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When you get home Mum wants to know what you had been up to. He told her about meeting Adrian and how they had both fucked little Amy.  “Her brother’s been fucking her for ages,” you tell her, “but I don’t think she likes doing her mother’s boyfriends that much.”  
When you get home Mum wants to know what you had been up to. He told her about meeting Adrian and how they had both fucked little Amy.  “Her brother’s been fucking her for ages,” you tell her, “but I don’t think she likes doing her mother’s boyfriends that much.”  

“More like customers than boyfriends I think” Mum replies. “You should bring Amy home when your dad’s here, I’m sure he’d like to meet her.”
“More like customers than boyfriends I think” Mum replies. “You should bring Amy home when your dad’s here, I’m sure he’d like to meet her.”

“I bet he would," You laugh.   
“I bet he would," You laugh.   

Revision as of 13:39, 15 July 2022

The Family That Plays Together:

Chapter 4: Adrian "Cums" for a Visit

When you get home Mum wants to know what you had been up to. He told her about meeting Adrian and how they had both fucked little Amy. “Her brother’s been fucking her for ages,” you tell her, “but I don’t think she likes doing her mother’s boyfriends that much.”

“More like customers than boyfriends I think” Mum replies. “You should bring Amy home when your dad’s here, I’m sure he’d like to meet her.”

“I bet he would," You laugh.

“What about Adrian?” She asked. “Do you think it was his first time?”

“I’m sure it was, but he’s a quick learner and he cums quick too. I gave him a blow job back at his house and he blew his load straight away. I’m pretty sure he would like to fuck his mum though. Anyway, I’ve invited him round on Saturday afternoon so you can meet him then.”

Saturday is warm but overcast. When you both leave Adrian’s house it is drizzling, but then the heavens open and, by the time they get to Your house, you are both soaked through. Panting and out of breath, you stand in the kitchen steaming gently and dripping puddles on the floor.

“Come on boys. You’d better get out of those wet clothes or you’ll catch your death,” Mum says.

Milly is sitting in her high chair scribbling with a crayon, but stops to watch the boys getting undressed. You strip off in no time and are soon sitting naked on a stool, rubbing your hair dry with a towel. Adrian is a bit shy, and reluctant to part with his underpants. “Get Them Off,” Mum says in “that” voice, and he is soon sitting, facing you, while Mum dries his hair.

“Where’s Dad,” you ask.

“He had to go out. Said he won’t be back ‘till late” replied Mum. “Why don’t you go and watch a video or something while I put these clothes in the dryer.”

“What do you fancy watching,” you ask.


“Have a look and see what you think.”

Adrian opens the cupboard and looks at the DVD’s on the shelf but there is nothing that interests him. “They are mostly Mum’s films,” you say. You go over to another cabinet and select a disc. “I think you might like this.”

You put it in the slot and, still naked you both sit on the couch with towels over your laps and you use the remote to start the film. There is no opening title sequence and the film starts with an attractive woman in her 40s shopping in a supermarket. There is no sound except background music as she goes through the checkout and walks down the street with her shopping.

The scene changes to a room where a young boy, about twelve years old, is sitting on a couch with a pornographic magazine in one hand, and his cock in the other. He is so intent on the pictures that he doesn’t hear his mother arrive, and he has no idea he isn’t alone until she enters the room. They go through a little pantomime where he tries to cover himself up and she won’t allow him to, and then she sits beside him and they both look at the magazine together.

It isn’t long before she’s holding her son’s cock while they turn the pages and look at the pictures. Eventually, they lose interest in the pictures and she gets down on her knees to suck the boy’s cock.

While you watch, you both slip your hands under your towels so that you can stroke yourselves. Neither of you notice your mum sneaking up behind you until she whips both towels away to reveal two stiff cocks. Adrian tries to cover his up with his hands.

“It’s all right Adrian, you’ve got a nice cock, don’t hide it,” Mum says, and she sits down on the couch next to him and moves his hands away.

Adrian blushes bright red, but his cock stays hard and his eyes stay glued to the screen, where the woman is lying back on the couch and guiding her son’s stiff cock into her cunt.

“Milly’s gone for a sleep,” Mum explains so I thought I’d come and join you.” She looks down at Adrian ‘s cock, then reaches over, wraps her hand round it and starts to gently masturbate him.

The couple on the screen change position and the boy is now on his back, with his mother squatting on his cock, bouncing up and down vigorously. “Do you like that,” Mum asks. Adrian nods not trusting himself to speak, and not sure if she meant the film, or what she is doing with her hand. Either way it is pretty obvious that he likes it very much indeed.

Mum lets go of Alex’s cock and stands up. “It’s getting a bit warm in here don’t you think,” she says. “Undo my zip for me will you please.” Adrian seems frozen to the spot so you reach over and slide the zip fastener smoothly down your mother’s back. It is no surprise that she is wearing nothing underneath it. Both of you lose interest in the film as she kneels down between you and takes a cock in each hand.

It only takes a few strokes before Adrian’s cock squirts two good gobs of spunk on to his belly. Mum smiles. “He said you had trouble holding back. I’m sure you’ll learn with a bit of practice.” She giggles and moves over to take her your cock into her mouth, but before you reach your climax, Adrian is hard again. When your mum sees it she gets up and sits down between you. “I do love how young boys can recover so quickly,” she said, smiling.

