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m Innocent Ruin moved page JoS/Henriette/36th Journal - Boat to Solsteim to JoS/Henriette/36th Journal - Boat to Solstheim without leaving a redirect: minor typo
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Added a previously-skipped scene.
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The third cock filled me twice-used cunt up, and made me cum almost instantly. He kept mocking me too for being a dumb bimbo who would never see freedom again, but I kept my words to myself after this point. I may be more than happy to play along with games and even pay with my body if that's what it takes, but if you guys are seriously looking to enslave us and dishonor the deal, we're gonna brew you a lot of trouble the first chance we get. You can count on that.
The third cock filled me twice-used cunt up and made me cum almost instantly. He kept mocking me too for being a dumb bimbo who would never see freedom again, but I kept my words to myself after this point. I may be more than happy to play along with games and even pay with my body if that's what it takes, but if you guys are seriously looking to enslave us and dishonor the deal, we're gonna brew you a lot of trouble the first chance we get. You can count on that.

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===== Sun's Height, 6th, 4E 203 =====
The night was surprisingly peaceful, which was a first for me. Like, why weren't they coming to rape me? I got my answer early in the morning when Haldyn woke me up. Just as he suggested yesterday, he wanted to inspect his merchandise. I drew the short stick, as I was first on his list.
First, he simply wanted to watch and touch me, and he did this by having me stand in the middle of his room - which kinda looked like a mage's study - with some kind of spell circle or a large rune me. My hands were still tied, and the chains had been attached to the roof, making it so that I could not really do anything else but stand still in this position. Like, my feet were barely touching the floor. The spell circle was drawn with white chalk on the dark grey stone floor with some Soul Gems and candles around it, out of which the latter emitted a sweet, surprisingly pleasant scent. In fact, they, along with Haldyn's gentle hands caressing my skin, were making me horny.
He poked fun of the fact, commenting how his underlings weren't kidding when they called me a highly sensual slut, and someone who just can't help herself. I could've tried to deny him, but considering how heavy my breathing had already gotten and how wet I was, I wouldn't have made a persuasive argument, so I decided to clap back instead. I really wasn't even sure what he was planning because he was still dressed head to toe in plate armor and not looking to undress, but it sure seemed strange to me. "Why not undress then, and show me what you can do. Or are you afraid of not being actually able to please me sexually?"
He just smirked and replied, "You'll beg for me to give you my dick before I'm done with you." He pulled a ball-gag over my face and said that he wanted to hear me moan and cry into it until I simply couldn't take the pleasure. He brought out more toys, the first of which was an inflatable anal plug. With lube on his finger and on the actual toy, he readied my butt before sticking it in, giving me a good slap and a squeeze when it had filled me up completely. I wanted to force it out at least a bit because it felt a little uncomfortable, but it felt like all my attempts just made it feel bigger and push into me deeper. Then, he brought a simpler dildo, and a really long one at that. That massive thing couldn't fit even halfway into me.

===== Sun's Height, 6th, 4E 203 =====
Haldyn brought me to his tower for inspection, and let me just tell you, what he had in store for me was quite something. I'll revisit this entry not too far in the future to update you on that; for now, let's move forward, shall we?
This is where I must admit, he managed to surprise me because of what he did next. When he let go of it, my body kind of instinctively tried to push it out, but halfway into being pushed out of my folds, it pushed back into me by itself. I noticed him channeling magic in his right hand, and the dildo moved according to his hand's motion. It was simple telekinesis magic he was using, but I never would've guessed it could be utilized in this way!
…That kind of makes me wish I knew some telekinesis spells now… That shit can elevate masturbation to a whole another level, apparently…
My amazement at the situation made it better from the get-go. He could move that dildo in and out of me so fast, all done remotely. It pushed into me so hard, like a damn battering ram. Yet, as intense as it felt, the whole situation felt equally uncomfortable. I was still forced to stand up with my hands suspended in the air, and I couldn't even speak. Even spreading my legs was difficult due to how little room my feet were given. I could raise one leg to make it a little bit easier on me, but that made me notice something else as well.
Many bandits who enjoy bondage use leathery cuffs around their victim's limbs and even waist. It's not only for aesthetics, as the primary purpose of them is usually to help tie the victims up. It's also effective, as one can't really move, defend oneself or do much else when their wrists are tied to their ankles with a sturdy piece of steel chain. Well, Haldyn could use these various cuffs as focal points for levitation. He could use one hand to keep steering the dildo up my pussy, and when I tried to relax my leg by putting it down, I noticed him keeping my legs up. My measly strength was nothing against his magic, and I couldn't move my thigh an inch! He laughed at me as he brought me to a forced orgasm, through which he continued to punish me relentlessly.
After that, he focused on my left thigh and pulled my foot off the ground. My body sat back in the air, still being held up by the chain, and he used his hands to move my legs to be spread far and wide. After that, he didn't even need to focus on them anymore. I mean, how? He was just keeping them in place without even channeling magic to them! I know conjurers, necromancers, and such use Soul Gems as conduits for magic, so I suppose he could've used them to keep the telekinesis spell on my cuffs active without his personal interference.
This then allowed him to put his full attention back to the toys inside of me. Yes, both of them. He pulled and pushed on the plug, causing it to vibrate, all while continuing to batter me with that massive, girthy toy. He laughed at me, warning me of how this was only one of a hundred ways he could utilize his magic to dominate me sexually. "And don't even dream that my magicka will run out. I can keep going all day." It sounded like an exaggeration, but was it really?
Now, he had said that he wanted to make me beg for his dick, but he couldn't help himself, so after making me cum for the third time, he unsheathed his long, brown cock. Still floating in the air, suspended by chains and telekinesis, he simply grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his cock, pulling my pussy-sleeve all the way to the base, all while the plug was still teasing my butt. He fucked and used me like a swing; it was ''SO'' effortless for him to move me around. My eyes must've rolled back to turn completely white, and I drooled into my gag, wanting to just moan and shout. He really didn't pull any punches, as he was eager to fill me up. It became apparent through his moans and gruntings as well. He really enjoyed raping me and made it painfully clear. He came disappointingly fast thought, but that wasn't the end of it.
Released from the chains, I dropped to my knees, with his telekinesis now focused only on my wrists and pushing them to the ground, all while keeping the weight put on my thighs active, keeping me glued to the floor. He prepared a new spell, this time switching from Alteration to Conjuration, and summoned some manner of a beast from Oblivion. I tried to move my head, look at what was behind me, but I just couldn't figure out what it was. All I know is that it cast a scarily big shadow over me and that it sounded really damn mean when it growled. Oh, and its dick was massive, as became clear when it raped me from behind.
"Don't worry", Haldyn said. "I've ordered him not to kill you, but never forget. This is the power I wield. You're my slave until the day you die, and these are the tools I intend to use to keep you that way."
Him using this giant, unspecified Daedra was his sole warning to me about what would happen to me if I tried to wrong him and that it would be just as easy for it to kill me as it was to rape me. Sure, he doesn't know that I'm a heroine of legendary proportions at this point in my life; he probably thinks I'm just some poor wanna-be adventurer… Which is great because I prefer him to feel that way. Less he thinks of me, the better. The more he underestimates me, the better. I don't intend to live a life as his slave.
Regardless, this Daedra was the last "task" he had for me that morning. He didn't care too much about even being present anymore and left me for that beast to enjoy. It didn't last for too much longer, as I passed out soon after that. Was it by chance because I was simply too exhausted, or did Haldyn have something to do with it? Doesn't matter because by the time I woke up, it was long over.

