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[[Category:Warming Alice]]
The fire sputtered to life and crackled in my hearth, glowing brightly in the den of my small cottage as the light of dusk slowly faded from sight though the windows. It was going to be a cold night without any power, and the blizzard raging outside threatened only to get worse. Living remotely in the mountains had its advantages - it was quiet, calm, and scenic... but the storms could be brutal. I sighed as I rummaged through my closet and found my backup lanterns, collecting everything I needed to stay warm that night.
The fire sputtered to life and crackled in my hearth, glowing brightly in the den of my small cottage as the light of dusk slowly faded from sight though the windows. It was going to be a cold night without any power, and the blizzard raging outside threatened only to get worse. Living remotely in the mountains had its advantages - it was quiet, calm, and scenic... but the storms could be brutal. I sighed as I rummaged through my closet and found my backup lanterns, collecting everything I needed to stay warm that night.

Latest revision as of 00:03, 2 April 2023

The fire sputtered to life and crackled in my hearth, glowing brightly in the den of my small cottage as the light of dusk slowly faded from sight though the windows. It was going to be a cold night without any power, and the blizzard raging outside threatened only to get worse. Living remotely in the mountains had its advantages - it was quiet, calm, and scenic... but the storms could be brutal. I sighed as I rummaged through my closet and found my backup lanterns, collecting everything I needed to stay warm that night.

It wasn't until my emergency phone rang that I remembered the outside world at all. I rummaged around in my backpack to find it and picked it up. "Hello?" I answered warrily - not many people had my number. "Jim? Oh thank god I got ahold of you!" came the frantic voice of my neighbor, Kendra. She was a kindhearted woman who'd moved up here with her daughter, Alice, a few years back to get away from her abusive former husband. Kendra worked late nights as a waitress in the town's only bar and inn. I saw her often enough coming and going with her daughter in tow. As far as neighbors went she was easygoing enough, though we never really got that close. I tended to keep to myself, after all.

"Kendra? Is that you? I wouldn't come home tonight, you'd be much safer at the inn with this storm." I looked out the window, but I could barely see a few inches out, the snow was falling so thickly. "That's why I'm calling! I couldn't bring Alice into work with me today, and she's stuck at home alone!"

"What!? You left her home with the storm approaching!?" My heart skipped a beat. Yeah, this storm was looking to be a lot worse than we'd expected, but we all knew it was coming. What had she been thinking, leaving her 6 year old daughter home alone at a time like this!? "I know, I know! But with the mountaineer's club in town this week my boss said there was no space for her to be underfoot. I couldn't find anyone to watch her!"

I drummed my fingers on the windowsill. "What do you want me to do, Kendra?" I had a feeling I knew what was coming. "Please, Jim! I know we're not very close, but you're at home, right? Can you take her back to your house and keep her safe? The emergency key is in the planter next to the garage. I can't stand the thought of what might happen, and..." I cut her off - the woman was close to tears from the sound of her voice. "Of course, Kendra. Don't cry, I'll go get her before the storm gets any worse. I always have plans laid in case of storms like this."

The relief in her voice was scary as she thanked me again and again. "Thank you, thank you! Jim, you're amazing! I will come get her as soon as I can, and I'll make this up to you, I promise!" I reassured her, but eventually had to cut her off as she kept babbling. "Kendra, I don't mean to be rude but I need to go get her now before the storm gets any worse. Here's my emergency satellite phone number: 293-192-8311. I have to go now, I'll keep her safe. Goodbye!" I hung up on her.

Fuck, this was a complication I didn't want right now. I'd moved out here to get away from people, after all. Still... no one deserved to freeze to death, least alone a small child. I grabbed my thick boots and strapped snowshoes onto them, donning layers of thick fur coats and a heavy snow mask. Better get this over with... Grabbing my icepick, I steeled myself before stepping outside. The first blast of icy wind was painful, but I ignored it. Not trusting my senses in the swirling vortex of white, I checked the compass embedded in my icepick's hilt. I knew Kendra's house was about a quarter of a mile due north of mine over the large hill behind my house.

I set out at a brisk pace, not wanting to slow down for fear of losing body warmth. It took me an hour before I saw the vague outline shape of the small house Kendra shared with her young daughter. Approaching the front door, I tried the handle. The door was locked, and the emergency key I'd already retrieved didn't seem to be working. "Fuck, the lock is frozen shut." I raised the icepick, and slammed it down on the knob. It sheared off, and I was able to kick the door open, clicking on the flashlight I'd brought with me.

