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Cryptid711 (talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 19:41, 9 February 2023

I am open to a collaboration on the creation of high quality 3D objects such as furniture, building structures, environments, vehicles to eventually make this story come to life and pop off the screen with fantastic graphic visuals as I am learning 3D modelling in order to illustrate this story.


!!! WARNING !!!




“Gentlemen... thank you for joining on such short notice. You all know that we’ve not been able to locate David Stafford to take him out for good. However, thanks to our cooperation with Supergirl, finding the buyers of his products... I mean little girls, proved to be much easier. We’ve successfully nearly dried up his steady stream of income. He’s started to become desperate. He now offers his customers a safe place to abuse their girls in heavily protected sites all over the world for them to live out their sadistic fantasies without worry about being arrested or killed. Mind you... these men don’t just rape the girls... they are being heavily tortured! The cartel takes care of destruction of the bodies. The handful of remains we’ve been able to recover due to careless staff were barely recognizable as human. It is unimaginable what atrocities the girls were forced to go through to please a few extremely sadistic men. They MUST be STOPPED!!! AT ALL COST!!!”, the men at the table applaud the words.

“So... what is the plan now?”, one of the men around the table asks.

“We want to give a final blow to this cartel. If we are successful it will send a message around the world that selling little girls is no longer a viable business model for criminals to use. That they will have to venture into other ways of making their money. We will deal with them later, but this market needs to be destroyed for good!!!”, again the men agree intensely.

“Scum like this has no right to live. We have a small window of opportunity to put an end to this.”

“So, let’s go ahead. What are you waiting for, Mr. Greene?”

“Well, I need the boards permission to use the asset for this mission.”

“Why would you need our permission?”

“Well... recent intel suggests that the Ring cartel got their hands on experimental technology with which they are trying to build a weapon to kill our asset.”

“That’s absurd, right? There’s no such technology! Nobody can kill Supergirl... she’s like a goddess!!!”

“Should we tell her about it?”

“Maybe it’s better if she doesn’t know. She might refuse the mission.”

“But if they are successful in killing her we’ve lost our most valuable asset against organized crime syndicates.”

“No... she’s a powerful being of alien descent... she will be fine... they are no match for her! Don’t tell her! Bring her in.”, the director phones the secretary to take her to the meeting-room.

A minute later the door opens. The beautiful blonde goddess Supergirl walks in. The men are in awe by her presence as always. They all stare at her walking by. Unable to help themselves gazing at such female perfection. Intimidated by her immense power that seems to radiate from her. Her beauty giving all of them a raging erection that she’s aware of, but chooses to ignore.

“So, what do you have for me that is so secret?”

“Well, Kara... we have a possibility to completely destroy the Ring cartel. We have received intel on several possible locations of the most important customers of David Stafford. I’m sure you are aware that he started offering customers a safe place to... ‘play’ if you will... with their purchases...”

“Yes... I know.”, Kara nods. Then holds her head down. “Having see-through eyes is sometimes a curse.”

“Should you find this place... we would not hold it against you if you killed this man. Take out as many of David’s guards. He’s running out of staff. We cannot afford those men to go to trial. They need to perish once and for all! If you encounter David himself... kill him where he stands!”

Kara nods again.

“Why don’t you send your own special agents do to this? I’ve done my part. I bet you can clean up whatever little remains of the cartel?”

“It’s not so simple, Kara. They have sophisticated detection methods. The last time we tried to raid such a location, they killed a dozen girls as soon as they detected us. They slowly lowered their bodies into a meat-grinder that stopped after mincing half their bodies. The girls dies a horrible death. It really fucked up our men seeing those girls dying in front of their eyes.

We don’t want to cause more girls to suffer such fate. It’s not seen as acceptable collateral damage if we have a situation like that again. We don’t know which location they are in and most locations are in areas beyond our jurisdiction. By the time we get through all the bureaucratic nightmare with the CIA they will have moved again, so you will have to do this one alone, I’m afraid.”

“Well, it really doesn’t matter. A few men with guns are no match for me... just give me the locations and I’ll get them to pay for all that they’ve done!”

“We must warn you about other intel we’ve received about them. They have made some seemingly random purchases on the black market of cutting-edge technology. We don’t know what they are making, but we suspect that they are constructing some kind of electromagnetic hyper-sonic weapon. Such a weapon might even be a threat to you. We... this country... no... the world is already so much in your debt... we wouldn’t ask this from you if we had any other option.”

“Nah... don’t worry... I’m a big girl... a powerful girl... I can take care of myself. A few thugs don’t scare me. What’s a hyper-sonic cannon going to do to me???”, she smiles.

“Kara... again... thank you so much! How about I buy you dinner when you get back?”

“That would be very appreciated, Director... Karl...”

“Good luck... Don’t take any prisoners... Godspeed!”