A Loli's ENF Adventure/Luneiris/Adventuring Day1 (Origin1)/The Armorer: Difference between revisions

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Luna and Ondir walked through the streets, now beginning to come alive once more. Luna, feeling uncomfortable around the growing masses of civilians, moved closer to Ondir and clutched the rusty-red cloak he had over his armor.
Luna and Ondir walked through the streets, now beginning to come alive once more. Luna, feeling uncomfortable around the growing masses of civilians, moved closer to Ondir and clutched the rusty-red cloak he had over his armor.

"Not fond of crowds, are yeah?" he said looking over his shoulder.
"If I recall,you said last night you're not fond of crowds, yeah?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at her.

"N-No, not really..."
"N-No, not really..."

Latest revision as of 03:03, 19 November 2020

Luna and Ondir walked through the streets, now beginning to come alive once more. Luna, feeling uncomfortable around the growing masses of civilians, moved closer to Ondir and clutched the rusty-red cloak he had over his armor.

"If I recall,you said last night you're not fond of crowds, yeah?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at her.

"N-No, not really..."

Of course, there was also the fact that she was bottomless on a busy street in broad daylight with only a tunic and cloak for cover, but she couldn't exactly share that information.

"Ah, don't worry about it. Here, I know a shortcut to my brother's shop, this way!"

Without breaking stride he turned down an alleyway, Luna scrambling after him so as not to be left behind. She calmed down as the clamor of the main road died down behind her, and by the time they arrived at their destination minutes later she felt perfectly fine (or as much as she could given her circumstance).

"Behold! The best armor shop in the city, run by my own brother, Ondur!"

Luna looked up at the the two story building, seeing plate armor and chain mail in one display window and two types of lighter armor in the other. She furrowed her brow at Ondir's words.

"Didn't you say last night that your brother was the one who replaced Lunok's bow?"

"Oh that's my other brother, Ondar. He's a weapon-smith, which includes forging metallic bows. Quite the trio aren't we? Ondar makes the weapons, Ondur makes the armor, and I, Ondir, use them in adventures!"

Ondir laughed to himself at the ridiculousness he saw in the arrangement while Luna was only further confused by the strange naming convention among the three brothers.

"Well come on then, let's not keep him waiting."

With that he urged the still befuddled girl forward into the building.

It was, in a way, similar to the setup in the tailor shop from before, what with the multiple mannequins wearing different sets of armor, but that's were the similarities ended. Along the walls were shelves holding boots and gauntlets, a few changing rooms (with wooden doors this time) were along the far wall, a counter sat near the door unattended, and in the back corner was a large open area with a slightly raised floor with five mirrors forming a semicircle around it.

The two approached the sole occupant in the room, a dwarf fretting over a bronzed set of armor on a display.


The dwarf turned to the voice and immediately his face lit up.


The two men shared a massive hug before pulling back and bashing their foreheads together in what was a standard dwarven greeting. Luna rubbed her own forehead at hearing the loud clack it made.

"Ondir! What brings you here? I thought you were on the prowl for a new recruit lately?"

"That's just the thing, we found our new member. That's her right there, Luna."

The both turned to look at the one in question, and Luna noted that were it not for the slightly more pronounced brow on the armorer then it'd be impossible to tell the two apart.

Realizing she was being addressed Luna gave a wave and a small smile but withheld from speaking.

"Not very talkative is she?"

"Oh she's just shy is all. She talks more once you get to know her."

Luna listened as they spoke, Ondir filling in his brother on the circumstances that led to them taking on a child as an apprentice. Gradually she zoned out and examined the bronze armor Ondur was adjusting when they entered, which is why she jumped a little when she was addressed by name.

"So, Luna was it? Nice to meet you. Any friend of my brother is a friend of mine."

He put out a hand and slowly she reached out to shake it, her small hand nearly enveloped by his larger one.

"So, enough pleasantries, let's get down to business. Ondir says stealth is your thing. That's all well and good and I have a few things just for that, but in the life of an adventurer you're bound to get in a scrape here and there, and for that you need some armor. You're too small for plate so that's no good, but still we have other options."

Turning to the mannequins around them he pointed to different ones wearing different armor as he spoke.

"Firstly we have some simple cloth armor, like a gambeson; A little bulky maybe, but it can be easily slipped on over your clothes and be worn comfortably in most weather. Next there's leather armor; it isn't as good as a gambeson in terms of protection and you have to strap on each piece individually, but it provides much better mobility than cloth and more protection than no armor at all. And then there's chain mail; it may weigh more than the others and be more difficult to put on and take off, but it provides the best balance between defense and mobility without question. We have other options available, but let's start with those three for now."

Luna, a tad overwhelmed by all she was just told, mulled over the information trying to decide.

What armor does she pick?