"Alice?" I cried into the house, sliding a chair in front of the door to keep it shut. "Alice! It's Jim over the hill! Your momma asked me to come get you!" There was silence for long enough to worry me before I heard a quiet voice call out. "I'm under the bed. It's so cold..." I followed the voice into the back room where the child's bedroom was. Stomping inside in my heavy boots, I leaned down and peered underneath the bed. A tiny shape was huddled underneath, surrounded by blankets and stuffed animals. "Come on out, Alice. We have to travel back to my house, where are your winter coats?"

The little girl blinked at me, her face reflecting in the bright light shed by my LED flashlight. Her face was chapped from the cold, but the girl's shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes stared back at me. Her small face was paler than usual from the cold, causing her freckles to stand out like stark little black dots. "Mommy said we would go shopping for new winter things tomorrow... My old stuff doesn't fit well anymore."

As I coaxed her to crawl out, I saw that she'd tried to put on her winter clothes. Her coat was far too small and she'd only been able to do up a few of the buttons. "Crap... What to do..." I thought fast as she stood up and wrapped her arms around my waist, shivering. "You're not too big... I'll have to wrap you up in my coat and carry you back." I unzipped my coat and picked the little mite up. "Curl up in a ball for me and I'll zip you inside. You'll just need to hold still for a while until we get back to my house, then we'll warm you up properly, alright?"

Alice looked up at me with huge eyes filled with fright. "K-Kay..!" she chattered, her teeth clacking audibly. I wrapped her in a blanket and picked up up, hugging the small child's body to my chest as I tucked her in and zipped up my baggy coat around her.. With a small hesitation I pushed one of her stuffed animals inside with her. "Just hold on tight to, err.. What's the bunny's name?" I asked her patiently. "Mrs. Hoppy..." came the small voice from around my pecs. "Hold onto Mrs. Hoppy and I'll get us safely out of here, okay? Try not to squirm."

With the bundled child packaged firmly against my chest, I strode out of her room and down the hall, kicking the chair out of the way of the front door. It blew open, and another blast of icy wind stuck me full in the face. "Shit, have to hurry! Light's almost gone, and the temperature is dropping..!" I strode out of the house, my heart pounding as I checked the compass again. Setting off quickly, I aimed due south and prayed. This was not the kind of storm even a survival pro like myself would want to be caught in!

Half an hour later as I crested the hilltop and began descending, Alice's body was almost vibrating, her shivers were getting so bad. It made me determined to get back as soon as possible. I had layers of thick muscle to keep me warm, but this little child was going to lose body temperature quickly. I pushed on, and was relieved to see the outline of my cottage in the last vestiges of fading light. I plowed forward, pushing the door open and quickly bringing up both inside. I went over to the hearth fire, which was barely flickering embers at this point and put some more logs onto it.

As I unzipped my coat and pulled the bundled child out, I felt a sinking in my stomach. Her skin was deathly white and she looked to be in the beginning stages of hypothermia. "Fuck! Alice, I gotta warm you up fast." I grabbed my thermal blankets and kicked my backup generator on, plugging in a heat lamp as I laid her out on the couch next to the fire. All this wasn't warming her up fast enough... "Mr. J-Jim, I'm s-s-s-s-o c-c-c-old..!" she whined, her whole body shaking violently.

Fuck... There was one more thing I could do, but I hadn't wanted to have to do it. There was no choice. "Alice, we're going to have to lie together to pool our body heat. Your body is going to go into... um, a thing called "shock" if I can't warm you quickly enough." I swallowed, and started stripping off my clothes. I'd moved up here to get away from people... for a lot of reasons. But this was the one situation I never wanted to find myself in again.

"Why are you t-t-taking off your c-c-c-lothes, Mr. J-J-Jim..?" Alice asked, her wide eyes watching me strip as her small teeth chattered. "Because we need to get our skin close together for this to work." I stripped down completely naked and climbed under the thermal blankets with the small child. "Mr. J-J-Jim...?" I knew she was too young to understand, but I didn't have time for her to protest. "I only want to keep you safe, Alice..."

I tried reassuring her as I grabbed at the hem of her woolen sweater, my heart pounding in my chest. Lying naked again with a child... This was what had gotten me into so much trouble back in the big city. That sweet child, Emily, from next door... her overworked mother taking advantage of my kindness to babysit her every night... We'd grown close - too close, and she'd asked me to take something precious from her. I'd been unable to say not to that sweet face.

Even if it'd been consensual... and I'd made sure Emily had fully understood what she'd asked me to do... her mom had found out. I'd had to vanish, change my name... I'd told myself I'd never do this again. And now here I was, put in a situation where it was the only way to save a child's life. The world was a cruel place.

