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Benny Blanco (talk | contribs)
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9-year-old Paige saw the question on the blackboard. Before moving here, the teacher in her previous school had stopped asking multiplications from her, because she knew all the tables by heart. Now her new teacher turned to look straight at her. He was the most handsome teacher she had ever seen. She had joked with her friends about having crushes with the adults in school, but now she genuinely wanted to give a good impression to this cute young man. It felt exciting to hear him call out her name, and she answered as quickly as possible.<br>

9-year-old Paige saw the question on the blackboard. Before moving here, the teacher in her previous school had stopped asking multiplications from her, because she knew all the tables by heart. Now her new teacher turned to look straight at her. He was the most handsome teacher she had ever seen. She had joked with her friends about having crushes with the adults in school, but now she genuinely wanted to give a good impression to this cute young man. It felt exciting to hear him call out her name, and she answered as quickly as possible.


“42? ok, anyone else?”
“42? ok, anyone else?”<br>

Another girl had a hand up. Paige realized that she was not even close. Feeling her cheeks getting red, she wanted to shout out that the answer was 56, but she had to make sure not to fail again. 8 times 8 is 64, isn´t it? Take 8 away from it… Too late, having gotten the correct answer, the teacher moved on. For the rest of the lesson Paige felt detached, as if she had forgotten everything she had learned since grade one. Eyes at the surface of her desk, she tried to hide behind her sand-colored hair.

She tried to leave quickly after the class. But just as she got up from her desk, the teacher stopped her.
Another girl had a hand up. Paige realized that she was not even close. Feeling her cheeks getting red, she wanted to shout out that the answer was 56, but she had to make sure not to fail again. 8 times 8 is 64, isn´t it? Take 8 away from it… Too late, having gotten the correct answer, the teacher moved on. For the rest of the lesson Paige felt detached, as if she had forgotten everything she had learned since grade one. Eyes at the surface of her desk, she tried to hide behind her sand-colored hair.<br>

“Paige, can we have a quick word?”
She tried to leave quickly after the class. But just as she got up from her desk, the teacher stopped her.<br>

She moved slowly to him as other kids scurried away. The teacher leaned back behind his desk. He had told her his name when they met, it was Matt. Matt the math teacher.

“There is a supplementary class on mathematics this afternoon. Maybe you would like to come?”
“Paige, can we have a quick word?”<br>

“I am really pretty good at math. I was just distracted today.”

“Well, Paige, come and show me what you got then. I can call your parents and drive you home afterwards.
She moved slowly to him as other kids scurried away. The teacher leaned back behind his desk. He had told her his name when they met, it was Matt. Matt the math teacher.<br>

“Well ok, Matt.”

“There is a supplementary class on mathematics this afternoon. Maybe you would like to come?”<br>

“I am really pretty good at math. I was just distracted today.”<br>

Paige entered the classroom. Teacher Matt was waiting by his desk. He had rearranged the room, now there was a big book cabinet in the middle, splitting the classroom in half. The shelves were closed behind doors. Next to the bookshelf there was a video camera on a tripod. Matt stood up and started to write numbers on the cabinet doors with a water-soluble marker.
“Well, Paige, come and show me what you got then. I can call your parents and drive you home afterwards.”<br>

“Welcome, Paige. Now take all your clothes off and look at these numbers.”
“Well ok, Matt.”<br>

“What, take off my clothes, no way!”

“This is how we do supplementary teaching here. Just strip naked and leave your clothes on any desk.”

“You can´t ask me to strip. That´s not appropriate. I will tell the headmaster.
Paige entered the classroom. Teacher Matt was waiting by his desk. He had rearranged the room, now there was a big book cabinet in the middle, splitting the classroom in half. The shelves were closed behind doors. Next to the bookshelf there was a video camera on a tripod. Matt stood up and started to write numbers on the cabinet doors with a water-soluble marker.<br>

“Oh, I see. There must be a misunderstanding. Please follow me.”

He took Paige by the hand and led her around the bookshelf. On the other side of the classroom there were three more teachers, one of them the headmaster.
“Welcome, Paige. Now take all your clothes off and look at these numbers.”<br>

“Principal Jones, Paige here says she can´t strip naked for supplementary class.
“What, take off my clothes, no way!<br>

“Oh, come here, Paige, let´s take a look at your file.”
“This is how we do supplementary teaching here. Just strip naked and leave your clothes on any desk.”<br>

The principal logged in on a computer at the back of the class. Paige looked at the screen as her name and home address came to view. The teacher scrolled down.
“You can´t ask me to strip. That´s not appropriate. I will tell the headmaster.”<br>

“Allergies, none…Religion, protestant… here: Participation in sexual education. Permitted. And the form is appropriately signed by both of your parents. Now, off with your clothes, girl.”
“Oh, I see. There must be a misunderstanding. Please follow me.”<br>

“But, but…”

“We haven´t got all day. Gentlemen, please come and help.
He took Paige by the hand and led her around the bookshelf. On the other side of the classroom there were three more teachers, one of them the headmaster.<br>

The other teachers stepped up and took hold of her hands. Principal Jones undid quickly her belt and pulled her pants down. He removed her shoes and got the pants completely off. Folding them expertly, he put them on a desk and returned to remove her panties. As she felt his breath between her legs, Paige thought this must be a nightmare. Thankfully the man did not linger by her private parts but stood up and added the panties to the heap on the desk. He pulled her shirt off her and pointed at the front of the classroom.

“If you please, Paige, your teacher is waiting.”
“Principal Jones, Paige here says she can´t strip naked for supplementary class.”<br>

Paige turned around and saw a big tv next to the bookshelf. On the screen teacher Matt was writing something on the cabinet doors. When she got there, she would be filmed naked and watched by these three men on that screen. Well, they were looking at her now. They saw her butt, which was the only part of herself she thought looked sexy. She did not have any boobs, and her pussy was just a little girl slit, but she had seen the nice round shape of her posterior in a mirror. She hurried to the other side.
“Oh, come here, Paige, let´s take a look at your file.”<br>

Paige did not want teacher Matt to look at her naked. But she didn´t want him to not notice her either. She kept her eyes down but surveyed him from the corner of her eye. He gave the sleek girl an approving nod.
The principal logged in on a computer at the back of the class. Paige looked at the screen as her name and home address came to view. The teacher scrolled down.<br>

“Good. Let´s start with the basics. You see the addition here: 4 + 3. Correct answer is one of the three numbers that I have written on these doors. Open the one you think is right.”
“Allergies, none…Religion, protestant… here: Participation in sexual education. Permitted. And the form is appropriately signed by both of your parents. Now, off with your clothes, girl.”<br>

Paige opened the door with 7 on it. There was nothing behind it.
“But, but…”<br>

“Very good, Paige. That is the correct answer.”
“We haven´t got all day. Gentlemen, please come and help.”<br>

“It´s empty.”

“Yes. There is nothing behind the right answer. Now, why don´t we try another?”
The other teachers stepped up and took hold of her hands. Principal Jones undid quickly her belt and pulled her pants down. He removed her shoes and got the pants completely off. Folding them expertly, he put them on a desk and returned to remove her panties. As she felt his breath between her legs, Paige thought this must be a nightmare. Thankfully the man did not linger by her private parts but stood up and added the panties to the heap on the desk. He pulled her shirt off her and pointed at the front of the classroom.<br>

It took some time for him to write 5 + 6 and choices 9, 11 and 15. Paige opened door 11, and got nothing for reward again. It seemed that to add to the shame of being forced nude, she was humiliated with kindergarten-level equations. Next one was 7 – 4. Out of choices 3, 9 and 11 she chose 11 again. Behind the door there was a plastic cylinder. It was heavier than she expected when she took it out and looked at the numbers again.

“Oh, it´s a subtraction. Of course, it´s 3.”
“If you please, Paige, your teacher is waiting.”<br>

She reached for the other door, but the teacher pushed it closed.

“You have already given your answer. Perhaps you´ll learn to pay attention today. Now, take that with you to the other side.
Paige turned around and saw a big tv next to the bookshelf. On the screen teacher Matt was writing something on the cabinet doors. When she got there, she would be filmed naked and watched by these three men on that screen. Well, they were looking at her now. They saw her butt, which was the only part of herself she thought looked sexy. She did not have any boobs, and her pussy was just a little girl slit, but she had seen the nice round shape of her posterior in a mirror. She hurried to the other side.<br>

Paige looked at the plastic object. It tapered to one end to become kind of pointy, but not sharp. The other end was flat. There was a line drawn closer to the pointy end. Maybe it was some kind of accessory from PE class?

She rounded the cabinet. The teachers there seemed agitated. One of them, her biology teacher pointed her to a desk.
Paige did not want teacher Matt to look at her naked. But she didn´t want him to not notice her either. She kept her eyes down but surveyed him from the corner of her eye. He gave the sleek girl an approving nod.<br>

“Okay, little girl. Hop on that desk and sit down. Now, the correct answer to the question was 3. You see a mark three inches from the tip of that toy. You must put it inside your pussy all the way to that three inch mark.”
“Good. Let´s start with the basics. You see the addition here: 4 + 3. Correct answer is one of the three numbers that I have written on these doors. Open the one you think is right.”<br>

Now she knew what that thing was. She had seen sex toys in porn pictures that circulated in Snapchat. They had been shaped like penises, and what she held in her hand was just a smooth rod, made to be thrusted inside a girl´s body. She dropped it quickly to the table. It started rolling away and dropped down to the floor. As biology teacher picked it up, Paige looked at it with fear.

“I can´t do it. It wouldn´t… I´m just a child”
Paige opened the door with 7 on it. There was nothing behind it.<br>

“Nonsense. Hold her, please.”

The other teachers were suddenly on each side of her and grabbed one arm and leg each. Her knees were forced up, exposing her private parts like never before. She could not tear her eyes off the plastic rod. The length of it on top of the red line seemed awfully big now. The man took some slimy stuff from a pump bottle and spread it on the thing. He pumped some more to his palm and pressed it between Paige´s legs. It burned her delicate skin a little, as his fingers spread her open down there. She had had her own finger inside the slit there, but these big digits forced her nether lips wide apart.
“Very good, Paige. That is the correct answer.”<br>

Biology teacher Rogers looked at the panicking little girl. Suppressing a grin, he spread her labia with his fingers and probed her pussy groove with the tip of the dildo. Pressing it against her clitoris, he turned a knob on the other end of the device.
“It´s empty.”<br>

Paige felt her muscles spasm like electrocuted between her legs. She let out a little shriek and her eyes watered. The teacher turned to the pale, hyperventilating girl with the dildo still buzzing in his hand.
“Yes. There is nothing behind the right answer. Now, why don´t we try another?” <br>

“Come on now, little girl. It´s just vibrating. If you have an electric toothbrush home, you have felt the same thing.”

He pressed the rod to her stomach. She looked at it wide eyed, but slowly her panic abated and breathing returned to normal. It felt like it was jumping on her skin, but it was not dangerous after all. Maybe a little ticklish. Buzzing sound echoed in the room, alternating as the device slid to her tits, then back down toward her groin. She tensed her whole body when it touched her pussy again. It made everything tingle down there and had her butt contracting. The tingles traveled up her spine. Her pussy lips seemed swollen, and she felt a new kind of wetness deeper inside. It did not hurt, but the sensation kept growing, and soon she would not be able to take it anymore. Would she pass out then, or maybe it would make her pee?
It took some time for him to write 5 + 6 and choices 9, 11 and 15. Paige opened door 11, and got nothing for reward again. It seemed that to add to the shame of being forced nude, she was humiliated with kindergarten-level equations. Next one was 7 – 4. Out of choices 3, 9 and 11 she chose 11 again. Behind the door there was a plastic cylinder. It was heavier than she expected when she took it out and looked at the numbers again.<br>

It was a relief when the teacher turned the thing off. Sudden silence throbbed in her ears, seemed like the teachers held their breaths as the pointy tip travelled down between her legs. Suddenly it started pushing inside her, felt like it tried to split her in half. As her body gave way to the intruder and sharp pain hit her, she screamed out loud. The men held her even tighter, and all she could do was watch as the rod went even deeper inside her, painfully spreading her insides open. The red line disappeared from her view behind her mound, and still she felt it go deeper. Finally the man stopped pushing, patted her lower belly and smiled at her.

“There. All three inches in.”
“Oh, it´s a subtraction. Of course, it´s 3.”<br>

He pulled it out. It was a big relief to Paige, until she saw that there was some blood on it. Her pussy started immediately to sting, and as she was let go, she pressed her hand against it. Biology teacher examined the tip of the dildo, smelled it, even licked something off it.