To much of my surprise, when I was brought back to my cell, there was someone else in my cell, a little girl I didn't recognize. She's a Nord, that much I could see right off the bat, but then I learned that there's actually more into that.
To much of my surprise, there was someone else in my cell, a little girl I didn't recognize. She's a Nord, that much I could see right off the bat, but then I learned that there's actually more into that.

Revision as of 17:38, 15 January 2022

Midyear, 25th, 4E 203

Isran is a boneheaded prick. Excepting a rational discussion from him was a mistake on my part, but at least I tried, and at least we made it out unharmed.

When I approached one of the guards, he didn't recognize me. Wondering why I had come to this castle when they weren't actively recruiting anymore, only accepting new members by invitation, I told him my story. I warned him not to freak out, insisting that I came in peace, said that I just wanted to talk to Isran, and then told him that me and the friends I brought along are vampires. He was hesitant, asking why should he listen to what we wanted? Well, that's when Serana introduced herself and explained just who she is, and we told him about Harkon. Besides, if we did come here to cause trouble, we would've killed him already. He finally budged and said that he'd go get Isran. You know, because we weren't gonna let ourselves walk into their castle to be ambushed.

Isran recognized me immediately, and he was beside himself. A certain woman working with the Dawnguard, a woman we spared once to deliver a message to Isran, was there as well to confirm that I was indeed the one who I claimed to be. There was nobody else present though, I made sure of it. We could proceed with our discussion.

He chastised me, saying that I make him sick. I approached him once in the past, and he's disgusted with the fact that he let a damn vampire slip through his fingers back then, saying that he would want nothing more than to just kill me because ain't no way he'd let the same vampire slip through his fingers twice. However, he also recognized what we had done. He knows of Harkon's demise too. He may be blindly committed to ridding the world of vampires, but that doesn't change the fact I - and my friends - did a great favor to him and all of mortalkind.

So, that's why, instead of blindly attacking us, he decided to hear me out.

"I'm looking for a certain vampire clan based in High Rock."


"They… They're the ones that turned me into a vampire to begin with. They prey on children. My own mother is part of them and raised me for the whole purpose of being a slave. I learned this recently, and I want answers, maybe even revenge. That's why I need to find them."

"I've never heard of such clan", he admitted. "Not that it matters to me. We don't discriminate based on the motivations of our targets."

"Even though our interest could align?" I asked him.

"No, not even then", he said firmly. "Your petty clan feuds and politics are irrelevant to me. All vampires are my enemies on principle, and you're all equally scum."

"This isn't a feud, and it isn't about politics. We're talking about a clan that preys on little children to turn them into slaves, Isran. Do you seriously think that all vampires are equal? Do you think that I, a girl who was turned into a vampire against her own will to serve as a slave, is equal to those who force innocent children to become like me against their own will?"

He rubbed his beard for a moment with narrow eyes and an expression as serious as he's ever had. It's almost as if he didn't want to admit I was right while simultaneously not wanting to shoot me down either, because it would've poorly reflected on his moral character. "You may be right", he finally admitted, "but you had your chance for redemption, and it's already long past that. I cannot ignore your crimes against humanity, even if you may have originally been a victim."

He's right about that. I have a long list of victims I've killed, many of which were wholly innocent and undeserving. My list of sins is too great for him to just forgive, especially when you consider that I'm the kind of creature he's sworn to destroy. "I just did what I had to survive", I tried to reason. "I, no… We have a right to exist in this world as well."

"That right shouldn't come at the expense of innocent people", he said. "Is that all? Is that why you came here, to seek help from your enemy?"

"Yeah, that's right. It was stupid of me to try."

He surprised me one final time as he turned his back to me. "Stupid, yes, but also brave. I respect that, and I do hope you succeed in finding that clan."

Like, he seriously wasn't gonna attack us. Even the two of his allies told him that we're vampires and that more innocent people are just gonna keep on dying, but Isran had already made his mind and decided to walk away. He had one final message for me. "You warned us to not interfere when you were feuding with Harkon, but as far as I see, that time is over. Don't expect our next meeting to be so friendly."