I shook myself out of remembrance, and finished pulling Alice's sweater off. "Eeek! B-But Mr. J-J-Jim, I'm n-not s-supposed t-to b-be n-naked in f-front of p-p-people..!" she complained. "This is different, Alice. It's, err, an ancient survival technique for warming." My hands were shaking as I felt the cold bare skin of her back press up against my chest. "It will make you warm again really quickly, okay?" My hands shook as I pushed my fingers down past both hips and into the sides of her leggings. I'd let her leave her panties on... surely that would be fine, right?

"B-B-But..." her small voice quavered as I tugged the 6 year old's legging down to her ankles. Ignoring her protests, I placed my big hands over her belly and flat chest, and wrapped my legs around hers. I could feel just how cold her skin was against mine. Even though I did this with the best of intentions, my body reacted to holding the mostly naked small child pressed up against it... my raging boner thrust up and pressed against her bottom. Alice wrapped her small frigid hands around my arms, twining her little fingers in my thick arm hair.

"Just try to relax, Alice... You should start feeling warm soon." My heart raced as I rubbed little Alice's belly. I tried to stop myself, but I was unable to help myself as I rubbed her chest, too, paying extra attention to her tiny nipples. They were rock hard from the cold. I nestled her small head underneath the crook of my chin and hugged her tightly.

"Are you getting warm yet..?" I asked her after a minute. "A l-l-little bit..." she stammered. "But my b-b-bottom is still really c-c-cold..." Damnit, I thought to myself. Fine, I have no choice... "I'll have to remove your panties then to warm you up properly." I slid the hand on her belly down and into the little tyke's undies. "K-Kay..." she mumbled. I guessed she'd stopped protesting when she'd realized she was starting to warm up a bit. I couldn't help myself as slowly slid her panties down extra slow, feeling my manly meat pressing between her ass cheeks like a foot-long hot dog trying to fill a normal sized bun.

"What's p-poking into my b-bottom?" Alice asked. This close to her I could feel her words vibrating into my ribcage. I swallowed, thinking of what to say. "It's, umm... my heating stick. It should help warm you up quicker." I pulled the little one's panties down to her plump thighs, tilting my throbbing penis to push between her legs. I told myself I wasn't trying to take advantage of her - I was just using this extra hot part of my body to warm her nether regions up faster. Part of me knew it was a lie... but as I lay on that couch with a naked 6 year old's body pressed up against mine, I also didn't care. I just couldn't help myself - I wanted to molest her tiny little body so damn bad!

"T-Try to squeeze your legs together around the heating stick, Alice." I toyed with her nippled some more as I directed her, placing my big hands on her sides so I could rub each tiny nub with a big thumb. The small child did as she was told and I felt her leg muscles squeezing together around my cock. I began to gently push up, feeling my dick slide between her legs and her childish, plump pussy lips cupping my shaft as it slid by. "Ahhh... Th-This is making me f-feel warmer, Mr. Jim..! Is this the, umm... anc-ient w-warming tech... tech-quike?" the adorable little scrap stammered, struggling with the bigger words.

"Y-Yeah, it warms you up really quick." I couldn't help but let out a soft moan at the realization that the 6 year old smashed up against me was getting turned on from my touches. The small rational part of my mind that still worked realized that she was still much too cold even with all these extra things I was doing. "I gotta warm you up some more, alright Alice? Try to relax..." I moved one of my hands down to her groin. "Umm, okie-dokie..." she mumbled.

I peeled the kiddie's pussy lips apart with one hand, trying to find her buried clit. It took me a little digging to find it amongst her baby fat, but when I pressed on it I heard an excited gasp leave Alice's tiny mouth. "Th-This is, um, part of the warming technique too." I said breathily, rubbing the nubile 6 year old's tiny bean as I thrust a bit harder between her legs, feeling precum oozing out of my tip to make it even easier for me to fuck the little one's thighs as I molested her.

"I feel f-funny, Mr. Jim..." Alice complained as I rubbed and punched at her tiny clit. Ignoring her, I unfurled my pinky to experimentally try and push into her tiny baby hole. It slid in easily, her lewd 6 year old cunt already getting wet from my big fingers. "Eehh? Something w-went inside my pee-pee!?" Alice exclaimed, squirming. I moved the hand still playing with her nipples over to wrap my arm around her middle to keep her still against me. "Hush, child. Let uncle Jim warm you properly now!" I whispered in her ear as I pushed my pinky into her past the knuckle and all the way down to the base of the finger.

"I... The thingie in my special place m-making me feel very warm... u-uncle Jim..." Something inside me twisted and thrilled at how easily I'd gotten her to call me 'uncle'. "That's right, dear... Uncle Jim will get your insides nice and warm, don't you fret!~" I rubbed my chain against the top of her head, giving her warming-up thighs a few more bucks. She continued squeezing her legs together like a good girl, making me let out another soft moan of pleasure.