“Right. Back you go to your teacher. There´s more lessons awaiting you.”
She reached for the other door, but the teacher pushed it closed.<br>

“You have already given your answer. Perhaps you´ll learn to pay attention today. Now, take that with you to the other side.”<br>

Paige looked at the plastic object. It tapered to one end to become kind of pointy, but not sharp. The other end was flat. There was a line drawn closer to the pointy end. Maybe it was some kind of accessory from PE class?<br>
She rounded the cabinet. The teachers there seemed agitated. One of them, her biology teacher pointed her to a desk.<br>
“Okay, little girl. Hop on that desk and sit down. Now, the correct answer to the question was 3. You see a mark three inches from the tip of that toy. You must put it inside your pussy all the way to that three inch mark.”<br>
Now she knew what that thing was. She had seen sex toys in porn pictures that circulated in Snapchat. They had been shaped like penises, and what she held in her hand was just a smooth rod, made to be thrusted inside a girl´s body. She dropped it quickly to the table. It started rolling away and dropped down to the floor. As biology teacher picked it up, Paige looked at it with fear.<br>
“I can´t do it. It wouldn´t… I´m just a child”<br>
“Nonsense. Hold her, please.”<br>
The other teachers were suddenly on each side of her and grabbed one arm and leg each. Her knees were forced up, exposing her private parts like never before. She could not tear her eyes off the plastic rod. The length of it on top of the red line seemed awfully big now. The man took some slimy stuff from a pump bottle and spread it on the thing. He pumped some more to his palm and pressed it between Paige´s legs. It burned her delicate skin a little, as his fingers spread her open down there. She had had her own finger inside the slit there, but these big digits forced her nether lips wide apart.<br>
Biology teacher Rogers looked at the panicking little girl. Suppressing a grin, he spread her labia with his fingers and probed her pussy groove with the tip of the dildo. Pressing it against her clitoris, he turned a knob on the other end of the device.<br>
Paige felt her muscles spasm like electrocuted between her legs. She let out a little shriek and her eyes watered. The teacher turned to the pale, hyperventilating girl with the dildo still buzzing in his hand.<br>
“Come on now, little girl. It´s just vibrating. If you have an electric toothbrush home, you have felt the same thing.”<br>
He pressed the rod to her stomach. She looked at it wide eyed, but slowly her panic abated and breathing returned to normal. It felt like it was jumping on her skin, but it was not dangerous after all. Maybe a little ticklish. Buzzing sound echoed in the room, alternating as the device slid to her tits, then back down toward her groin. She tensed her whole body when it touched her pussy again. It made everything tingle down there and had her butt contracting. The tingles traveled up her spine. Her pussy lips seemed swollen, and she felt a new kind of wetness deeper inside. It did not hurt, but the sensation kept growing, and soon she would not be able to take it anymore. Would she pass out then, or maybe it would make her pee?<br>
It was a relief when the teacher turned the thing off. Sudden silence throbbed in her ears, seemed like the teachers held their breaths as the pointy tip travelled down between her legs. Suddenly it started pushing inside her, felt like it tried to split her in half. As her body gave way to the intruder and sharp pain hit her, she screamed out loud. The men held her even tighter, and all she could do was watch as the rod went even deeper inside her, painfully spreading her insides open. The red line disappeared from her view behind her mound, and still she felt it go deeper. Finally the man stopped pushing, patted her lower belly and smiled at her.<br>
“There. All three inches in.”<br>
He pulled it out. It was a big relief to Paige, until she saw that there was some blood on it. Her pussy started immediately to sting, and as she was let go, she pressed her hand against it. Biology teacher examined the tip of the dildo, smelled it, even licked something off it.<br>
“Right. Back you go to your teacher. There´s more lessons awaiting you.”<br>
[[File:Lesson 2.png|500px|thumb]]

First it felt like her feet could not carry her. The look Matt gave her as she limped around the bookshelf seemed sympathetic.
First it felt like her feet could not carry her. The look Matt gave her as she limped around the bookshelf seemed sympathetic.<br>
“Why don´t you stretch a little, get those joints back in order before we go on.”<br>
Paige tried some stretches she remembered from PE classes. It got her body feeling better, but she was acutely aware of the camera pointed at her. Matt opened a window.<br>
“Take some fresh air, it´s nice and warm out there.”<br>
Paige went closer to the window. She did not want to be seen by outsiders; on the other hand, the camera was not pointed that way. They were on second floor and the window did not go very low. She leaned on the windowsill, covering her naked chest with her arms. Thankfully she saw nobody outside. She did not know, what these men had in store for her, but she had survived this far and now it was nice to relax here in the sun. It was all quiet. She turned to look at teacher Matt. He sat on his desk and grinned at her.<br>
“I like to look at you there.”<br>
Paige could feel his stare on her butt. She would have to turn away, but it did not need to be fast. As his admiration warmed her, it did also make her feel all the more self-aware. When it got too much for her, she turned to the numbers written on chipboard.<br>
5 x 6.<br>
“As you see, we´ll move to multiplications now.”<br>
It was easy. 30. But after her recent experience, she took the time to make sure before opening the cabinet door. More multiplications followed, and the cabinets remained empty.<br>
“Very good, Paige. Try some divisions then.”<br>
24 / 8? 3. It was a little slower, but she got the divisions right, too.<br>
“Ok. Let´s move to the subject we had today. You remember the calculation order? Multiplications and divisions before adding or subtracting. Like here.”<br>
2 x 3 + 4<br>
“You get a different answer if you do the summation first.”<br>
Paige could not remember hearing about this. She had been totally distracted at class today. But 2 times 3 is 6, so…<br>
“Is it 10?”<br>
“Yes. But if we put the summation in brackets so it comes first –“<br>
2 x(3 + 4)<br>
“I add them first? three and four is seven – oh, now it is 14.”<br>
“Good. Now, let me write one on the doors.”<br>
5 + 2 x 3<br>
Still she couldn´t quite grab the point of this. The options were 11, 21 and 30. There were no brackets, so she counted seven times three and hoped for an empty cabinet. This time she recognized the object behind door number 21. It was a whip. She really did not want to, but picked it up and stared at the numbers. Teacher´s voice was compassionate.<br>
“Yes. Multiplication before summation.”<br>
Paige looked at him pleadingly. He just pointed around the bookshelf. The other teachers met her with solemn looks and bulging crotches. One of them had no classes with her, so she did not know what he taught. He took the whip from her and directed her to stand on a small stool, leaning on a desk.<br>
“You must count the swats. Lucky for you, the correct number is not 21, but 11.”<br>
The first strike across her butt stung. She stood up and held her backside with both hands.<br>
“Don´t forget to count it out loud. Otherwise, I´ll start again with the first.”<br>
“Good. Now get in the position to receive the rest.”<br>
Ten more to go. She stepped very reluctantly on the stool and bent over, gripping an edge of the table as hard as she could. Pain from the first stroke was getting worse as shock wore off. She feared the next one so bad. She wanted to turn and look, but did not dare do it. When the whip finally came down, she gritted her teeth and tried to endure. If they would just get on with it, maybe she could take it. As if answering her wish, another swat did come quickly.<br>
“Remember to count them.”<br>
“No, last one you called out was one. What comes after one?”<br>
Just like that he had added one more to her punishment. Unfair. Before she had time to protest, another swat hit her butt. It really hurt. Through gritted teeth she whispered: “Three”, then slid down to the floor and crouched under the table.<br>
“Come on, girl, get up. Only eight left.”<br>
Paige did not answer. Curled into a shaking ball under the table, she suddenly felt hands on her as she was lifted and held on the table. Now her feet did not touch the floor, they just hung down and tried to run in the air as another whiplash met her skin. Held down by two teachers, she could not move her upper body at all. The headmaster bent closer to her ear.<br>
“Remember the count.”<br>
As soon as she got the number out of her mouth, the whip hit her again. Spanking continued with even pace. After eighth swat, she felt her bladder let out a hot stream that ran down her legs. She tried desperately to hold it while the whipping went on. When the teacher heard something resembling “ten” from Paige´s sobbing, he put the whip down on the table. A little nauseated, she looked at the evil thing in front of her face as the man´s hands examined her butt. His breathing had become heavy, and he dropped down to press his cheek to the schoolgirl´s battered buttock. Paige´s muscles tensed under the hold of the three men. He could surely smell her urine. Now his finger found her butt hole, rubbing her sphincter, worming inside. She felt so dirty. The teacher´s words were hard to hear, he talked softly to her backside.<br>
“Ok, little girl. One more, and then we are done.”<br>
Paige thought she smelled her own excrement on his hand as he picked up the whip. He made its tail travel down on her spine. It was pressed between her buttocks, moving in her crack like a snake and moistening with her piss and sweat. When it left her flesh, she started to shiver. She heard the teacher move behind her to prepare for the final blow, clothes rustling and deep breathing. After an agonizing wait there was a shrill sound of the whip cutting through air and a crack like a gunshot as it hit her skin. This one stung more than all before it had together. Paige´s eyes watered and her breathing stopped as pain from her butt filled her consciousness. When the stinging turned into intolerable ache, she let out a long wail. His hands were on her buttocks again, rubbing some warm goo into the bruised skin. Kissing the start of her butt crack, he finally moved away from her. The other teachers helped her back on her feet.<br>
“I know it´s difficult, but it is best to stand up and walk right now.”<br>
The whip was on the floor. Paige did not want to see it ever again. The teacher was buttoning his trousers. On her awkward way back to teacher Matt, Paige wondered why he had had them off.<br>
LESSON 3:<br>
<big>WORD PROBLEMS</big><br>
Teacher Matt made her practice more calculation order. The pain in her butt motivated Paige to pay thorough attention to the questions.<br>
15 – 4 x 3? 3<br>
5 x (3 + 2)? 25<br>
(4 + 3) + 9 / 3? 10<br>
“Very good! Now, I have printed the next questions, because they are text. Look here.”<br>
He attached a paper to the cabinet.<br>
“Mary has a box of 20 chocolates. She eats 2, then divides the rest evenly with her friend Lisa. How many chocolates does Mary get?”<br>
Paige hated this kind of questions. She read it again. So, there are 18 chocolates left after Mary, the greedy bitch, has eaten two. Options were 9, 10 and 11. Paige opened door 9. There were three little plastic bags inside. Matt came to the locker with her.<br>
“These all taste different. You get to choose one. Do you like banana, strawberry or chocolate?”<br>
“I think I like strawberry best. But how can my answer be wrong? 18 divided by two is nine.”<br>
“That´s what the other girl gets. Mary ate two more.”<br>
Paige took the red plastic baggie and walked to the other side. What could it be? Strawberry flavor… maybe it was candy or chewing gum. Although so far, her visits behind the bookshelf had been much more unpleasant than eating candy. The headmaster sat in a teacher´s chair and beckoned her closer. He had no pants on, and his penis pointed straight up from his groin. Suddenly Paige knew what she had in her hand.<br>
“Rip it open and give it to me.”<br>
There was a little gap in the plastic that made it easy to open. It smelled a lot like a bag of fruity candy. Inside there was a soft rubbery thing, a little like some fidget toy. The teacher took it from her and covered the tip of his penis with it.<br>
“Look closer, Paige. See how it rolls open? Now your job is to open it all the way – with your lips.”<br>
Paige crouched between principal´s feet. The purple tip of his dick was now covered with rubber. She enveloped it with her mouth. The taste and smell of strawberry flavoring filled her senses. She probed it with her tongue and found the thicker roll of rubber. She heard the teacher draw a sharp breath and looked up to see if she had hurt him. He looked down at her with a funny expression and red cheeks. Paige could bend the organ down so she could look at the man as she started pushing the rubber down with her lips. She had to press against it pretty hard, and sometimes her lips slipped over it to his skin. Bopping up and down on the shaft she got the condom to move quite good. Look on the teacher´s face changed with her movements, and soon she had to look away in order not to laugh. There was more of the condom than she had anticipated, and eventually her mouth was full of teacher´s cock. She tried puckering her lips as far as she could and kept pushing it. Suddenly the teacher´s hands were behind her head and pulled her toward his groin. Tip of his dick entered her throat and she felt like gagging until she was pulled back away. As she was pulled against him again, she pressed her lips as tight as she could. The rubber roll moved some more, and the teacher grunted happily. It was not pleasant to have stuff rammed into her throat but concentrating on the job and the teachers funny face, it was ok. Soon she felt the man´s hairy groin on her lips. She decided to do all the things that got the biggest reactions out of the man. She pressed his shaft with her tongue when he was in her throat, and licked the tip hard when it was in her mouth. The man started panting and pulled his meat out of her mouth.<br>
“My god, girl, you are a natural cocksucker.”<br>
He ripped the condom off and jerked his dick in front of the girl, shooting his cum on her chest. He rubbed his glans on her tits as more jets of sperm squirted out of it. He leaned forward to spread the stuff all over her chest and belly, then fell back to the chair and closed his eyes.<br>
“Go back to your teacher.”<br>
Paige looked at the exhausted old man, nodded and got up. This one had not been so bad after all, but now she smelled weird from the stuff all over her front. Teacher Matt had the chocolate question still up.<br>
“Ok, Paige. First, you need to read the question carefully. Then write it as an equation.”<br>
He wrote 2 + (20 – 2) / 2<br>
“So 20 – 2 is 18.”<br>
2 + 18 / 2<br>
“And then we do the division before adding them together.”<br>
2 + 9<br>
“There. The answer is 11.”<br>
“Yes, I can do it once it is written in numbers.”<br>
“You can write on your skin with a marker like this. It comes off with water.”<br>
The next printed question was handed to her. It made her blush and giggle.<br>

“Why don´t you stretch a little, get those joints back in order before we go on.
“Principal Jones´s penis is 6 inches long. Matt the math teacher has that, and then half of it more. How much more cock would a pretty girl get inside her with Matt?<br>

Paige tried some stretches she remembered from PE classes. It got her body feeling better, but she was acutely aware of the camera pointed at her. Matt opened a window.

