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So much for avoiding being kidnapped, although this one wasn't that bad. I could almost go so far as to say it was fun. After going to sleep at Candleharth hall the night before, I woke up in some abandoned shack to the sight of a lady sitting on a tall bookshelf. She looked kind of uncomfortable, but whatever. She told me her name was Astrid and she was from the Dark Brotherhood. She heard about what I did to Grelod. I thought she was mad at first, but she wasn't really. I was amazed, they actually do exist. And not only that, they they had taken me prisoner. I guessed this was probably better than them killing you.  
So much for avoiding being kidnapped, although this one wasn't that bad. I could almost go so far as to say it was fun. After going to sleep at Candleharth hall the night before, I woke up in some abandoned shack to the sight of a lady sitting on a tall bookshelf. She looked kind of uncomfortable, but whatever. She told me her name was Astrid and she was from the Dark Brotherhood. She heard about what I did to Grelod. I thought she was mad at first, but she wasn't really. I was amazed, they actually do exist. And not only that, they they had taken me prisoner. I guessed this was probably better than them killing you.  

She told me I owed the Dark Brotherhood a kill and there were three people for me to choose from. They were tied up on the other side of the room with bags over their heads. It was my job to decide which one had the contract put on them and kill them.  
She told me I owed the Dark Brotherhood a kill and there were three people for me to choose from. They were tied up on the other side of the room with bags over their heads. It was my job to decide which one had the contract put on them and kill them.  

Revision as of 04:48, 1 January 2021

Hearthfire, 7th, 4E 201

I spent almost two weeks in captivity and it felt like it would never end. The soldiers started calling me the camp whore and would place bets and have sparring contests to determine who would get to use me next. The day a few of them placed a bet to see who could make me cry the loudest was the worst. The rule was nobody could cause any actual harm, they all just fucked me really hard one after the other.

Not all the soldiers were rough and mean, though. But they still used my body and even the nice ones made me cry sometimes. The commander of the camp said I reminded him of his daughter, but that I gave better blow jobs. I may be young and naive, but even I know doing stuff like that with your own daughter is disgusting. My daddy may be gone, but at least he never did stuff like that to me. Unfortunately, lots of other men have by now. A few of the soldiers even made me feel kind of good when they would lick my pussy. A few times, I didn't even want them to stop. But they always did when their cum started coming out.

Eventually, I stopped counting the days and just gave into the idea. I was a child whore for the Stormcloak army.

Last night however, my luck finally turned. I was asleep, snuggled up next to a naked soldier in his tent when it all started. I woke up to the sound of clashing steel and spells being cast. I looked around to see what was going on. The soldier next to me was starting to stir too.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Yana cast a destruction spell on one of the Sltormcloaks, lighting him on fire. She had come to save me and she wasn’t alone! I had so many questions, like how did she escape herself? But I knew it was time to fight back.

The soldier I had been sharing a bed with had finally jolted awake. He was apparently a sound sleeper. Before he has time to react, I had his dagger in my hand and began to plunge it into his neck. I’d never killed anyone before. Sure lots of deer or even those daugr in that one cave, but never an actual person. It felt strange, but satisfying to hear him wail and choke after everything he’d done to me over my time in captivity.

After he was dead, I started searching for a bow and arrows. That was the only way I was going to actually be useful in this fight. It didn’t take me long to find a dead Stormcloak archer who had met his end by the hand of the stranger Yana had brought along with her. I quickly ran over and grabbed the bow, finally feeling like myself for the first time in two weeks. I most have looked odd still completely naked, shooting arrows at adults 3 times my size. And who knows how many people I’ve killed now? Caught completely off guard, the Stormcloak camp was completely whipped out. A few of them did manage to get away, running off into the night. I’d love to be there when they tell the story about how the entire camp was whipped out by little girls, but I’m sure they’ll come up with a good lie before they have to admit that one.

Once the fighting was over, I ran over and hugged Yana, thanking her for coming to save me. She introduced me to, Stenvar, the mercenary her uncle told her to hire to help out. After we were separated in Windhelm, she ended up being able to use her magic to escape the wagon that was taking her to a different Stormcloak camp. I guess they underestimated her since she was just a little kid. She returned to Windhelm, but wanted to figure out where I had been taken and save me.

She stole just enough gold from her captors to pay Stenvar to help track down where they had taken me. It took them a while to find the right Stormcloak camp. But eventually they found me and waited til dark to make their move.

The camp wasn’t too far from Riften, so the plan was to go there and rest up at the inn there. Of course I raided all the camp first so I have plenty of blades and other valuables to sell if any shopkeepers are willing to buy. I also found some rag I turned into a makeshift dress for now. I definitely need to find some proper clothes though. Stenvar came with us to Riften before going his own way.

