Must be true/part 37: Difference between revisions

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Jemini (talk | contribs)
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Aimie sniffled and rubbed her eye. “Yeah.” She said. She hadn’t quite cheered up completely though. Seems like she was still upset over the incident at the end. Oh well, I guess I don’t want to go so overboard with perking her up that she starts demanding more.
Aimie sniffled and rubbed her eye. “Yeah.” She said. She hadn’t quite cheered up completely though. Seems like she was still upset over the incident at the end. Oh well, I guess I don’t want to go so overboard with perking her up that she starts demanding more.

<poll show-results-before-voting>
'''Poll closed: poll results'''
What should I do though? (Multiple winners, all combinations compatible)
Get me and Aimie dressed
Try to find out what's going on with the family
Experiment with my new ejaculation abilities (without shooting it in a vagina)
Experiment with my new ejaculation abilities (with the help of Aimie's vagina)

<poll show-results-before-voting>
Poll 1
(If ejaculate outside wins) Where should I shoot my semen? (Some options may be incompatible with each other and with other potential winners from the 1st poll. Priority given to 1st poll winners in case of conflict.)
Try to find out what's going on with the family '''11 votes'''
Shoot it in my hand
Experiment with my new ejaculation abilities (without shooting it in a vagina) '''5 votes'''
Shoot it on Aimie's privates
Shoot it on Aimie's body
Poll 2: Method of testing ejaculation abilities
Shoot it on Aimie's bed
Shoot it on Aimie's privates '''5 votes'''
Shoot it in Aimie's pull-ups, and then put them on her
Shoot it on Aimie's body '''3 votes'''
Shoot it in Aimie's training potty
Shoot it in Aimie's pull-ups, and then put them on her '''8 votes'''
Shoot it in the actual toilet
[[Must be true/part 38|Next]] (In process of writing, closed poll to assure the results didn't change while writing was going on.)

[[Category:Must be true]]
[[Category:Must be true]]

Revision as of 15:10, 18 July 2021

“I’m gonna make it… ten times as much this time!” I declared. “I just figured out which muscles are for making me ejaculate, so now I will be able to make myself ejaculate any time I want and keep ejaculating as long as I want.”

That actually was partially true. I had felt myself ejaculate… oh, how many times? Close to ten times actually by now. (Ironic that.) So, I had gotten something of an idea of how the muscles for ejaculation were different from the ones for peeing.

Aimie’s only reaction to my statement was to silently point her cute little 3 year old eyes full of innocent expectation up at me. It seemed like she knew how to use complete sentences at this point, but she preferred to remain silent unless there was something in particular she wanted to communicate.

So, not expecting anything more from her, I decided to put the declaration I’d just made to the test. I focussed in on my pelvis and tightened the muscles attached to my ejaculatory ducts. I, knowing nothing very little about the finer points on sexual physiology, was unaware that these were normally smooth muscle and a person would have no control over them. But, thanks to my statement, I had control over it now.

With just a little will and effort, I felt myself ejaculate a rope of my creamy semen into Aimie’s vagina again. The breath I had been unconsciously holding in my conscentration came out in a combination between a grunt and a gasp as I felt the pleasurable sensations from ejaculating start up all over again.

“Alright, I’m putting more semen inside you now. Can you feel it?” I asked as I looked down into her eyes.

“Yeah!” She declared proudly, completely satisfied she had gotten her way.

This is the point where I realized something was wrong. This ejaculation was not like the previous ones at all. It was just one shot of semen and nothing else.

Confused, I tightened the muscles near my butt again and felt another shot of semen go inside my little sister.

I groaned in frustration when I realized what was happening. “My ejaculation will keep going on it’s own once I make it start.” I said, and then tightened those muscles again. This time, that one shot of semen was quickly followed up by another one that my body created on it’s own. I cautiously pulled my attention away from consciously driving the process forward as the pleasurable endorphine-fueling sensations of pumping my semen inside my own sister just kept going on and on. By the time it was between 5 and 10 shots in I started to relax.

“There.” I groaned and then curled up on top of Aimie again. She didn’t do or say anything. She just laid down there under me as my ejaculation just continued and continued. I held her shoulders as my hands were scooped up under her arm-pits, and burried my forehead next to her head on the mattress and got a very close-up view of my own finger tips poking out from under her shoulder before I turned my head away from her. Right now, my body was completely covering the tiny body of my toddler sister. If someone came in, they would see nothing but my shirt-covered back and naked butt curled up over a pair of little arms and legs that were sticking out from the sides.

I loved this feeling. This continuous ejaculation thing was somehow missing the explosive quality the earlier ones did, but the nice good feelings it gave me as my brain released the endorphines was the same. It was making me very relaxed. Despite the uncomfortable curled-up position, I think I could easily fall asleep like this. There are two problems with that though.

The first problem is, I have probably gone past the already ridiculous 30 or so shots of semen that my previous ejaculation did and there were still no signs of it stopping. The second is that Aimie seems to be starting to fidget and it will not be long at all before she starts to get bored.

