Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021: Difference between revisions

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Innocent Ruin (talk | contribs)
Cleared request, options up for poll instead.
Innocent Ruin (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
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{{EmiliaContacts |thinks=I guess I'm on my own then, but I already dressed up in my shoes already, and told mom I'd be out. I could just go back in, or maybe I could just explore the town on my own…<br>Or, maybe…<br><br>There's still that pink star on my wrist, although I did cover it up with a sweatband, just like Heidi did on that one day. I'm not sure if I wanna walk around with it in the open. Like, I was just gonna show it to my friends and show them that I'm a little more daring now, but this certainly is a wrench to my plans…<br><br>Whatever should I do…}}
{{EmiliaContacts |thinks=I guess I'm on my own then, but I already dressed up in my shoes already, and told mom I'd be out. I could just go back in, or maybe I could just explore the town on my own…<br>Or, maybe…<br><br>There's still that pink star on my wrist, although I did cover it up with a sweatband, just like Heidi did on that one day. I'm not sure if I wanna walk around with it in the open. Like, I was just gonna show it to my friends and show them that I'm a little more daring now, but this certainly is a wrench to my plans…<br><br>Whatever should I do…}}
{{GunnarBjörn |says=This speech bubble isn't part of the story! I'm not actually talking!<br><br>I pretty much have decided on how each of the routes play out, but haven't got a preference on which one to do next. Brief explanations of every possibility underneath:
*Emilia figures out that if she goes help Milka at her home, her grandmother might show leeway and let them hang out after all. They go look what Heidi's up to because they have no idea, and find Heidi having a "date" with her adult brother Henry. So, they decide to crash it.
*Emilia meets Heidi's brother Hannu in the park, who just happens to be at the same place, sent on a "resupply mission" by his friends back in the treehouse. He discovers a star on Emilia's wrist and abandons his mission in favor of going on a "date" with this new girl in town.
*Emilia visits the treehouse, but doesn't realize the boys are there. They see the star on her wrist and make her do embarrassing stuff. Despite being sent on his "mission", Hannu will be included here as well.
*Emilia finds her mother Laura talking to some teenage girl she doesn't recognize, and then watches the same teenager get fucked by ME. Emilia stares in disbelief for a moment until she's eventually discovered by her mother. Laura doesn't seem angry, notices the star on Emilia's wrist, recognizes it and then starts talking of a suitable punishment for her daughter.
<br>Lastly, in accordance to light supernatural content, the final decision of its inclusion or lack thereof, I'll put it up for poll too with more specific options this time, nothing left to ambiguity. "No superpowers, no fantasy creatures, magic, ESP, aliens or anything like that though" still applies, as does "no rape".}}
<poll show-results-before-voting>
After Sven route is done, which alternative route should take priority?
Look for friends. (multiple lolis x adult male)
Hannu in park. (loli x shota)
Boys in the treehouse. (loli x multiple shotas)
Walk the dog? Nope. (loli x adult male stranger)
<poll show-results-before-voting>
Exactly how do the two local gods like to meddle in mortal affairs? (In other words, how strict are the rules?)
They don't really care. Punishments aren't real.
They show some leeway, but will at least warn those who break the rules.
They're strict and will interfere if rules are broken, sometimes even personally.

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Follow Emilia.
Follow Emilia.
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Inside|Go back inside]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Inside|Go back inside]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Hangout|Go help Milka clean]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Park|Go for a walk in the park]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Treehouse|Go return the vibrator to the secret chest]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Treehouse|Go return the vibrator to the secret chest]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/Gunnar|Maybe walk the dog?]]
*[[Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 16th, 2021/XXX|XXX]]

Revision as of 20:29, 26 August 2021

I'm on my way now!
That message was about thirty minutes ago, so she should be here any minute, assuming she took her bike.
There's the doorbell.
Emilia dear, you have a visitor.

Finally, I'm so glad to see my new friends again.
Hello! May I come in?

Of course you can, stay as long as you like!

Let's just go to my room.

Good afternoon to you too, Emilia's brother.

Oh . . . hey.

He's totally trying to ignore me…
Come on already…

Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.

So, you came alone today?

Just me today. Milka's helping around her granny's store. She's got to earn her allowance somehow. But enough about her, how have you been doing?

Alright. Just . . . Yeah, just alright.

Made any progress?

What is she getting at? Unless, of course, she's trying to ask me about if I've tried it… I don't know, should I just be honest…? I guess there's no harm in telling her.
Yeah, the curiosity got the better of me…

So…? How was it…?

