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“My daddy, is he okay?” The girl inquired.
“My daddy, is he okay?” The girl inquired.

“Yes, he’s fine for now,” Zaq put a hand on her shoulder. “But he is in a bit of trouble that he needs your help with.”
“Yes, he’s fine,” Zaq put a hand on her shoulder. “But he is in a bit of trouble that he needs your help with.”

“Uh, okay…”
“Uh, okay…”
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“Come on, I’ll take you to see him,” Zaq held out the girl’s hand and she took it happily.
“Come on, I’ll take you to see him,” Zaq held out the girl’s hand and she took it happily.

He led the girl to the lift and up to the seventh floor of his department where the interrogation and holding cells were located. Once the lift opened, he led the girl down a hall where the investigator, Paul was waiting.
He led the girl to the lift and up to the seventh floor of his department where the interrogation and holding cells were located. Once the lift opened, he led the girl down a hall where his investigator, Paul was waiting.

“He’s in the observation room, sir,” Paul informed Zaq.
“He’s in the observation room, sir,” Paul informed Zaq.
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“Very good,” Zaq looked down at the little girl with a devious smile. “Sweetie, we’re going to wait for your father in here. He’ll be here to join us shortly.”
“Very good,” Zaq looked down at the little girl with a devious smile. “Sweetie, we’re going to wait for your father in here. He’ll be here to join us shortly.”

“Okay!” The girl said calmly while Zaq ushered her into the room. The walls were grey and there were no cameras, just a door off to the side and a large glass window that extended the length of the room. Of course, nobody inside the interrogation room could see what was happening on the other side of the glass. And perhaps more importantly, nothing that was said in the observation room could be heard from the room.
“Okay!” The girl said calmly while Zaq ushered her into the room. The walls were grey and there were no cameras, just a door off to the side and a large glass window that extended the length of the room. Of course, nobody inside the interrogation room could see what was happening on the other side of the glass. And perhaps more importantly, nothing that was said in the observation room could be heard from the room itself.

The former port manager, cuffed to a chair observation room, was shocked at the site of his youngest daughter being led into the interrogation room opposite him. He called her name, but of course she couldn’t hear him as she sat down facing the window.
The former port manager, cuffed to a chair in observation room, was shocked at the site of his youngest daughter being led into the interrogation room opposite him. He called her name, but of course she couldn’t hear him as she sat down facing the window.

Nor could she or anyone else hear his pleas as he began to yell and eventually cry while Zaq’s hands began to explore her little body.
Nor could she or anyone else hear his pleas as he began to call out when Zaq’s hands began to explore down her back and eventually touch her thigh.

“You’re very cute,” Zaq told the girl, who was not yet alarmed.
“You’re very cute,” Zaq told the girl, who was not yet alarmed, though she might have thought it was strange the man wanted to touch her so much.

“Thank you. Is my daddy coming soon?” Mia asked, her dark hair was neatly done up in the back and made four separate tails that extended down her back. Zaq couldn’t help but run his hands through them.
“Thank you. Is my daddy coming soon?” Mia asked, her dark hair was neatly done up in the back and made four separate tails that extended down her back. Zaq couldn’t help but run his hands through them.

“Oh yes, he’s excited to see you,” Zaq looked in the direction of the silver window where he knew the man was sitting. “But before he comes, I want to spend some time with you” He reached around from behind and began to feel the girl’s chest. She looked up at him, more confused than alarmed.
“Oh yes, he’s excited to see you,” Zaq looked in the direction of the silver window where he knew the man was sitting. “But before he comes, I want to spend some time with you first.” He reached around from behind and began to feel the girl’s chest. She looked up at him, now even more confused.

But then, he forcefully grabbed the front of her dress, lifting her out of the chair and bending her over the table.  
“You’re kind of funny,” she told the man. Meanwhile, her father on the other side of the glass was beginning to yell.

“What are you doing?” The girl asked. In response, Zaq began to rip the back of her dress, exposing her backside. Instantly, Mia began to cry. But her discomfort grew when she felt Zaq’s cock pushing into her ass. The six year old had no clue what it was, instead facing the dark window. But she was alarmed by the unwelcome sensation and her tears began to stream down her face.
Heating things up, Zaq grabbed the front of Mia’s dress and lifted her out of the chair.