I got myself cleaned up and we're just going to sit tight and take it easy for the next few days. I’m relieved to be free and happy to see Yana again. I hope I can somehow repay her for coming to save me, although that doesn’t even seem possible. I don’t know what we’re going to do from here either, but right now it doesn’t really matter. Ever since losing Daddy, all I could think about was joining the Stormcloaks to fight the Empire. But now I know the stupid Stormcloaks are just as bad.

Hearthfire, 8th, 4E 201

This city is kind of trash. Lots of shady people wandering the streets. There was some guy who nearly threatened me and told me he worked for some lady named Maven Blackbriar who owned the meadery. Then there was this other guy who promised to help me earn some money. It seemed kind of strange though so I just said I wasn't interested. I did find some new armor though and was able to sell a bunch of loot I had taken off the Stormcloaks. But after that, I just went back to the Inn. This isn't a city I want to hang around for long.

Hearthfire, 9th, 4E 201

I was talking to the nice argonian lady who runs the inn. She reminded me of that rumor I now know to be true about Aventus Aretino praying to the Dark Brotherhood. I decided to tell her what I knew, although I skipped the part about him thinking I was an actual assassins. I did let it slip that he wanted the old lady who runs the orphanage dead, though. That's when she started telling me how horrible that lady who runs it named, Grelod the Kind is; and how she does really bad things to the orphans there. Rumor has it she beats them often and will lock them up for days without any food. She doesn't even let anyone adopt them. A guy who overheard our conversation piped up said he'd heard a rumor that she sometimes rents out their bodies to the highest bidder, too.

After hearing about that old hag, it made me really angry. I was lucky I hadn't been sent to that orphanage. I mean, after what I've been through these past few weeks, maybe that wouldn't be any worse, but still. No kid deserves to be treated like garbage. I sat in the inn for a while, thinking about what Aventus had asked me to do. I hadn't told Yana about it yet. She was in our room upstairs. But by that point I already made up my mind and didn't want her to talk me out of it. I went up and told her I was going out for a bit and asked the innkeeper for directions to the orphanage.

When I got there, I could hear Grelod yelling at the children and telling them they were going to get extra beatings if they didn't do their chores. I snuck into the corner of the main room. Nobody had seen me yet, but I had a clear shot from right from where I was. It was just like hunting Elk except there was no chance Grelod was going to run off and disappear into the woods. I took out my bow, aimed right at her head, and fired. "I missed my mark" as daddy would say by a few inches, but I still hit the old hag right in the throat and she died almost instantly.

I hadn't really planned for a clean exit. Some other lady, who apparently worked for the orphanage ran out and saw me. All the other kids did too, but nobody cared. The lady was freaked out, but all the kids were cheering. It felt good knowing that I had actually accomplished something good for a change.

When I got back to the inn and told Yana about everything, she was a little freaked out at first but understood. We decided it would be best to get out of the city, though. The word about the old lady was spreading fast. Even though everyone knew she was a horrible person and didn't care that she was dead, we didn't want to risk me getting arrested or something; even if I technically did deserve it. How do arrests of children work in Skyrim anyways?

Hearthfire, 10th, 4E 201

I feel so awful. Yana and I both do, actually. There’s a parasite growing inside of us. At least that’s what Sylgja told us. She’s a miner at Redbelly Mine in Shors Stone and she’s taking care of us until we recover. She said the same thing happened to her when the spiders came. According to her it will be miserable, but it will only last a few days.

You see, we left Riften on foot and headed North, back towards Windhelm. We walked for a good while, but stopped for a rest when we got to this small town, Shors Stone. We talked with the blacksmith here named, filnjar who complained to us about spiders in the mine. Nobody had been able to work and I guess the guards were too afraid to do anything about it? He offered a reward if we could take care of them. Why does everyone seem so helpless?

Anyways, we decided to help out, but we had no idea what we were in for, when we went into the mine and saw the first few spiders, one shot out some kind of weird venom at me. Before I could draw my bow, tentacles grew from the venom and grabbed hold of me, disarming me and ripping off all my armor. I was helpless. Amid the chaos, Yana’s attention turned from fighting the spiders to helping me escape the tentacles that had started to toy with my privates. This turned out to be a huge mistake, her feeble attempt to free me did absolutely nothing, and gave the spider the chance to shoot her with its venom too.

We both cried out as the tentacles rubbed our pussies, not caring at all to be gentle about it. The thing was really slimy too. After what felt like forever, it exposed a long member and began fucking both of us. We didn’t know when it would ever end, but it eventually reached a climax and shot some disgusting goo inside of us before letting us go. We recovered briefly before gathering our armor and weapons. The spiders had left us alone while the tentacles were attacking, but now that it was over, they started paying attention to us again.

I shot one, killing it instantly while another ran up and shot more venom my way. I moved just in time. It barely missed me. Meanwhile Yana began shooting fire out at a spider near her but when a second came up behind it, she wasn’t able to dodge it’s venom and she was treated to round two of an assault from the tentacles.