I wiggled around the finger I had jammed inside her tight little cave, hearing the little mite let out soft squeaks as she tried her best not to squirm. "Are your insides feeling warm, little Alice?" I asked her breathily. "Y-Yes, uncie J-Jim..!" she said back breathily, letting out a tiny moan of her own. A few moments later, she cried out as the little tyke had her first orgasm. I could feel her back trying to arch against my grip as her legs reflexively tightened up, making me go crazy.

I bucked upwards against her, feeling her plump bottom smooshed against my groin as I came hard on her little pussy and plump thighs. "Ohhhhh! G-good girl... G-Good girl..! Let it all out..!" Alice's small chest heaved as I felt warmness trickle out of her pussy and onto my hand, her lewd juices mixing with my own. I pulled my finger out of her and lay with her hugged tightly for a few minutes as we both caught out breaths. "Are you w-warm now..?" I asked the little one, rubbing her forehead affectionately.

"P-Pretty warm..." Alice mumbled. I could hear her still panting beneath me, which really turned me on. I could feel my dick getting hard again - it'd been far too long since I'd had a proper fuck, let alone... a child. "I can warm you up some more..." I breathed into her ear. "There's one last... warming technique." Wrapping my hands around her waist, I shifted her small body so I could hook my arm underneath her knees. "My warming stick needs to properly attend to your insides to warm you up completely." I pressed her down so that her pussy lips met the tip of my throbbing cock.

"What's that m-mean..? I'm s-scared, uncie Jim..!" Alice had a quiver to her voice as she tilted her head up to look me in the eyes. I smiled, trying to reassure this sweet small child as I rubbed her cheek. "Relax your muscles, and try not to clench up. I will go nice and slowly..." I told her, leaning down to kiss her lightly on the lips. She tasted sweet, like a forbidden fruit. I slid my tongue into the 6 year old's mouth as I pushed her hips firmly down, feeling the head of my cock pass her tight pussy lips and enter her inner folds.

Alice's eyes went wide as I penetrated her, pushing her small, shaking body down inch by inch. I distracted her with kisses as my man meat shoved its way into her underdeveloped cunt, taking the little one's virginity. She quivered in my grip as I lowered her more and more, until the 6 year old had managed to take my entire cock inside her lewd love tunnel. I broke the kiss and hugged her small body tightly to my chest, cupping her head in one large hand.

"Good girl... ohhh... you took it all deep inside you..." My lewd little lover wrapped her small hands around mine, still shaking from the shock of vaginal penetration. "S-So.. b-b-big..! I-Inside m-me..!" she stammered adorably. I placed a hand on her tummy and felt the bulge there where my cock had forced her to make room for its little-girl-cave-exploration. "Your tender body... I am deep inside it.. and we are connected now, Alice.~"

I began to gently thrust upwards. Alice squeaked as my dick stirred her insides. I could barely pull it out an inch or two before her tight little cunt practically sucked me back in. The feeling was indescribable, and the pleasure was beyond anything I could remember. "U-Uncie Jim, your h-heat stick is f-filing my k-kitty..!" my little slut moaned, making me chuckle as I fucked her ultra-tight cunt a bit harder. "And your 'kitty' is going drink all the milk from my heat stick in a minute, you lewd little tyke..!" I whispered in her ear, nibbling playfully at the rim. Alice shivered, and I bucked my hips a little harder.

"I'm gonna give your little 'kitty' its first creampie, Alice..! Get ready for a tummy full of warm milk..!" Alice opened her mouth, probably to ask what I was talking about, but I clamped a hand over it. Thrusting up hard, I felt my cock explode inside the child's tiny womb, the tip no doubt tapping her cervix it was so deep inside her lewd snatch. Alice moaned into my hand as I came deep inside her, bucking her hips against my cock as she climaxed from her first vaginal insemination. I bucked up into the little mite several more times, letting the 6 year old's inner walls squeeze and milk a few more strings of hot cum from my throbbing cock to paint her insides with.

As we lay there in post coital bliss, I removed my hand from little Alice's mouth and kissed her again, my cock still twitching deep inside her adorable little honey pot. Breaking the kiss, I cupped her cheek. "Are you warm now?" I asked her quietly. Alice's only response was to nod against my chin as she lay her head back and drifted off to sleep.

I lay curled up with my little lover for a while longer before tugging my cock out of her cunt. She stirred, but didn't wake as I cleaned us both up and slid her back into her clothes. She was warmed up good and proper, and no longer in any danger from the cold. I pulled the futon out of the couch and made the bed, slipping the still slumbering Alice inside it with me. I drifted off to sleep as I clutched the 6 year old tight against my chest...