Zaq grabbed the girl’s hips, fucking her swiftly and enjoying the fact that he knew her father was watching, helpless to save his daughter’s purity. Zaq forced himself into the girl’s ass repeatedly and eventually ripped her dress all the way up her back. He then began to run his hands over her and enjoy her soft skin.
What are you doing?” She suddenly became more alarmed. Zaq grabbed her waist and bent her over the side of the table

When it came time for him to cum, Zaq pulled out and flipped the little girl around. “Clean off my cock,” he instructed, pulling her closer so that jt was right in her face. Her eyes widened at the site if a man’s cock for the first time. She didn’t know what he wanted her to do, but thanks to her crying, Mia’s mouth was already open.
“Hey, stop that!” The girl scolded when she heard her dress start to rip. Zaq didn’t answer, but had soon ripped the entire back of her dress, exposing her backside. Sensing just how wrong the situation had become,, Mia began to cry. But her discomfort grew when she felt Zaq’s cock pushing into her ass. The six year old had no clue what it was and since she was facing the dark window, couldn’t see what the strange man was doing. But she was alarmed by the unwelcome sensation and her face contorted.

Her face showed shock once again when Zaq grabbed her head and forced his dick inside her mouth, she gagged, but it was short lived. The man pulled back, pushing her back onto the table and began to cum all over her. Zaq’s jizz showered her pussy and shot all the way up to her face. It seemed that nowhere was safe from the man’s cum.
On the other side of the glass, the girls father fought helplessly agaisnt his constraints, calling out for it to stop, but nobody was listening.
Zaq grabbed the girl’s hips, fucking her swiftly and enjoying the fact that he knew her father was watching, helpless to save his daughter’s purity. Zaq forced himself into the girl’s ass repeatedly, leaning over her and feeling her small body against his.. He then began to run his hands over her back and take in her soft skin before leaning into her further and kissing the top of her head as his pelvis went on thrusting into her ass.
When it came time for him to cum, Zaq pulled out and flipped the little girl around. “Clean off my cock,” he instructed, pulling her closer so that jt was right in her face. Her eyes widened at the site if a man’s cock for the first time. She didn’t know what he wanted her to do, but instinctively turned away. Gasping in between tears,, Mia’s mouth ooened enough for Zaq to push inside.
Her face displayed her shock once again and she gagged, spilling even more tears. She was grateful when the man pulled back, pushing her back onto the table. But then cum started to spit out from his cock and land all over her. Zaq’s jizz showered her pussy, painted streaks accross her flat chest, and made it all the way up to her face. It seemed that nowhere was safe from the man’s cum and she gagged again when some landed in her mouth.

Zaq pulled his pants back up when he was done, leaving Mia crying and covered with cum on the table. He walked to the door and clicked a button by the door.
Zaq pulled his pants back up when he was done, leaving Mia crying and covered with cum on the table. He walked to the door and clicked a button by the door.

Revision as of 07:04, 10 July 2023

Chapter 4

Zaq looked out the window of his bedroom, completely satisfied as he drank his morning keggi tea, dressed in his silk bathrobe. His bed was now empty as he had sent Lya back to the ship to be transported to the exchange. He’d fucked her again that morning, of course. For all the stress the jedi had caused him over the past day, it seemed only fair that he’d used the girl to relax and have a good time.

He had greatly enjoyed the little girl’s body, her skinny, athletic build would forever be cemented in his mind. Zaq had a mind to keep the girl with him permanently, but she’d be too much trouble. No, it was best to sell the jedi girl off. She may have only been a little girl, but he had no doubt she could be dangerous if given the opportunity.

Zaq had been admiring the sunset over the Govijk mountains when his holocommunicator began to ring. Interrupted, he walked over to where it sat on his bedside table and clicked it on. An image of his second in command, Zelluk, appeared in his bedroom.

“Good Morning, I assume since you’re up this early, you’ve got something important?” Zaq sipped his tea after greeting the hologram.

“It’s the jedi—she’s gone,” Zelluk’s hologram replied.

“The little girl managed to get away on the way back to the ship?” Zaq looked perplexed.

“No, not her,” Zelluk swallowed. “The Jedi master.” The minister breathed heavily for a moment, quickly becoming enraged.

“Fuck! FUCK!!!” Zaq threw his half empty cup of tea at the wall, shattering it on impact. “You said she was dead!” The man was seething at the news that his old friend was still alive.

“Her body showed no signs of life, sir,” Zelluk defended himself. “We scanned it thoroughly, there was no way… I… I didn’t know a jedi could do that.”

“You didn’t think to cut her fucking head off just in case!?” Zaq yelled. “We have no idea what she knows—or what she’s capable of. This could destroy us.”

“I have men out looking for her as we speak,” Zelluk assured. “One of my men saw her body in the morgue no more than an hour ago, so she’s still in the area.”

“You’d better pray for all our sakes they find her,” He found Zelluk’s words unsatisfying at best. “I’ll lock down transportation in the entire south province, we can’t afford to let her get away.”

