All Hell/Rules: Difference between revisions

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Elerneron (talk | contribs)
Elerneron (talk | contribs)
Line 156: Line 156:
*Age* Years Old}}</pre>
*Age* Years Old}}</pre>

*Replace everything that is surrounded by asterisks with the appropriate value. This includes *DemonName* which is smashed in the Template Title.
*Replace everything that is surrounded by asterisks with the appropriate value.
*'''DemonName''' is the name of the demon you are writing for.
*Everything except *DemonName* refers to the possessed character.  If the demon doesn't have a host leave all = fields blank.
*Everything except *DemonName* refers to the possessed character.  If the demon doesn't have a host leave all = fields blank.
*'''Image''' is the name of the portrait image of the host.  They will all be .pngs as they need a transparent background.
*'''CharacterName''' is the name of the host as it appears for the character sheet.  The second CharacterName can be different from the first, but it shouldn't be necessary.
*'''Gender''' should be the host's current gender.  This should be <code>Male</code>, <code>Female</code>, <code>Hermaphrodite</code>, or <code>Neuter</code> only.  This can change during the game with the use of some demonic powers.
*'''Species''' should be the host's current species (usually Human).  This can change during the game with the use of some demonic powers.
*'''Age''' should be the host's current age in years.  This can change during the game with the use of some demonic powers.

'''The best way to get this all right is to copy the previous page in edit mode before you make the next page, then paste it in the next page and change everything that is different.'''
'''The best way to get this all right is to copy the previous page in edit mode before you make the next page, then paste it in the next page and change everything that is different.'''

[[Category: All Hell|  Rules]]
[[Category: All Hell|  Rules]]

Revision as of 12:33, 29 May 2016

Story and Page Format


  • This story should be written in Second Person and Present Tense. This means that you refer to the player as you, and that you describe things as though they are currently happening. ie. You look around. not He looks around. or You looked around. or heaven forbid He looked around.
  • This is a religious-fantasy story, do not add science fiction (aliens, superheroes), or high fantasy (elves, fairies) elements.
  • Any type of fetish content is fine. Any age character in any situation is fine.
  • Entries should be at least a paragraph in length. One sentence entries are LAME.
  • Do not put in excessive bad ends, consider other ways that the story could continue. Bad ends should be reserved for situations where the devil or demon is destroyed or exorcised, and thus returned to Hell.
  • Be certain to add the template to each and every page. More on the template can be found below.
  • I reserve the right to edit and or delete entries that are poorly written, or to bring two or more passages in line with one another.


  • Preface all choices with All Hell/Demon Name/ where Demon name is the name of the devil or demon you are writing for and provide alternate text without All Hell/Demon Name/. (Copy-paste is your friend.)
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Choice|This is a choice]]
  • In the case of the above example the page name is All Hell/Beelzubub/Choice, but the reader will see This is a choice. This keeps things from bleeding into other stories and keeps other stories from bleeding into All Hell.
  • If you feel you need a single sentence entry to give the player various options, do it on the same page via choices. ie.
'''What do you do?'''
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Choice 1|This is a choice]]
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Choice 2|This is another choice]]

'''Or do you take her to another part of the house?'''
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Take her to your room|Take her to your room]]
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Take her to her room|Take her to her room]]
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Take her to the bathroom|Take her to the bathroom]]
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Take her to the kitchen|Take her to the kitchen]]


'''What do you do?'''
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Choice 1|This is a choice]]
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Choice 2|This is another choice]]
*[[All Hell/Beelzubub/Take her to another part of the house|Take her to another part of the house]]

With the entry for Take her to another part of the house simply being one sentence and a selection of rooms.


  • To keep things on the index pages organized, provide an alternate entry for the category that correlates to the page name without the All Hell/Demon Name/. For instance, if the page name is All Hell/Demon Name/Bounce the ball, the category should be [[Category: All Hell|Bounce the ball]]. This keeps thing alphabetical while maintaining the advantages of using All Hell/Demon Name/ in front of the entries.
  • Add a category to each page based on the devil or demon such as this [[Category: All Hell/Demon Name|Name of the Page]] in addition to the category [[Category: All Hell|Name of the Page]]. This allows me to group them together by starting off point, and automatically generate and show how many pages each starting off point leads to.
  • If the entry is an ending (bad or otherwise), be sure to add the category [[Category: Endings]] in addition to the category [[Category: All Hell|Name of the Page]].
  • If the entry is a character sheet, be sure to add the category [[Category: All Hell/Characters|Character Name]] instead of the normal category (this is a departure from my other stories' rules). This keeps the character sheets separate from the story entries.


Here is the lore for how all this works:

