a large hand grabbing my shoulder before I could get around reading it. Only thing I caught from the letter was the person who had signed it, "N".

This is the point where things got from bad to worse.

Next thing I knew was a large fist pressed against the back of my head, and my face rubbing the dirt on the floor. I wasn't able to wield my weapon or defend myself at all. He said that they tried to warn me, but I just had to stick my nose into all of this. In his words, it was time for me to learn a lesson in form of one final warning.

He then proceeded to strip me naked and raped me from behind like an animal. He placed a sturdy leather collar on my neck, slapped my butt in a way that made the entire Warrens echo. Crowd was starting to gather, everyone in the Warrens had heard the commotion and they all saw what was going on, but none of these people were interested in helping me. Instead, they were all cheering my rape on. I know that there's a Skooma den down there and that prostitution is prevalent here, so I just assumed that these men must've mistaken me for a whore.

This man wasn't finished simply from cumming inside me once. He did me again, once more from behind, and didn't give even give me time to rest at all. He clenched his fist around the collar choking me while keeping my body elevated in the air he even made me cum. I couldn't believe that I would ever be able to orgasm from being choked, when I can barely even breathe. It was so painful and exhausting.

He was finally finished, but he had more in store for me. My punishment was far from over.

He turned towards the crowd and proclaimed that "her bitch" is now ready for use. He charged only twenty Septim, that was all it required to use my pussy. I couldn't do anything to stop what was about to happen, and I was forced to take all that dirty beggar, drunk and drug addict semen into me as my slaver collected all that money he was making off me. I didn't even count how many men and how many dicks there were, but they kept count by drawing lines on my butt with pen and ink. My stomach was properly inflated from all the jizz, and I was barely staying awake, but my torment was still not over.

He had one final ultimate punishment ready for me. Every single dirty mongrel already had cummed inside me, what possibly could he do to humiliate further? Well, we're at the lowest levels of Markarth, save for the deep Dwemer ruins that lie underneath this city, so it isn't exactly the cleanest environment here. Because of this, Charus sometimes make it closer to the surface, and they had a strange but massive Charus monster in trapped in here, a beast unlike anything I've seen. Before I could even beg for mercy, I was thrown straight into its slimy embrace. This giant blob of slime entangled my body, and I was honestly scared for my life, not that it was interested in killing me. This beast was meant to rape me, and rape me it did, for what felt like an eternity. Two hours? Three? I must've even passed out several times during the ordeal, but it just kept waking me up over and over again. My belly was bulging from its parasitic eggs. It was like I was at the late stages of pregnancy all over again. Eventually though, everything faded to black.

I only woke up after my body struck against the slightly muddy soft soil outside the Warrens in some quiet back alley along with my belongings. "Consider this your last warning" , the man said. "Next time we catch you will be your last."

It wasn't a death threat, I was sure of it, but rather, a taste of what might come if I continue pursuing this errand. They had gone through my stuff to steal some items and most importantly, steal all the evidence I had gathered. From there onward, I was just hiding, scared and angry at the same time. I couldn't move well because my stomach was so heavy and the shape my legs were in, so I just laid still, hoping that nobody would come to take advantage of me. It luckily didn't last but an hour or two for the slimy invaders to escape my uterus. I was free from the these foul parasites inside my stomach rather quickly, but the toll this pregnancy took on my body still lingered.

Two competing thoughts battled it out in my head… One of them wanted to taste revenge and carry out this task to the end, while other is telling me to accept defeat and walk away from whatever conspiracy has infected this corrupt shithole of a city. I still haven't decided what I want to do, but… It's not what's important anyway. I have to focus on my primary goal. I know Gaius Maro will be visiting this town tomorrow, and I need to be ready and waiting. Until then, I have to keep out from trouble… I won't be leaving the inn for any other reason than to kill Gaius anymore.

Morning Star, 2nd, 4E 202

I always knew that killing a target that is actually capable of defending himself well was going to be a challenge. Sinking my teeth into his flesh wasn't going to be possible with that armor covering his body either. A little bit of Vampiric blood magic did the trick though. One invisible girl, one lone soldier and zero witnesses… I'm no mathematician, but I believe that the correct answer to this equation is success. Was there ever any doubt? This is what I'm best at.