“There is one more thing,” Zelluk added as he lifted up two cylindrical devices. “I do have both of their lightsabers.”

“Well, at least you’re not completely inept,” Zaq calmed down slightly. “Bring them to the capitol this evening. From this moment on we have to assume that the Jedi is on our tail. Meet me at our usual place tonight.”

“Yes, sir,” Zelluk said before signing off, allowing his hologram to disapear. Without missing a beat, Zaq pulled out his government communication device and made a call of his own.

“Reega,” Zaq said once his assistant answered. “I need you to make sure all interplanetary communications to Coruscant are intercepted.” He wasn’t about to let the jedi get word back to the republic.

“Of course minister,” his aide replied. “I’ll see to it the proper individuals are notified.”

“Good, and have the logs sent to my office,” Zaq instructed. The two signed off and Zaq began to get ready for his day, hoping to hear an update about the missing Jedi soon.

In his office, Zaq found that he had more pressing concerns, however. While he had calmed the other government minister’s down regarding the incident at the port, the port’s former manager had come to the wrong conclusion that he had nothing to lose. The news came to him from one of his trusted investigators, no doubt someone Zaq paid lots of extra money to in order to handle things when his day job became at odds with his other business affairs.

“Paul, what can I do for you.” Zaq greeted the blonde haired officer that stood in his office.

“It’s the port authority we picked up yesterday, sir,” the investigator replied. “He’s not going quietly.”

“Surely, the witnesses we have can ensure his swift prosecution,” Zaq was accustomed to this sort of thing, and couldn’t imagine what threat a guilt man’s obvious lies could pose.

“Yes, we have all the evidence we need,” Paul assured. “But the issue isn’t him, it’s his lawyer. He’s connected—pulling favors with a few other ministers. I did a little digging and it sounds like the moron told this man everything and is trying to turn the tables on you.”

“Well, I guess we just have to show this man that he has more to lose than he thinks,” Zaq smiled coldly. “He has a nice family, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, sir,” Paul replied. “What about the lawyer?”

“Keep an eye on him, but don’t make a move,” Zaq answered. “We can easily arrange for him to fall on a knife if we have to, but if we’re lucky, getting his client to plead guilty might be all we need. I’m sure I can convince him to do what needs to be done. Take him in our usual interrogation room, I’ll be ready for him in a few hours.

“Yes, sir,” Paul bowed his head slightly. “I’ll get on it at once.” When Paul walked out, Zaq reached in his coat for his personal holocommunicator and once more, contacted Zelluk.

“Our friend at the south port,” Zaq said once Zelluk’s hologram was being projected into his office. “Remind me who his immediate family is.”

“He has a wife and three daughters,” Zelluk replied. “Ages six, nine, and twelve.”

“Hmmm…” Zaq thought to himself. “Send one of your men to escort the youngest to the capitol. Our friend is being a little uncooperative, but I think I can convince him to change is tune.”

“I’ll send men to pick her up right away,” Zelluk answered obediently.

“Good, and what of the jedi, has she been found?”

“Not yet,” Zelluk replied. “We’re still working on it. I have men searching hospitals right now. We don’t think she could have made it far on her own, her injuries were quite severe.”

“Don’t underestimate the Jedi,” Zaq warned. “Find her. I can only keep the South Province locked down for a day or two. Fucking find her!” Zaq didn’t wait to exchange pleasantries before hanging up the call.

“A shuttle is arriving for you from the south province,” Regga, Zaq’s aide called over his office communicator.

“Thank you, I’ll be out shortly to meet them,” Zaq replied. Sure enough, he was out just in time for a transport to arrive on the south landing pad of the ministry building.

Zaq watched the transport door slide open and a young girl ushered out, followed closely by one of Zelluk’s men dressed in an official Pokoczek security uniform, even though he didn’t actually work for the government.

“Hello, young lady,” Zaq bent down to greet the young girl. “You’re very pretty. What’s your name.”

“Mia,” she answered. “Why am I here?” The little girl looked a little scared being so far away from home without her family.

“Well, your daddy asked to see you,” Zaq answered her.

“My daddy, is he okay?” The girl inquired.

“Yes, he’s fine,” Zaq put a hand on her shoulder. “But he is in a bit of trouble that he needs your help with.”

“Uh, okay…”

“Come on, I’ll take you to see him,” Zaq held out the girl’s hand and she took it happily.

He led the girl to the lift and up to the seventh floor of his department where the interrogation and holding cells were located. Once the lift opened, he led the girl down a hall where his investigator, Paul was waiting.

“He’s in the observation room, sir,” Paul informed Zaq.