“Take some fresh air, it´s nice and warm out there.
Half of six is three, so Matt´s thing should be nine inches long. To be sure, she wrote the equation on her arm.<br>

Paige went closer to the window. She did not want to be seen by outsiders; on the other hand, the camera was not pointed that way. They were on second floor and the window did not go very low. She leaned on the windowsill, covering her naked chest with her arms. Thankfully she saw nobody outside. She did not know, what these men had in store for her, but she had survived this far and now it was nice to relax here in the sun. It was all quiet. She turned to look at teacher Matt. He sat on his desk and grinned at her.

“I like to look at you there.”
6 + 6 / 2<br>
6 + 3 = 9<br>

Paige could feel his stare on her butt. She would have to turn away, but it did not need to be fast. As his admiration warmed her, it did also make her feel all the more self-aware. When it got too much for her, she turned to the numbers written on chipboard.

Paige snuck a look at his crotch, then saw him grinning at her and turned back to the question. The answer options were 3, 9 and 12. Now she knew that Matt had a 9-inch cock, but was that the answer to the question? How much more… Triumphantly she opened the door 3. It was empty. She lifted her fist in the air and cried:<br>

5 x 6.

“As you see, we´ll move to multiplications now.”
“Yes! And you tried to trick me with your big dick.”<br>

It was easy. 30. But after her recent experience, she took the time to make sure before opening the cabinet door. More multiplications followed, and the cabinets remained empty.
“Very good. Always read the question carefully. Here´s another.”<br>

“Very good, Paige. Try some divisions then.”
“Girls usually squeal with pleasure after 10 minutes with teacher Matt. How many pretty girls can he pleasure in two school classes?<br>

24 / 8? 3. It was a little slower, but she got the divisions right, too.

“Ok. Let´s move to the subject we had today. You remember the calculation order? Multiplications and divisions before adding or subtracting. Like here.
She had to choose between 9, 12 and 20. First Paige thought 20, but she knew now that these questions had to be thought through. So, 10 minutes with a girl. She wondered, how he would spend that time with her. She had to rub an itch between her legs before she could continue. Right. There is 60 minutes in an hour, that´s 6 girls, so 20 is out of the question. She took the pen. Previous equations were already on her left arm, so she sat down and wrote on her thigh. She could feel her spanked skin, but sitting did not hurt too much.<br>

2 x 3 + 4

“You get a different answer if you do the summation first.”
60 / 10 x 2<br>
6 x 2 = 12<br>

Paige could not remember hearing about this. She had been totally distracted at class today. But 2 times 3 is 6, so…

“Is it 10?”
Behind number 12 there was another plastic rod. It was not as thick as the first one, but longer. Paige could not see a line near the tapered end this time. She turned to the teacher.<br>

“Yes. But if we put the summation in brackets so it comes first –“

2 x(3 + 4)
“I can´t understand. Where did I go wrong?”<br>

“I add them first? three and four is seven – oh, now it is 14.”
“Our classes are 45 minutes long. Then there is a 15-minute recess, then 45 minutes again. So, the teacher would have only 90 minutes with the pretty girls.”<br>

“Good. Now, let me write one on the doors.”
“I think someone just wants to use this on me, and you are in on it.”<br>

5 + 2 x 3

Still she couldn´t quite grab the point of this. The options were 11, 21 and 30. There were no brackets, so she counted seven times three and hoped for an empty cabinet. This time she recognized the object behind door number 21. It was a whip. She really did not want to, but picked it up and stared at the numbers. Teacher´s voice was compassionate.
There were only two teachers now, principal Jones had left. The one whose name she did not know sat in his chair.<br>

“Yes. Multiplication before summation.”

Paige looked at him pleadingly. He just pointed around the bookshelf. The other teachers met her with solemn looks and bulging crotches. One of them had no classes with her, so she did not know what he taught. He took the whip from her and directed her to stand on a small stool, leaning on a desk.  
“Correct answer would have been 9. You can see the nine-inch mark on the toy.”<br>

“You must count the swats. Lucky for you, the correct number is not 21, but 11.”

The first strike across her butt stung. She stood up and held her backside with both hands.
Nine inches? Paige found the line and looked at the thing scared. Teacher Matt had boasted that he had this long dick. She could not imagine what it would look like. But this monster would not fit into her pussy, that was sure. The teacher continued mercilessly:<br>

“Don´t forget to count it out loud. Otherwise, I´ll start again with the first.”

“Your job is to take it inside you all the way to the 9-inch mark.”<br>

“Good. Now get in the position to receive the rest.”

Ten more to go. She stepped very reluctantly on the stool and bent over, gripping an edge of the table as hard as she could. Pain from the first stroke was getting worse as shock wore off. She feared the next one so bad. She wanted to turn and look, but did not dare do it. When the whip finally came down, she gritted her teeth and tried to endure. If they would just get on with it, maybe she could take it. As if answering her wish, another swat did come quickly.
Paige examined the dildo. Something about it excited her, but mostly she was afraid. Biology teacher Rogers couched a little.<br>

“Remember to count them.”

“You may use lubricant from that pump bottle. And remember, it doesn´t necessarily have to be your vagina.<br>

“No, last one you called out was one. What comes after one?”

Did he suggest she should take it in her butt? She took a little drop of lube and rubbed it against her fingers. It was very slippery. What should she do? Three inches had torn and filled her pussy. This was so much more. And there was no way she could fit it into her ass. But the headmaster had told her she was a natural cocksucker. His six inches had been in her throat, maybe she could take three more?<br>

Just like that he had added one more to her punishment. Unfair. Before she had time to protest, another swat hit her butt. It really hurt. Through gritted teeth she whispered: “Three”, then slid down to the floor and crouched under the table.
Paige licked the lube from her finger. It tasted sour. She stood firmly and looked up, pretending to be a sword-swallower. Then she started stuffing the plastic pole into her throat. She could feel the need to gag but forced the thing deeper. It hurt in her throat, and she could not breathe. She got it to go a little more, then she knew she would fail. She tried to pull it out, but it was stuck, and her hands were slippery. Panicking, she started to move around. As her vision darkened and all she could hear was her own heartbeat, she felt hands on her. She dashed frantically away, collided with a table, tripped, and was unconscious before she hit the floor.<br>

“Come on, girl, get up. Only eight left.”

Paige did not answer. Curled into a shaking ball under the table, she suddenly felt hands on her as she was lifted and held on the table. Now her feet did not touch the floor, they just hung down and tried to run in the air as another whiplash met her skin. Held down by two teachers, she could not move her upper body at all. The headmaster bent closer to her ear.

“Remember the count.
Paige came to lying on her right side on the floor. First, she thought that she awoke from a weird dream, then the hard surface convinced her that she was not in her bed. It was nice and cool on her sweaty skin, though. Something soft was placed as a pillow under her head. Warm hands were stroking her neck. She opened her eyes and saw teacher Rogers smiling at her.<br>

As soon as she got the number out of her mouth, the whip hit her again. Spanking continued with even pace. After eighth swat, she felt her bladder let out a hot stream that ran down her legs. She tried desperately to hold it while the whipping went on. When the teacher heard something resembling “ten” from Paige´s sobbing, he put the whip down on the table. A little nauseated, she looked at the evil thing in front of her face as the man´s hands examined her butt. His breathing had become heavy, and he dropped down to press his cheek to the schoolgirl´s battered buttock. Paige´s muscles tensed under the hold of the three men. He could surely smell her urine. Now his finger found her butt hole, rubbing her sphincter, worming inside. She felt so dirty. The teacher´s words were hard to hear, he talked softly to her backside.

“Ok, little girl. One more, and then we are done.”
“You got us scared there, Paige.”<br>

Paige thought she smelled her own excrement on his hand as he picked up the whip. He made its tail travel down on her spine. It was pressed between her buttocks, moving in her crack like a snake and moistening with her piss and sweat. When it left her flesh, she started to shiver. She heard the teacher move behind her to prepare for the final blow, clothes rustling and deep breathing. After an agonizing wait there was a shrill sound of the whip cutting through air and a crack like a gunshot as it hit her skin. This one stung more than all before it had together. Paige´s eyes watered and her breathing stopped as pain from her butt filled her consciousness. When the stinging turned into intolerable ache, she let out a long wail. His hands were on her buttocks again, rubbing some warm goo into the bruised skin. Kissing the start of her butt crack, he finally moved away from her. The other teachers helped her back on her feet.

“I know it´s difficult, but it is best to stand up and walk right now.
She tried to answer, but it hurt her throat. Biology teacher moved to brushing her shoulders and teacher Matt crouched next to her. He had no shirt on, that must have been what she had under her cheek. There was an ice cream pin in his hand.<br>

The whip was on the floor. Paige did not want to see it ever again. The teacher was buttoning his trousers. On her awkward way back to teacher Matt, Paige wondered why he had had them off.

“Here, try this. It should ease your throat.”<br>

Ice cream tasted heavenly in her mouth, and maybe it really numbed the pain in her throat. The cute teacher feeding it to her and stroking her hair gently made her sigh contently. She enjoyed being a little girl, pampered by the big people around her. There were hands caressing her thighs also, moving to her butt. They spread her buttocks apart and something hard was pressed against her butt hole. She tried to move away, but teacher Roger´s hands kept her legs in place and teacher Matt hugged her tight so that she couldn´t move. The hard object forced its way into her butt, making her hole feel big enough to fit a soda can. She remembered the big dildo and the mark nine inches from the tip. She shivered in fear, but as the thing got inside her rectum, her muscles relaxed. She felt full, but not in pain, so she decided to just let it happen. Fullness inside increased but she concentrated on the taste of ice cream in her mouth. Then somewhere deep in her bowels a movement made her grimace. The teacher behind her stopped, twisted the thing inside her this way and that and tried to push it again. It hurt. Paige spit the ice cream from her mouth and looked pleadingly at teacher Matt. He bent to kiss her cheek. The other teacher massaged her back and forced the rod deeper. Paige´s insides moved very uncomfortably, then the feeling of being full became overwhelming. She felt like she was skewered and imagined the bitter taste of lubricant in the back of her mouth. And still that man pushed the thing deeper inside her tummy. She was certain she would burst into shreds when he finally stopped.<br>


“Nine inches deep. Good girl.”<br>

Teacher Matt made her practice more calculation order. The pain in her butt motivated Paige to pay thorough attention to the questions.

15 – 4 x 3? 3
The teacher´s hoarse whisper made the others let go of her. Still she couldn´t move. With that big thing inside her, she did not dare. The teacher straightened her feet just a little and slid his hand against her belly. Even that felt like new pressure inside her. He took her left hand and brought it to her tummy. First, he moved their palms lightly on her belly, making her feel the hardness under the skin. Then he started rubbing more firmly, making the muscles in her stomach contract strangely around the foreign object. Something was pressed against her lower back, and soon she felt a warm wetness there. The teacher spread the wet stuff all around her buttocks, then pulled the rod slowly out of her. It was a strange feeling, like everything inside her moved to fill the space left by the intruder. When it finally slipped out of her butt, it was simultaneously painful and relieving. Paige felt all the power drain away from her muscles, and she collapsed on the floor. Teacher Matt picked her up and carried her back to the other side of the classroom.<br>
5 x (3 + 2)? 25
(4 + 3) + 9 / 3? 10

“Very good! Now, I have printed the next questions, because they are text. Look here.”
He attached a paper to the cabinet.

“Mary has a box of 20 chocolates. She eats 2, then divides the rest evenly with her friend Lisa. How many chocolates does Mary get?”

Paige hated this kind of questions. She read it again. So, there are 18 chocolates left after Mary, the greedy bitch, has eaten two. Options were 9, 10 and 11. Paige opened door 9. There were three little plastic bags inside. Matt came to the locker with her.

“These all taste different. You get to choose one. Do you like banana, strawberry or chocolate?”
“I think I like strawberry best. But how can my answer be wrong? 18 divided by two is nine.”
<big>FINAL EXAM</big><br>
“That´s what the other girl gets. Mary ate two more.”

Paige took the red plastic baggie and walked to the other side. What could it be? Strawberry flavor… maybe it was candy or chewing gum. Although so far, her visits behind the bookshelf had been much more unpleasant than eating candy. The headmaster sat in a teacher´s chair and beckoned her closer. He had no pants on, and his penis pointed straight up from his groin. Suddenly Paige knew what she had in her hand.