It has been a long day though. It's been sunny throughout the day and for most of the day I didn't have a chance to get Gaius alone.

I've also pretty much decided that I must leave this city. I'll probably do it as soon as I've gotten something to eat. I also feel like I have to go and apologize to Eltrys for not being able to help him any longer. It's regrettable, I have to let him down, but… What other choice do I have? The guards here know that I'm trouble and want me gone as soon as possible.

I'll be leaving this city in few hours.

Morning Star, 2nd, 4E 202

Dear diary, I have met my defeat, perhaps for one final time.

Eltrys was dead by the time I got to him. Guards had taken him out by orders of Thonar, and he had also ordered for me to be imprisoned as well. Every recent murder that took place in this city was pinned on me. I was surrounded, every guard in this city knows that there's a bounty of tens of thousands of Septim on my ass, a sum that even a king would have trouble paying. Death wasn't an option; they were intent on capturing me alive. I had no choice but to go quietly.

From this day forward, I'll be calling Cidhna Mine my new home. It's where I'll be serving my life sentence. If not even the king of the Forsworn hasn't been able to make it out in twenty years, what chance do I have?

A death sentence has been ordered, but nobody will tell me when I'll die. It'll come as a surprise, with no warning in advance. Just one day in the future, probably decades from now, they will drag my ass to the guillotine and end my life within minutes. I was also told that my contact to the outside world will be completely cut off and no news from the outside world will reach me. Only people who are capable of providing me with information are the prisoners who might come here in the future.

As for my prison outfit, there is none. I'm not allowed to wear actual clothes. Instead, guards locked me in a collar made out of Ebony that no ordinary tool can cut or open, and gave me cuffs to match a set. They gave me piercings enchanted with magic and locked them to my most sensitive places. With one snap of a finger they're designed to stimulate my nipples and my clitoris. They may sometimes even activate automatically. And then, they gave me one more mark of slavery. They labeled me by putting a lewd, heart-shaped very much visible tattoo on top of my womb, enchanted with ancient, foul magic to enhance my sensitivity and horniness.

The guard said that they'd come here to fill a Soul Gem every three days to take care of any and all possible pregnancies, and bring me some food and water as well, basically to keep me living.

There was only one thing that could make my sentence worse, and that would be solitary confinement. Luckily, that's not the case. Then again, my fate could perhaps be more horrifying for someone else, considering that I'm the sole female prisoner this mine has seen in years… But something tells me that I don't need to exactly spell it out for you, my dearest diary, my only friend in the next and perhaps even final chapter of my life…

After it was all said and done, they threw me in and locked the door. My sentence had started, and I dread to think what these murderers, rapists and criminals have in store for me.

Morning Star, 3rd, 4E 202

Day one.

This prison isn't as populated as I expected it to be. Including Madanach, there's only six men here. They're mostly either Forsworn or people who were thrown here on suspicion of being Forsworn. Because of that, most of the prisoners here are my fellow Bretons. I was told one thing right off the bat, and that is that I'm now Madanach's property. I may be the prisoner of the Silver-Blood, but the Forsworn King in Rags owns my body. I am but a meat toilet for these men.

Borkul is perhaps the clearest exception to the rule of people here being Forsworn. He's the biggest and the meanest looking Orc I've ever seen and a true criminal at heart. He's a murderer, a rapist, a thief… If there's a sin for a man commit he's done it. He's Madanach's first hand man, and he was the first one to use me in here. He was so happy to actually have a bitch to dominate. He alone must've raped me for an hour or two. He was so barbaric, it was a genuinely brutal rape. What's so scary about it is that he could've probably snapped my neck at any moment if I complained at anything or even moaned funny. No doubt he would've done it if he was still enjoying his freedom raping children out there in Skyrim.

