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<h2>Maximizing Profits: A Star Trek DS9 Fan Fiction</h2>
<h2>Maximizing Profits: A Star Trek DS9 Fan Fiction</h2>

Cardassians, Federarion, the reality is that it hardly matters who is in control of the station. There’s still plenty of profits to be made. At least that’s the way Quark saw it. His bar was simply the local watering hole for whomever happened to occupy the station. Of course, the Federation put a damper on his more nefarious activities, but they provided stability that Quark gladly took advantage of. While he didn’t like the fact that Deep Space 9 had become quite literally the center of the war with the Dominion, it had been good for his pocket-book and thus far, he had remained unscathed. Now that the Cardassians were back in control, Quark had begun to shift gears, dealing in weapons or narcotics that the Federation would never allow. One such thing he had been forced to tone down a great deal while the Federation was in charge, was his holosuites.
Cardassians, Federarion, the reality is that it hardly matters who is in control of the station. There are still plenty of profits to be made. At least that’s the way Quark saw it. His bar was simply the local watering hole for whomever happened to occupy the station. Of course, the Federation put a damper on his more nefarious activities, but they provided stability that Quark gladly took advantage of. While he didn’t like the fact that Deep Space 9 had become quite literally the center of the war with the Dominion, it had been good for his pocket-book and thus far, he had remained unscathed. Now that the Cardassians were back in control, Quark had begun to shift gears, dealing in weapons or narcotics that the Federation would never allow. One such thing he had been forced to tone down a great deal while the Federation was in charge, was his holosuites.

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“I’m insulted you think I would lie to a customer like that. . .Make it triple,” the Ferengk voice replied.
“I’m insulted you think I would lie to a customer like that. . .Make it triple,” the Ferengi voice replied.

Latest revision as of 06:54, 13 June 2023

Maximizing Profits: A Star Trek DS9 Fan Fiction

Cardassians, Federarion, the reality is that it hardly matters who is in control of the station. There are still plenty of profits to be made. At least that’s the way Quark saw it. His bar was simply the local watering hole for whomever happened to occupy the station. Of course, the Federation put a damper on his more nefarious activities, but they provided stability that Quark gladly took advantage of. While he didn’t like the fact that Deep Space 9 had become quite literally the center of the war with the Dominion, it had been good for his pocket-book and thus far, he had remained unscathed. Now that the Cardassians were back in control, Quark had begun to shift gears, dealing in weapons or narcotics that the Federation would never allow. One such thing he had been forced to tone down a great deal while the Federation was in charge, was his holosuites.

Despite what some in the Federation would like to believe, holosuites are for porn. Especially at Quark’s bar. There were always desires to be fulfilled, but the Federation wouldn’t allow some fantasies to be lived out—even in the make believe world of the holodeck. But now, Quark could openly advertise his collection of darker holosuite fantasies and charge a great deal more for them, too.

“Ah welcome back, Tokar,” Quark greeted the familiar Cardassian. During the occupation, he had been a frequent customer.

“Quark,” the cardassian greeted in his cold demeanor. “You still remember me after all this time. I see you’ve done some redecorating.”

“How could I forget such a loyal customer and friend? As for the decor, now that the Federation is gone, I should probably move a few things back to how they were. I can take down that dart board for starters. I doubt the jem haddar will get much use out of it.” Quark rambled. “So what will it be? 3 shots of kanar as usual?”

“Actually, I was wondering if you still had that holodeck program, the one with the Bajoran girl…”

“Ah yes, the one with the Bajoran mistress,” Quark remembered. “Of course, I would never delete such a profitable holosuite program.”

“No, not that one, the special one you made. The one with the young Bajoran sex slave,” Tokar jogged Quark’s memory.

“Oh, oh yes. That one. . . I keep that one under lock and key. Give me a moment and I’ll be right back with it. Holosuite two is free for the next hour if you’d like to use it now.”

“Yes, that would be most wonderful,” Tokar stated in a firm Cardassian tone, sounding more annoyed than pleased.

“Great, well how about a shot of kanar on the house to get you in the mood?” Quark didn’t wait for an answer before pouring the shot. He knew the cardassian would gladly drink it.

When Quark returned, Tokar had indeed downed the kanar and was eager to begin the program.

“I’ve loaded it up in holosuite 2 for you,” Quark informed him over the sound of the dabbo tables in the background. “Your time will begin as soon as you’ve entered. And to welcome you back to the station, I’ll give you a very generous 15% off.” Tokar thanked the Ferengi, knowing full well that he was still raking in profits hand over fist at that price, especially since the particular program he had requested was more than three times the normal rate.