“Rip it open and give it to me.
Carried by the teacher, pressed against his naked upper body, Paige felt safe. They had put her through pain and humiliation, and now she emerged on the other side of it all. Beyond helpless, beyond dirty, she belonged in these strong arms now. She put her hand on teacher Matt´s chest and felt his steady heartbeat. He sat on his chair and kept her on his lap. Her butt still hurt, but spreading her legs over his, she got it to not touch anything.<br>

There was a little gap in the plastic that made it easy to open. It smelled a lot like a bag of fruity candy. Inside there was a soft rubbery thing, a little like some fidget toy. The teacher took it from her and covered the tip of his penis with it.
He let her rest a while. Then he picked one more card from the table.<br>

“Look closer, Paige. See how it rolls open? Now your job is to open it all the way – with your lips.”

Paige crouched between principal´s feet. The purple tip of his dick was now covered with rubber. She enveloped it with her mouth. The taste and smell of strawberry flavoring filled her senses. She probed it with her tongue and found the thicker roll of rubber. She heard the teacher draw a sharp breath and looked up to see if she had hurt him. He looked down at her with a funny expression and red cheeks. Paige could bend the organ down so she could look at the man as she started pushing the rubber down with her lips. She had to press against it pretty hard, and sometimes her lips slipped over it to his skin. Bopping up and down on the shaft she got the condom to move quite good. Look on the teacher´s face changed with her movements, and soon she had to look away in order not to laugh. There was more of the condom than she had anticipated, and eventually her mouth was full of teacher´s cock. She tried puckering her lips as far as she could and kept pushing it. Suddenly the teacher´s hands were behind her head and pulled her toward his groin. Tip of his dick entered her throat and she felt like gagging until she was pulled back away. As she was pulled against him again, she pressed her lips as tight as she could. The rubber roll moved some more, and the teacher grunted happily. It was not pleasant to have stuff rammed into her throat but concentrating on the job and the teachers funny face, it was ok. Soon she felt the man´s hairy groin on her lips. She decided to do all the things that got the biggest reactions out of the man. She pressed his shaft with her tongue when he was in her throat, and licked the tip hard when it was in her mouth. The man started panting and pulled his meat out of her mouth.
“You have done very well, Paige. Here is the final question. Read it carefully.”<br>

“My god, girl, you are a natural cocksucker.
“Mary has 5 dollars, Lisa 2. Chocolate bars cost one dollar each. A bag of 9 costs 6 dollars. How many chocolate bars can each girl get with that money?<br>

He ripped the condom off and jerked his dick in front of the girl, shooting his cum on her chest. He rubbed his glans on her tits as more jets of sperm squirted out of it. He leaned forward to spread the stuff all over her chest and belly, then fell back to the chair and closed his eyes.
Not about teacher Matt´s dick this time. Paige was a little disappointed. It seemed tricky, different amounts of money and prices. That Mary sure liked chocolate. Now, neither of them can afford a bag, so wouldn´t 5 bars for Mary and 2 for Lisa be correct answer?<br>

“Go back to your teacher.”
Matt had already written the options:<br>
M:7 M:6 M:8<br>
L:3 L:3 L:2<br>

Paige looked at the exhausted old man, nodded and got up. This one had not been so bad after all, but now she smelled weird from the stuff all over her front. Teacher Matt had the chocolate question still up.
Paige sighed. It was not going to be even split either. She read it again, not getting any closer to solution. Her hand wandered between her legs as she stared at the question. The teacher looked at it moving for a while, then picked a pen.<br>

“Ok, Paige. First, you need to read the question carefully. Then write it as an equation.
“Here. Why don´t you start with how much candy they can buy?<br>

He wrote 2 + (20 – 2) / 2

“So 20 – 2 is 18.
Paige took the pen. There were earlier scribblings on one of her legs, she crossed them over and wrote to the other: “5 + 2 = 7”. So. One bag for 6 dollars and one more. “9 + 1 = 10 bars” She checked the answer options, still two to choose from. How can they divide the chocolate? Paige thought hard. Matt watched the end of the pen sliding between the girl´s labia.<br>

2 + 18 / 2

“And then we do the division before adding them together.
“Can you choose an answer?<br>

2 + 9

“There. The answer is 11.
His voice startled Paige. She realized that she was scratching her itching pussy with the pen and picked it quickly up. Looking up at the teacher, she got a reassuring smile. Something was getting harder against her lower back. She had a pretty good idea about what it was. But what about those girls and their candy? She wrote on her belly: “Mary: $4, Lisa: $2” and thought for a long time. Her hand found its way back between her legs. She turned back to the teacher.<br>

“Yes, I can do it once it is written in numbers.”

“You can write on your skin with a marker like this. It comes off with water.”
“Mary should get twice as much as Lisa. Plus one more for the dollar she has left. So, 7 bars for Mary, 3 for Lisa?<br>

The next printed question was handed to her. It made her blush and giggle.

“Principal Jones´s penis is 6 inches long. Matt the math teacher has that, and then half of it more. How much more cock would a pretty girl get inside her with Matt?”
He hugged her.<br>

Half of six is three, so Matt´s thing should be nine inches long. To be sure, she wrote the equation on her arm.

6 + 6 / 2
“That´s fantastic, Paige. This is in fact a question for higher class levels, but there is a catch. It depends on how they divide the price of the bag. Both answers with total of ten chocolate bars are correct.”<br>
6 + 3 = 9

Paige snuck a look at his crotch, then saw him grinning at her and turned back to the question. The answer options were 3, 9 and 12. Now she knew that Matt had a 9-inch cock, but was that the answer to the question? How much more… Triumphantly she opened the door 3. It was empty. She lifted her fist in the air and cried:

“Yes! And you tried to trick me with your big dick.
The way she was held kept her arm pinned under his, and she could not move her hand from her crotch. It was in fact pressed harder against her pussy. She could feel how warm and moist it was, kind of throbbing against the skin of her palm. When he released her from his grip, she jumped off, feeling a little self-conscious. She went and opened the cabinet door with her answer. To her surprise, inside there was the same sex toy that she had gotten for her first wrong answer.<br>

“Very good. Always read the question carefully. Here´s another.”

“Girls usually squeal with pleasure after 10 minutes with teacher Matt. How many pretty girls can he pleasure in two school classes?”
“Hey, what´s this? Didn´t you say I had it right?”<br>

She had to choose between 9, 12 and 20. First Paige thought 20, but she knew now that these questions had to be thought through. So, 10 minutes with a girl. She wondered, how he would spend that time with her. She had to rub an itch between her legs before she could continue. Right. There is 60 minutes in an hour, that´s 6 girls, so 20 is out of the question. She took the pen. Previous equations were already on her left arm, so she sat down and wrote on her thigh. She could feel her spanked skin, but sitting did not hurt too much.

60 / 10 x 2
Biology teacher Rogers walked to her from the other side of the classroom.<br>
6 x 2 = 12

Behind number 12 there was another plastic rod. It was not as thick as the first one, but longer. Paige could not see a line near the tapered end this time. She turned to the teacher.

“I can´t understand. Where did I go wrong?
“Your answer was correct. We think that this time you can appreciate the device as a prize for all your hard work.”<br>

“Our classes are 45 minutes long. Then there is a 15-minute recess, then 45 minutes again. So, the teacher would have only 90 minutes with the pretty girls.”

“I think someone just wants to use this on me, and you are in on it.
She studied the apparatus. Now that she knew what it was, had even experienced it inside her body, just holding it made her pussy itch with expectation. Teacher Matt rose up from his chair and beckoned her toward it. They wanted to see her do it, play with herself. She could just leave now, maybe take the thing with her for private use. But that´s what the Paige before the supplementary class would have done. The new her would not postpone the gratification. She wanted it here, now, and having these men present wouldn´t stop her.<br>

There were only two teachers now, principal Jones had left. The one whose name she did not know sat in his chair.

“Correct answer would have been 9. You can see the nine-inch mark on the toy.
“How do I turn it on?<br>

Nine inches? Paige found the line and looked at the thing scared. Teacher Matt had boasted that he had this long dick. She could not imagine what it would look like. But this monster would not fit into her pussy, that was sure. The teacher continued mercilessly:
“You just twist the end here.”<br>

“Your job is to take it inside you all the way to the 9-inch mark.”

Paige examined the dildo. Something about it excited her, but mostly she was afraid. Biology teacher Rogers couched a little.
Teacher Rogers showed her the control and the familiar buzzing filled the room.<br>

“You may use lubricant from that pump bottle. And remember, it doesn´t necessarily have to be your vagina.”

Did he suggest she should take it in her butt? She took a little drop of lube and rubbed it against her fingers. It was very slippery. What should she do? Three inches had torn and filled her pussy. This was so much more. And there was no way she could fit it into her ass. But the headmaster had told her she was a natural cocksucker. His six inches had been in her throat, maybe she could take three more?
“It might be too noisy to use at home, unless you have made a habit of playing loud music behind a locked door.”<br>

Paige licked the lube from her finger. It tasted sour. She stood firmly and looked up, pretending to be a sword-swallower. Then she started stuffing the plastic pole into her throat. She could feel the need to gag but forced the thing deeper. It hurt in her throat, and she could not breathe. She got it to go a little more, then she knew she would fail. She tried to pull it out, but it was stuck, and her hands were slippery. Panicking, she started to move around. As her vision darkened and all she could hear was her own heartbeat, she felt hands on her. She dashed frantically away, collided with a table, tripped, and was unconscious before she hit the floor.

Paige came to lying on her right side on the floor. First, she thought that she awoke from a weird dream, then the hard surface convinced her that she was not in her bed. It was nice and cool on her sweaty skin, though. Something soft was placed as a pillow under her head. Warm hands were stroking her neck. She opened her eyes and saw teacher Rogers smiling at her.
Paige sat on the teacher´s chair and lifted her legs over the hand rests. The men looked intently as she slowly pressed the vibrating end against her clitoris. She remembered the tingling sensation from before, but now it was more sudden and intense. A shivering shockwave spread instantly up her spine and down her legs. Her tummy and chest burned with strange heat swelling in her lower belly. As the feeling rapidly intensified, she got a little worried. How long could she endure this sensory overload? Her pussy had become the center of her being, and almost oblivious of her conscious self, only vaguely aware of her hands, she lifted the thing away from her body. She caught her breath for a while and her mind returned to reality. The teachers stared at her, but it was difficult to decipher their expressions. There was warm fluid running from deep inside her pussy, flowing down her butt crack and pooling on the chair around her buttocks. The toy buzzed in her hand, she could feel its vibrations. Disappointed at herself for losing her nerve and breaking off the experience, she offered the apparatus to the men around her.<br>

“You got us scared there, Paige.”

She tried to answer, but it hurt her throat. Biology teacher moved to brushing her shoulders and teacher Matt crouched next to her. He had no shirt on, that must have been what she had under her cheek. There was an ice cream pin in his hand.
“I want to feel it vibrating… inside.”<br>

“Here, try this. It should ease your throat.”

The ice cream tasted heavenly in her mouth, and maybe it really numbed the pain in her throat. The cute teacher feeding it to her and stroking her hair gently made her sigh contently. She enjoyed being a little girl, pampered by the big people around her. There were hands caressing her thighs also, moving to her butt. They spread her buttocks apart and something hard was pressed against her butt hole. She tried to move away, but teacher Roger´s hands kept her legs in place and teacher Matt hugged her tight so that she couldn´t move. The hard object forced its way into her butt, making her hole feel big enough to fit a soda can. She remembered the big dildo and the mark nine inches from the tip. She shivered in fear, but as the thing got inside her rectum, her muscles relaxed. She felt full, but not in pain, so she decided to just let it happen. Fullness inside increased but she concentrated on the taste of ice cream in her mouth. Then somewhere deep in her bowels a movement made her grimace. The teacher behind her stopped, twisted the thing inside her this way and that and tried to push it again. It hurt. Paige spit the ice cream from her mouth and looked pleadingly at teacher Matt. He bent to kiss her cheek. The other teacher massaged her back and forced the rod deeper. Paige´s insides moved very uncomfortably, then the feeling of being full became overwhelming. She felt like she was skewered and imagined the bitter taste of lubricant in the back of her mouth. And still that man pushed the thing deeper inside her tummy. She was certain she would burst into shreds when he finally stopped.
Biology teacher Rogers took it. They both knew it also meant that he would not take it off her even if she wanted. He pressed the tip of the device between her swollen labia. Her stomach squirmed like during freefall on a rollercoaster. The thing forced her opening wide. The tone of its buzzing changed as it was muffled by her flesh. It manipulated nerve endings that she had not been aware of before, but which clearly needed to be touched. It was very gratifying, she would like to have the thing in there forever, but it did not bring back the rising heat she had felt before. Teacher Matt put his hand on her belly and started moving it down. When his finger slid lightly over her clit, it caused her lower body to spasm, and she let out a whimper. The teacher groaned and dove face first between her legs. His lips enveloped the top of her pussy and his tongue lapped her clitoris. The tingles charged her nerve ends again, she could feel it in her nipples, in her buttocks, in her toes. The warm pressure inside reached new heights. She did not know what would happen, if she would piss into her math teacher´s mouth, or if she would explode all over the classroom, she did not care. There was a border that she was nearing, and she needed to step over it. And then the vibrating toy was abruptly pulled away from her.<br>

“Nine inches deep. Good girl.”