Sofia tried to mock him by calling him scary, and probably a lot more, but me and Serana both managed to shut her up before she got around saying something she would regret. We were allowed to walk out without a fight, so there was no need for us to get our hands bloody. Not today. We should be happy with that even if we didn't get what we wanted.

So, that's that. Now, I really have two possibilities here: I can either continue searching for my mother without clues or wait until someone at Castle Volkihar finds out about them. I think I'll go with the latter, as there's the need for me to visit Solstheim as well. Besides, I can also get help from my other friends, and it might also be that they might be coming for me in retaliation to what me and my friends did to Movarth and his allies in their little hideout.

I think it's time to start packing and travel to Morrowind. It's a good thing I don't have to travel alone.

Midyear, 27th, 4E 203

It's gonna be tough being from home for such a long time, not only for me and my travel companions, but also for Sissel, who's staying behind. We're not gonna be leaving Skyrim quite yet, as I've got some due diligence to do, like visit the sanctuary and the cistern. I think my friends have stuff to do as well before they can leave. Aliya and Sissel both promised to look into some books about the vampire clan I talked about, trying to figure out if they could learn about one that matches the description.

That's it, those are the plans. Not much writing today. I wanna spend time with my friends in peace instead.

Midyear, 30th, 4E 203

I'm not going to get too deep into what I did in Dawnstar, but luckily they're all fine with me being absent. Three separate people have prayed to the Night Mother, so they'll have new contracts while I'm gone in addition to two other jobs they've had in planning stages for quite a while.

I also visited Riften due to once overhearing Delvin talk to Brynjolf about some job in Solstheim some time ago, like months ago or something. I didn't think much of it back then, but since I had to visit Riften for business anyway… Well, it just made sense to bring it up. Unfortunately, it isn't as much of a job as it's a plea for help. We already have a base of operations in Solstheim, which is only down to one man, Delvin's younger brother - Glover - who lives in Raven Rock. He's gotten into some trouble and might appreciate the help. The problem is, there's not much money to be made, so traveling there simply for the sake of some odd job is, unfortunately, more costly than it's worth. Delvin told us to mention who sent us, and he might even offer us a roof over our head for free, which sounds like a great deal.

Then, I visited home for one last time and told Sofia and Serana to get ready to move because it was time to leave. We all hugged Aliya and Sissel separately, had them wish us a safe trip, all that happy stuff. Aliya also told us to say hi to Neloth, whatever that's supposed to mean. We should mention Aliya to her by name or something, but she didn't specify why. Probably an old friend? Whatever.

That brings us to today. We weren't sure how to get to Solstheim, and when I asked around in Dawnstar a few days back, I was told that nobody's willing to sail that far. That has brought us to Windhelm, where there's a much bigger harbor. After asking around for a while, we finally found a sailor who's been doing frequent visits there, at least in the past. Not anymore.

"No way", he said. "Never again." He talked about some weird, masked guys coming to him demanding to be boarded to Skyrim and about how he's been losing his memories, entire days' worth of them. Well, the masked men must be the ones who also attacked me, not sure about memories though… Maybe there's some strange Illusion magic at play? Unfortunately, he's not willing to help me for any price, and he said he'd notify the guards if I kept bothering him.

At this point, I thought I wasn't going to find help in this city… That's at least until I talked to one last man. He was the one to approach me, apologizing as he said he couldn't help but to overhear me talking about wanting to travel to Solstheim. Thinking I could convince him to get me there for a price, I said yes, but what he needs isn't actually money, but rather help. In fact, he said there's money here to be made for me.

He's an independent trader who mostly makes shipments for the East Empire Company, but he's fallen on hard times. Stormcloaks have completely driven out the Company's business from Windhelm thanks to their anti-imperial sentiments, and now he's got trouble with pirates as well, namely a clan called the Blood Horkers. He brought us to speak with Orthus, the last remaining worker for the Company in Windhelm.

Orthus and his sole sailor are suspicious of Torbjorn Shatter-Shield because his business has not only come out unscathed in all of this but also boomed. Pirates conveniently ignore his ships, allowing him and his cargo free passage.

Sorry for going on a bit of a rant, but that family just can't catch a break, can it? I mean, I can't say I didn't have anything to do with that… Nilsine's corpse must've been a sickening sight for her already mourning family to discover, and I was the one who killed her. Apparently, Torbjorn's wife committed suicide shortly after that day. Yikes, makes me kind of feel bad about murdering her… Looking back at that contract, it wasn't like she was deserving of death or anything. She was simply a bonus to be taken down because Muiri was bitter at her…

Torbjorn is still alive and kicking though, although he hasn't been himself at all. Rich as he is, his business is too. He employs quite a lot of people, and apparently, these pirates are on his payroll as well. This, at least, is what Orthus strongly believes, but he needs proof. I'll leave finding that evidence for later, if such evidence even exists.

We decided to rest at the New Gnisis Cornerclub, where I came across a curious little sight: Malborn and Brelas. I didn't recognize them at first, but they were in the Thalmor embassy that one time. Malborn was supposed to help me, while Brelas was the serving girl I inadvertently got into trouble… They're both still alive and in Skyrim? Anyway, like the curious little bugger I am, I discovered them in the middle of steamy, passionate sex in their own room next to mine. They're lovers? Those two elves were fucking like rabbits! Made me horny just looking at them. They weren't lovers when we escaped the embassy, so this has to be a more recent development. I didn't want to bother them though, but I'll probably approach them tomorrow if I get a chance.

Sun's Height, 1st, 4E 203

I infiltrated the Shatter-Shield office by the docks as it seemed like the best place to start looking for evidence, and wouldn't you know it, I found exactly what I needed. It was a logbook or a journal written by Suvaris Atheron, a Dark Elf working for Torbjorn. No idea why she would keep such sensitive secrets about criminal activity in a journal that's so easy to find. Sure it was behind a locked door, but it wasn't exactly hard to pick!

