Daycare manager/technical stuff 2.5/Innocence and sex knowledge: Difference between revisions

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Each item on this list is listed individually. They will each cover 4 subjects. 1. Innocence or prior knowledge to fully apply further innocence-reducing effect. 2. Innocence or prior knowledge to apply tags to the "sex knowledge" category. 3. What the modification to innocence or application of tags will be if they do not meet the required innocence bar or sex knowledge items. 4. What "has heard" knowledge they will acquire automatically if they see or experience this act.
Each item on this list is listed individually. They will each cover 4 subjects. 1. Innocence or prior knowledge to fully apply further innocence-reducing effect. 2. Innocence or prior knowledge to apply tags to the "sex knowledge" category. 3. What the modification to innocence or application of tags will be if they do not meet the required innocence bar or sex knowledge items. 4. What "has heard" knowledge they will acquire automatically if they see or experience this act.

NOTE: -1 innocence shift to all if they see or experience anything while lacking the "boys' and girls' privates are different" sex knowledge.
NOTE: -1 innocence loss for all seen or experienced oral/anal/vaginal sex events if it happens while lacking the "physical mechanics of sex" sex knowledge.

WIP all items in this list.
WIP all items in this list.

===Has seen===
===Has seen: non-intercourse===

:'''The opposite gender's genitals'''
:'''The opposite gender's genitals'''
*1. Innocence <95 or has heard boys' and girls' privates are different
*1. Innocence <95 or has heard boys' and girls' privates are different
*2. No requirement to apply tags
*3. No innocence lost until requirements are met
*4. Automatically acquire "boys' and girls' privates are different"
*1. Depends on how semen is seen. Must have "Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis" knowledge. (+10 innocence requirement if someone explains it's semen.)
** In process of ejaculating from a boy's penis: No requirement. Required sex knowledge automatically acquired from witnessing in this way.
** Leaking from a girl's vagina or anus (Including own): Innocence <70 + age. +5 if witnessed the sex that put that semen there. +5 if it is from self. +10 if it is own mouth (stacks with previous two.)
** Anywhere not coming out of a person's private parts. Innocence <60 + age and must be told it's semen. (-20 if it's in another person's mouth as it can be thought to just be saliva.)
*2. NA, no tags to start with.
*3. Innocence is not lowered.
*4. None unless witnessed ejaculation straight from tip of penis, in which case "something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis" is acquired.
:'''A condom on a penis'''
*1. Multiple routes
** Innocence < 80 + age and has seen "the opposite gender's genitals," has heard "semen from boy's penis" knowledge, and has experienced "sex with a condom."
** Innocence < 60 + age and has learned or heard any knowledge with "condom" in it's name.
*2. Has learned or heard another condom related sex knowledge
*3. Innocence is not lowered and tag is not acquired.
*4. Acquire "Something called a condom" has-heard knowledge.
===Has seen: Intercourse or stimulation related===
:'''Consensual oral or hand-job'''
*1. Understands the basic idea of sex.
*2. Understands the basic idea of sex.
*3. 1 less point loss, will not count tag for the 1 (now 0) point variation.
*4. Appropriate of suck penis/lick genitals "has-heard" knowledge, and "boys' and girls' privates are different."
:'''Consensual anal or vaginal'''
*1. Understands the basic idea of sex. Girls have hole that isn't where pee or poop comes out of, and boy's privates can go inside girl's hole.
** Witnessed from a distance, Innocence < 40 + age to notice penis is inside.
** Witnessed from up close, Innocence < 70 + age to notice penis is inside.
** Participants made penis entering explicitly clear and gave undeniable angle of view, no innocence requirement.
*2. Understands the basic idea of sex plus above innocence requirements.
*3. Only counts the witnessed penis entering vagina/anus version (highest variation) and only loose 2 innocence for it if it is first sex act witnessed. Interpreted as anal without the latter 2 sex knowledges from #1.
*4. For anal, "boys can stick their penis inside boy's/girl's butt," and "boys' and girls' privates are different" regardless.