“Very good,” Zaq looked down at the little girl with a devious smile. “Sweetie, we’re going to wait for your father in here. He’ll be here to join us shortly.”

“Okay!” The girl said calmly while Zaq ushered her into the room. The walls were grey and there were no cameras, just a door off to the side and a large glass window that extended the length of the room. Of course, nobody inside the interrogation room could see what was happening on the other side of the glass. And perhaps more importantly, nothing that was said in the observation room could be heard from the room itself.

The former port manager, cuffed to a chair in observation room, was shocked at the site of his youngest daughter being led into the interrogation room opposite him. He called her name, but of course she couldn’t hear him as she sat down facing the window.

Nor could she or anyone else hear his pleas as he began to call out when Zaq’s hands began to explore down her back and eventually touch her thigh.

“You’re very cute,” Zaq told the girl, who was not yet alarmed, though she might have thought it was strange the man wanted to touch her so much.

“Thank you. Is my daddy coming soon?” Mia asked, her dark hair was neatly done up in the back and made four separate tails that extended down her back. Zaq couldn’t help but run his hands through them.

“Oh yes, he’s excited to see you,” Zaq looked in the direction of the silver window where he knew the man was sitting. “But before he comes, I want to spend some time with you first.” He reached around from behind and began to feel the girl’s chest. She looked up at him, now even more confused.

“You’re kind of funny,” she told the man. Meanwhile, her father on the other side of the glass was beginning to yell.

Heating things up, Zaq grabbed the front of Mia’s dress and lifted her out of the chair.

What are you doing?” She suddenly became more alarmed. Zaq grabbed her waist and bent her over the side of the table

“Hey, stop that!” The girl scolded when she heard her dress start to rip. Zaq didn’t answer, but had soon ripped the entire back of her dress, exposing her backside. Sensing just how wrong the situation had become,, Mia began to cry. But her discomfort grew when she felt Zaq’s cock pushing into her ass. The six year old had no clue what it was and since she was facing the dark window, couldn’t see what the strange man was doing. But she was alarmed by the unwelcome sensation and her face contorted.

On the other side of the glass, the girls father fought helplessly agaisnt his constraints, calling out for it to stop, but nobody was listening.

Zaq grabbed the girl’s hips, fucking her swiftly and enjoying the fact that he knew her father was watching, helpless to save his daughter’s purity. Zaq forced himself into the girl’s ass repeatedly, leaning over her and feeling her small body against his.. He then began to run his hands over her back and take in her soft skin before leaning into her further and kissing the top of her head as his pelvis went on thrusting into her ass.

When it came time for him to cum, Zaq pulled out and flipped the little girl around. “Clean off my cock,” he instructed, pulling her closer so that jt was right in her face. Her eyes widened at the site if a man’s cock for the first time. She didn’t know what he wanted her to do, but instinctively turned away. Gasping in between tears,, Mia’s mouth ooened enough for Zaq to push inside.

Her face displayed her shock once again and she gagged, spilling even more tears. She was grateful when the man pulled back, pushing her back onto the table. But then cum started to spit out from his cock and land all over her. Zaq’s jizz showered her pussy, painted streaks accross her flat chest, and made it all the way up to her face. It seemed that nowhere was safe from the man’s cum and she gagged again when some landed in her mouth.

Zaq pulled his pants back up when he was done, leaving Mia crying and covered with cum on the table. He walked to the door and clicked a button by the door.

“Send him in,” Zaq instructed. In short order, Mia saw her father as promised. Paul brought him into the interrogation room.

“Hi sweetie,” he was holding back tears of his own. His hands were bound as Paul sat him down in the empty chair, right in front of where Mia was laying on the hard table. Paul had closed the door behind him, but stood nearby at attention.

“Daddy,” Mia looked over at her father, her entire body still covered with cum.

“Please, let her go,” the man cried. “She hasn’t done anything. She’s innocent!”

“Was innocent,” Zaq corrected him. “Though, she does have one hole left if you’d like to have a go at her. I daresay it will probably be the last pussy you’re likely to ever see. I’d take me up on the offer if I were you.” Zaq looked down at the man. He simply cried in response and looked down at his daughter.

Mia’s torn dress had found its way onto the floor, so Zaq picked it up and started cleaning up the small child.

“You only have yourself to blame for this one, Pluuviik,” Zaq said as he wiped the girl’s chest. “You could have eaten the bullet quietly, done a fair sentence and been done with it. But you had to get yourself a young, ambitious lawyer and make things difficult. But you made one critical mistake. You failed to realize that I own this fucking planet.” Zaq had stopped cleaning up Mia and leaned in when he said that last part.

