Writing Contest 2024/II - Call for prompts: Difference between revisions

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* '''Half-Alien'''<br>Stories must include at least one main character who is part human and part an extraterrestrial or fantasy species. By mixed parentage? By medical/magical intervention? What's that mean for the family dynamic? For their sexual processes?
* '''Half-Alien'''<br>Stories must include at least one main character who is part human and part an extraterrestrial or fantasy species. By mixed parentage? By medical/magical intervention? What's that mean for the family dynamic? For their sexual processes?
* '''War'''<br>The story must be set in war-time, and the raging war must play an important role in the story. Whether a sweet story of people finding love in the shelter or a rough story about victors raping the civilians, or anything else. As long as there is war involved.<br>''Note: Stories that use any current real-world war as a background for perceived easy access to helpless children will be rejected.''
* '''War'''<br>The story must be set in war-time, and the raging war must play an important role in the story. Whether a sweet story of people finding love in the shelter or a rough story about victors raping the civilians, or anything else. As long as there is war involved.<br>''Note: Stories that use any current real-world war as a background for perceived easy access to helpless children will be rejected.''
* '''Forced Nudity''''<br>Boys or girls are forced to go naked. Why? This could be short-term or very, very long term.
* '''Forced Nudity'''<br>Boys or girls are forced to go naked. Why? This could be short-term or very, very long term.
* '''Summertime Adventure'''<br>It's summer holidays. Or perhaps a vacation. Anyway, high time to get out of the routine and experience something new and exciting.
* '''Summertime Adventure'''<br>It's summer holidays. Or perhaps a vacation. Anyway, high time to get out of the routine and experience something new and exciting.
* '''Grooming'''<br>Write a story about or involving grooming ("actions or behaviors used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions towards sex").
* '''Grooming'''<br>Write a story about or involving grooming ("actions or behaviors used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions towards sex").

Latest revision as of 19:35, 31 March 2024

I know, I know. All of you (or at least most) are still working hard to finish your entry for the third story writing contest. And yet, here I am, thinking about the next round already.

Contest 2024-II will once more use anonymous story submission. There will be a rule change to allow writers to get help (e.g. from editors or such), but the consequence is that anyone you asked to help with your story is not allowed to vote for it.
Discussion about rules is always welcome in the Rules Discussion topic, or you can send me your thoughts via my talk page. If you want any rules to change, bring it up now - the rules for this contest won't be final until after prompt selection.

And that brings us to that very important part of the contest: the writing prompt. For this I need your help! Please share your suggestions for the writing prompt for the next contest, either in the Travelcall-for-prompts.62547/ relevant forum topic (where it can also be discussed), or through my talk page.

When suggesting a prompt, please use the following format:
Short (typically one or two sentence) description of what exactly the rules of the prompt would be.

As before, everyone is restricted to propose just one suggestion, otherwise the list becomes way too long. Also, the themes "Magical Children", "Twins", and "Sexual education" have already been used, so let's not propose those again, okay?
Do keep in mind that All The Fallen caters to all tastes: loli, shota, furry, and everything else. Any suggestion that implicitly or explicitly rules out some categories will be modified when possible, or else rejected.

Tip 1: A good writing prompt restricts the writers enough to challenge them to be creative, but does not restrict them so much that their creativity is smothered. A commission is not a good prompt!
Tip 2: Check back after you submit a suggestion. It might need tweaking, either by me or by you, before I can add it to the list.

I reserve the right to refuse suggested prompts if I think they would be detrimental for the competition.
After the submission deadline, all accepted suggestions will be put up for a vote. The suggestions with the most votes will be used for the next contest.

Suggestions for the writing prompt can be submitted until March 31, 2023, 18:00 UTC (click link for a countdown, in case you are as time zone challenged as I am).

Themes suggested so far:

  • Time Travel
    A character from one moment in time travels to another. This can be traveling into the past or the future by any means, deliberately or accidentally.
  • Alien World
    Your character(s) find themselves in an unknown world, with little or no hope of returning. Why were they dropped there and what must they do to survive?
  • Half-Alien
    Stories must include at least one main character who is part human and part an extraterrestrial or fantasy species. By mixed parentage? By medical/magical intervention? What's that mean for the family dynamic? For their sexual processes?
  • War
    The story must be set in war-time, and the raging war must play an important role in the story. Whether a sweet story of people finding love in the shelter or a rough story about victors raping the civilians, or anything else. As long as there is war involved.
    Note: Stories that use any current real-world war as a background for perceived easy access to helpless children will be rejected.
  • Forced Nudity
    Boys or girls are forced to go naked. Why? This could be short-term or very, very long term.
  • Summertime Adventure
    It's summer holidays. Or perhaps a vacation. Anyway, high time to get out of the routine and experience something new and exciting.
  • Grooming
    Write a story about or involving grooming ("actions or behaviors used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions towards sex").
  • A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
    The contest organizer selects and posts a picture. Writers then have to write a story based on or inspired by that picture.
  • Fairy tale
    A lewd remake or retelling of an existing fairy tale.
  • Helpless to Desire
    A character or characters find themselves living out their deepest, darkest, wildest sexual fantasies—against their will, and even if they don't realize it's what they truly desire.
    Writers can take a realistic approach, like a dad being blackmailed by the daughter that he secretly longs for. They could also take a wilder, more fantastical approach, like a psychic using mind control and mind reading to "pair up" ideal couples. Or they could take a batshit insane approach, like a kid waking up to find that dinosaurs have come to life and are about to fuck the shit out of them.
  • One day in the life
    Just a normal, average day in the lives of your characters. No beginnings, no endings, no first times.
  • No restrictions?
    Write what you love and impress us with what you are good at. We can narrow it down to sci-fi, fantasy, romance, or mystery, but why should we?
  • Orgy
    The story must include at least one sex scene with five or more participants.
  • Prostitution
    The story must include sexual acts being performed as a transaction, in exchange for money or favors. The character committing the act does not necessarily need to be the one receiving payment.
  • Coming of Age
    Throughout history, societies and cultures have all had ceremonies, events, and rituals to bridge the gap from when a boy or girl can be considered an adult. Every culture has different rules and ages for when this occurs. What will your culture bring?
  • Crime Scene/Court Case Report
    Write a FICTIONAL Crime Scene and/or Court Case Report, the Crime(s) doesn't need to be sexual in nature, but there has to be underage sex in the story somewhere.