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“Why don’t you do it over on the big sofa,” Sabrina suggested. We’ll all fit so we can warch.
“Why don’t you do it over on the big sofa?” Sabrina suggested. “We’ll all fit so we can watch.

Revision as of 12:32, 26 February 2022

The Sorensen Family

Payton: an 8 year old girl who is a bit of a tomboy and enjoys playing sports with the boys

Anna: an over-confident, bossy 10 year old that always gets her way

Olivia: a shy 5 year old girl

Sabrina: Mom

Greg: Dad

Chapter 1

Anna and Payton Sorensen arrived home on a normal Friday afternoon—or so they thought. The girls set their bags down in the foyer and began to settle in after their day at school. Payton made her way upstairs to put away her soccer gear while Anna walked to the kitchen for an afternoon snack.

Not a minute later, a scream could be heard throughout the house. Payton ran out of her room and leaned over the upstairs balcony, calling down to the kitchen below.

“Where are all my clothes?” She cried to her mother who was busy putting away the clean dishes from the dish washer.

“I donated them,” Sabrina answered, looking up at her middle-child’s distress. “The ones that weren’t completely ruined anyways. You get more stains on your clothes that anyone I’ve ever seen. But I guess that’s one thing we won’t have to worry about anymore.”

“I’m not joining that stupid program,” Payton yelled, suddenly realizing the gravity of her situation.

“It’s already a done deal, your father and I volunteered you and your sister this morning.”

“Mommy, no!” Anna chimed in with a sound of distress.

“Don’t worry, Anna. Your father and I decided that you are older and more mature, so you don’t have to. We only signed up Payton and Olivia,” Anna breathed a sigh of relief at her mother’s words.

“Well, get those clothes off!” Sabrina turned her attention back to Payton who was still wearing her loose fitting pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

“I’m not going to walk around everywhere naked,” Payton protested. “And people will be able to do things to me!” She started to cry. The program had been in the news and heavily promoted in the weeks leading up to the roll-out. Payton thought it sounded horrible but never imagined her parents would force her to participate!

“You have no choice, otherwise you’ll be thrown in jail. We all will be.” Sabrina reminded her. Payton screamed at her mother before running back into her room and slamming the door behind her.

“Can you finish putting these dishes away?” Sabrina asked her eldest daughter as she grabbed her purse off the counter. “It’s time for me to go pick up Olivia.” The five year old was over at a friends house that afternoon.

Sabrina was quickly out the door, returning 20 minutes later leading a crying five year old into the house. Olivia’s friend was to be in the program, too and they had broken the news to both girls when Sabrina came to pick her up.

“Come on, take of those clothes and leave them by the door,” Sabrina looked down at her youngest daughter. “You’re not allowed to wear them any more.” Olivia just stood there, crying in the foyer as her mother walked further into the house.

“I don’t want to,” she cried loudly. Nobody responded.

The girl fidgeted nervously at the hem of her yellow shorts, continuing to cry and making no real progress on her clothes. Anna, who had been at the kitchen table doing her homework, got up to help her sister.

“Come on,” Anna walked towards Olivia and crossed her arms, “Mommy said you have to take your clothes off.”

“No!!!” The child cried defiantly.

“You don’t have a choice,” Anna reminded her. While her older sister watched, Olivia finally gave in and started removing her shirt. Like her shorts, it too was bright yellow. Her progress was slow as she delayed the inevitable for as long as she could. When she did finally pull her shirt above her stomach, she still struggled to pull it over her head. It really is adorable how young kids don’t seem to understand how clothes work. Anna helped Olivia take her shirt the rest of the way off and dropped it next to the door.

“Okay, now your shorts,” Anna encouraged. Olivia’s shorts came off quickly, if only for the fact that gravity did most of the work once they are over her hips.

“Is your sister undressed yet?” Sabrina asked Anna as she peered in at the now panty-clad Olivia.

“I don’t think so. She’s been in her room the whole time.”

Sabrina walked upstairs as Anna supervised Olivia removing her last piece of clothing. When she got to Payton’s room, she opened the door without knocking.

“Come on, off with them,” Sabrina said to Payton who was laying face down on her bed.