:'''Non-consensual oral or hand-job'''
*Someone having sex (1 / 2 / 3) ^^
*1. Meets requirements for consensual version, plus innocence requirements depending on level of protest and whether or not they meet requirements for the consensual version.
*Someone being raped (2 / 4 / 6) ^^
** No verbal or physical protest aside from disgruntled or sad look on face, meets requirements and Innocence < 30 + age.
*Someone having oral sex ^^
** Whining voice saying to stop as though it's annoying. Meets requirements and no further innocence required, or does not meet requirements and Innocence <60 + age.
*Someone having anal sex ^^
** Strong verbal protests such as screaming or hitting. Meets requirements and no further innocence required, or does not meet requirements and still no further innocence required.
*Someone giving/receiving a hand-job ^^
*2. Same as #1.
*An unused condom (0)
*3. Considered consensual if innocence requirement is not met. 2 less point loss (just like 1 less point loss from consensual version) and does not count tags for lowest if requirements for consensual variation are not met.
*A used condom (0)
*4. Acquire "There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to" as well as the knowledges for the consensual version.
*A condom on a penis
:'''Non-consensual anal or vaginal'''
*Combine consensual anal/vaginal entries with non-consensual oral or hand-job entries. All apply the same.
===Has experienced (core sex acts)===

===Has experienced===
*Vanilla sex (2)
*Vanilla sex (2)
*Unwilling vanilla sex (2)^
*Unwilling vanilla sex (2)^
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*Unwanted touching of their genitals by someone else (2)
*Unwanted touching of their genitals by someone else (2)

NOTE: 2 points for the first sexual experience, 1 point for the 2 after that, zero for the last one.
===Has experienced (periphery to sex acts)===
^1st non-consensual sexual experience that's not just touching with the hand is worth 10 points.

*Sex with a condom
*Sex with a condom

Revision as of 01:08, 19 September 2020

Applied innocence score

High innocence scores can actually prevent a child from gaining certain sex knowledge in the first place.

There are certain things the child can hear or learn about that their minds just need a better framework before they can process what they are being exposed to. Age also happens to be a factor as to whether or not gaining certain pieces of sex knowledge are possible. Children below age 12 tend to have difficulty with grasping things on a conceptual level which makes it harder for them to truly understand sex. However, while it's harder for them to understand it conceptually, a lack of ability to grasp concepts can be made up for with actual experience.

There are also some experiences a child can have that they do not have the proper mental framework to conceptualize yet. They will still have had the experiences, but it will not mean as much to them as if they knew a little better. Unlike with the more knowledge-based end of things, seeing or experiencing something will always affect the child. However, if their innocence is too high, they might not be affected as much as they otherwise would be.

As such, this list is largely divided into 2 broader categories of sex knowledge. "Has heard," "Has been taught," and "understands" are placed in the "Learning and understanding" category. Meanwhile, "Has seen" and "Has experienced" are placed into the "Seeing and experiencing" category. Items under the "Learning and understanding" category are simply not acquired at all if the child's innocence score and previous sex knowledge does not meet the required conditions. Items under the "Seeing and experiencing" category will be tracked if the child has seen or experienced those things, but they will not get the full effects of having that sexual experience on their innocence and knowledge-modification tags until they pass a certain threshold or acquire the appropriate other sex knowledge from the "Learning and understanding" side.

Learning and Understanding

Has heard

The child can "hear" anything on this list at any time. However, they must reach certain requirements before that information will make sense to them and it will solidify for them.

NOTE: All items on this list with a "maximum innocence" + age requirement can also be acquired by first hand experience with the subject. For instance, seeing a girl's vagina or seeing semen come out of a boy's penis, or seeing sex at Lv. 3, or being raped or seeing someone else get raped. Consider the said items the alternate requirement for anything that might be applicable to.

No requirement

  • Boy's and Girl's privates are different
  • You can touch your privates to make yourself feel good
  • You shouldn't touch your privates in public (2)
  • Another person touching your privates can feel even better

Innocence < 90 + age

  • Girls have a hole in their privates that isn't where their pee or poop comes out of
  • Babies are made when mommies and daddies do something called "sex"

Innocence < 85 + age

  • You shouldn't let other people touch your privates (3)
  • A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates (also requires knowing about the girl's hole)
  • Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for (also requires above)
  • Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina (also requires above) (Innocence locked at or above 80 without this knowledge unless they have experienced non-consensual sex. If they have experienced non-consensual sex, cannot learn sex knowledges that have an innocence requirement < 80 without this sex knowledge)
  • Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis

Innocence < 80 + age

  • You can let other people touch your privates if you are old enough (0)
  • The semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina (also requires all bottom 4 items in 85 + age category)
  • The semen comes out when the penis feels good
  • Some boys/men like to have people suck on their penis
  • Some girls/women like to have people lick their genitals
  • Boys can have sex with boys by putting it in the butt
  • The penis can go in the girl's butt too (0)

Innocence < 70 + age

  • There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to
  • There are pills a girl can take to avoid having a baby when they have sex (0)
  • There is something called a condom a boy can put on his penis to avoid getting a girl pregnant when they have sex
  • Condoms can have flavors to taste good if you suck the boy's penis with it on (0)
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it's rare (0)
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it happens a lot (0)

Has been taught

Most items in this category have multiple possible routes to achieve this sex knowledge, as well as multiple possible requirements. Items with a single requirement will appear near the top of the list with the requirement written above the item or items. Items with multiple different ways to fill the requirements for this sex knowledge will have the possible options listed under the item, and the header-bullet point relationship will be reversed.