The teacher´s hoarse whisper made the others let go of her. Still she couldn´t move. With that big thing inside her, she did not dare. The teacher straightened her feet just a little and slid his hand against her belly. Even that felt like new pressure inside her. He took her left hand and brought it to her tummy. First, he moved their palms lightly on her belly, making her feel the hardness under the skin. Then he started rubbing more firmly, making the muscles in her stomach contract strangely around the foreign object. Something was pressed against her lower back, and soon she felt a warm wetness there. The teacher spread the wet stuff all around her buttocks, then pulled the rod slowly out of her. It was a strange feeling, like everything inside her moved to fill the space left by the intruder. When it finally slipped out of her butt, it was simultaneously painful and relieving. Paige felt all the power drain away from her muscles, and she collapsed on the floor. Teacher Matt picked her up and carried her back to the other side of the classroom.
“Matt! We had an agreement that only safe sex is allowed.”<br>

Mathematics teacher´s face rose from between the schoolgirl´s legs. He did not answer, just kept glancing greedily at the moist little vulva and licking his lips. Annoyed, teacher Rogers turned the vibrator off.<br>


Carried by the teacher, pressed against his naked upper body, Paige felt safe. They had put her through pain and humiliation, and now she emerged on the other side of it all. Beyond helpless, beyond dirty, she belonged in these strong arms now. She put her hand on teacher Matt´s chest and felt his steady heartbeat. He sat on his chair and kept her on his lap. Her butt still hurt, but spreading her legs over his, she got it to not touch anything.
“The rule is there for good reasons. We all agreed to it.”<br>

He let her rest a while. Then he picked one more card from the table.

“You have done very well, Paige. Here is the final question. Read it carefully.”
Teacher Matt looked at him and sighed deep. The men stared at each other, leaving Paige grinding her teeth with frustration.<br>

“Mary has 5 dollars, Lisa 2. Chocolate bars cost one dollar each. A bag of 9 costs 6 dollars. How many chocolate bars can each girl get with that money?”

Not about teacher Matt´s dick this time. Paige was a little disappointed. It seemed tricky, different amounts of money and prices. That Mary sure liked chocolate. Now, neither of them can afford a bag, so wouldn´t 5 bars for Mary and 2 for Lisa be correct answer?
“Come on you two! Will you continue with me already.”<br>

Matt had already written the options:
M:7 M:6 M:8
L:3 L:3 L:2

Paige sighed. It was not going to be even split either. She read it again, not getting any closer to solution. Her hand wandered between her legs as she stared at the question. The teacher looked at it moving for a while, then picked a pen.
She was rewarded with the sound of the vibrator returning and digging into her vagina again. There was a click as teacher Rogers dialed the intensity up, and her lower body started convulsing out of her control. Seeing that she was close to peak, Matt sucked her clitoris into his mouth and rubbed the tip of it with his tongue. She was lost in a bliss of spasming muscles and strange new inner workings of her private parts. She could not reckon, how long it lasted, but it left her feeling relaxed and warm. Once more aware of her surroundings, she saw Matt looking into her eyes with affection. Mister Rogers stood by her and pressed the vibrating tip of the sex toy on the underside of his hard penis, moving it slightly until a rope of thick liquid shot out and landed on her chest. He pointed his cock lower and sprayed the rest of his cum all over her belly. He staggered a little, then turned the vibrator off and lowered it on the table next to her.<br>

“Here. Why don´t you start with how much candy they can buy?”

Paige took the pen. There were earlier scribblings on one of her legs, she crossed them over and wrote to the other: “5 + 2 = 7”. So. One bag for 6 dollars and one more. “9 + 1 = 10 bars” She checked the answer options, still two to choose from. How can they divide the chocolate? Paige thought hard. Matt watched the end of the pen sliding between the girl´s labia.
“Right. I´ll leave you two to it then.”<br>

“Can you choose an answer?”

His voice startled Paige. She realized that she was scratching her itching pussy with the pen and picked it quickly up. Looking up at the teacher, she got a reassuring smile. Something was getting harder against her lower back. She had a pretty good idea about what it was. But what about those girls and their candy? She wrote on her belly: “Mary: $4, Lisa: $2” and thought for a long time. Her hand found its way back between her legs. She turned back to the teacher.
The man looked at Matt like he had something to say, then just walked away. Paige looked at him go. She smeared some of the sperm on her tummy with her finger. She smelled it and was just about to taste it when Matt stopped her.<br>

“Mary should get twice as much as Lisa. Plus one more for the dollar she has left. So, 7 bars for Mary, 3 for Lisa?”

He hugged her.
“Don´t. He´s right about safety. We need protection for contact with mouth or other openings.”<br>

“That´s fantastic, Paige. This is in fact a question for higher class levels, but there is a catch. It depends on how they divide the price of the bag. Both answers with total of ten chocolate bars are correct.”

The way she was held kept her arm pinned under his, and she could not move her hand from her crotch. It was in fact pressed harder against her pussy. She could feel how warm and moist it was, kind of throbbing against the skin of her palm. When he released her from his grip, she jumped off, feeling a little self-conscious. She went and opened the cabinet door with her answer. To her surprise, inside there was the same sex toy that she had gotten for her first wrong answer.
He pulled a condom from his desk drawer.<br>

“Hey, what´s this? Didn´t you say I had it right?”

Biology teacher Rogers walked to her from the other side of the classroom.
“This is the one last object for you. It´s completely up to you if you want to use it.”<br>

“Your answer was correct. We think that this time you can appreciate the device as a prize for all your hard work.
“What flavor is it?<br>

She studied the apparatus. Now that she knew what it was, had even experienced it inside her body, just holding it made her pussy itch with expectation. Teacher Matt rose up from his chair and beckoned her toward it. They wanted to see her do it, play with herself. She could just leave now, maybe take the thing with her for private use. But that´s what the Paige before the supplementary class would have done. The new her would not postpone the gratification. She wanted it here, now, and having these men present wouldn´t stop her.
“This one tastes bad. Rubber. It´s not supposed to go in the mouth.”<br>

“How do I turn it on?”

“You just twist the end here.
Paige knew what that meant. She lowered her legs from the arm rests and instinctively pressed them together. Still, a shiver of excitement went through her lower body. The teacher took the water-soluble marker from the table and began to draw a line up from the side of her pubic mound.<br>

Teacher Rogers showed her the control and the familiar buzzing filled the room.

“It might be too noisy to use at home, unless you have made a habit of playing loud music behind a locked door.”
“You can do the math…”<br>

Paige sat on the teacher´s chair and lifted her legs over the hand rests. The men looked intently as she slowly pressed the vibrating end against her clitoris. She remembered the tingling sensation from before, but now it was more sudden and intense. A shivering shockwave spread instantly up her spine and down her legs. Her tummy and chest burned with strange heat swelling in her lower belly. As the feeling rapidly intensified, she got a little worried. How long could she endure this sensory overload? Her pussy had become the center of her being, and almost oblivious of her conscious self, only vaguely aware of her hands, she lifted the thing away from her body. She caught her breath for a while and her mind returned to reality. The teachers stared at her, but it was difficult to decipher their expressions. There was warm fluid running from deep inside her pussy, flowing down her butt crack and pooling on the chair around her buttocks. The toy buzzed in her hand, she could feel its vibrations. Disappointed at herself for losing her nerve and breaking off the experience, she offered the apparatus to the men around her.

“I want to feel it vibrating… inside.
The line extended past her belly button and kept growing, until couple of inches higher it turned around and traveled back to her groin. She looked down at the 9 inches of her body he had marked as his own.<br>

Biology teacher Rogers took it. They both knew it also meant that he would not take it off her even if she wanted. He pressed the tip of the device between her swollen labia. Her stomach squirmed like during freefall on a rollercoaster. The thing forced her opening wide. The tone of its buzzing changed as it was muffled by her flesh. It manipulated nerve endings that she had not been aware of before, but which clearly needed to be touched. It was very gratifying, she would like to have the thing in there forever, but it did not bring back the rising heat she had felt before. Teacher Matt put his hand on her belly and started moving it down. When his finger slid lightly over her clit, it caused her lower body to spasm, and she let out a whimper. The teacher groaned and dove face first between her legs. His lips enveloped the top of her pussy and his tongue lapped her clitoris. The tingles charged her nerve ends again, she could feel it in her nipples, in her buttocks, in her toes. The warm pressure inside reached new heights. She did not know what would happen, if she would piss into her math teacher´s mouth, or if she would explode all over the classroom, she did not care. There was a border that she was nearing, and she needed to step over it. And then the vibrating toy was abruptly pulled away from her.

“Matt! We had an agreement that only safe sex is allowed.
“-But can you do Matt?<br>

Mathematics teacher´s face rose from between the schoolgirl´s legs. He did not answer, just kept glancing greedily at the moist little vulva and licking his lips. Annoyed, teacher Rogers turned the vibrator off.

“The rule is there for good reasons. We all agreed to it.”
She grabbed the condom from him.<br>

Teacher Matt looked at him and sighed deep. The men stared at each other, leaving Paige grinding her teeth with frustration.

“Come on you two! Will you continue with me already.”
“Stop talking, silly man. Show me what you got.”<br>

She was rewarded with the sound of the vibrator returning and digging into her vagina again. There was a click as teacher Rogers dialed the intensity up, and her lower body started convulsing out of her control. Seeing that she was close to peak, Matt sucked her clitoris into his mouth and rubbed the tip of it with his tongue. She was lost in a bliss of spasming muscles and strange new inner workings of her private parts. She could not reckon, how long it lasted, but it left her feeling relaxed and warm. Once more aware of her surroundings, she saw Matt looking into her eyes with affection. Mister Rogers stood by her and pressed the vibrating tip of the sex toy on the underside of his hard penis, moving it slightly until a rope of thick liquid shot out and landed on her chest. He pointed his cock lower and sprayed the rest of his cum all over her belly. He staggered a little, then turned the vibrator off and lowered it on the table next to her.

“Right. I´ll leave you two to it then.
Matt looked down at the girl. Equations written on her skin and the crude drawing he just made. Drying semen all over her and bruises from falling earlier, she had clearly been through a lot. Underneath all that a power radiated that had made him choose her as today´s plaything. She was beautiful, and the challenging smirk on her face made him love her. He dropped his pants, releasing his hardon at last. Looking at it, the girl clearly lost some of her certainty.<br>

The man looked at Matt like he had something to say, then just walked away. Paige looked at him go. She smeared some of the sperm on her tummy with her finger. She smelled it and was just about to taste it when Matt stopped her.

“Don´t. He´s right about safety. We need protection for contact with mouth or other openings.”
“You can still stop this. If it is too big for you, just say it.”<br>

He pulled a condom from his desk drawer.
“Forget it. I won´t give you that pleasure.”<br>

“This is the one last object for you. It´s completely up to you if you want to use it.”
“I will get my pleasure from you all right, Paige. But it will hurt you.”<br>

“What flavor is it?”

“This one tastes bad. Rubber. It´s not supposed to go in the mouth.
He picked the girl up from the chair and placed her sitting on the teacher´s table. He got a tube from a desk drawer, opened it and started spreading its contents around her pussy hole.<br>

Paige knew what that meant. She lowered her legs from the arm rests and instinctively pressed them together. Still, a shiver of excitement went through her lower body. The teacher took the water-soluble marker from the table and began to draw a line up from the side of her pubic mound.

“You can do the math…”
“This lubricant has a numbing effect. It will make it easier for you. I´ll just make sure not to get it on your clitoris.”<br>

The line extended past her belly button and kept growing, until couple of inches higher it turned around and traveled back to her groin. She looked down at the 9 inches of her body he had marked as his own.

“-But can you do Matt?”
He applied a lot of the stuff inside her vagina, then stood up in front of her and pointed at the condom. She opened the wrapping and rolled the rubber carefully on his dick. It was not wider than the principal´s, only much longer. With the condom completely open, there was still more than an inch of bare cock shaft before the hairy base of his crotch. Looming right in front of her face, twitching from time to time, it was scary but intriguing. She cupped his scrotum in her hand and felt it retract close to the impressive organ, now ready to execute its purpose on her. She started to seriously have second thoughts.<br>

She grabbed the condom from him.

“Stop talking, silly man. Show me what you got.
Paige drew breath, but before she could say anything, she was lowered on her back. The teacher spread more numbing lubricant on the condom covering his penis. She saw that the video camera had been turned this way. She knew that there was no one looking at the screen it was connected to, but there was a little red light on top of the lens. Matt grinned at her.<br>

Matt looked down at the girl. Equations written on her skin and the crude drawing he just made. Drying semen all over her and bruises from falling earlier, she had clearly been through a lot. Underneath all that a power radiated that had made him choose her as today´s plaything. She was beautiful, and the challenging smirk on her face made him love her. He dropped his pants, releasing his hardon at last. Looking at it, the girl clearly lost some of her certainty.

“You can still stop this. If it is too big for you, just say it.”
“Yes, Paige. Now you know what I´ll be masturbating to from now on.”<br>

“Forget it. I won´t give you that pleasure.”