The next morning I awoke to dim light peeking in through the snow-covered windows. It was not quite dawn, and Alice still lay in my arms, sleeping softly. I'd not dreamt at all last night - why would I need to dream when my dreams had come true last night, eh? But my body didn't seem to think the same, as my morning wood was quite hard today. I musta been humping Alice in my sleep, I thought, seeing how her bottom was pressed up against the tent in my flannel pajamas as she lay on her belly on my chest. Whatever inhibitions I'd had last night were gone now - Alice was safe and sleeping peacefully in my arms. She'd felt good, and so had I. What was the harm?

I placed my hands gently on Alice's bottom and squeezed, seeing if she'd react. The little one kept on sleeping, though her breath caught slightly as I slid my hands down the back of her leggings and squeezed her bare bottom again. "I'll keep you warm while you sleep, little Alice..." I whispered so softly I could barely even hear it myself. I slid her leggings down, letting her plump bottom out to breathe. Likewise, I undid the button around the groin of my pajamas and let my thick cock out to poke against the pale flesh of my little lover's bottom.

Reaching down, I rubbed my index finger against Alice's plump 6 year old cunny. She felt looser than the night before, so I figured I wouldn't need to do as much prep work this time. I gently fingered her tiny cunt, sinking my index finger inside up to the knuckle and wiggling it around. Alice let out a soft moan as she slept, and I could feel her nubile body getting aroused from my molestations as her lewd juices wet my finger.

"Mmmm, good little girl. You'll make a great little bed warmer.~" I pulled my finger out of Alice's tight little snatch and grabbed her bottom with both hands, lining the tip of my cock up with her lewd opening. I was about to thrust into her when I looked down at her plump bottom and reconsidered. "Actually... I wonder if your other hole would like some attention..." There was a bottle of lotion on my bed stand. I grabbed it and squeezed a bit out onto her tight little ring piece. Pushing my thumb down, I worked the lubrication into her ass hole, then repositioned my cock to her other lewd hole.

"This might wake you up, but it's about time to get up anyways.~" I whispered, pushing up into her tight ass as I planted both hands on her ass cheeks and thrust her down. My dick pierced into the little girl's anus. There was a squeak from Alice as her eyes flew own, looking up at me in shock. "Don't worry, little one. I'm just warming up that cute little butt of yours.~" I said as I smirked at her. Alice blinked the sleep from her eyes as I pushed my dick all the way up inside her tight ass. "Ahhh! Uncie... Th-That's my b-butt..!" she complained as my thick adult cock settled inside her tight rectum.

"I know, silly bean. This is called "anal". It's another ancient warming technique." I lifted her hips up a few inches, and pushed her back down again. "Hush now and let uncle fuck your tight little butt.~" Alice's brow furled as she tried to make sense of the sensation of having a thick piece of man meat taking refuge in her anal cavity. "It feels w-weird, uncie..." she complained again. I sighed and put my hand under her chin.

"Here, if you're gonna complain you can suck on this." I pushed my thumb into her mouth as her wide blue eyes stared up at me. 'I want to fuck her for every freckle on that cute little face of hers!' I thought to myself as I bucked my hips a little faster. Alice sucked on my thumb as she stared into my eyes. I smiled at her warmly and gently pushed her bangs out of her face as I fucked my lewd little bed warmer up her tight 6 year old ass. "I'll warm some water so we can take a bath together after this, alright? Just let uncle warm up that cute lil' bum of yours first.~"

Alice nodded, sucking on my thumb like the obedient little girl she was as my cock ravaged her insides. I couldn't help but give that cute little bottom of her a few light spanks to watch it jiggle as the lewd little slut took my whole cock up her ass like a champ. She even began bucking her hips a little bit on her own as I thrust up past her ring piece. "Aww, you're getting it now! Does it feel good?~" Alice nodded her head, her face beginning to flush.

"Aww, so cute!~ You like taking uncle's warm love stick up your bum, don't you Alice?" I pulled my thumb from her mouth with an audible pop. "Y-Yes, uncie J-Jim..! Your thingie f-feels nice and w-warm up my b-bum..!" Fuck, those words man! Hearing those both adorable and lewd words come from my little Alice drove me over the edge. I grabbed her ass and began humping into her wildly, making my little bed warmer yelp and toss her arms around my neck to hang on. I savagely slammed my cock into her ass, watching her rump jiggle as I got closer and closer to climaxing. "F-Fuck, Alice! Y-You lewd little ch-child slut - here comes your morning c-cummies!" I moaned as I flooded her bum with my hot, thick seed.

Alice wheezed and writhed as she tried to get used to the sensation of having hot liquid shot into her ass. "Uncie! It's in m-my butt..!" she breathed. I sat up in bed with my hand still firmly squeezing both her ass cheeks and kissed her hard, twining my tongue with hers hungrily. Alice closed her eyes and kissed me back, her tiny lips moving against my much larger mouth as my dick continued to twitch in her tight little butt. I bucked her up and down a few more times as we kissed before pulling her off my cock. She trembled in my grip as I set her down in my lap.