Blood Horkers, according to it, mostly deal with stealing shipments, but that's not to say they don't participate in other activities as well. Slave trade is a highly profitable business for them, for example. Torbjorn funnels money to the pirates because it's more profitable to his business than having to deal with these pirates is, but there's no evidence in this book of him actually reaping any other rewards.

Orthus was saddened to learn that his theory was correct but also hopeful about being able to put this matter to rest somehow. The problem is, this evidence is still not enough as it doesn't actually solve anything. Where to go from here?

First, I asked, would confronting or even getting rid of Torbjorn work out? Well, no. It's unlikely he would serve any time due to his wealth and influence in this town and the fact that he and Ulfric are on good terms, and killing him would be too risky as well. Going after him wouldn't harm the pirates in any way either, so the problem would remain unsolved. Orthus is also insistent on doing this "the right" way and avoiding illegal activities like assassination or blackmail, as he doesn't want to be "as bad as him". Really the only way to move forward here is to land a blow on the pirates, but getting a hold of them is really, really tricky. I mean, we don't even know where their base of operations is! We only have one clue to go by.

The logbook mentioned that Suvaris frequently visits Baan Malur to discuss business with a man called Stig Salt-Plank, captain of a ship in the ranks of the Blood Horkers. If there's one place to start, it's there. The problem is, where exactly is Baan Malur? Well, that just happens to be the Dunmeri name for the capital of Morrowind, Blacklight.

It's kind of easy to forget that there's a huge city like that just around the corner when there's a border and a mountain range between us. I've never even thought about visiting that place, but I guess I have a convenient excuse now. I hear it has some amazing landmarks like the Palace, the Rootspire, the grand temple of Azura, and even a famous arena for gladiatorial combat, similar to the one you have in the Imperial City. Now, what's the easiest way to get there? Well, for that, we needed to return to the inn for tips, and fortunately, we're not the only people looking to travel across the border.

We spoke with Malborn and Brelas. I didn't want to tell those two Bosmer that I watched them going at it. Didn't want to embarrass them or anything. I just acted happy and surprised to see them, while they had mixed feelings about seeing me. They first asked how things have been with me: did the information I found in the embassy prove worth anything, or was the trouble all for nothing? Well, I'm not sure anymore, but it led me to Esbern, and I eventually killed Alduin too, so it wasn't for nothing, that for sure. They were happy for me, but not so pleased with their current situation.

They've been hiding in this city for a long time, primarily because the Thalmor want them executed as traitors to the Aldmeri Dominion. As I suspected, they're planning to marry, but their first priority is leaving Skyrim. They've been wanting to do it for some time now, but they can't just waltz across the border with no money. That's why they've been working here in Windhelm, saving money. Now they have the money, but traveling is too dangerous for them because of their lack of combat experience and the costs of proper bodyguards.

Malborn was also going on about the Thalmor surely knowing of him being here in Windhelm. He even suggested that they have hired Khajiit caravans to spy on him, but I think he's just being paranoid. Sure, there are a lot of Khajiits who hail Thalmor as saviors, but not the caravans!

So, since I'm also looking to travel to Morrowind, I did the most sensible thing I could think of and offered to escort them free of charge. They couldn't believe I would do that, and they even seemed hesitant, but I insisted. Like really, I feel like I owe them a little… Part of the reason why the Thalmor are after their asses is because I got them into trouble, so I have to take some responsibility. They're not that bitter at me, at least not Malborn, who has always hated the Thalmor, but I feel like Brelas doesn't trust me at all…

The reason they're going to need bodyguards isn't only because they've got no combat experience, but also because the only way to reach Morrowind by road from here is through Dunmeth Pass, which according to them as well as Ambrarys - the Innkeeper - is dangerous for travelers.

Authorities in Skyrim don't care too much about defending or keeping a check on the border thanks to the civil war, which has allowed outlaws to keep tabs on who's traveling through it. Like seriously, bandits love that place because of all the smuggling that takes place there. "Kids like you", he said, "are a prime target for an ambush, so if you intend to travel to Baan Malur, be careful."

We hope we don't have to deal with bandits, but even if we do, we'll be fine once we get to Blacklight. House Redoran, which controls the city, spares no expense for keeping the filth out from their city. I hope that "filth" doesn't include us.

Sun's Height, 2nd, 4E 203

We began our journey across the border in the dead of night. Thought it could be easier to travel when there's less worry about being discovered by bad guys. Our journey was also blessed by a blizzard to cover our tracks. This all but meant a day off for smugglers and slavers keeping watch of the pass!

Our journey wasn't without problems though.

First of all, there was actually something to Malborn's ramblings about Thalmor being out for his life. I should've just believed him because he has so much more experience dealing with them, but whatever. We managed to protect her and Brelas from being killed by Thalmor assassins. We also had proof they were after those two because on one of their bodies were orders of execution, which instructed the Thalmor to, quote, "destroy them with extreme hatred".

Does that not sound a little excessive? And pompous to the boot. Those two are lovely people. Hating them sounds just about the most disagreeable things I can think of, at least from the top of my head. In the end, we never found any Khajiit who could've been working for them, so at least that part of his ramblings was bullshit.

Our problems didn't stop there. Refugees' Rest is a tower just by the road near the crossing, which the Dunmer built during the Red Year when the first wave of refugees fled their homeland when it was being destroyed by the forces of nature, but unfortunately, the tower has fallen into disrepair. It hasn't been occupied since the civil war broke out, and refugees or their descendants haven't been able to come here to pay respect to their ancestors who lost their lives during the eruption. These days, only bandits live there, which meant that if there ever was going to be a place during our route where we could've been discovered, it was there. We had to find another route, a route that was gonna be a lot longer, a route that moved up the mountain.