  • Each devil and demon is unique. Powers differ by individual.
  • Devils, demons, and angels do not have physical form on the mortal plane, and must take a host vessel to interact with the world physically unless otherwise specified by their powers.
  • Devils, demons, and angels are soul energy. They cannot be destroyed, simply returned to Heaven or Hell.
  • Devils and demons that are exorcised are returned to Hell. If this is the player's demon it is a Game Over.
  • Devils and demons can possess most anyone. Characters with a great deal of faith in a higher power can resist a demon's attempt to possess them. The faith is the important part, not the higher power; so even if the target believes in a flying spaghetti monster they have the same protection as a devout Christian.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the demon's powers, the demon can freely leave a host without harming the host.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the demon's powers, the demon needs 24 hours between changing hosts. If they leave the body before this time, they are stuck in spirit form for the remainder. (Basically they can possess someone once a day whether they are currently possessing someone or not.)
  • Unless otherwise specified in the demon's powers, the host believes the demon's actions while they were possessed were their own actions once the demon leaves.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the demon's powers, devils and demons can't pass over holy ground. Attempting to enter holy ground in a host will expel the demon.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the demon's powers, addressing a demon or devil with their true name will force them to do as the speaker asks. Demon's obey the letter of the command, not the spirit of the command. They will usually try to twist the speaker's wishes.
  • Contrary to popular belief, demons and devils do not make deals in exchange for souls. If you are willing to make a deal with a demon, your soul already belongs to Hell; and repenting in true faith voids a demon deal as well as everything else a person has done in their life. There is nothing for the demon in the deal. They do make deals for services to Hell, however. Quick anecdote to emphasize the point:
Man to Devil: "I want to make a deal.  I'll give you my soul for fame and fortune."
The devil picks up the man's car keys.
Devil to Man: "I'll trade you this car for your daughter."
Man to Devil: "But the car is already mine!"
Devil to Man: "As your soul is already mine . . . but there is another thing you can do for me."


  • All characters exist in the same world, and can interact with one another even if they are not part of the story you are currently contributing to.
  • If you want to put in new characters feel free to do so. If the character is important, and not simply scenery, make sure to make a character sheet for them.
  • Feel free to use any characters that have already been introduced.

Character Sheets

  • Do not edit a character sheet that you didn't create without getting permission from the person who created that character.
  • If you add a new character in the story, make a character sheet for them, even if they are not a possessable character. I am available to help with images if you need. Ask on my Talk Page.
  • If you want to make a new demon or devil, put them on the first page in the same manner as the one(s) you see there. I can help you build their templates if you need. Ask on my Talk Page.

Here is a template for the Character Sheet Page:

<div style="float:left; padding-right:20px;">[[File:Image.png]]</div>
== Basics ==
*'''Full Name''': 
*'''Common Name''': 

== Family ==

== Social ==

== Details ==

== Story Links ==

[[Category: All Hell/Characters|Character Name]]
  • Spouses go in family, boyfriends and girlfriends go in Social.
  • A guide on height, weight, and measurements can be found at Format Rules/Measurements.
  • Limit the co-worker and friend entries to no more than the three closest co-workers and friends.


  • If you would like to write for a specific passage, but don't have the time at the moment, you may claim it by putting '''(Claimed)''' and your signature after the option you would like to claim. (Your signature is the second to last button on the editing page.) thusly: (Claimed) --Elerneron 22:44, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
    • Once you have written the passage, remove your claim from the option.
    • Do not jump another person's claim.
    • If you haven't worked on your claimed passage for a long time I will remove your claim.
    • The term 'a long time' in the above rule is defined as: "whenever I think it has been idle too long". It will be at least a week, but may be significantly more time than that.
    • Don't claim all of the options on a particular page. Leave some options for others.


This Story uses two templates. Both of them need to be on every page except the very first one.

Who Template

The "Who" template shows the reader a visual representation of who is present in the scene. Here is the basic format of the template:

{{AllHellPersonTemplate|Image=[[File:*Image*.png|150px]]|Color=*Color*|Name=[[All Hell/Character/*CharacterName*|*DisplayName*]]}}
{{AllHellPersonTemplate|Image=[[File:*Image*.png|150px]]|Name=[[All Hell/Character/*CharacterName*|*DisplayName*]]}}
  • Replace everything that is surrounded by asterisks with the appropriate value.
  • Image is the name of the portrait image of the person. They will all be .pngs as they need a transparent background.
  • Color is only necessary if the person has special status. Use firebrick for those touched by Hell (for instance other possessed people) and use skyblue for those touched by Heaven or with true faith (for instance the vessel of an angel, or a devote Hindu). if the person has no special status use the second line in the list (the one without a value specified for Color).
  • CharacterName should be the name used for the character sheet page (the name is a link to the character sheet).
  • DisplayName can be anything. If the demon doesn't know their name this should be descriptive instead of their name. Something like Little Girl instead for instance.
  • Duplicate the second (or third) line for each additional person present.
  • If no one is present you can just use {{AllHellWhoTemplate}} by itself.

Demon Template

The demon template is a general reference for the reader on the demon's abilities; and whom they are currently possessing. Each demon has their own template based off of a master template to make it easier on the writer. Here is the basic format of the template:

<span style="font-size: 150%;">[[All Hell/Character/*CharacterName*|*CharacterName*]]</span><br>
*Gender* *Species*<br>
*Age* Years Old}}
  • Replace everything that is surrounded by asterisks with the appropriate value.
  • DemonName is the name of the demon you are writing for.
  • Everything except *DemonName* refers to the possessed character. If the demon doesn't have a host leave all = fields blank.
  • Image is the name of the portrait image of the host. They will all be .pngs as they need a transparent background.
  • CharacterName is the name of the host as it appears for the character sheet. The second CharacterName can be different from the first, but it shouldn't be necessary.
  • Gender should be the host's current gender. This should be Male, Female, Hermaphrodite, or Neuter only. This can change during the game with the use of some demonic powers.
  • Species should be the host's current species (usually Human). This can change during the game with the use of some demonic powers.
  • Age should be the host's current age in years. This can change during the game with the use of some demonic powers.

The best way to get this all right is to copy the previous page in edit mode before you make the next page, then paste it in the next page and change everything that is different.