Felt good…

I know, right? How about that, you know… The little toy we found…

Yeah, I tried that too…
You weren't kidding with "blowing your socks off"…

*giggle* Obviously not…
…But have you thought about the future?

I'm not so sure yet…

It did pique my interest, there's no doubt about it. The idea of sex, which to me sounded distant and beyond anything I'd be willing to do just a week ago, now sounds like something I kind of want to try, but the question is "with who". I can't even think of anybody I'd care about enough, or I'd trust enough, or who was handsome enough…
I may still not be ready after all, but if there was someone like that . . . Like, if I did have a boyfriend, no doubt I'd want to have sex with him. Not sure how I should even put my desires into words, or how to explain it to her, when she obviously has a very different outlook at these things than me.
Let's just say, I'm open to the idea.

Well, I did tell you to go at your own pace, didn't I? I'll say it again, this is all very personal things, so no rush. Just start off with things you're comfortable with, don't rush into anything you might come to regret later.

Right, right, that's exactly what I intend to do.

You can still consider me, let's just say… Hmmm…
How would something like, I don't know, "Your personal sex counselor" sound like?

K-kinda dirty, to be honest.

Well, since you're smiling, you obviously don't seem to hate the idea.

Got me there.
Fine then, miss sex counselor.

Atta girl!

There is something that I'd really like to ask you though…

Shoot away.

It's just that, since these are such personal things… Why are you telling me about this stuff so openly? Like, it's almost as if you're trying to drag me into this on purpose.

Well, if I may be perfectly honest with you, you're partially correct…

But why?

Because, and I'm sorry if you're not ready to hear this yet . . . you really seem like someone who enjoys stuff like this…

A-and what gave you that impression…?

Hard to explain, just this gut feeling I have… And I think Milka had the same feeling as me, based on how she managed to lure you into spying on me that one time, and based on how everything unfolded that day we toured the village together as well…
You may try to deny it, but it's SO obvious into this stuff as well. Not as much as we are, but you've got the right attitude towards this.

I'm not so sure about that… It could really be that she's just saying that to make me want to believe that really is the case…
No, who am I kidding, she has already proved it time after time that there's truth to what she's saying. She may just be right about me.
Besides, it's not like anyone's forcing you into anything. This is all voluntary, you know. It's just fun. The line goes where you decide to draw it. If you tell me that you don't want me or Milka to push this stuff onto you, we won't, full stop.

I-it's totally okay, you don't have to stop…

*giggle* See~ ?

Alright, I admit she's totally right about me. She managed to get me into masturbation and I loved it, and she made me want to try that vibrator too. Her and Milka, they both did. I can't live in denial.
If you're supposed to be my sex counselor, then what's Milka's role in all of this?

Oh, I have a fun idea:
Think of me kind of like your good conscience, the angel on your shoulder leading you down the right path and slow you down to let you do things at your own pace, and then think of her as the devil who's constantly trying to push you into doing more and more perverted things!


Hahahaha, well not exactly! Because you know, I can be quite devilish myself~ !
Jokes aside, there IS some truth to what I just said. I've known that girl all my life, let me just tell you. She's my best friend, I love her to death, and I know her mind just as well as I know myself. She may not say it aloud, but she wants to encourage you to try out new things probably even more than I do.

I kind of got that same feeling as well… It was her after all who dragged me into this in the first place…
Okay then… That's fine… I won't hold that against her, it's just her playful personality. Besides, she's nice, and funny too.
How about what's next for me then? I mean, since you're supposed to be my sex counselor…

You may want to explore your sexuality more and try to find out what you like. You know, kinks and stuff. Roles, preferences, what pushes your buttons just the right way.
Obviously, best way to do that is through experience.

Experience, as in, trying things out?

Exactly! Here's what I did back when I was younger:
I didn't really know much about porn, where to look for it and whatnot, so I thought that the best way for me to find out about pervy things was by simply finding someone to teach me. You know, because this is about co-operation and doing it with other people, it only made sense to me. I didn't have sex on my first date, but I did find a nice young man to explore myself with, and also explore him.
You can take these steps as slowly, or as quickly as you want, really. Me and Milka explained you everything about the markings, remember? Whether it's the pink heart or the pink star, just wear it subtly, wait for someone to come to you. If it's the heart, suggest a simple date. If it's a star, just say it's your first time, or something similar in way. There's no such thing as a "wrong next step". Our "clients" - for lack of the better word - are very understanding and supportive, and most importantly, caring. You won't be pressured or forced into doing anything you're uncomfortable with, nobody's gonna kidnap and rape you. It can even be as simple as just kissing, snuggling or touching each other's private parts if you're not brave enough to go farther.