For the second problem, I could probably just distract her a bit better by talking to her or something. For the first problem though, it very well might be that it’s just because I said something about 10 times the amount before I started. It might just stop after I’ve ejaculated… 300 shots of semen inside her. Somehow though, I doubted that. I had said I have conscious control over it after all. I’d also just said something about how it keeps going after I start it. Come to think of it, it really might just keep going forever since I’d also previously said that I never run out of semen. It very well could just keep going forever unless I do something.

“Umm…” I pushed myself up and looked back down at Aimie. Her bored eyes which were wandering around immediately snapped around to look directly at me when she noticed I was paying attention to her and she looked at me with expectation for something to occupy her wandering mind.

“I can also stop my ejaculation when I want to by focusing on a different muscle.” I said and immediately tried it out, squeezing down with some random muscle in my groin. However, my ejaculation didn’t stop. I felt it still going. It had slowed down from the sporadic irregular pulses of semen at some point and was now just spewing one regular strong pump of my white baby-making goo into my baby sister about every second as regularly as the ticking of a clock.

“Umm… uh-oh.” I said. “I can’t make it stop.” Damn it! Did I just say that out loud? I was supposed to be getting better at controling what I said! “Umm… no! I mean, I CAN make my ejaculation stop! I just need to use the right muscle.” I started tensing muscles in my groin, but mostly the only one I could think of was the one that I’d used to start ejaculating in the first place and I wound up tightening that one over and over again. That would disrupt the ejaculation for a second, but only while I kept it tightened since it made it so it couldn’t relax for the next shot. As soon as I stopped, it relaxed and then immediately shot out the next rope of semen.

“Bubah?” Aimie said in a worried voice as she picked up on my anxiety. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t figure out how to make my penis stop ejaculating.” I said.

“What’s that mean?” She asked in an innocent tone that said she legitimately did not understand what I was telling her.

“Umm… well, I mean that I can’t stop my penis from filling you with semen. I can’t make the semen stop.” Dang it! I just did it again! “Uhh… I mean, I’ll be able to make it stop as soon as I figure out the right muscle, but I can’t no matter how hard I try!”

“Bubuh!” Aimie was starting to look scared as I got more frustrated.

“Oh no! Don’t cry. Don’t cry Aimie.” I panicked and tried to sooth her as I still felt pulse after pulse of semen ripple through my penis and into her body. “Ahh… bubuh will figure it out soon. It’s Ok! There’s nothing to be scared of.”

My re-assurances didn’t seem to calm her down much. She kept sniffling and seemed to be getting closer and closer to tears as I was still aggitated myself.

I let out a slow breath to clear my mind and tried to think. I thought about using my power to make Aimie calm down, but then I realized something else! I could also use my power to stop my ejaculation, but then that’s not quite what I wanted. I wasn’t in a hurry to stop right now when I really stopped to think about it, so I wouldn’t use that method. But, it did give me another idea. I could use my power to know what muscle was the right one and how to tighten it.

“Alright, I know how to do it now!” I said. “I know how to tighten my muscles in the right way to make myself stop ejaculating! I’m gonna try it now.”

Since I’d said it, of course I immediately put my words into practice. I focused on an area around where my testicles were and started tighteining down with a muscle that tightened around the spermatic chords. Of course, I didn’t actually know that’s what I was doing, but what I did know is that I had to hold it for a lot longer to stop my ejaculation than I had to when I was starting it.

I still felt a few more strangled pulses of semen go out of my penis and into Aimie’s privates, but I could tell I was doing something right. I kept up the pressure, and it quickly settled down to nothing.

I cautiously pulled my penis out of my sister and watched. Indeed, no semen was coming out of my penis. Also, it took me a second to realize it, but there was something very different this time compared to all the times I had sex before I came back in time like this. When I looked at my penis, there was not even a hint of milky white slime covering it and not even a smear or drop was leaking out of Aimie’s vagina. It was as though I had only stuck my penis in her and then took it out without doing anything at all.

“Umm… alright, I think we should probably stop now.” I said. I was shaken up a little from that experience with my powers going wrong, and Aimie still looked a bit upset over the incident as well. Actually, I should probably do something about the latter.

“That was really fun for you though. You really liked me having sex with you Aimie.” I said, having gotten more in the habit of making declarations instead of asking questions.

Aimie sniffled and rubbed her eye. “Yeah.” She said. She hadn’t quite cheered up completely though. Seems like she was still upset over the incident at the end. Oh well, I guess I don’t want to go so overboard with perking her up that she starts demanding more.

Poll closed: poll results

Poll 1 Try to find out what's going on with the family 11 votes Experiment with my new ejaculation abilities (without shooting it in a vagina) 5 votes

Poll 2: Method of testing ejaculation abilities Shoot it on Aimie's privates 5 votes Shoot it on Aimie's body 3 votes Shoot it in Aimie's pull-ups, and then put them on her 8 votes

Next (In process of writing, closed poll to assure the results didn't change while writing was going on.)