I moved quickly, firing arrows as fast as I could. Luckily, my aim was improving and I managed to kill all the spiders immediately around us. Then my attention turned to the tentacles currently raping Yana. I fired an arrow, but it bounced off like it was stone. There was nothing I could do but watch as her body was assaulted by the disgusting thing.

I waited until it was over and helped her recover. That’s when I noticed that I felt a little nauseous. I ignored it and tried to keep going. Maybe we should have just given up, but if we did that, all this would be for nothing. No, I we were putting our bodies on the line just to help out the stupid miners in this stupid town, we were at least going to finish the job and be rewarded.

Not letting ourselves get caught of guard, we went after the rest of the spiders and were somehow able to avoid getting sprayed by their venom again. When it was all over, we both felt horrible, but the reward of 1,000 gold the blacksmith gave us almost made it seem worth it, at least until we both clearly felt something inside of us.

That’s when Sylgja found us and scolded the blacksmith for sending two little girls in there after the spiders. She told us how the tentacles raped her when the spiders first came and we were now likely pregnant with its eggs. Even though we’re both too young to get pregnant, the tentacles just place their eggs inside us to grow.

She said we would feel worse and worse until the eggs are ready to come out in a few days. Why does it feel like everything in Skyrim was made just to torment little girls?

Hearthfire, 14th, 4E 201

Sylgja took care of us over the next few days as our bellies grew and our suffering increased. It felt awful having those things growing inside me. Now that it’s over, I still feel weird and keep thinking they’re still in there even though I’ve birthed them all. I hope that never happens again. Yana and I both do.

This morning with thanked Sylgja so much for helping us and went on our way. Plans haven’t changed, we’re still on our way back to Windhelm. Although after what happened with the stormcloaks, I’m not really looking forward to going back there. We’ve made camp for the night and should arrive there in a few days.

Hearthfire, 17th, 4E 201

We got back to Windhelm and managed to avoid any other major catastrophes along the way. Yana and I went our separate ways for now and I got a letter from a courier as soon as we entered the city. He said it was from a creepy fellow with a hood. All it said was "We Know" and it had a black hand on it. Kind of weird, but I'm not going to worry about it.

I stopped by to see Aventus to get whatever reward I was due for killing Grelod. I was surprised he hadn't already heard about it yet. All the guards were talking about it. It's kind of creepy how fast the word travels. But I guess Aventus doesn't get out much, which kind of makes sense. He gave me some kind of plate thing. It didn't look that expensive, definitely not worth killing someone over, but it's something.

I'm recovering from our travel back at Candleharth Hall and plan on staying a night or two. My future seems pretty uncertain right now. I don't know where I'm going to go from here, but at this point I'm just hoping to avoid any more situations where I end up getting captured, raped, or used in some other unsavory manner. A girl can dream.

Hearthfire, 19th, 4E 201

So much for avoiding being kidnapped, although this one wasn't that bad. I could almost go so far as to say it was fun. After going to sleep at Candleharth hall the night before, I woke up in some abandoned shack to the sight of a lady sitting on a tall bookshelf. She looked kind of uncomfortable, but whatever. She told me her name was Astrid and she was from the Dark Brotherhood. She heard about what I did to Grelod. I thought she was mad at first, but she wasn't really. I was amazed, they actually do exist. And not only that, they they had taken me prisoner. I guessed this was probably better than them killing you.

She told me I owed the Dark Brotherhood a kill and there were three people for me to choose from. They were tied up on the other side of the room with bags over their heads. It was my job to decide which one had the contract put on them and kill them.

The first one was some kind of merchant who started pleading for his life immediately. The second was a mean old lady. The third though, he was one of those cat creatures I used to see traveling past our house in caravans. He introduced himself and said he was a defiler of daughters. After I heard that, I didn't hesitate killing that vile scum. I didn't care if he was the target or not.

I would have told Astrid as much too, but she didn't seem to care who I killed. At that point, she invited me to join the Dark Brotherhood and gave me the key to the shack I was in so I could leave.

The shack was in some creepy swamp so it makes a lot of sense why it was abandoned. I didn't know exactly where I was. Kind of a rude way to recruit a new member, honestly. I had to waste my whole day finding my way to civilization. Fortunately, nothing too horrible happened along the way. I did run into a couple more spiders around the swamp. Fortunately, I killed them before I became a victim of their venom tentacles again.

Eventually, I did find my way to civilization--sort of. It's the town of Morthal and they have an Inn with this annoying Orc. Other than that I guess I can't complain too much. I'd like to head back to Windhelm and tell Yana what happened, but I'm kind of a ways away now. But I guess the bigger question is do I join the Dark Brotherhood? Being a member of a group of assassins sounds a little scary, but so far I've killed that evil old had Grelod who hurts orphans and another mean cat man who all but admitted to raping people's daughters, so maybe joining them wouldn't be so bad.