“I will get my pleasure from you all right, Paige. But it will hurt you.
She thought it was funny that a handsome man like that would jerk off like a teenager. It made him feel a little more human, less scary. She smiled at the camera and showed a V-sign with her fingers. As his glans spread her labia open, she closed her eyes and grit her teeth. She felt her pussy forced wide open and get filled with warm meat. It did not hurt, the sliding sensation inside her was quite pleasant. Did the numbing lube work this good, or was this because she had been opened earlier? When the movement stopped, she opened her eyes smiling with relief and looked down.<br>

He picked the girl up from the chair and placed her sitting on the teacher´s table. He got a tube from a desk drawer, opened it and started spreading its contents around her pussy hole.
This was barely beginning. There was more than half of Matt´s length still waiting to be pushed inside. He pulled out and inch, then thrust back in. The pleasure of the smooth movement inside her was replaced with discomfort as the point was forced deeper. She got a brief relief as Matt pulled back again, only to bury even more hard cock between her legs. Paige was certain that the insides of her pussy could not stretch any more, until the merciless intruder did just that. Organs inside her lower belly were rearranged to make room for it. She spread her legs as wide as she could and tried in vain to relax in order to accommodate the huge rod of flesh inside her. As Matt pushed one more inch in, she felt something tear. After that, all the movements in her pussy stung painfully. Tears flowing, she had to admit her defeat.<br>

“This lubricant has a numbing effect. It will make it easier for you. I´ll just make sure not to get it on your clitoris.”

He applied a lot of the stuff inside her vagina, then stood up in front of her and pointed at the condom. She opened the wrapping and rolled the rubber carefully on his dick. It was not wider than the principal´s, only much longer. With the condom completely open, there was still more than an inch of bare cock shaft before the hairy base of his crotch. Looming right in front of her face, twitching from time to time, it was scary but intriguing. She cupped his scrotum in her hand and felt it retract close to the impressive organ, now ready to execute its purpose on her. She started to seriously have second thoughts.  
“Please, no more. It´s too big.”<br>

Paige drew breath, but before she could say anything, she was lowered on her back. The teacher spread more numbing lubricant on the condom covering his penis. She saw that the video camera had been turned this way. She knew that there was no one looking at the screen it was connected to, but there was a little red light on top of the lens. Matt grinned at her.

“Yes, Paige. Now you know what I´ll be masturbating to from now on.
The teacher stopped moving. There was still two inches of cock outside the little schoolgirl´s pussy. He moved her legs tight against each other, bending her knees to her chest. The walls of Paige´s vagina pressed now even harder against his penis, but somehow it eased the pressure deep inside her. He continued moving in and out but did not push deeper anymore. His eyes were locked on her pretty face, reacting with grimace to every movement of his hips. As tears swelled on her eyes again, his balls sent the first spasm of climax through his urethra. He used the little extra flexibility he had gained her and pushed his throbbing penis deep into the fragile body until he felt her buttocks on his thighs. He stayed there as long as his ejaculation lasted, then reluctantly gave the poor kid a break and pulled out.<br>

She thought it was funny that a handsome man like that would jerk off like a teenager. It made him feel a little more human, less scary. She smiled at the camera and showed a V-sign with her fingers. As his glans spread her labia open, she closed her eyes and grit her teeth. She felt her pussy forced wide open and get filled with warm meat. It did not hurt, the sliding sensation inside her was quite pleasant. Did the numbing lube work this good, or was this because she had been opened earlier? When the movement stopped, she opened her eyes smiling with relief and looked down.  
Teacher Matt sat down on his chair to regain his strength. He pulled the condom off his dick and enjoyed the early evening air from the open window on his moist genitals. He was at perfect height to admire the naked little girl on his desk, slowly recovering from her ordeal. As she sat up, clutching her sore pussy with her hand, he offered her a pill and a water bottle from his desk drawer.<br>

This was barely beginning. There was more than half of Matt´s length still waiting to be pushed inside. He pulled out and inch, then thrust back in. The pleasure of the smooth movement inside her was replaced with discomfort as the point was forced deeper. She got a brief relief as Matt pulled back again, only to bury even more hard cock between her legs. Paige was certain that the insides of her pussy could not stretch any more, until the merciless intruder did just that. Organs inside her lower belly were rearranged to make room for it. She spread her legs as wide as she could and tried in vain to relax in order to accommodate the huge rod of flesh inside her. As Matt pushed one more inch in, she felt something tear. After that, all the movements in her pussy stung painfully. Tears flowing, she had to admit her defeat.

“Please, no more. It´s too big.”
“Here, take this for the pain. I´ll give you one more to take before you go to sleep, and one for the morning. You have mathematics as you fourth class tomorrow, tell me if it still hurts then. Now, we can use the PE hall´s showers, then I´ll drive you home.”<br>

The teacher stopped moving. There was still two inches of cock outside the little schoolgirl´s pussy. He moved her legs tight against each other, bending her knees to her chest. The walls of Paige´s vagina pressed now even harder against his penis, but somehow it eased the pressure deep inside her. He continued moving in and out but did not push deeper anymore. His eyes were locked on her pretty face, reacting with grimace to every movement of his hips. As tears swelled on her eyes again, his balls sent the first spasm of climax through his urethra. He used the little extra flexibility he had gained her and pushed his throbbing penis deep into the fragile body until he felt her buttocks on his thighs. He stayed there as long as his ejaculation lasted, then reluctantly gave the poor kid a break and pulled out.

Teacher Matt sat down on his chair to regain his strength. He pulled the condom off his dick and enjoyed the early evening air from the open window on his moist genitals. He was at perfect height to admire the naked little girl on his desk, slowly recovering from her ordeal. As she sat up, clutching her sore pussy with her hand, he offered her a pill and a water bottle from his desk drawer.
Paige swallowed the pill and kept looking at him. She couldn´t comprehend how he had first been so nice to her, and then hurt her on purpose.<br>

“Here, take this for the pain. I´ll give you one more to take before you go to sleep, and one for the morning. You have mathematics as you fourth class tomorrow, tell me if it still hurts then. Now, we can use the PE hall´s showers, then I´ll drive you home.”

Paige swallowed the pill and kept looking at him. She couldn´t comprehend how he had first been so nice to her, and then hurt her on purpose.
“And by the way, you did well in supplementary class.”<br>

“And by the way, you did well in supplementary class.”

She would make sure to pay attention in school after this. But who knows, the school year would be long, and she had the new toy to practice with. She just might need some more help with mathematics before 4th grade.
She would make sure to pay attention in school after this. But who knows, the school year would be long, and she had the new toy to practice with. She just might need some more help with mathematics before 4th grade.

Revision as of 18:16, 11 May 2024

9-year-old Paige saw the question on the blackboard. Before moving here, the teacher in her previous school had stopped asking multiplications from her, because she knew all the tables by heart. Now her new teacher turned to look straight at her. He was the most handsome teacher she had ever seen. She had joked with her friends about having crushes with the adults in school, but now she genuinely wanted to give a good impression to this cute young man. It felt exciting to hear him call out her name, and she answered as quickly as possible.


“42? ok, anyone else?”

Another girl had a hand up. Paige realized that she was not even close. Feeling her cheeks getting red, she wanted to shout out that the answer was 56, but she had to make sure not to fail again. 8 times 8 is 64, isn´t it? Take 8 away from it… Too late, having gotten the correct answer, the teacher moved on. For the rest of the lesson Paige felt detached, as if she had forgotten everything she had learned since grade one. Eyes at the surface of her desk, she tried to hide behind her sand-colored hair.

She tried to leave quickly after the class. But just as she got up from her desk, the teacher stopped her.

“Paige, can we have a quick word?”

She moved slowly to him as other kids scurried away. The teacher leaned back behind his desk. He had told her his name when they met, it was Matt. Matt the math teacher.

“There is a supplementary class on mathematics this afternoon. Maybe you would like to come?”

“I am really pretty good at math. I was just distracted today.”

“Well, Paige, come and show me what you got then. I can call your parents and drive you home afterwards.”

“Well ok, Matt.”

Paige entered the classroom. Teacher Matt was waiting by his desk. He had rearranged the room, now there was a big book cabinet in the middle, splitting the classroom in half. The shelves were closed behind doors. Next to the bookshelf there was a video camera on a tripod. Matt stood up and started to write numbers on the cabinet doors with a water-soluble marker.

“Welcome, Paige. Now take all your clothes off and look at these numbers.”

“What, take off my clothes, no way!”

“This is how we do supplementary teaching here. Just strip naked and leave your clothes on any desk.”

“You can´t ask me to strip. That´s not appropriate. I will tell the headmaster.”

“Oh, I see. There must be a misunderstanding. Please follow me.”

He took Paige by the hand and led her around the bookshelf. On the other side of the classroom there were three more teachers, one of them the headmaster.

“Principal Jones, Paige here says she can´t strip naked for supplementary class.”

“Oh, come here, Paige, let´s take a look at your file.”

The principal logged in on a computer at the back of the class. Paige looked at the screen as her name and home address came to view. The teacher scrolled down.

“Allergies, none…Religion, protestant… here: Participation in sexual education. Permitted. And the form is appropriately signed by both of your parents. Now, off with your clothes, girl.”

“But, but…”

“We haven´t got all day. Gentlemen, please come and help.”

The other teachers stepped up and took hold of her hands. Principal Jones undid quickly her belt and pulled her pants down. He removed her shoes and got the pants completely off. Folding them expertly, he put them on a desk and returned to remove her panties. As she felt his breath between her legs, Paige thought this must be a nightmare. Thankfully the man did not linger by her private parts but stood up and added the panties to the heap on the desk. He pulled her shirt off her and pointed at the front of the classroom.

“If you please, Paige, your teacher is waiting.”

Paige turned around and saw a big tv next to the bookshelf. On the screen teacher Matt was writing something on the cabinet doors. When she got there, she would be filmed naked and watched by these three men on that screen. Well, they were looking at her now. They saw her butt, which was the only part of herself she thought looked sexy. She did not have any boobs, and her pussy was just a little girl slit, but she had seen the nice round shape of her posterior in a mirror. She hurried to the other side.

Paige did not want teacher Matt to look at her naked. But she didn´t want him to not notice her either. She kept her eyes down but surveyed him from the corner of her eye. He gave the sleek girl an approving nod.

“Good. Let´s start with the basics. You see the addition here: 4 + 3. Correct answer is one of the three numbers that I have written on these doors. Open the one you think is right.”

Paige opened the door with 7 on it. There was nothing behind it.

“Very good, Paige. That is the correct answer.”

“It´s empty.”

“Yes. There is nothing behind the right answer. Now, why don´t we try another?”

It took some time for him to write 5 + 6 and choices 9, 11 and 15. Paige opened door 11, and got nothing for reward again. It seemed that to add to the shame of being forced nude, she was humiliated with kindergarten-level equations. Next one was 7 – 4. Out of choices 3, 9 and 11 she chose 11 again. Behind the door there was a plastic cylinder. It was heavier than she expected when she took it out and looked at the numbers again.

“Oh, it´s a subtraction. Of course, it´s 3.”

She reached for the other door, but the teacher pushed it closed.

“You have already given your answer. Perhaps you´ll learn to pay attention today. Now, take that with you to the other side.”

Paige looked at the plastic object. It tapered to one end to become kind of pointy, but not sharp. The other end was flat. There was a line drawn closer to the pointy end. Maybe it was some kind of accessory from PE class?

She rounded the cabinet. The teachers there seemed agitated. One of them, her biology teacher pointed her to a desk.

“Okay, little girl. Hop on that desk and sit down. Now, the correct answer to the question was 3. You see a mark three inches from the tip of that toy. You must put it inside your pussy all the way to that three inch mark.”

Now she knew what that thing was. She had seen sex toys in porn pictures that circulated in Snapchat. They had been shaped like penises, and what she held in her hand was just a smooth rod, made to be thrusted inside a girl´s body. She dropped it quickly to the table. It started rolling away and dropped down to the floor. As biology teacher picked it up, Paige looked at it with fear.

“I can´t do it. It wouldn´t… I´m just a child”

“Nonsense. Hold her, please.”

The other teachers were suddenly on each side of her and grabbed one arm and leg each. Her knees were forced up, exposing her private parts like never before. She could not tear her eyes off the plastic rod. The length of it on top of the red line seemed awfully big now. The man took some slimy stuff from a pump bottle and spread it on the thing. He pumped some more to his palm and pressed it between Paige´s legs. It burned her delicate skin a little, as his fingers spread her open down there. She had had her own finger inside the slit there, but these big digits forced her nether lips wide apart.

Biology teacher Rogers looked at the panicking little girl. Suppressing a grin, he spread her labia with his fingers and probed her pussy groove with the tip of the dildo. Pressing it against her clitoris, he turned a knob on the other end of the device.

Paige felt her muscles spasm like electrocuted between her legs. She let out a little shriek and her eyes watered. The teacher turned to the pale, hyperventilating girl with the dildo still buzzing in his hand.

“Come on now, little girl. It´s just vibrating. If you have an electric toothbrush home, you have felt the same thing.”