Single requirement or set of requirement items

Innocence < 75 + age, and has heard semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina

  • The physical mechanics of sex (factual text-book knowledge)

Innocence < 70 + age and has heard all items under "Innocence < 80 + age"

  • Deviant forms of sex (purely informative)

Age > 8 and has learned the physical mechanics of sex

  • The biology of sex

Innocence < 60 + age, and has appropriate "has heard" knowledge

  • How to use hormonal birth control or to confirm your female partner is on birth control
  • How to put on a condom or how to put a condom on a boy
  • To use a condom or ask for a condom to be used (2)

Multiple routes to achieve items

The physical difference between boys and girls

  • Has heard boys and girls' privates are different
  • Has seen the opposite gender's genitals

The physical mechanics of sex (applicable knowledge)

  • Age > 10 and has been taught the physical mechanics of sex
  • Has seen or experienced vaginal sex

Deviant forms of sex (applicable knowledge)

  • Age > 10 and has been taught deviant forms of sex
  • Has seen or experienced oral, anal, or BDSM sex

How to respond to someone doing something sexual to them

  • Has been taught how some people will try to take sexual advantage of them
  • Innocence < 80 + age, has heard you shouldn't let other people touch your privates, has not heard you can let others touch your privates if you are old enough
  • Innocence < 70 + age, has heard you shouldn't let other people touch your privates, has experienced non-consensual touching or non-consensual sex
  • Innocence < 60 + age, has heard you shouldn't let other people touch your privates.

How some people will try to take sexual advantage of them

  • Innocence < 50 + age, has been taught applicable knowledge of sex
  • Innocence < 80 + age, has experienced non-consensual sex
  • Innocence < 70 + age, has seen non-consensual sex

How to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them

  • Innocence < 40 + age and has both above sex knowledges
  • Innocence < 50 + age and understands the basic idea of sex
  • Experienced non-consensual sex 5+ times and Innocence < 60 + age + non-consensual sex experiences


All items in this category have multiple possible routes or requirements that can allow the child to achieve this sex knowledge. As such, all items will be listed in the format of the lower items in the above category. Additional means to achieve these items may be added in the future.

The basic idea of sex.

  • Innocence < (age -3) X 10, and has applicable knowledge of the physical mechanics of sex

How to perform sexually

  • Has initiated oral, anal, or vaginal sex 5+ times

The full biological basis behind sex

  • Age > 11 and has been taught the biology of sex
  • Has been pregnant and has been taught the biology of sex

How to avoid being taken advantage of sexually

  • Innocence < 40 + age and has been taught how to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them

The emotional complexities attached to sex

  • Pubescent, 20+ sexual experiences, and first sexual experience is 2+ years ago
  • Age > 10, Innocence < 40, Pubescent, has experienced consensual sex, has seen or experienced non-consensual sex, has experienced sex 20+ times

How to consent to sex

  • Innocence < 40, understands how to avoid being taken advantage of sexually, Relationship > (non-consensual sex experiences - consensual sex experiences) X10)

Seeing and Experiencing

Each item on this list is listed individually. They will each cover 4 subjects. 1. Innocence or prior knowledge to fully apply further innocence-reducing effect. 2. Innocence or prior knowledge to apply tags to the "sex knowledge" category. 3. What the modification to innocence or application of tags will be if they do not meet the required innocence bar or sex knowledge items. 4. What "has heard" knowledge they will acquire automatically if they see or experience this act.

NOTE: -1 innocence loss for all seen or experienced oral/anal/vaginal sex events if it happens while lacking the "physical mechanics of sex" sex knowledge.

WIP all items in this list.