We mostly ran into wild animals, but there were ice wraiths too. I've never talked about them, I think? Never liked them. I mean, have you ever tried to strike one with a bow? Doesn't matter how great of a marksman you are. You're not gonna get a clean hit in! Luckily both Sofia and Serana know some fire magic.

Then, past them, we made it to the actual borderlands, where an ancient Nordic outpost hosted a nasty surprise. Our journey was interrupted by a dragon who had claimed this mountain peak as his own and deemed my presence a challenge. Of course, we beat him, but at this point, the civilians we were guarding weren't happy at all. Sure, we had been able to protect them, but we were running into so, so many freaking enemies! Our planned route for all intents and purposes was safe in my opinion, but if we, and I quote, "subject ourselves to deadly dragon attacks in the dead of night", can it really be that safe in the night either!?

Such whining… Can't Malborn and Brelas see we're doing them a favor?

Anyway, this weather's been freezing my flat tits off, so it's good to be back to warmer climates. Dunmeth Pass is so damn cold all the time, just like all of these glacier-filled hinterlands!

The first settlement you get to when you travel down the road is the town of Mandul, maybe about the size of Riverwood. The pine forests here remind me of Skyrim, but the town itself feels far from familiar. Traditional Redoran architecture is well on display with their houses of mud bricks and brown stone in opposition to wood, logs, and grey stone. For a town this small, the inn is really big and nice though. The two owners, a married couple running a business together, are also very welcoming.

Tomorrow's journey should be a lot easier. We're just gonna rest our feet and sleep for the remainder of the night - or early morning - and maybe depart after lunch.

Sun's Height, 3rd, 4E 203

The land directly on the other side of the border continues to resemble Skyrim, so you can't really tell you're in another province until you come across actual civilization. This place honestly reminds me a little of Falkreath with all of its hills, trees and creeks, and even wildlife. The entire forest was in beautiful summer bloom with butterflies, chirping birds, y'know… Like, we know that we are on the other side of the Velothi mountains, we know this is Morrowind, but it's like we never even left Skyrim at all!

As soon as we knocked on the gates of Blacklight though, it became apparent that the city that stood ahead of us was not built by humans. That city is something else. It's a coastal city and quite a lot bigger than any of the major cities in Skyrim. Given that it has experienced rapid growth following it becoming the capital of Morrowind, it really has two larger districts, which include the old town by the shore where you'll find all of the famous landmarks, and the new town with a lot of newer buildings further inland towards and even outside the city walls. These two areas can further be chopped down to smaller districts too, but the area we're most interested in lies on the city's shores.

Back when the Empire had a proper hold of this province, the north-eastern area was known for its Imperialized city district with a large dock, a shipyard, East Empire Company's local warehouse, and many services. Nowadays, with the Empire having all but pulled from this city, this area has turned into a slum where corruption is out of hand, and bandits and pirates roam freely. All those trendy Imperial taverns have turned into dens for local gangs of hooligans and reavers, and bands of brigands and pirates. If there's an area where we might find information about the Blood Horkers, it's there.

For now though, we're gonna get some proper rest. Malborn and Brelas have reached their destination, and they now feel safe because, well, the Thalmor aren't exactly welcome in this city. Hopefully, tomorrow everything will go as planned with no unnecessary troubles.

Sun's Height, 4th, 4E 203

After searching and asking around, we found the tavern mentioned in Miss Atheron's journal and waltzed in. No sneaking around required, for we were welcomed in as regular guests. As we were trying to figure out where to learn about rumors about the pirates we were looking for, it seemed like someone found us instead.

An Argonian man I didn't recognize started talking to me, asking if we had met me anywhere before. I was pretty sure that the answer was no, but he was becoming surer about knowing me. When he said he had seen me around in Solitude and mentioned once trying to recruit me on a little job to put out a fire in a lighthouse, I remembered him instantly.

His name is Jaree-Ra, and he could tell us about the Blood Horkers, for these days, he's a member himself. We ended up having a little chat to get to know each other better, amongst which was exactly how he ended up in Morrowind when he used to be part of a different bandit clan in Skyrim.

It is indeed true that he was with the Blackblood Marauders who ran their little clan around the northern shores from Solitude to Jehanna, but their relationship soured after the very mission I was once recruited for went wrong. They had found some gullible poor fool to do the job, but the marauders had underestimated the number of guards they would be facing on the ship. Jaree-Ra's sister died on the mission, which led to him feeling depressed and lonely for a long time.

When he returned to their hideout with the loot, there was a lot of drama regarding how to divide it. Captain demanded half of it while the rest of it would be split between everyone else, a deal that satisfied none of the crew, and certainly not Jaree-Ra. That was not what was agreed on, and considering that the captain had not even lifted a finger to aid in the mission, Jaree-Ra was getting angry at the whole situation, feeling like her sister had died for nothing. It led to him leaving Solitude and heading east in hopes of finding new fortunes. This turned out to be a good move in the sense that Blackblood Marauders have been wiped out in Skyrim by the hands of some mercenaries. Jaree-Ra might've died too, had he decided to stay in Skyrim.

That's how he got here. According to him, in the Blood Horkers, it's not just the captains and the kingpins that prosper, but all the members lower down the totem pole as well. The captain of the ship he works in, "Stig Salt-Plank", as he's known, is especially one of the greatest people he has ever worked for anywhere, period.

Next, he wanted answers from me. "Why are you looking for us?" he asked.

Since he was nice and polite, I thought it might be best to just be honest and talk about the job I'm on, so that's what I said. I revealed that some traders from Windhelm sent me to deal with these guys. It just made him laugh.

