Super Powers/Chapter 2: Difference between revisions

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MikePeterson2468 (talk | contribs)
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MikePeterson2468 (talk | contribs)
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Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.
Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

*[[Super Powers/Open the door|Open the door.]]
*[[Super Powers/Open the Door|Open the Door.]]
*[[Super Powers/Don't open the door|Don't open the door.]]
*[[Super Powers/Don't Open the Door|Don't Open the Door.]]
[[Category:Super Powers]]
[[Category:Super Powers]]

Latest revision as of 01:56, 6 February 2023

After drinking yourself to sleep, you wake up to the harsh morning light coming in through your window. Remembering some of last night's events you manage to climb out of your bed and walk toward your guest bedroom. As you open the door the girl you rescued repays your kindness by trying to kick you in the nuts; although she's much faster and stronger than your normal eight-year-old, you easily stop her attack by grabbing her leg.

"Let go of me motherfucker!" She cries out as you lift her into the air.

"Be quiet, brat. I'm the one who saved your life last night, don't you remember." You tell her as your cape that she's still wearing begins to slip and expose her nakedness.

"That wasn't you! Put me down you nasty old pervert!"

"She got you on all three of those attributes," you think to yourself, but you're not sure which one is the most true. Possibly the "old" part, you are afterall the oldest person alive on this planet called Earth, to the best of your knowledge anyway.

"I'm not a pervert... well, not like that guy last night anyway. If I want pussy, I earn it."

"Well you didn't earn mine, so stop looking!" She says as she tries to keep herself from being exposed.

You drop the girl softly onto the floor. "I was just going to see if you wanted any breakfast. Why'd you try to kick me?"

"Maybe because I just woke up and I have no idea where the hell I am or who the fuck you are!"

"You're safe in my house for now, but I'm starting to second-guess inviting you here. You have quite the mouth on you, little girl."

"I'm not a little girl!"

"I actually got a good look at'chya already. I'm pretty sure you're a girl."

"I meant I'm not just a little girl. I'm none other than the great, the magnificent, 'Incredikid!'" The girl proclaims loudly while striking a pose.

"I know who you are, but did you know you're not wearing your hero outfit?"

"Wait... I, what happened to my clothes? What did you do to me!? Is this a stupid cape? Am I actually wearing a cape?" She begins to say as she tugs at the makeshift clothing you made for her. "Is this yours? How old are you? Who wears capes nowadays!?"

"You should be thankful that I decided to be nice and let you wear that. You could be walking around here butt-naked if I didn't."

"I don't think so, old pervert..." The child begins to say as she steps back inside your guest room and leans against the bed. "Where... where... where are my weapons...?" She collapses to the floor "Where is my MOM!?" She yells as tears run down her face. "WHA... WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOM!?" She sobs as she sways back and forth in anger and sadness.

"I'm sorry kid... I didn't quite get there in time."

"It was them, WASN'T IT? WHAT DID THOSE FUCKERS DO TO HER!!!?" She says as she wipes the snot hanging from her nose with your cape. "Why... Why did they... why did she..." The girl keeps mumbling to herself.

"You both did a fine job last night. There were only two of you, but three of them..."

The little girl looks up at you and wipes the tears from her eyes. "They... they fucked her... and then they slit her throat RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!"

In a flash the child runs out of the bedroom door. She's fast, but you're faster. She slams into your body as she runs toward the back door of your home.

"What the fuck, old man!?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go make some faggots eat shit, what's it to you?"

"They're dead."

"Maybe three of them are, but my... we were staking out a whole gang of those cunts before you showed up."

"I know... they're all dead now."

"No they're not..."

"I took care of it last night, after I put you to sleep."

"NO YOU DIDN'T! YOU COULDN'T! WHY!? IT'S NOT FAIR!" The girl screams as she shakes violently. "WHERE ARE THEIR BODIES AT!?"

This isn't the first time you took in an orphan, but you still can't quite relate to their emotions. Sure, you used to be able to relate, but it's been years since you cared if those around you lived or died. You're used to most of them dying, and usually it was because of you. Afterall, it is much easier to just kill those who break your laws than to have the government take them in, and coddle them throughout the so-called "justice" system.

You wrap your arms around the new orphan child, trying to comfort her. She tries to push you away at first but then she sobs into your stomach, getting yet another one of your pieces of clothing covered in snot.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.