He pressed the rod to her stomach. She looked at it wide eyed, but slowly her panic abated and breathing returned to normal. It felt like it was jumping on her skin, but it was not dangerous after all. Maybe a little ticklish. Buzzing sound echoed in the room, alternating as the device slid to her tits, then back down toward her groin. She tensed her whole body when it touched her pussy again. It made everything tingle down there and had her butt contracting. The tingles traveled up her spine. Her pussy lips seemed swollen, and she felt a new kind of wetness deeper inside. It did not hurt, but the sensation kept growing, and soon she would not be able to take it anymore. Would she pass out then, or maybe it would make her pee?

It was a relief when the teacher turned the thing off. Sudden silence throbbed in her ears, seemed like the teachers held their breaths as the pointy tip travelled down between her legs. Suddenly it started pushing inside her, felt like it tried to split her in half. As her body gave way to the intruder and sharp pain hit her, she screamed out loud. The men held her even tighter, and all she could do was watch as the rod went even deeper inside her, painfully spreading her insides open. The red line disappeared from her view behind her mound, and still she felt it go deeper. Finally the man stopped pushing, patted her lower belly and smiled at her.

“There. All three inches in.”

He pulled it out. It was a big relief to Paige, until she saw that there was some blood on it. Her pussy started immediately to sting, and as she was let go, she pressed her hand against it. Biology teacher examined the tip of the dildo, smelled it, even licked something off it.

“Right. Back you go to your teacher. There´s more lessons awaiting you.”

First it felt like her feet could not carry her. The look Matt gave her as she limped around the bookshelf seemed sympathetic.

“Why don´t you stretch a little, get those joints back in order before we go on.”

Paige tried some stretches she remembered from PE classes. It got her body feeling better, but she was acutely aware of the camera pointed at her. Matt opened a window.

“Take some fresh air, it´s nice and warm out there.”

Paige went closer to the window. She did not want to be seen by outsiders; on the other hand, the camera was not pointed that way. They were on second floor and the window did not go very low. She leaned on the windowsill, covering her naked chest with her arms. Thankfully she saw nobody outside. She did not know, what these men had in store for her, but she had survived this far and now it was nice to relax here in the sun. It was all quiet. She turned to look at teacher Matt. He sat on his desk and grinned at her.

“I like to look at you there.”

Paige could feel his stare on her butt. She would have to turn away, but it did not need to be fast. As his admiration warmed her, it did also make her feel all the more self-aware. When it got too much for her, she turned to the numbers written on chipboard.

5 x 6.

“As you see, we´ll move to multiplications now.”

It was easy. 30. But after her recent experience, she took the time to make sure before opening the cabinet door. More multiplications followed, and the cabinets remained empty.

“Very good, Paige. Try some divisions then.”

24 / 8? 3. It was a little slower, but she got the divisions right, too.

“Ok. Let´s move to the subject we had today. You remember the calculation order? Multiplications and divisions before adding or subtracting. Like here.”

2 x 3 + 4

“You get a different answer if you do the summation first.”

Paige could not remember hearing about this. She had been totally distracted at class today. But 2 times 3 is 6, so…

“Is it 10?”

“Yes. But if we put the summation in brackets so it comes first –“

2 x(3 + 4)

“I add them first? three and four is seven – oh, now it is 14.”

“Good. Now, let me write one on the doors.”

5 + 2 x 3

Still she couldn´t quite grab the point of this. The options were 11, 21 and 30. There were no brackets, so she counted seven times three and hoped for an empty cabinet. This time she recognized the object behind door number 21. It was a whip. She really did not want to, but picked it up and stared at the numbers. Teacher´s voice was compassionate.

“Yes. Multiplication before summation.”

Paige looked at him pleadingly. He just pointed around the bookshelf. The other teachers met her with solemn looks and bulging crotches. One of them had no classes with her, so she did not know what he taught. He took the whip from her and directed her to stand on a small stool, leaning on a desk.

“You must count the swats. Lucky for you, the correct number is not 21, but 11.”

The first strike across her butt stung. She stood up and held her backside with both hands.

“Don´t forget to count it out loud. Otherwise, I´ll start again with the first.”


“Good. Now get in the position to receive the rest.”

Ten more to go. She stepped very reluctantly on the stool and bent over, gripping an edge of the table as hard as she could. Pain from the first stroke was getting worse as shock wore off. She feared the next one so bad. She wanted to turn and look, but did not dare do it. When the whip finally came down, she gritted her teeth and tried to endure. If they would just get on with it, maybe she could take it. As if answering her wish, another swat did come quickly.

“Remember to count them.”


“No, last one you called out was one. What comes after one?”


Just like that he had added one more to her punishment. Unfair. Before she had time to protest, another swat hit her butt. It really hurt. Through gritted teeth she whispered: “Three”, then slid down to the floor and crouched under the table.

“Come on, girl, get up. Only eight left.”

Paige did not answer. Curled into a shaking ball under the table, she suddenly felt hands on her as she was lifted and held on the table. Now her feet did not touch the floor, they just hung down and tried to run in the air as another whiplash met her skin. Held down by two teachers, she could not move her upper body at all. The headmaster bent closer to her ear.

“Remember the count.”


As soon as she got the number out of her mouth, the whip hit her again. Spanking continued with even pace. After eighth swat, she felt her bladder let out a hot stream that ran down her legs. She tried desperately to hold it while the whipping went on. When the teacher heard something resembling “ten” from Paige´s sobbing, he put the whip down on the table. A little nauseated, she looked at the evil thing in front of her face as the man´s hands examined her butt. His breathing had become heavy, and he dropped down to press his cheek to the schoolgirl´s battered buttock. Paige´s muscles tensed under the hold of the three men. He could surely smell her urine. Now his finger found her butt hole, rubbing her sphincter, worming inside. She felt so dirty. The teacher´s words were hard to hear, he talked softly to her backside.

“Ok, little girl. One more, and then we are done.”

Paige thought she smelled her own excrement on his hand as he picked up the whip. He made its tail travel down on her spine. It was pressed between her buttocks, moving in her crack like a snake and moistening with her piss and sweat. When it left her flesh, she started to shiver. She heard the teacher move behind her to prepare for the final blow, clothes rustling and deep breathing. After an agonizing wait there was a shrill sound of the whip cutting through air and a crack like a gunshot as it hit her skin. This one stung more than all before it had together. Paige´s eyes watered and her breathing stopped as pain from her butt filled her consciousness. When the stinging turned into intolerable ache, she let out a long wail. His hands were on her buttocks again, rubbing some warm goo into the bruised skin. Kissing the start of her butt crack, he finally moved away from her. The other teachers helped her back on her feet.

“I know it´s difficult, but it is best to stand up and walk right now.”

The whip was on the floor. Paige did not want to see it ever again. The teacher was buttoning his trousers. On her awkward way back to teacher Matt, Paige wondered why he had had them off.


Teacher Matt made her practice more calculation order. The pain in her butt motivated Paige to pay thorough attention to the questions.

15 – 4 x 3? 3
5 x (3 + 2)? 25
(4 + 3) + 9 / 3? 10

“Very good! Now, I have printed the next questions, because they are text. Look here.”

He attached a paper to the cabinet.

“Mary has a box of 20 chocolates. She eats 2, then divides the rest evenly with her friend Lisa. How many chocolates does Mary get?”

Paige hated this kind of questions. She read it again. So, there are 18 chocolates left after Mary, the greedy bitch, has eaten two. Options were 9, 10 and 11. Paige opened door 9. There were three little plastic bags inside. Matt came to the locker with her.

“These all taste different. You get to choose one. Do you like banana, strawberry or chocolate?”

“I think I like strawberry best. But how can my answer be wrong? 18 divided by two is nine.”

“That´s what the other girl gets. Mary ate two more.”

Paige took the red plastic baggie and walked to the other side. What could it be? Strawberry flavor… maybe it was candy or chewing gum. Although so far, her visits behind the bookshelf had been much more unpleasant than eating candy. The headmaster sat in a teacher´s chair and beckoned her closer. He had no pants on, and his penis pointed straight up from his groin. Suddenly Paige knew what she had in her hand.

“Rip it open and give it to me.”

There was a little gap in the plastic that made it easy to open. It smelled a lot like a bag of fruity candy. Inside there was a soft rubbery thing, a little like some fidget toy. The teacher took it from her and covered the tip of his penis with it.

“Look closer, Paige. See how it rolls open? Now your job is to open it all the way – with your lips.”

Paige crouched between principal´s feet. The purple tip of his dick was now covered with rubber. She enveloped it with her mouth. The taste and smell of strawberry flavoring filled her senses. She probed it with her tongue and found the thicker roll of rubber. She heard the teacher draw a sharp breath and looked up to see if she had hurt him. He looked down at her with a funny expression and red cheeks. Paige could bend the organ down so she could look at the man as she started pushing the rubber down with her lips. She had to press against it pretty hard, and sometimes her lips slipped over it to his skin. Bopping up and down on the shaft she got the condom to move quite good. Look on the teacher´s face changed with her movements, and soon she had to look away in order not to laugh. There was more of the condom than she had anticipated, and eventually her mouth was full of teacher´s cock. She tried puckering her lips as far as she could and kept pushing it. Suddenly the teacher´s hands were behind her head and pulled her toward his groin. Tip of his dick entered her throat and she felt like gagging until she was pulled back away. As she was pulled against him again, she pressed her lips as tight as she could. The rubber roll moved some more, and the teacher grunted happily. It was not pleasant to have stuff rammed into her throat but concentrating on the job and the teachers funny face, it was ok. Soon she felt the man´s hairy groin on her lips. She decided to do all the things that got the biggest reactions out of the man. She pressed his shaft with her tongue when he was in her throat, and licked the tip hard when it was in her mouth. The man started panting and pulled his meat out of her mouth.

“My god, girl, you are a natural cocksucker.”

He ripped the condom off and jerked his dick in front of the girl, shooting his cum on her chest. He rubbed his glans on her tits as more jets of sperm squirted out of it. He leaned forward to spread the stuff all over her chest and belly, then fell back to the chair and closed his eyes.

“Go back to your teacher.”

Paige looked at the exhausted old man, nodded and got up. This one had not been so bad after all, but now she smelled weird from the stuff all over her front. Teacher Matt had the chocolate question still up.

“Ok, Paige. First, you need to read the question carefully. Then write it as an equation.”

He wrote 2 + (20 – 2) / 2

“So 20 – 2 is 18.”

2 + 18 / 2

“And then we do the division before adding them together.”

2 + 9

“There. The answer is 11.”

“Yes, I can do it once it is written in numbers.”

“You can write on your skin with a marker like this. It comes off with water.”

The next printed question was handed to her. It made her blush and giggle.

“Principal Jones´s penis is 6 inches long. Matt the math teacher has that, and then half of it more. How much more cock would a pretty girl get inside her with Matt?”

Half of six is three, so Matt´s thing should be nine inches long. To be sure, she wrote the equation on her arm.

6 + 6 / 2
6 + 3 = 9

Paige snuck a look at his crotch, then saw him grinning at her and turned back to the question. The answer options were 3, 9 and 12. Now she knew that Matt had a 9-inch cock, but was that the answer to the question? How much more… Triumphantly she opened the door 3. It was empty. She lifted her fist in the air and cried:

“Yes! And you tried to trick me with your big dick.”

“Very good. Always read the question carefully. Here´s another.”

“Girls usually squeal with pleasure after 10 minutes with teacher Matt. How many pretty girls can he pleasure in two school classes?”

She had to choose between 9, 12 and 20. First Paige thought 20, but she knew now that these questions had to be thought through. So, 10 minutes with a girl. She wondered, how he would spend that time with her. She had to rub an itch between her legs before she could continue. Right. There is 60 minutes in an hour, that´s 6 girls, so 20 is out of the question. She took the pen. Previous equations were already on her left arm, so she sat down and wrote on her thigh. She could feel her spanked skin, but sitting did not hurt too much.

60 / 10 x 2
6 x 2 = 12

Behind number 12 there was another plastic rod. It was not as thick as the first one, but longer. Paige could not see a line near the tapered end this time. She turned to the teacher.

“I can´t understand. Where did I go wrong?”

“Our classes are 45 minutes long. Then there is a 15-minute recess, then 45 minutes again. So, the teacher would have only 90 minutes with the pretty girls.”

“I think someone just wants to use this on me, and you are in on it.”

There were only two teachers now, principal Jones had left. The one whose name she did not know sat in his chair.

“Correct answer would have been 9. You can see the nine-inch mark on the toy.”

Nine inches? Paige found the line and looked at the thing scared. Teacher Matt had boasted that he had this long dick. She could not imagine what it would look like. But this monster would not fit into her pussy, that was sure. The teacher continued mercilessly:

“Your job is to take it inside you all the way to the 9-inch mark.”

Paige examined the dildo. Something about it excited her, but mostly she was afraid. Biology teacher Rogers couched a little.

“You may use lubricant from that pump bottle. And remember, it doesn´t necessarily have to be your vagina.”