Adrian is gaining confidence now. His new friend’s mum looks more like a teenager than his mother and he is pretty sure that she is going to let him fuck her. “I guess you haven’t had much experience,” she says, and Adrian shakes his head. “Then I think there are some things you need to learn” she says. She turns to you. “Wouldn’t you like to give your friend a guided tour?”

“Good idea Mum,” you say. “Come on Adrian.” Alice scoots her bottom to the edge of the couch and spreads her legs wide. You both get down on the rug in front of her. “Can you lift your legs up mum” you ask. Mum lifts her legs and put one on each of your shoulders. “Have you ever seen a pussy close up before?”

Adrian shakes his head. “Never a real one, only pictures.”

“Go ahead and touch it, Mum won’t mind. Yes, there, right at the top. You see that? That’s the clitoris, or clit for short. It’s a bit like a tiny little cock and if you push the skin back here,” You reach out and pressed your mother’s mound, just above her clit, “like that, you can make the head pop out.” You take your finger away. “Go on you try it.”

Mum bites her lip, trying to hold herself still while the two boys examine her. She feels your finger pressing on her clit and she can feel hot breath as you both lean forward for a closer look.

You continue the lecture. “The clit is the most sensitive place, a bit like the end of your cock. But there’s lots of other sensitive places. In fact, Dad says that just about everywhere on a woman’s body can be sensitive in the right circumstances.” You trace his finger round the outside. “These flaps are called labia or lips. Mum’s are quite small but some girls have much longer ones. Aunt Marie’s hang down quite a bit more.” Using both hands you spread the lips apart. “This is the vagina, where cocks and spunk go in and babies come out, and just above it is the… I’ve forgotten what it’s called, the place where the wee comes out.”

“Urethra.” Mum’s voice came from above your heads.

“What she said,” you say. “Now put your fingers in her vagina and feel how wet and slippery it is.”

Adrian does as he is told and slips two fingers a little way into Mum’s vagina.

“Don’t be afraid of it” You tell him. “Push them right in. That slippery stuff is just like precum, if she is dry it would hurt, but playing with us has made her wet.” Adrian pushes his two fingers in as far as they’ll go and you feel your mum’s legs tighten against your neck. “If you turn your hand over you should be able to feel her cervix like a little bump part way in at the top. That’s right. Why don’t you put more fingers in, then you’ll see how a girls vagina can stretch to take even the biggest cock.”

“What’s a cervix?”

“That’s the way up to the womb where the babies grow. Sperms have to swim through there to get to the eggs. If you ever read in a story that some man pushed his cock right through a girl’s cervix and into her womb, it’s just a lot of nonsense. Vaginas are quite stretchy, both sideways and long ways so, with a bit of practice, even a little girl like Amy can take a full size cock.”

Adrian scrunches his hand up and begins to push it in. He is fascinated by the way it opens up as he slowly and gently pushes his whole hand into his friend’s mother’s cunt. Mum is moaning now as she feels herself being stretched and filled by the boy’s hand and waves of little orgasms are spreading through her body. With an effort, she reaches down, catches hold of Adrian’s wrist, and pulls his hand out. “I’d rather have a cock in there,” she said thickly.

She swivels around on the couch and Adrian kneels up between her legs. He presses his stiff cock down to line it up and then just rams it in as far as it will go. “Take it slowly now,” Mum tells him. “There’s no hurry. Take your time and we’ll both enjoy it more.”

Adrian tries to do as he is told and you stand up beside the couch so that your mother can suck your cock while he fucks her, and for the next few minutes the only sounds are the panting and gasping of two preteen boys as they approach their climaxes. Adrian cums first, his cock pumping a few remaining drops of spunk deep inside your mother’s cunt. You’re not far behind, directing your own spunk into her greedy mouth.

Mum swallows and licks her lips. “Well done boys. That was great.”

When she goes upstairs to get cleaned up you turn to your friend. “That was fantastic wasn’t it?” You’re sitting side by side on the couch with your limp cocks still dribbling a little on your thighs. “I don’t suppose our clothes will be dry yet. Shall we go upstairs and find a computer game?” You pass your mum on the stairs as she comes down in her dressing gown and she gives you both a slap on your bare bottoms as they went past.

While all this is going on, Adrian’s mum is lying in a warm bath with two fingers buried deep in her pussy trying to remember what it is like to have a cock in there. It had been over six months since her husband had left, and sex with him had been neither frequent nor satisfying for some time before that. The only men she knows are married or in relationship, and she has no wish to become entangled in an affair. As she masturbates, it’s the image of her son that keeps coming into her mind and when, finally, she reaches her climax, it is Adrian’s name that is on her lips.

After her bath she takes a can of shaving foam and a razor from the cabinet on the wall and sits down on the toilet seat. With the aid of the mirror propped on a chair in front of her she carefully removes every trace of hair from around her pussy and then dusts it with powder until she is satisfied that it is as smooth as a young girl’s.

In your bedroom, you are on your back on the bed with your head propped up by pillows and Adrian is sitting in a chair facing you. You’re both still naked. “How long…” Adrian asks “have you and your mum...”

“Been fucking...” You grin. “About a year now. She’s been sucking my cock since I was a baby though. Have you tried it with your mum yet?”

Adrian shakes his head. “Not yet, but I think I’ll try what you said the other day, and creep into her bed.”

“You’d better hurry up, or she’ll find herself a boyfriend and then you’ll have no chance.”

Chapter 5