"Now, I'm sure you're all perfectly capable adventurers, but you've got to be out of your mind if you think that three little kids can take on the biggest and the baddest fleet of pirates on the northern coast. Even now, you three are surrounded by our people, so if I were you, I'd think about my next move and words very wisely."

"Hold on", I thought out loud, trying to reel the situation back a little. Indeed violence was always on the table, but that doesn't mean it has to be the only solution to this little jigsaw puzzle, is it? I said these words to him and said that all I care about is getting to Solstheim, but unfortunately, nobody in Windhelm or Dawnstar is willing to help us. "Dealing with these pirates" were simply the terms given to me by the East Empire Company.

He got interested when I spoke about Solstheim, wondering why in the world would anyone even want to go to that "backwater heap of trash", and I decided to be truthful once again. "Someone there has been sending some assassin cultists my way, and I want to put a stop to it", I explained. To that, he had an interesting suggestion.

"Well, you're in luck. Our main headquarters are situated on an island just west of Solstheim. How about we help you get there?"


"Yeah, but it won't be free, of course. And considering that we hold a small monopoly on what cargo passes through these waters, I don't think you have much of a choice."

Unfortunately, he's right about that. I asked him "how much", but he simply said that it was not for him to decide. He suggested that I should come back tomorrow when their ship docks and talk to the captain.

So, I guess that's what we'll be doing. It sounds a whole lot less trouble than trying to take this gang of pirates head-on, and since I haven't even been paid by the East Empire Company yet, it's not like I'll be violating any contracts I've made. I mean, Jaree-Ra said that they have like what, three hundred members and a dozen ships in their fleet? That's not something we can handle. It seems that the pair of ladies I'm traveling with agree with me, saying that this is obviously the path of least resistance, at least at face value. We still have a whole day to think this over and maybe even change our minds if it seems like we can't get a good deal with these pirates.

Well, that's all for tomorrow.

Sun's Height, 5th, 4E 203

We approached the same tavern to meet up with Stig Salt-Plank, who was supposed to give us some sort of estimate on how much it would take them to carry us to Solstheim. It took some negotiating, but considering that there's a whole crew of them expecting to head straight to their main base of operations, a detour was not gonna be cheap. We're talking about a high-high price of five hundred Septims for each of us. We had to think about it for a moment because no ship anywhere on this continent would charge anywhere near that much for a simple trip, but even after asking around the docks for a while, we quickly realized that we weren't gonna be able to rent another ship on short notice. Yes, one ship takes passengers from Blacklight to Raven Rock every two to three weeks or so, but we're not interested in waiting. The Redoran's soldiers and contractors sometimes travel between their headquarters and "the Frontier" as well, but they're not known to transport civilians.

We had to take the deal we were given… Except, that's not exactly what ended up happening.

As soon as we returned to the tavern to pay this pirate captain his one-and-a-half thousand drakes, we were ambushed from out of nowhere. With not only weapons on our necks but also magic and poison, they pushed us to the ground. With that, Stig proudly declared that he had decided that they were going to demand additional payments after all, and they dragged us to their ship in chains.

They took the agreed-upon payment along with everything else we had, and with daggers and scimitars in their hands, they threw us on the deck as they surrounded us in a ring. Stig raised the anchor, and the ship departed for international waters. Jaree-Ra was standing right beside that grinning Nord, and he just said that they'd be extracting some additional payments from us now. Serana was pissed and crying about how they tricked us, but to that, Stig simply replied by saying that they'd let us go as soon as we got to Solstheim.

Still making fun of us, they said that since we had all paid for our own cabins, we should all get one. I was brought into mine, where a group of five human men stripped me naked and locked chains on my wrists. They laid me down on the bed, tied me face towards the bedframe, and rubbed my slit from behind, complimenting me on my "shapely buttocks", as they called it. My body could not resist their fingers for long, and I was starting to get wet, exactly as they wanted.

The first of five cocks pierced straight into me from behind, with a strong clasp of his hands on my hip and his waist slamming against my ass. He was very forceful from the get-go and wanted to push me further and harder against the bedframe and the wall. I instinctively pushed back, but it just made him more excited. He mocked me for pushing against his dick like a trained whore and pulled me back harder. "Saves us from the trouble of having to train you as you already know how to behave around men", he said.

I couldn't help myself. I came hard and moaned through the whole thing as he continued to fuck me relentlessly. A man waiting in line to do me next joked about how we probably let ourselves be captured on purpose because secretly, we wanted to be dominated and turned into fuck-sluts. It may sound weird, but I entertained the idea by announcing through my moans that yes, that was indeed exactly what I wanted and that I was happy to pay for this trip on my body.

"Damn right you are", the man said as he speeded up for his final sprint. "You're gonna pay with all your money and your body." With that, several white-hot streaks of cum gushed into me, and he was absolutely not letting an inch go before he was perfectly satisfied with himself having just soiled my preteen pussy. He pulled out slowly, but I was still raring to go. I didn't relax my knees or my waist for a second and instead just waved my butt as I moaned for more cocks. I was acting like a fucking whore.

The second cock gave me precisely the same treatment as the first one did. Deep, strong thrusts with its tip pulling out all the way down to feel my entrance, only to push as deep as it could humanly go. He delivered several open-palm slaps to my butt as he pounded me, all because he wanted to punish me for being such a bad girl. I just moaned at him to slap and fuck me harder to teach me a lesson, and then came again, this time with a squirting orgasm.

They called me crazy, said there must be something wrong with my head for taking pleasure in being raped, being captured, and enslaved. For some reason, even though my heart sank a little at those words, my cunt just kept gripping harder on that rock-hard cock. This one came too, and more cum poured into my uterus, filling it up even more.