"S-Sorry, kiddo... I got a bit carried away." I apologized nervously, rubbing her cheek. "Are you alright..?" Alice nodded slightly, a small smile crossing her face as she panted. "It was a bit scary, but fun!~" she said with a grin. I chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Alright, good. I'm glad my little lover liked her but warmies.~" This made the child giggle, and I gave her a tight hug as I wiped her bottom on the corner of a blanket and pulled her leggings back up. "I'll go get that bath ready and make us some breakfast, alright? You can stay warm in bed for now." Alice nodded and snuggled back underneath the covers as I groaned and got to my feet.


The call came in on my satellite phone as I was warming up some eggs and bacon on my gas-powered camp stove. "Hello? This is Jim." I answered. "Jim!? I couldn't find anyone with a phone that worked until this morning!!! Is Alice alright!?" Kendra's frantic voice filled my ears. "Calm yourself, Kendra. She's fine. The smart girl had put herself under her bed with blankets and stuffed animals to keep her warm when I found her." I explained what had happened, though obviously left out details such as our lewd adventures together. "I got her back to my cottage and warmed up. I'm making us breakfast right now."

The sigh of relief from Kendra was the loudest I'd ever heard in my life. "Oh thank god! You're a hero, Jim! I don't want to even think what would have happened if..." her voice trailed off. After an awkward pause, I cleared my throat and asked, "When do you think you can get up here to get her..?" I could hear lots of voices on the other end of the line from the inn she must still be at. "I don't know, we could be stuck here for days. The storm has passed, but the snow plows are going to take a while to work their way up the mountain. I'm using one of the hiker's satellite phones right now - the power is still out and I heard someone say the cell tower fell down."

"Don't worry about it, Kendra. I have enough firewood and preserved food to last all winter, and I made sure to get gallons of water saved before the pipes froze. We can last here for a long time." Kendra thanked me profusely, so much so that it got awkward. "Can you put Alice on the phone!?" she finally begged. "Let me go wake her up, just a moment." I told her, carrying the phone into the bedroom. Alice was sitting up, trying to read a woodsman's magazine from the dim light coming in from the window. "Hey Alice. Your mom is on the phone."

Alice threw the magazine down excitedly and crawled over to the side of the bed hearing this. "Can I talk to her!?" she asked, holding out the phone. "Yes, but..." I thought fast. "Alice, those 'secret techniques' I showed you last night.... Umm, so the thing is they're only to be used in emergencies, and you're now sworn to secrecy like I am. You can't tell anyone about them unless they already know. Do you understand?" Her eyes went wide. "Ahh, I get it! I won't tell anyone, not even mommy!" she gave me a little salute, which made me smile. "Okay, here you go then. Tell your mommy you're alright."

Fifteen minutes later she handed me back the phone. Alice had told her mommy over and over again how nice "uncie Jim" was being to her, and explained how he'd saved her from their house like a prince saving a princess from a castle. I put the phone away after they said their goodbyes, and Kendra thanked me again, promising to pay me back somehow in the future. I looked down at the small child bouncing on the bed, and thought with a slow grin that I'd had all the payment I needed.

I hesitated, but I felt like I should say something to justify my seeing her naked in case Alice slipped up later. "She's pretty dirty from yesterday, I was going to give her a bath but I wanted to make sure that was alright with you first." My heart raced as I asked this risky question, but I needn't have worried. "Oh, of course! That's so sweet of you! I wish her own father had been this... Um, nevermind. I usually bathe her myself with lukewarm water and a washcloth. She'd good at taking baths so it shouldn't be hard. You're the best, Jim!" I endured more of her thank yous before the hiker she had borrowed the phone from complained about the battery and we said goodbye. I hung the phone up and turned back to my new charge.

"Want some breakfast now?" I asked as I could hear the little minx's belly growl from feet away. "Yes please, uncie!~" she whooped as she jumped off the bed and straight into my arms. I laughed as I caught her and carried her to the kitchen, feeding her anything she wanted. Her appetite was huge, but I guess she'd had a big day yesterday in a lot of different ways. "I'm going to start the bath now." I told her as she polished off another flapjack I'd cooked for her, rubbing her small head. As she nodded, I grabbed the huge copper kettle I'd warmed the water in and poured it into the metal bathtub in the bathroom.