Tokar walked into holosuite 2 and was greeted by a host with a generic holograph personality that was a bit too cheery for the mood of the program. It wasn’t the best part of the program to be sure, but it didn’t matter, that’s not the character he was here for.

“Greetings, Mr. Tokar, I’m very glad to see you. Please take your seat, the auction will begin shortly.”

The room was bustling with people; some romulan, a few feringi, and some fellow cardassians as well. They were all holographic, of course. Tokar was the only real humanoid in the simulation.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen,” the andorian auctioneer announced. “The first lot today is a young Bejoran child. She is absolutely stunning, just look at her gorgeous face. She’s ripe for the plunder,”

Tokar looked at the scared Bejoran girl that had been guided to the front of the stage.

“This virgin can be yours for the taking! Let’s start the bidding at 5 bars of latinum.”


“Alright, I have 10 from the klingon up front. Do I have 11. 12. 15.” The auctioneer continued as the bidding climbed higher.

Tokar joined in when it got up to 25. He wasn’t worried about being outbid, of course. It was programmed for him to win. But the bidding was what made this particular program that much more exciting. He stared eagerly at the Bejoran girl, looking scared under the gaze of so many eager bidders as the price climbed higher. She appeared to be around eight and wore a thin rag that was torn, exposing her left shoulder. The garment ended just above her knees. He couldn’t wait to rip it off of the skinny girl after he won the auction.

One by one, the other patrons tapped out as the price climbed above 40 bars of latinum. It was just him and a ferengi left.

“I can make quite a profit selling this one’s body!” The ferengi said as he raised his bid. Fortunately for Tokar, he was spending holographic money. He raised the ferengi to 100, surely the program didn’t go that high. Just as he suspected, the ferengi gave up, cussing in anger over his loss.

“And sold to the Cardassian in the back, congratulations sir!”

He quickly paid and walked up to the young Bejoran, grabbing her by the wrist, “Come, girl. You’re mine now!” She looked up at him with fear in here eyes. Tokar liked that about this program. It just felt so real. Too many similar programs had young girls eager and happy to perform the most bizarre sexual fantasies with glee. But this program was different. The girl wasn’t about to open her ass willingly and take a large Cardassian cock right out the gate. It was so well paced. Not too slow, but just enough to get you ready for the big event.

He led the girl through the room, jealous patrons leering at her and taking in their last glimpse of the child.

“Mr. Tokar,” the oddly cheery host gleamed, “That is a great treasure you’ve won there. I’m sure you’ll be enjoying that for years to come. Your shuttle is in hangar 4. Is there anything else I can get you before you depart?”

“No, leave me alone,” the cheery character nearly broke the immersion of the rest of the program. Tokar figured the host must have been a copy from a different program and the creator just threw him into here instead of coding a new one. He might have held it against him had the rest of the program not been absolutely perfect.

Tokar took the girl to his holographic shuttle and it quickly departed on auto-pilot as soon as they were settled in. They were headed to wgat was supposed to be his house. Of course, it was just a holographic house and looked nothing like his real one back on Cardassia.

“What’s your name Bejoran?” He asked the child that was now sitting in his lap on the shuttle.

“Lata,” she answered quietly. She was still wearing the torn rags, but now Tokar could see down inside where her sleeve was torn and way eying her nipple.

“Lata, that’s a pretty name for a very pretty girl.” He put a hand up to head head and ran it over her hair. He felt her shiver as he began running his other hand up her knee.

“It’s my mommy’s name, too,” Lata replied.

“Where is your mommy?” Tokar asked. He didn’t recall her mentioning her when he played this program before. But the subtle nuance was what made it so worth playing again. He enjoyed playing it out differently each time.

“We were captured by Cardassians and my daddy was put in a work camp. But my mommy, my older sister, and me were taken to a different prison and mommy said they could have her if they promised to let me and my sister go.”

“What happened to her?” He asked. The girl struggled to find the words, obviously overwhelmed by emotions.

“They ripped her dress off and a lot of Cardassians got on top of her and did gross things to her. They made me and my sister watch.” She started crying as Tokar held her and tried to comfort her. Of course, he could have started fucking her right there in the shuttle. His cock was certainly ready for it. But he was in the mood to savor the experience. Besides, he found her story to be quite stimulating.

“What happened next?” He asked after the girl calmed down a little.