Uraccen was next, and then Braig. They were both very tame in comparison, and even though they were being forceful, it felt like making love in comparison, but they were also very quick shots. Odvan and Duach wanted to do me at the same time. Odvan did me from behind, which was nothing special, but Duach… He had such a big and smelly cock, and he stuck it so deep down my throat. He grabbed my head and didn't pull out at all, he barely gave me time to breathe. Grisvar was the last, and he was the only one who wanted to fuck my ass, although he did also finger my pussy at the same time.

These men also found humor in the fact that there were markings on my ass about all the men that raped me two days ago, and they continued the tradition. They also wrote some degrading words on my other cheek. It's a good thing these drawings aren't permanent, apart from that one anyway… They'll probably write something else tomorrow.

Then, the cycle began anew.

Borkul was already satisfied, but the other five weren't. They all took turns and did me for hours. They let me breathe at times, they forced me to do a lot of foreplay to keep themselves going and recover between turns. I was only let go after Madanach actually came to us, wondering what was taking so long. He had insisted on getting me last after I was already dead tired and exhausted from being raped, but even he had gotten impatient. I was promptly dragged off to the quietest corner of Cidhna Mine.

Madanach is the only one here to actually have a proper bunk here along with a bed… Which he then proceeded to tie me into. Then, he unleashed years of pent up sexual frustration on me. He said that he hadn't masturbated, not even once. He was saving all that energy for the next bitch to get sentenced. I was expecting this old man to be done quickly because of this, but no. He took it surprisingly slow, but what he lacked in intensity, he had in technique. He made me come multiple times before he even finished inside me, and that was just his first shot. He made love to me, and he made me like it. His dick was so big too, even bigger than Borkul's beastly green shaft.

Well, he's done for now, but I'm still in his room. He's writing something, and he also gave me a permission to document my time here for you, my diary, but only when I have free time. He also said that he noticed that I'm a Vampire when he fucked me the first time around. He said that I'm allowed to feed, but only on Grisvar, I'm not allowed to sink my feet into any other person's flesh here. Why did he pick that guy? Well, no idea, but it makes me glad that I can eat more than just stale bread… I guess they don't want me to become blood-starved, as that can have some effects on my physical appearance as well… I've never let it progress that far as hunger usually kicks in way before the changes start happening, but I think it's possible? There are differences between different bloodlines too, I don't know… It could be that Lord Harkon's bloodline doesn't have those problems, but I doubt they'd believe me. Besides, like I said, I'm happy to drink blood if I can.

Still, I have to wonder, is this really my life now? I find it hard to wrap my head around, but it really seems so…

I kind of had fun today though. Well, as much as fun as you can have knowing this is your life now… It's weird, I know, but I have no other choice… Don't think less of me just because I've lost my hope, my dear diary…

Morning Star, 4th, 4E 202

Day two.

They let me sleep well, and I had a lot of time to contemplate my destiny, weigh my past life choices, my future choices, or lack thereof. I could try to kill one of these men, or some of them, but what would that accomplish? Nothing. I would still be stuck here. It's not like they would try to kill me either. They value me alive. I don't want to make enemies out of any of them either. I'll just be the good girl they expect me to be.

It saddens me to think, but I really have no other choice but to submit, just like I did yesterday, just like I did today. It's not like they're forcing me to do anything that horrible… They just want to use my body, and maybe have a little kiss, maybe make me suck them off every now and then. I still like to think that there's more worth to my life than just that, but… Clearly the people who have control over me don't see any more worth in me. Was this my destiny all along? I don't believe in destiny, but if this is what the gods planned for me… Well, I can only wait for my final judgment.

Still, there could be a chance of me getting away in some way, as distant as it may be. I am after all a Dragonborn. My voice is a weapon more powerful than any sword which can used to oppress me. They don't know the true extent of my Vampiric powers either. These men might have all the confidence in the world with their petty shivs, because in my eyes I'm really just a kid… But to pivot back to my previous point, even if I raised up to rebel against my fellow prisoners, it would accomplish absolutely nothing.

Well, I do still believe that I have some chance of getting out of here, even if it's just one in a million. I just have to be patient and wait for that day, or die trying. That I'll do… I'll wait, I'll let them have their way with me and be a good little whore.