The third cock filled me twice-used cunt up and made me cum almost instantly. He kept mocking me too for being a dumb bimbo who would never see freedom again, but I kept my words to myself after this point. I may be more than happy to play along with games and even pay with my body if that's what it takes, but if you guys are seriously looking to enslave us and dishonor the deal, we're gonna brew you a lot of trouble the first chance we get. You can count on that.

That chance wasn't gonna come on that ship because all I got instead was more cocks. They didn't even bother changing positions or moving me around at all, and instead, it was constantly just them raping me one by one. I did entertain them through the whole ordeal by my antics, and I just kept myself steady on my knees no matter how weak they might've felt at times, and I shook my ass for every man who even dared to question my stamina. Even after four hours, my body still had plenty of strength left, whereas they were starting to be done.

"It's a good thing you've got energy because here you're gonna put it all to good use", one of them said as he finally released me from the bedframe. He pulled a gag over my mouth, tied my hands up behind my back, and locked a collar on my neck, which came with a walking leash. He yanked on it and urged me to walk down from the ship towards my new home.

Japhet's Folly is this island's name, and it's located somewhere east of Winterhold, somewhere west of Solstheim. When we were first brought here, it kind of made me question whether escape from such an inhospitable and remote island would even be possible, but no matter what the odds are, we're gonna beat them!

…Hopefully anyway…

Japhet, whoever that might've been, doesn't own this island anymore, and instead, the castle built on the top of its cliffs is owned by a Redguard Battlemage named Haldyn. Stig brought us straight to him as a tribute, and the mage was more than happy with the loot he had been given. He said he would have to inspect us thoroughly before deciding how to use us, and who to sell us to. "Slaves of this quality", he continued, "are going to sell for a small fortune." I haven't seen Serana or Sofia since then, but at least I know they're still on this island.

After that, he locked me in a cage. Said I'm gonna need some rest for tomorrow. He said he heard about how well I had acted on the ship and heard rumors about me being an excellent bitch, and promised to put that all to test tomorrow.

So yeah, I think it's fair to say our trip to Solstheim's taking one hell of a detour.

Sun's Height, 6th, 4E 203

The night was surprisingly peaceful, which was a first for me. Like, why weren't they coming to rape me? I got my answer early in the morning when Haldyn woke me up. Just as he suggested yesterday, he wanted to inspect his merchandise. I drew the short stick, as I was first on his list.

First, he simply wanted to watch and touch me, and he did this by having me stand in the middle of his room - which kinda looked like a mage's study - with some kind of spell circle or a large rune me. My hands were still tied, and the chains had been attached to the roof, making it so that I could not really do anything else but stand still in this position. Like, my feet were barely touching the floor. The spell circle was drawn with white chalk on the dark grey stone floor with some Soul Gems and candles around it, out of which the latter emitted a sweet, surprisingly pleasant scent. In fact, they, along with Haldyn's gentle hands caressing my skin, were making me horny.

He poked fun of the fact, commenting how his underlings weren't kidding when they called me a highly sensual slut, and someone who just can't help herself. I could've tried to deny him, but considering how heavy my breathing had already gotten and how wet I was, I wouldn't have made a persuasive argument, so I decided to clap back instead. I really wasn't even sure what he was planning because he was still dressed head to toe in plate armor and not looking to undress, but it sure seemed strange to me. "Why not undress then, and show me what you can do. Or are you afraid of not being actually able to please me sexually?"

He just smirked and replied, "You'll beg for me to give you my dick before I'm done with you." He pulled a ball-gag over my face and said that he wanted to hear me moan and cry into it until I simply couldn't take the pleasure. He brought out more toys, the first of which was an inflatable anal plug. With lube on his finger and on the actual toy, he readied my butt before sticking it in, giving me a good slap and a squeeze when it had filled me up completely. I wanted to force it out at least a bit because it felt a little uncomfortable, but it felt like all my attempts just made it feel bigger and push into me deeper. Then, he brought a simpler dildo, and a really long one at that. That massive thing couldn't fit even halfway into me.

This is where I must admit, he managed to surprise me because of what he did next. When he let go of it, my body kind of instinctively tried to push it out, but halfway into being pushed out of my folds, it pushed back into me by itself. I noticed him channeling magic in his right hand, and the dildo moved according to his hand's motion. It was simple telekinesis magic he was using, but I never would've guessed it could be utilized in this way!

…That kind of makes me wish I knew some telekinesis spells now… That shit can elevate masturbation to a whole another level, apparently…

My amazement at the situation made it better from the get-go. He could move that dildo in and out of me so fast, all done remotely. It pushed into me so hard, like a damn battering ram. Yet, as intense as it felt, the whole situation felt equally uncomfortable. I was still forced to stand up with my hands suspended in the air, and I couldn't even speak. Even spreading my legs was difficult due to how little room my feet were given. I could raise one leg to make it a little bit easier on me, but that made me notice something else as well.

Many bandits who enjoy bondage use leathery cuffs around their victim's limbs and even waist. It's not only for aesthetics, as the primary purpose of them is usually to help tie the victims up. It's also effective, as one can't really move, defend oneself or do much else when their wrists are tied to their ankles with a sturdy piece of steel chain. Well, Haldyn could use these various cuffs as focal points for levitation. He could use one hand to keep steering the dildo up my pussy, and when I tried to relax my leg by putting it down, I noticed him keeping my legs up. My measly strength was nothing against his magic, and I couldn't move my thigh an inch! He laughed at me as he brought me to a forced orgasm, through which he continued to punish me relentlessly.

After that, he focused on my left thigh and pulled my foot off the ground. My body sat back in the air, still being held up by the chain, and he used his hands to move my legs to be spread far and wide. After that, he didn't even need to focus on them anymore. I mean, how? He was just keeping them in place without even channeling magic to them! I know conjurers, necromancers, and such use Soul Gems as conduits for magic, so I suppose he could've used them to keep the telekinesis spell on my cuffs active without his personal interference.