The last thing I did was set a small video camera on the sink, turning it on. Regardless of how the bath went, I wanted some memories recorded of my sweet little angel. "Come in now, Alice. The water won't stay warm for long!" I hear her feet on the wooden floor as I crouched by the tub. I got up and closed the door behind her to keep the warmth inside. "Can I undress you?" I asked her with a smile. "Yep!~" Alice smiled up at me, twisting around as she held her clasped hands behind her back. "Then lift your arms up for me, little one." As she complied, I tugged her shirt off over her head, once again admiring her tiny nipples as her arms dropped back down to her sides.

In the better light cast by the electric lantern in the bathroom, I could see her chest was also dusted with cute freckles. "You really are adorable, you know that Alice?" The topless 6 year old smiled and blushed, bridling and twisting her small body in front of me in embarrassment as I laid a hand on her shoulder. "Turn around and let me remove your bottoms now." As she obeyed, I pulled her in closer to me, feeling the back of her head bump my groin. Fuck, she could give me a blowjob standing up I realized. The thought excited me.

"Say, Alice..." I drawled, making her tilt her head up to look at me. "Yes, uncie Jim..?" she asked with a smile. Those big eyes, man. They stared into my soul, and the cuteness overload made me think such naughty thoughts! "Can you help me out with something, sweetie?" Her smile widened. "Anything, uncie!~"

I chuckled and turned her around to face me, unbuttoning my trousers and letting my rapidly growing erection out to breath. "You can do something for me while we let the bath water cool down a little bit.~" Alice stared at my penis, getting a good look at it for the first time. "Is that the heating stick..?" she asked, her jaw dropping open as she poked it with a tiny finger.

"Yep!~ And I need you to clean it for me." Internally I was amused by the fact that her surprise had already puckered her mouth open for me. I grabbed the back of her head gently and pushed her forward, the tip of my penis popping inside her mouth. "Be a good little slut and suck it on it like a lollipop for uncle.~" Those big wide eyes of hers watched me unblinkingly as she began to slide her head towards me all on her own. "F-Fuck! I didn't even have to tell you to do that! You're a natural at this, Alice! Yes, bob you head back and forth on my heat stick, just like that..!"

Alice slid her lips past my throbbing shaft, her warm mouth driving me mad as the topless 6 year old gave me a standing blowjob. "Alice, you're amazing! I can't believe... Ahhh! That this is your first time being a little cocksucker..!" I let her bob her head up and down on my dick as she liked, loving her eagerness to please her new uncle. "T-Try to go a little deeper... You can take it down your throat, too if you try..!"

I moaned as Alice's small head dove forward, gagging as the tip of my cock slid down her tight throat. "F-Fuck yeah! Y-You're an amazing little cock sleeve, Alice!!" I groaned, grabbing the back of her head in a big hand to hold her there. "Just a moment, get used to it first..! That's better - relax, you're not going to choke." I held her for a few more seconds before pulling her head back to let her breathe. Looking down I could see that Alice's tiny nipples were erect despite the warmth from the bath water steaming up the place. She was clearly aroused from sucking dick, which made me feel a swell of twisted pride in her.

"You like sucking on my cock, don't you, Alice? You're a little cock-hungry slut, aren't ya?~" I teased her, completely dropping the pretense of referring to my dick as a 'warming stick' in my arousal. I kept staring at her nipples - to think, this little 6 year old slut was already getting aroused from having my dick shoved down her throat! I reached down and gave her nubs some tender rubs as a reward, noticing that I could make out her ribs as she stood on her tippy toes to reach my dick. She was too skinny - I decided I'd have to give her a good meal of tummy cummies as I pushed my cock back down her throat.

"Come on, Alice! Make me cum so I can feed you my special milk!" I began controlling her head, forcing my cock deep down her throat as I skull-fucked the hungry little cock sucker as I made her turn to get a better view of her taking my adult dick down her tight throat in the video camera. "Smile for the camera, Alice!~" I goaded her as she gagged on my cock. Despite my rough treatment, she wasn't struggling and to my shock she even held up two fingers in a peace sign for the camera as I abused her little mouth.

"F-Fuck! You earned this, my little baby cum dumpster! Ahhhh!" I slammed forward, cumming hard down Alice's tight throat. She reflexively swallowed, drinking up all my cum as I bucked into her. When I finally yanked my dick from her throat, she spluttered and coughed. I pinched her nose and held her head back. "Swallow it all, sweetie. Don't waste any of my nutritious cum.~" Alice obediently swallowed, and I let her head go. She had a little cum even dribbling out of her nose, which just looked so damn cute. I turned her to face the camera. "Her first deepthroat! What a champ, she was. Wave to the camera, Alice!~"

Alice coughed again, and waved with both hands at the camera. "I took it all like a big girl!" she said proudly, making me shiver with delight. "You sure did, honey!~" I gave her a tight hug, wiping her cummy nose with a washcloth. "How did it taste?" I smacked her cheek a couple times with my cock. "I liked it! It tasted gooey and salty!" She proudly stated to the camera. "Aww, so cute!~" I gave her head a few pats.