Has seen: non-intercourse

The opposite gender's genitals
  • 1. Innocence <95 or has heard boys' and girls' privates are different
  • 2. No requirement to apply tags
  • 3. No innocence lost until requirements are met
  • 4. Automatically acquire "boys' and girls' privates are different"
  • 1. Depends on how semen is seen. Must have "Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis" knowledge. (+10 innocence requirement if someone explains it's semen.)
    • In process of ejaculating from a boy's penis: No requirement. Required sex knowledge automatically acquired from witnessing in this way.
    • Leaking from a girl's vagina or anus (Including own): Innocence <70 + age. +5 if witnessed the sex that put that semen there. +5 if it is from self. +10 if it is own mouth (stacks with previous two.)
    • Anywhere not coming out of a person's private parts. Innocence <60 + age and must be told it's semen. (-20 if it's in another person's mouth as it can be thought to just be saliva.)
  • 2. NA, no tags to start with.
  • 3. Innocence is not lowered.
  • 4. None unless witnessed ejaculation straight from tip of penis, in which case "something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis" is acquired.
A condom on a penis
  • 1. Multiple routes
    • Innocence < 80 + age and has seen "the opposite gender's genitals," has heard "semen from boy's penis" knowledge, and has experienced "sex with a condom."
    • Innocence < 60 + age and has learned or heard any knowledge with "condom" in it's name.
  • 2. Has learned or heard another condom related sex knowledge
  • 3. Innocence is not lowered and tag is not acquired.
  • 4. Acquire "Something called a condom" has-heard knowledge.

Has seen: Intercourse or stimulation related

Consensual oral or hand-job
  • 1. Understands the basic idea of sex.
  • 2. Understands the basic idea of sex.
  • 3. 1 less point loss, will not count tag for the 1 (now 0) point variation.
  • 4. Appropriate of suck penis/lick genitals "has-heard" knowledge, and "boys' and girls' privates are different."
Consensual anal or vaginal
  • 1. Understands the basic idea of sex. Girls have hole that isn't where pee or poop comes out of, and boy's privates can go inside girl's hole.
    • Witnessed from a distance, Innocence < 40 + age to notice penis is inside.
    • Witnessed from up close, Innocence < 70 + age to notice penis is inside.
    • Participants made penis entering explicitly clear and gave undeniable angle of view, no innocence requirement.
  • 2. Understands the basic idea of sex plus above innocence requirements.
  • 3. Only counts the witnessed penis entering vagina/anus version (highest variation) and only loose 2 innocence for it if it is first sex act witnessed. Interpreted as anal without the latter 2 sex knowledges from #1.
  • 4. For anal, "boys can stick their penis inside boy's/girl's butt," and "boys' and girls' privates are different" regardless.
Non-consensual oral or hand-job
  • 1. Meets requirements for consensual version, plus innocence requirements depending on level of protest and whether or not they meet requirements for the consensual version.
    • No verbal or physical protest aside from disgruntled or sad look on face, meets requirements and Innocence < 30 + age.
    • Whining voice saying to stop as though it's annoying. Meets requirements and no further innocence required, or does not meet requirements and Innocence <60 + age.
    • Strong verbal protests such as screaming or hitting. Meets requirements and no further innocence required, or does not meet requirements and still no further innocence required.
  • 2. Same as #1.
  • 3. Considered consensual if innocence requirement is not met. 2 less point loss (just like 1 less point loss from consensual version) and does not count tags for lowest if requirements for consensual variation are not met.
  • 4. Acquire "There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to" as well as the knowledges for the consensual version.
Non-consensual anal or vaginal
  • Combine consensual anal/vaginal entries with non-consensual oral or hand-job entries. All apply the same.

Has experienced (core sex acts)


  • Vanilla sex (2)
  • Unwilling vanilla sex (2)^
  • Oral sex (receiving) (2)
  • Unwilling oral sex (receiving) (2)^
  • Oral sex (performing) (2)
  • Unwilling oral sex (performing) (2)^
  • Anal sex (receiving) (2)
  • Unwilling anal sex (receiving) (2)^
  • Anal sex (performing) (2)
  • Unwilling anal sex (performing) (2)^
  • Touching someone else's genitals (2)
  • Forced to touch someone else's genitals (2)
  • Having own genitals sexually stimulated by someone else's hand (2)
  • Unwanted touching of their genitals by someone else (2)

Has experienced (periphery to sex acts)


  • Sex with a condom
  • Oral sex with a flavored condom (0)
  • A condom breaking during sex (2)
  • A condom breaking more than once during sex (2)
  • An orgasm
  • Being ejaculated on
  • A semen filled vagina (girls only)
  • A wet orgasm (boys only)