Jesus, my heart's pounding so fast just listening to what she's suggesting me. She's totally telling me to just try things out.
…And if all that sounds too extreme?

Then, just continue to explore your own sexuality by yourself. It's a completely valid route.
*zip* *rustle* Oh, let me just take some things outta my bag…
Here's a small pencil case. Care to open it?

It's small alright, and I can already guess what's inside…
Yep, markers. Four in total. She even carries a black one around? They told me that it's the "bad one", the one you shouldn't wear, one that will get you in trouble for wearing… Yet she has no problem carrying it around…
You can keep them.

You want me to have them?

Well I mean, I can always get more. Alhroos' Store has them in stock as well, and if you show to Milka's grandmother that you're wearing a marking, she'll give you new ones for free.

That old woman is enabling and encouraging this behavior as well? This whole village is full of perverts, I swear…
I'm OBVIOUSLY not gonna give you a drawing tutorial, I trust you know how to unleash your inner artist, but I'll show you just how the ink in these is special.
*scribble* *squiggle*
It sticks perfectly to your skin and dries off instantly without making a mess or spreading. It doesn't come off by just rubbing it, and it won't leave a mark on your fingers even if you try to rub it. With a little bit of water, or maybe just drool, you can see that it comes off rather easily. See, like this?
Just a little lick and you can already see it coming off. With soap, you can make sure not a trace of ink remains on your skin. It's a non-toxic, completely natural product as well, so don't worry about it. It'll taste funny, sure, but it'll do no harm.

That's handy.

Try it out yourself.

Okay… I suppose wrist is fine?
Let's see, drawing like this is a little difficult, not gonna lie, but I think I can make out a good, nice heart-shape.

A heart, huh? So you'd prefer a romantic date and a relationship over a one-off?

Well I mean, I'm just drawing to try how it works. I'm not sure what I want yet.

Perfect. I believe you're ready to do whatever you want now.

Thanks, counselor.

Oh, and one final thing…

S-sure, what is… it…

She's leaning in for a whisper?
I'm always up for guiding you hand-in-hand as well, if that's what you prefer… I'm all for exploring your sexuality on a more, let's just say… "intimate" level…

You mean, like, girl on girl stuff…? I had no idea you were interested in that stuff…

It's a part of myself I'm still exploring… Y'know, exploration and trying out new things never stops for me either…

I'll keep that in mind…

Oh gosh, that made even me nervous…
Thanks again.

So, now that that's out of the way, are you up to anything today?

Not really, but I guess we could hang out later. Maybe together with Milka.

Emilia, dinner's served soon!

Well, I'll take that as my que to leave. I've got dinner at home soon myself.

Take care. Talk to you later.

Oh, right… I wonder if I should've given that vibrator back to her? Well, too late for that now. I suppose I could just go return it by myself…

Thanks for the food. Can I go hang out with my friends today?

Sure, but make sure you get home by six tonight.

Six? Normally my curfew's been around eight or nine…

Today it's six. Understood?

Fine then. I won't make the same mistake again.

Alright, Gunnar. Let's go for a walk.

Aww yiss!
Alright, before I call Heidi, lemme just sit down for a moment and take out this little thing… There's the pink marker…
Just thinking about drawing something on my skin makes my heart race. It may be just a drawing, but it's also a lot more than that because of the messages and implications it carries with it. I know the rules say that once discovered and asked out with one on my wrist, I shouldn't just refuse, but how strict is that rule really, and is there REALLY some god that's gonna punish me if I refuse?
If I'm seriously gonna worry about that, then I shouldn't even draw it… Well, there's always this sweatband I can pull over my wrist so I can at least hide it from the old men… I hope… I wouldn't want my first time to be with some elderly old man…
I'm gonna at least exercise drawing the star. Heart was straightforward, but what's the best way to draw a five-pointed star? Start out with a pentagram and then color it all the way through? That should work…
I thought he was going out, but there she still is. I guess she's gonna text her friends first.
No, wait… What the fuck?
That's the same star her friend had on her. How does she know about them? Did that kid teach my sister about it?
I can't just tell our parents as I don't want to get her in trouble or anything like that, but… I need to do something about this…
Still here?

O-oh! H-hi Sven…

Care to explain yourself?