"I'll give you a good reward now for all your hard work now!~" Without warning I swept the 6 year old up with an arm around her shoulders and another under her butt, dumping her onto the toilet. Reaching out, I rotated the camera to face her. The lewd little tyke giggled as I grabbed at her leggings and pulled them down and off each foot, leaving her sitting there clad only in cute pink pokadot panties.

Getting down on my knees in front of her, I peeled her panties away from her cunt with one hand as I spread her thighs apart with the other, leaning in to get a good whiff of her kiddie cunt. It stared invitingly in front of me: smooth and hairless; plump and perfect, already dripping wet. I leaned in and pushed my tongue into her folds, making Alice gasp. "U-Uncie's licking my fairy cave!!" she moaned. I slid my tongue in deeper, tasting her inner folds as I began sucking. Little Alice writhed and gasped on the toilet as I ate her out, her legs trembling while my tongue invaded her 'fairy cave', as she'd so adorably called it this time.

"Uncie, you're making the fairies inside me fly around and buzz!" she moaned, trying to explain her feelings of pleasure in her own childish manor. The cuteness overload really turned me on, and I lapped up the lewd juices streaming out of her cunt. My dick was growing hard again, and after a few more slurps I withdrew my tongue and got to my feet. As I loomed over the nubile 6 year old, I tapped my erect manhood against the little girl's already cum-mounded belly. "I'm gonna fuck your tight 6 year old cunt again, Alice. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Alice nodded, her small face already flushed a deep pink with sexual ecstasy. "Put it in me, uncie Jim!" the little temptress cooed, spreading her legs open more for me without even being asked. Fuck, she was already figuring out how to push my buttons! Breathing hard, I grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her legs up into the air, yanking her panties down to her shins as she slid down onto her back on the toilet. "Uncle's gonna fuck your brains out, you little succubus!" I cried as I thrust the head of my cock into her slutty little cunt. Alice moaned as I penetrated her, already becoming a slave to these strange new emotions.

My cock slid easily into her tight little love tube, spreading her cheeks wide and revealing her hidden little clit, which slid along my shaft and pleasured her deeply. Alice's little gasps and moans of pure carnal bliss were all the motivation I needed to start fucking her in earnest, ramming her insides with my adult dick again and again as she panted and squeaked like a field mouse in heat. I watched my cock tunnel deep into her belly, the bulge apparent against her milky flesh as she took it all like a big girl.

"Alice, your tight little body is the best little cock sleeve ever!" I groaned as I rutted deep inside my lewd little lover, my dick touching places few children ever got to experience. Alice held out her hand to me as I rammed her again, and I clasped her tiny hand in mine as I came deep inside her baby cunny. Lewd little Alice writhed on my thick cock as she came when my love nectar shot deep into her little womb, her back arching as she cried out in pleasure. The look on her little face as she came was the most precious thing I had ever seen in my life, and I longed to make her this happy every single day!

Panting hard, I gently pulled my dick out of my cock-hungry charge's loose and slippery fuck tunnel. Alice panted, her tongue out as I gently picked up her small body and carried her over to the bathtub, setting her inside. I scrubbed her small body gently in the warm water, paying extra attention to her groin and nipples to give her a little bit more pleasure to bring her down slowly from her ecstasy high. "I... felt... hahh... soooo... gooooooodddd..." she moaned as I lifted the little one out of the water and gently toweled her dry. "I know you did, sweetie. I'm so happy you enjoyed yourself. Uncle Jim enjoyed pleasuring your tiny body very much, too.~"

As I set Alice down on her feet, she turned and gave me a tight hug around the waist, burying her face in my thigh. "I love you, uncie Jim!~"


It was three more days before the roads were cleared and Kendra could come and pick up Alice. In that time, we'd fucked like rabbits, and I explained to little Alice properly the meaning of sex, and what it meant between two people who loved each other. I was so very sad to see her leave with her mother, but I didn't have to wait long to hear from her again. Kendra called later that day, saying that all Alice would talk about was how "uncie Jim" was the best person ever and had kept her safe and loved for the "scary days". After that, I babysat Alice each and every night her mommy was at work. I never could figure out if Kendra knew what was really going on or not, but she never let on if she did. All I cared about was that I got to help raise little Alice, and taught her many things, not just about sex. Over the months and years that followed I took her on hikes, camping trips, and taught her survival skills. We also fucked like rabbits at every opportunity, as lewd little Alice was always hungry for my love.

And so, my lewd little snow princess and I had fun together each and every night, and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life.