A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Week2/Sleepover: Difference between revisions

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m Request
Elerneron (talk | contribs)
Added Category
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*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Week2/Sleepover/Sames|Get out the board games everyone brought.]] '''Request''' --[[User:SumireIzumi|SumireIzumi]] ([[User talk:SumireIzumi|talk]]) 16:18, 13 September 2021 (UTC)
*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Week2/Sleepover/Sames|Get out the board games everyone brought.]] '''Request''' --[[User:SumireIzumi|SumireIzumi]] ([[User talk:SumireIzumi|talk]]) 16:18, 13 September 2021 (UTC)
*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Week2/Sleepover/Movies|Change into their PJs and watch some movies.]]
*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Week2/Sleepover/Movies|Change into their PJs and watch some movies.]]
[[Category: A Loli's ENF Adventure]]

Revision as of 08:11, 14 September 2021

Ava was on the phone with Julia Potts. Her daughter, Elly, had invited Sally to a sleepover, and naturally their mothers had a few details to discuss. Ava's first question was right to the point.

"Will there be boys?", asked Ava.

"Well, yes. Our son will be here of course.", said Julia, and then dropping her voice a little, "I'm not letting Elly invite any boys though."

"Oh, alright.", said Ava, but her uncertainty showed in her voice. It wasn't really little Billy she was worried about, it was more that she'd heard a few rumors about the Potts family being unconventional, and for all that Julia seemed nice enough at PTA meetings, she couldn't help but wonder if their home would be a proper environment for Sally.

Hearing her tone, Julia tried to reassure her. "And don't you worry, my husband is home so there will be plenty of adults around the whole time to make sure nothing gets out of hand. It's not even going to be a big party, just three or four kids." Darryl Potts frequently traveled for work, sometimes for as long as a couple weeks at a time, which was no doubt was part of the reason more conservative members of the community found the family unusual.

After discussing the logistics a little more, Ava decided she couldn't keep Sally from a chance to hang out with her friend over some vague rumors, and confirmed that she would be coming.

The plan was for Sally to be there in time for dinner on Friday, and leave after lunch on Saturday. She was requested to bring PJs, swimwear, and a favorite board game, in addition to essentials such as a toothbrush. Although Sally was unaware of any doubts her mother had about the Potts family, she was of course excited to hear she would be allowed to go.

* * *

Sally started getting ready the night before. She didn't really have pajamas of course, just her oversized shirt, but she made sure that was clean, and she did have a plain light blue one-piece swimsuit. She was probably about due for a new one, but she could still get into it, and that was good enough for her. It was the board game bit that had her stumped. Looking through the closet she found "Candy Land" and "Sorry!", but those both seemed too childish, and she couldn't really call them favorites anyway. Then she remembered Devin had taught her a couple of card games, so she decided to bring a deck of cards instead. That was close enough, and certainly felt more mature.

On the day of the sleepover, Sally quickly changed out of her school uniform, got her things, and then told her mother she was ready to go. Ava insisted it was still a bit early if she was supposed to be there around dinner time, and after a little back and forth, they agreed to wait an hour before leaving.

After a short car drive, Ava was greeted by Julia at the door. She was a dark-haired woman of similar age, wearing plain white dress tied with a leather cord belt. It looked a bit odd, like something out of a fantasy book, but there wasn't really anything wrong with it, Ava decided. Sally paid no attention and hurried in to see her friend with a quick "Bye mom!". Her mother was tempted to invite herself in and have a quick look around too, but she didn't want to impose, or seem suspicious, so she let it go, and simply called "Bye hon, have fun!" after Sally.

Sally quickly found Elly in the living room, where they greeted each other with a hug. Elly had brown curls and a freckled face. She was only one year older than Sally, but she'd been visited early by the puberty fairy and already sported a fairly conspicuous pair of breasts. That made her very popular at school, although it can't be said her outgoing personality had nothing to do with this either.

"Hey, Sally, did you bring your bathing suit?", asked Elly.

"Yeah. Are we gonna go swimming?", asked Sally.

"Yep, tomorrow. We're heading down to the pond after breakfast."

Their conversation was cut short by another knock on the door. The two girls went to answer it. On the other side of the door they found Rick and his mother. Sally recognized him from school. They were in the same grade though they had never really talked.

"Uhh, Hi Sally. I didn't know you'd be here.", he said.

Sally returned the greeting, but wasn't sure why her presence would be comment-worthy, a better question would be what he was doing there, since she'd never seen him hang out with Elly before.

"Hi Rick, Billy's in his room I think.", said Elly.

After he excused himself and left, Elly rolled her eyes and explained. "My brother had a little tantrum about how he never got to have friends spend the night, so at the last minute mom agreed he could invite someone too. She wouldn't even let me invite any boys... but anyway, hopefully they'll play together and stay out of our hair. And speaking of which, I think everyone's here now. Time to mingle." Elly said this last part with a giggle, knowing full well she was being pretentious.

She led Sally towards the back of the house. "Last I checked the other girls were watching dad set up the barbecue, since nothing else is going on yet.", she said.

In the back yard, Sally recognized Chelsea, Traci and Silvia, all of whom she knew from school. As well as Darryl, Elly's father, of course. An older teenage girl was also present. She introduced herself as Vivian, Darryl's cousin, and said she was staying with the family for a while.

Of the three children, Sally probably knew Traci the best, they were in the same grade, and Sally also remembered her from when she had tried soccer a couple years before. Sally decided it wasn't for her, but Traci had been involved even longer and was still really into it. Chelsea was kind of the opposite, a year older, and Sally thought she was nice enough, but found her boring because all she ever talked about were clothes and boys. Silvia was the one girl Sally wasn't too pleased to see. She got on with Elly well enough, but she seemed to consider herself better than others, perhaps because her parents were rich, by Willows Junction standards anyway.

Everyone exchanged polite greetings with Sally (even Silvia, who seemed to be on good behavior at the moment), and soon Darryl had an announcement: "Alright, we've got a hot grill here, time to bust out the wieners."

Sally didn't see anything funny about this comment, but Vivian and Chelsea both giggled, and Elly rolled her eyes. But aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary happened at their backyard dinner. Elly was sent to retrieve her brother and his friend, which she did with only a little grumbling. Wieners were grilled. Julia brought out buns, toppings and potato salad. And an enjoyable meal was had by all.

After eating, the kids stayed in the back yard to play some outdoor games like beanbag toss. Rick and Billy hung around being mildly annoying and getting in the way until Elly finally offered to let them join in as long as they played properly, which they did for the most part. This did dampen the girls' spirits for playing in the back yard a little though, so it wasn't too long before Silvia suggested moving inside.

At first they just went to Elly's room (from which they could easily exclude the boys) and chatted for a bit. Silvia really liked to gossip. "Did you hear Erica's dating Mark??", "I saw Jorden changing in the locker room as she wears a frilly red bra under her uniform, can to believe it?", and so on. Sally knew who most of these people were at least, but none of it seemed interesting or important. Traci appeared bored as well, and it was she who finally asked Elly what other activities were planned.

Elly had a couple of things in mind, which did the girls decide on?