“Mmhmmm…” the eight year old’s voice was muffled by her pillow. Without warning, Sabrina grabbed either side of Payton’s jeans and began to pull them down.

“No!” she whined as she realized what her mother was doing and began to kick her legs. Her efforts were a moment too late and her kicks and squirms only helped Sabrina pull the jeans off easier.

Moving quickly, Sabrina grabbed the hem of Payton’s t-shirt, too and began to yank it up and over her head.

“Come on, get your underwear off, too.” Sabrina said after wrestling the t-shirt off of her.

“No, I hate you. I don’t want to be in this stupid program!” Payton yelled and ran out of her room wearing only her panties.

Frustrated, she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar from the pantry before pushing herself up and sitting in the counter.

“Hey, you’re not allowed to wear panties!” Anna taunted. She had returned to doing her homework at the kitchen table and looked up as Payton wrestled with the granola bar wrapper.

“So what? Mind your own business,” Payton replied. She continued sitting on the counter as she ate her snack, kicking her legs off the side and wasn’t bothered bu the fact she kept hitting the lower cabinets with her feet.

“Stop that, I’m trying to concentrate.” Anna gave her sister a dirty look. Payton was unfazed by her sister and only began kicking the counter more intentionally.

“You shouldn’t get to wear clothes either!” Payton added.

“I’m older and more mature, so mommy said I don’t have to,” Anna taunted. “But you’re still wearing panties!” Anna got ip and walked towards her sister. She tried to grab the small undergarment, but Payton was quick to react and soon both girls were wrestling on the floor of the kitchen.

Having lots of experience wrestling with the boys, Payton easily overpowered her big sister. Suddenly, there was a sound of tearing fabric. Anna was alarmed when she realized Payton had ripped her shirt right up the hem on the side.

“Stop, you ripped my shirt!” Anna cried and tried to push back with little effect. Payton was straddling her older sister and took another strong hold on her shirt, ripping it once again. This time, she was able to rip the fabric right down the middle, exposing much the ten year old’s chest.

Finally, Anna freed herself, but Payton moved quickly to regain control and had her in a headlock before their mother walked into the kitchen to see both of them on the floor.

“Enough,” Sabrina scolded sternly. Both girls gave up their fight.

“Payton came in while I was doing homework and told me I shouldn’t get the ear clothiers either and started fighting!” Anna lied.

“I did not, she came up…”

Sabrina silences both of them,”I don’t care, but you need to apologize for ruining your sister’s shirt.” Payton looked at Anna’s shirt which hung in tatters, hardly covering much. She apologized like she was told, but she didn’t mean it.

“Alright,” Sabrina was satisfied. “Anna, you can go change into a new shirt. And you,” Sabrina moved right in front of Payton. Before she knew what was happening, Payton felt a firm hand grasp the front of her panties and yank them down. Once again, she felt herself crying, knowing that she wouldn’t be allowed to wear them again. Giving in, she reluctantly stepped out of them.

Not long after, Greg Sorensen came home from work, knowing that his two youngest daughters would be completely naked. Sabrina had prepared diner and the family sat down to eat. The two youngest family members were still upset about not being allowed to wear clothes, but Greg talked about the program at dinner and stressed how proud he was of his two youngest daughters. He particularly enjoyed Payton’s reactions whenever he mentioned anything about sex and he was quite amused by Anna’s occasional contributions which really just making fun of her two younger siblings

“Why don’t you break one of them in tonight,” Sabrina suggested when they were finished eating,

“Of course,” he said. How could I not? But this is a tough decision. I’ll take one girls virginity tonight, but the other one can lose theirs to someone else tomorrow, I think. That sounds kind of hot. How about I flip a coin?”

He fished a quarter from his pants. “Heads it’s Payton, Tails it’s Olivia “

He tossed the coin in the air, the two girl’s virginities left purely to chance. It spun as it hit the table, resting on rails. It was Olivia.

“Why don’t you do it over on the big sofa?” Sabrina suggested. “We’ll all fit so we can watch.”

This page accidentally got deleted. If you’re reading this, I will be adding the last part of this scene a bit later..

Chapter 2