“They didn’t let us go but left us with mommy and said they wouldn’t hurt us. And they came back to use her a lot. After a while, they still took my sister away and sold her as a sex slave. They said I was too young, but they didn’t let me go like they promised. They kept us together and kept coming and doing stuff to her every day. But then a Gul came and liked my mommy, so he told the guards that she was his property and nobody else could touch her.”

“Wow, that’s quite an honor,” Takar told the child. “Your mother must be very beautiful to have been taken as a mistress by such a high ranking officer. I bet she’s nowhere near as pretty as you are, though” Tokar began to reach inside her rags and rub her chest. She tried to pull away, but he only held her closer in response.

“All those naughty gross things you saw all those men do to your mommy—I’m going to do all those things to you!” Takar moved his hand straight up her thigh. Lata flinched as he touched her panties and started to whine, feeling his finger explore her pussy through the fabric.

He ripped off what remained of her torn skirt, leaving her only in her panties. The scared child whimpered as he ran his hand over her chest.

“Now that you’re my little Bejoran sex slave, I’m going to do lots of things to you, just like that Gul does with your mommy.”

She was looking down despondently at the floor of the shuttle. Tokar placed a finger on her chin and lifted her chin. He admired her tear laden face for a brief moment and then brought his lips to hers. She was in shock, clearly having never kissed a man before, much less a Cardassian. He held her head and kissed her more forcefully, opening his mouth wide and overwhelming the child’s mouth with his tongue.

He allowed his large hands to travel around the girl’s body as he continued to kiss her. After several minutes, he allowed her to pull away and lifted her up, repositioning her so that she straddled him in the seat. That’s when he reached down and pulled out his cock. She looked down, clearly concerned as she felt the large member pressed in between them.

“That’s right. I’m going to give you my cock and you’re going to take it just like your mommy took it from all those Cardassian prison guards. I bet she likes taking dick from that big powerful Gul now. He probably lets all his powerful friends fuck her, too. There’s no higher honor for a Bajoran woman than being a powerful Cardassian’s slut. I’m going to turn you into my little slut just like your mother and your big sister. You’re my cute little fuck-toy.”

She tried to lean away as Tokar went in for another kiss. He pushed his way into her mouth once again and tasted her again. Then, he lifted the kid and pulled off her panties. They dropped to the floor of the shuttle and she was now completely naked on his lap. He rubbed his cock on her snatch and she whined, worried that he wanted to stick it inside.

Wanting to get a bit more comfortable himself, the Cardassian pulled off his own clothes and without wasting any more time, he lined up his cock with the Bajoran child’s virgin cunt.

“No,” she whined and the suddenly, she gasped. He was pushing her down, forcing her onto his cock. She began to cry out as her pussy had begun to engulf the alien. She squirmed as she felt him filling her up.

“Ah! It’s—too much,” she whined. He simply grunted and forced her deeper. The girl’s cries grew louder as he forced her up and down on his cock. With both hands. He forced her into an open down motion and admired the strange faces she was making as she grew accustomed to the strange sensations.. He pulled her closer into him, feeling her naked body pressed against his. Cupped both ass cheeks, he began thrusting, lifting himself out of the chair, but arching himself back for support. His final thrusts were merciless and the child cried as he shot his cum deep inside her.

Then, he slowed down when it was over. He held her in his lap for several minutes as she slowly calmed down and his cock deflated. Her head was buried in his chest and the little girl still let out soft cries as he caressed her bare back. Sitting there with her on his lap made him want to get hard again and fuck her one more time. Maybe in her ass this time or a good mouth fuck until she choked on his cum.

But alas, the program paused and a familiar ding rang in the holosuite and Quark’s nasally tone followed, “Tokar, I’m afraid You’re time is up. We need to get the suite ready for the next guest.”

The Cardassian thought for a moment, “Tell them the suite is malfunctioning and I’ll pay double for another hour,”

“I’m insulted you think I would lie to a customer like that. . .Make it triple,” the Ferengi voice replied.

“Fucking greedy Ferengi bastard. Fine, I’m good for it!”

The program resumed and the bajoran child lifted her head as the shuttle arrived at its destination.”

“Come on Lata,” the Cardassian lifted her off of his cock and stood her up in front of him. She quickly moved her hands over her pussy, but it did little to aid her discomfort. A bit of cum began to leak down her left leg.

“I’ll show you your new house and then I’ll teach you how to take it in the ass!” Tokar said cheerfully and he led his new sex slave out of the shuttle without bothering to dress.

Now that the Cardassians were back in charge of DS9, he knew he would be blowing a considerable amount of latinum on this program alone. And it was far from Quark’s only program either…

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