This then allowed him to put his full attention back to the toys inside of me. Yes, both of them. He pulled and pushed on the plug, causing it to vibrate, all while continuing to batter me with that massive, girthy toy. He laughed at me, warning me of how this was only one of a hundred ways he could utilize his magic to dominate me sexually. "And don't even dream that my magicka will run out. I can keep going all day." It sounded like an exaggeration, but was it really?

Now, he had said that he wanted to make me beg for his dick, but he couldn't help himself, so after making me cum for the third time, he unsheathed his long, brown cock. Still floating in the air, suspended by chains and telekinesis, he simply grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his cock, pulling my pussy-sleeve all the way to the base, all while the plug was still teasing my butt. He fucked and used me like a swing; it was SO effortless for him to move me around. My eyes must've rolled back to turn completely white, and I drooled into my gag, wanting to just moan and shout. He really didn't pull any punches, as he was eager to fill me up. It became apparent through his moans and gruntings as well. He really enjoyed raping me and made it painfully clear. He came disappointingly fast thought, but that wasn't the end of it.

Released from the chains, I dropped to my knees, with his telekinesis now focused only on my wrists and pushing them to the ground, all while keeping the weight put on my thighs active, keeping me glued to the floor. He prepared a new spell, this time switching from Alteration to Conjuration, and summoned some manner of a beast from Oblivion. I tried to move my head, look at what was behind me, but I just couldn't figure out what it was. All I know is that it cast a scarily big shadow over me and that it sounded really damn mean when it growled. Oh, and its dick was massive, as became clear when it raped me from behind.

"Don't worry", Haldyn said. "I've ordered him not to kill you, but never forget. This is the power I wield. You're my slave until the day you die, and these are the tools I intend to use to keep you that way."

Him using this giant, unspecified Daedra was his sole warning to me about what would happen to me if I tried to wrong him and that it would be just as easy for it to kill me as it was to rape me. Sure, he doesn't know that I'm a heroine of legendary proportions at this point in my life; he probably thinks I'm just some poor wanna-be adventurer… Which is great because I prefer him to feel that way. Less he thinks of me, the better. The more he underestimates me, the better. I don't intend to live a life as his slave.

Regardless, this Daedra was the last "task" he had for me that morning. He didn't care too much about even being present anymore and left me for that beast to enjoy. It didn't last for too much longer, as I passed out soon after that. Was it by chance because I was simply too exhausted, or did Haldyn have something to do with it? Doesn't matter because by the time I woke up, it was long over.

To much of my surprise, there was someone else in my cell, a little girl I didn't recognize. She's a Nord, that much I could see right off the bat, but then I learned that there's actually more into that.

Her name's Frea, and she's been a prisoner for a better part of three weeks now, but despite having had her freedom and her innocence taken away from her by the hands of these pirates, she had a raging fire in her eyes. She said there's absolutely nothing that those pirates can do to break her will and that all she's looking for is one opportunity, a single opening to get back at them. So far, it hadn't come, but this hasn't stopped her from being defiant against her oppressors. She was more curious about me, which is why I told her my story at that point, or at least a condensed version of it. I didn't go into all the details, but I told her that I had come from Skyrim looking to travel to Solstheim.

She then surprised me by saying that since we're both adventurers, maybe we could help each other. After all, we were both headed in the same direction, so why not? The reason why she's looking to go to Solstheim is because it's her home. She's a native of the island, a Skaal. Never met a real Skaal before, I think.

Well, she's got my back, and I've got hers, and we've got both Serana and Sofia. I'm sure they'll be happy to escape from this place too. The only question is how? Frea suggested that we should cause some ruckus when they come for the next round of gangbang. These pirates apparently really love gangbangs. I mean, can I blame them? She suggested that "since I'm a Breton", I should do some fancy magic tricks to distract them, which would allow her to snatch their weapons from them or something.

Now I may be a Breton, but… Whatever, you've heard this drivel before, so I'll spare you from it… All I'll tell you, my dearest diary, is that what I'm about to show her is way, way more than a simple magic trick… This is gonna work out fantastically, I feel…

Sun's Height, 7th, 4E 203

Just as I predicted, my voice proved to be an adequate weapon against the pirates and an ample distraction that Frea demanded. Best of all, her reaction was fucking priceless!

Frea is a fantastic fighter despite her age. Like, she can't be much older than I was when I was bitten, yet she could take a pair of fully-grown men head-on without trouble. For your information, she dual-wields a pair of axes, and she's bloody amazing at it. I got myself a spare bow to assist her in the fighting and a dagger which I used to sneakily get past two guards. I mean, why waste energy fighting when you can take them out silently?

When we found them, Sofia and Serana were both being tortured - or pleasured, depending on your outlook - but saving them was no trouble at all. Having endured the better part of two hours of sexual pleasure though, they were in no position to be fighting alongside us two. We explained to them what was going on and said that we weren't gonna waste any more time on this little prison island.

In our current state, Haldyn, along with the rest of his lackeys, wasn't someone we were going to be able to challenge, so we had to escape before he had an opportunity to figure out what had transpired. It went pretty well, but unfortunately, we were forced to retreat from the island without most of our wealth. We were pretty much only able to recover our weapons, which were the only irreplaceable parts of our inventory anyway. Everything else, we can replace.

Now we're on some island somewhere off the shores of Solstheim taking temporary refuge. We would've made it all the way to our destination, but the whimsy boat we stole wasn't exactly equipped to weather the storm.

It's a good thing that summer winds keep even the northern seas warm because we really have no proper clothes to speak of, only some rags us four could use to make some bikini armor and robes out of. Hopefully, by the time we wake up tomorrow, the sea has calmed down enough for us to reach Raven Rock. This island's really damn boring…