He totally saw that star on my wrist… No doubt about it… I'm screwed…
Explain what? You creep…

Where did you learn about that?

. . .

Let me guess, your friend told you about it. This is exactly what I meant by them being a bad influence on you…

Enough with that already…

These are dangerous things you're doing. Do you understand that?

Stop treating me like a kid! I-I'm not dumb, okay!? Of course I understand all this perfectly!
Understand what exactly? Why not explain it out loud then?

Well because it was your ass hitting on Heidi the first chance you had! You perverted pedophile creep!
I knew it, Heidi really told her about what she did with me. That must also be why Emilia got interested in the subject, and also why she was masturbating…
It's a bit hard to believe that she would get that interested and horny just hearing about it. She was so curious about it back then, and she didn't understand what was going on, but that black-haired kid totally knew as well. Maybe Emilia learned about what was going on even earlier. Explains why she's calling me a pedo too. She definitely knows I boned that brunette… Not just that, but maybe she may have even seen it…
I knew it. You spied on us.

W-what? Of course not!
You're so obvious. I can tell you're lying.

Okay, I did. So what? I didn't know what I was getting into. Milka lured me into it!

Right, and then you learned all about it, got even more curious, and then they taught you all about this. Now, you're gonna try all this for yourself.

Yeah, and? Why do you care?

Because you're my sister. It's worrisome because I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

Well that's nice and all, but I can take care of myself. I know what I'm getting myself into, okay!?

I doubt that. Have you even done it yet?

None of your business!

You haven't, good. Don't do it either. You're not ready for it. Wash that star off and just stick to your hand.

Hand? W-why even suggest something like that…
Wait, you totally saw me do THAT? Why didn't you tell me straight away!?

Can you blame me? Wasn't my fault you let your door open, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Don't copy me!
Just, please… Think this through, okay? I'm not trying to pick on you, I'm just trying to make you understand that this might be a bad idea.

Okay, got it. That's your opinion, but the choice is mine. Now, got anything else to say, or can I finally leave?

. . .
Just don't do anything stupid…

Whatever. Bye! *slam*

Can't lecture me though the door, now can you? My friends already told me there's no risks involved, so why is he getting all bothered about this? What right does he have to make decisions on my behalf? Ugh, I hate him so much!
Nevermind that, now he totally knows I saw him have sex… And now he must think I'm some kind of pervert too considering he also saw me playing with my vagina… He's totally just teasing and bullying me, isn't he? No way he's actually concerned about me…
Or maybe that horny bastard is just jealous… I wouldn't be surprised that he was getting jealous considering that he's a bona fide pedophile himself… Fuck that pervert…
*sigh* I've got to stop being mad…

What he's saying though… I'd imagine my parents saying something similar to that as well if they knew about these things and learned of me doing these things… No, they'd be WAY madder at me… I bet even my mother would yell at me… In that sense, Sven's reaction does make sense… It could be that he's really worried for what I might do… I don't think he should have any business worrying about it, but… What can I do if he does regardless…
Should I think this through again? I'm just gonna cover up that drawing for now…
Haaa… Deep breaths… I know what I'm doing…

I should call Heidi now and ask her if she's free…
What's this, a text message? I must've gotten it during Sven's lecture…
Sorry, Emilia! Something came up, so I can't hang out with you after all! Let's talk later, okay?
Bummer, I was looking forward to hanging out with them now that I'm no longer grounded. No matter, maybe I could hang out with just Milka this time around? I'll call her…

Oooh, Emilia! What's popping?
Hi, umm, are you free tonight? Me and Heidi were supposed to go out, but something came up with her.

Yeah, I know, she just sent me a message too. I'd love to hang out! Where do you wanna -
You're not going out today.
Ehhh!? Whyy noooot!?
You know it's a cleaning day, and you've barely done any work today.
Ahhh… That's how it is… Sorry, Emilia… Hate to turn you down, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to come after all…
It's alright. Tomorrow's a new day. See you.

Yep! See you soon!

I guess I'm on my own then, but I already dressed up in my shoes already, and told mom I'd be out. I could just go back in, or maybe I could just explore the town on my own…
Or, maybe…

There's still that pink star on my wrist, although I did cover it up with a sweatband, just like Heidi did on that one day. I'm not sure if I wanna walk around with it in the open. Like, I was just gonna show it to my friends and show them that I'm a little more daring now, but this certainly is a wrench to my plans…

Whatever should I do…

Follow Emilia.

Follow Sven.