“I’m sorry, please, the former port manager begged. “I’ll do anything, just let her go.”

“Let me tell you how this is going to go, instead,” Zaq suddenly stuck a finger in the little girl’s slit. “First off, your little girl here is coming home with me. It’s not so bad, I’ll make sure she’s well cared for and give her lots of fancy clothes and toys. And she can entertain me and my rich friends. I’m sure you’ll agree it’s much better than if I send her off to an exchange where it’s likely she’ll wind up serving in a hutt brothel.” The man paused, but nodded as tears fell down his face.

As Zaq continued to speak, Mia suddenly felt her body relaxing while the Security Minister fingered her clit.

“More importantly, I’ll leave your wife and other two daughters out of this, but I need you to do something for me,” Zaq reached out a hand, pulling up Pluuviik’s cheek to make sure the man was looking him in the eye. “You’re not only going to plead guilty, but you’re going convince that Lawyer of yours to end her little charade.” Mia made her first soft coo thanks to the sensation of Zaq’s finger. He looked down at her, wriggling it with greater care.

“Can you do that?” Zaq asked, paying full attention go Mia.

“Ye-yes,” Pluuviik replied.

“Good, now I think we can remove the man’s restraints, don’t you?” Zaq looked to Paul, who reached down and freed the man’s hands.

“Now, we’ll leave you two to say goodbye,” Zaq removed his finger from Mia’s cunt and stood up straight. He and Paul were soon out of the room.

Zaq wasn’t quite sure if the man could bring himself to fuck his daughter. But dripping the idea that it could be his very last chance to have sex with a anyone of the opposite gender surely made it a stronger possibility.

When Zaq returned with Paul a little over an hour later, Pluuviik was still fully dressed. However, cum was leaking from the child’s cunt while he held her in his lap; proof that the temptation of her young body had been too much for him to resist.

Zelluk stood in the old royal palace among the familiar marble statues. It wasn’t a royal residence anymore, though, just an old ruin that Zaq had turned into a security outpost. At least that was its official use. Unofficially, it was where he conducted his more nefarious business in relative secrecy. Joe, Zelluk’s closest associate stood with him. At least he wouldn’t have to face Zaq’s wrath alone.

He was nervous as he saw the Security Minster’s shuttle land, illuminating the platform against the dark night. Zelluk touched the two lightsabers in his cloak for comfort. At least he had something to show for his efforts, even if the jedi hadn’t yet been found.

The shuttle door hissed opened and a dark figure appeared on the platform, accompanied by one security guard that walked close behind. Zelluk stepped forward hesitantly, pulling both lightsabers from his cloak as the figure approached him. He could make out Zaq’s familiar face in the moonlight when he got closer. Zelluk held out his hand, offering the pair of lightsabers to the minister.

“The jedi, has she been?” Zaq eyed the lightsabers, but didn’t immediately reach for them.

“No, sir,” Zelluk answered, his hand still outstretched, awkwardly.

“That’s unfortunate,” Zaq paused before slowly reaching up to take the weapons from the man’s hand. “At least we have these. But an unarmed jedi is still incredibly dangerous.”

“My men are still working on finding her, sir,” Zelluk assured.

“As are mine,” Zaq stopped to admire the two weapons before going on. “I threatened the port manager’s family, so I have no worries that he will stick to our story that he was the one responsible for running shipments out of the south facility. After getting a taste of what’s in store for his youngest, no doubt he’s eager to keep his wife and the rest of his kids out of sexual servitude.“

“What about our men?” Joe piped up. “A few are still in custody.”

“Not to worry, I’ve arranged for their immunity, but the proper procedures take time,” Zaq looked down at the lightsabers, taking one into his free hand. “But we have no idea what the jedi knows. Their testimonies might not hold up if she turns up.”

“We’re doing everything we can, sir,” Zelluk knew he’d failed.

“I find that hard to believe,” as soon as he said it, Zaq looked Zelluk straight in the eye pressed and the button on Aya’s lightsaber. The weapon came to life with a loud hum, emanating a beam of blue light that pierced Zelluk’s chest. He gasped in shock.

“I’m sorry to say you won’t be around to see our plans come to fruition, Zelluk,” Zaq didn’t avert his gaze, enjoying the horror in the man’s eyes as the lightsaber burned his insides. When he deactivated the weapon, Zelluk fell to the hard floor and blood began to poll around his body. The minister paused for a moment, looking down at the corpse before going on.

“Joe,” Togal turned to his new right hand man. “Get back to the south province and clean this shit up. Given the circumstances, I can keep transportation locked down for another day or two. Just find this bitch and make sure she’s fucking dead this time.”

Chapter 5