Did he suggest she should take it in her butt? She took a little drop of lube and rubbed it against her fingers. It was very slippery. What should she do? Three inches had torn and filled her pussy. This was so much more. And there was no way she could fit it into her ass. But the headmaster had told her she was a natural cocksucker. His six inches had been in her throat, maybe she could take three more?

Paige licked the lube from her finger. It tasted sour. She stood firmly and looked up, pretending to be a sword-swallower. Then she started stuffing the plastic pole into her throat. She could feel the need to gag but forced the thing deeper. It hurt in her throat, and she could not breathe. She got it to go a little more, then she knew she would fail. She tried to pull it out, but it was stuck, and her hands were slippery. Panicking, she started to move around. As her vision darkened and all she could hear was her own heartbeat, she felt hands on her. She dashed frantically away, collided with a table, tripped, and was unconscious before she hit the floor.

Paige came to lying on her right side on the floor. First, she thought that she awoke from a weird dream, then the hard surface convinced her that she was not in her bed. It was nice and cool on her sweaty skin, though. Something soft was placed as a pillow under her head. Warm hands were stroking her neck. She opened her eyes and saw teacher Rogers smiling at her.

“You got us scared there, Paige.”

She tried to answer, but it hurt her throat. Biology teacher moved to brushing her shoulders and teacher Matt crouched next to her. He had no shirt on, that must have been what she had under her cheek. There was an ice cream pin in his hand.

“Here, try this. It should ease your throat.”

Ice cream tasted heavenly in her mouth, and maybe it really numbed the pain in her throat. The cute teacher feeding it to her and stroking her hair gently made her sigh contently. She enjoyed being a little girl, pampered by the big people around her. There were hands caressing her thighs also, moving to her butt. They spread her buttocks apart and something hard was pressed against her butt hole. She tried to move away, but teacher Roger´s hands kept her legs in place and teacher Matt hugged her tight so that she couldn´t move. The hard object forced its way into her butt, making her hole feel big enough to fit a soda can. She remembered the big dildo and the mark nine inches from the tip. She shivered in fear, but as the thing got inside her rectum, her muscles relaxed. She felt full, but not in pain, so she decided to just let it happen. Fullness inside increased but she concentrated on the taste of ice cream in her mouth. Then somewhere deep in her bowels a movement made her grimace. The teacher behind her stopped, twisted the thing inside her this way and that and tried to push it again. It hurt. Paige spit the ice cream from her mouth and looked pleadingly at teacher Matt. He bent to kiss her cheek. The other teacher massaged her back and forced the rod deeper. Paige´s insides moved very uncomfortably, then the feeling of being full became overwhelming. She felt like she was skewered and imagined the bitter taste of lubricant in the back of her mouth. And still that man pushed the thing deeper inside her tummy. She was certain she would burst into shreds when he finally stopped.

“Nine inches deep. Good girl.”

The teacher´s hoarse whisper made the others let go of her. Still she couldn´t move. With that big thing inside her, she did not dare. The teacher straightened her feet just a little and slid his hand against her belly. Even that felt like new pressure inside her. He took her left hand and brought it to her tummy. First, he moved their palms lightly on her belly, making her feel the hardness under the skin. Then he started rubbing more firmly, making the muscles in her stomach contract strangely around the foreign object. Something was pressed against her lower back, and soon she felt a warm wetness there. The teacher spread the wet stuff all around her buttocks, then pulled the rod slowly out of her. It was a strange feeling, like everything inside her moved to fill the space left by the intruder. When it finally slipped out of her butt, it was simultaneously painful and relieving. Paige felt all the power drain away from her muscles, and she collapsed on the floor. Teacher Matt picked her up and carried her back to the other side of the classroom.


Carried by the teacher, pressed against his naked upper body, Paige felt safe. They had put her through pain and humiliation, and now she emerged on the other side of it all. Beyond helpless, beyond dirty, she belonged in these strong arms now. She put her hand on teacher Matt´s chest and felt his steady heartbeat. He sat on his chair and kept her on his lap. Her butt still hurt, but spreading her legs over his, she got it to not touch anything.

He let her rest a while. Then he picked one more card from the table.

“You have done very well, Paige. Here is the final question. Read it carefully.”

“Mary has 5 dollars, Lisa 2. Chocolate bars cost one dollar each. A bag of 9 costs 6 dollars. How many chocolate bars can each girl get with that money?”

Not about teacher Matt´s dick this time. Paige was a little disappointed. It seemed tricky, different amounts of money and prices. That Mary sure liked chocolate. Now, neither of them can afford a bag, so wouldn´t 5 bars for Mary and 2 for Lisa be correct answer?

Matt had already written the options:
M:7 M:6 M:8
L:3 L:3 L:2

Paige sighed. It was not going to be even split either. She read it again, not getting any closer to solution. Her hand wandered between her legs as she stared at the question. The teacher looked at it moving for a while, then picked a pen.

“Here. Why don´t you start with how much candy they can buy?”

Paige took the pen. There were earlier scribblings on one of her legs, she crossed them over and wrote to the other: “5 + 2 = 7”. So. One bag for 6 dollars and one more. “9 + 1 = 10 bars” She checked the answer options, still two to choose from. How can they divide the chocolate? Paige thought hard. Matt watched the end of the pen sliding between the girl´s labia.

“Can you choose an answer?”

His voice startled Paige. She realized that she was scratching her itching pussy with the pen and picked it quickly up. Looking up at the teacher, she got a reassuring smile. Something was getting harder against her lower back. She had a pretty good idea about what it was. But what about those girls and their candy? She wrote on her belly: “Mary: $4, Lisa: $2” and thought for a long time. Her hand found its way back between her legs. She turned back to the teacher.

“Mary should get twice as much as Lisa. Plus one more for the dollar she has left. So, 7 bars for Mary, 3 for Lisa?”

He hugged her.

“That´s fantastic, Paige. This is in fact a question for higher class levels, but there is a catch. It depends on how they divide the price of the bag. Both answers with total of ten chocolate bars are correct.”

The way she was held kept her arm pinned under his, and she could not move her hand from her crotch. It was in fact pressed harder against her pussy. She could feel how warm and moist it was, kind of throbbing against the skin of her palm. When he released her from his grip, she jumped off, feeling a little self-conscious. She went and opened the cabinet door with her answer. To her surprise, inside there was the same sex toy that she had gotten for her first wrong answer.

“Hey, what´s this? Didn´t you say I had it right?”

Biology teacher Rogers walked to her from the other side of the classroom.

“Your answer was correct. We think that this time you can appreciate the device as a prize for all your hard work.”

She studied the apparatus. Now that she knew what it was, had even experienced it inside her body, just holding it made her pussy itch with expectation. Teacher Matt rose up from his chair and beckoned her toward it. They wanted to see her do it, play with herself. She could just leave now, maybe take the thing with her for private use. But that´s what the Paige before the supplementary class would have done. The new her would not postpone the gratification. She wanted it here, now, and having these men present wouldn´t stop her.

“How do I turn it on?”

“You just twist the end here.”

Teacher Rogers showed her the control and the familiar buzzing filled the room.

“It might be too noisy to use at home, unless you have made a habit of playing loud music behind a locked door.”

Paige sat on the teacher´s chair and lifted her legs over the hand rests. The men looked intently as she slowly pressed the vibrating end against her clitoris. She remembered the tingling sensation from before, but now it was more sudden and intense. A shivering shockwave spread instantly up her spine and down her legs. Her tummy and chest burned with strange heat swelling in her lower belly. As the feeling rapidly intensified, she got a little worried. How long could she endure this sensory overload? Her pussy had become the center of her being, and almost oblivious of her conscious self, only vaguely aware of her hands, she lifted the thing away from her body. She caught her breath for a while and her mind returned to reality. The teachers stared at her, but it was difficult to decipher their expressions. There was warm fluid running from deep inside her pussy, flowing down her butt crack and pooling on the chair around her buttocks. The toy buzzed in her hand, she could feel its vibrations. Disappointed at herself for losing her nerve and breaking off the experience, she offered the apparatus to the men around her.

“I want to feel it vibrating… inside.”

Biology teacher Rogers took it. They both knew it also meant that he would not take it off her even if she wanted. He pressed the tip of the device between her swollen labia. Her stomach squirmed like during freefall on a rollercoaster. The thing forced her opening wide. The tone of its buzzing changed as it was muffled by her flesh. It manipulated nerve endings that she had not been aware of before, but which clearly needed to be touched. It was very gratifying, she would like to have the thing in there forever, but it did not bring back the rising heat she had felt before. Teacher Matt put his hand on her belly and started moving it down. When his finger slid lightly over her clit, it caused her lower body to spasm, and she let out a whimper. The teacher groaned and dove face first between her legs. His lips enveloped the top of her pussy and his tongue lapped her clitoris. The tingles charged her nerve ends again, she could feel it in her nipples, in her buttocks, in her toes. The warm pressure inside reached new heights. She did not know what would happen, if she would piss into her math teacher´s mouth, or if she would explode all over the classroom, she did not care. There was a border that she was nearing, and she needed to step over it. And then the vibrating toy was abruptly pulled away from her.

“Matt! We had an agreement that only safe sex is allowed.”

Mathematics teacher´s face rose from between the schoolgirl´s legs. He did not answer, just kept glancing greedily at the moist little vulva and licking his lips. Annoyed, teacher Rogers turned the vibrator off.

“The rule is there for good reasons. We all agreed to it.”

Teacher Matt looked at him and sighed deep. The men stared at each other, leaving Paige grinding her teeth with frustration.

“Come on you two! Will you continue with me already.”

She was rewarded with the sound of the vibrator returning and digging into her vagina again. There was a click as teacher Rogers dialed the intensity up, and her lower body started convulsing out of her control. Seeing that she was close to peak, Matt sucked her clitoris into his mouth and rubbed the tip of it with his tongue. She was lost in a bliss of spasming muscles and strange new inner workings of her private parts. She could not reckon, how long it lasted, but it left her feeling relaxed and warm. Once more aware of her surroundings, she saw Matt looking into her eyes with affection. Mister Rogers stood by her and pressed the vibrating tip of the sex toy on the underside of his hard penis, moving it slightly until a rope of thick liquid shot out and landed on her chest. He pointed his cock lower and sprayed the rest of his cum all over her belly. He staggered a little, then turned the vibrator off and lowered it on the table next to her.

“Right. I´ll leave you two to it then.”

The man looked at Matt like he had something to say, then just walked away. Paige looked at him go. She smeared some of the sperm on her tummy with her finger. She smelled it and was just about to taste it when Matt stopped her.

“Don´t. He´s right about safety. We need protection for contact with mouth or other openings.”

He pulled a condom from his desk drawer.

“This is the one last object for you. It´s completely up to you if you want to use it.”

“What flavor is it?”

“This one tastes bad. Rubber. It´s not supposed to go in the mouth.”

Paige knew what that meant. She lowered her legs from the arm rests and instinctively pressed them together. Still, a shiver of excitement went through her lower body. The teacher took the water-soluble marker from the table and began to draw a line up from the side of her pubic mound.

“You can do the math…”

The line extended past her belly button and kept growing, until couple of inches higher it turned around and traveled back to her groin. She looked down at the 9 inches of her body he had marked as his own.

“-But can you do Matt?”

She grabbed the condom from him.

“Stop talking, silly man. Show me what you got.”

Matt looked down at the girl. Equations written on her skin and the crude drawing he just made. Drying semen all over her and bruises from falling earlier, she had clearly been through a lot. Underneath all that a power radiated that had made him choose her as today´s plaything. She was beautiful, and the challenging smirk on her face made him love her. He dropped his pants, releasing his hardon at last. Looking at it, the girl clearly lost some of her certainty.

“You can still stop this. If it is too big for you, just say it.”

“Forget it. I won´t give you that pleasure.”

“I will get my pleasure from you all right, Paige. But it will hurt you.”

He picked the girl up from the chair and placed her sitting on the teacher´s table. He got a tube from a desk drawer, opened it and started spreading its contents around her pussy hole.

“This lubricant has a numbing effect. It will make it easier for you. I´ll just make sure not to get it on your clitoris.”

He applied a lot of the stuff inside her vagina, then stood up in front of her and pointed at the condom. She opened the wrapping and rolled the rubber carefully on his dick. It was not wider than the principal´s, only much longer. With the condom completely open, there was still more than an inch of bare cock shaft before the hairy base of his crotch. Looming right in front of her face, twitching from time to time, it was scary but intriguing. She cupped his scrotum in her hand and felt it retract close to the impressive organ, now ready to execute its purpose on her. She started to seriously have second thoughts.

Paige drew breath, but before she could say anything, she was lowered on her back. The teacher spread more numbing lubricant on the condom covering his penis. She saw that the video camera had been turned this way. She knew that there was no one looking at the screen it was connected to, but there was a little red light on top of the lens. Matt grinned at her.

“Yes, Paige. Now you know what I´ll be masturbating to from now on.”

She thought it was funny that a handsome man like that would jerk off like a teenager. It made him feel a little more human, less scary. She smiled at the camera and showed a V-sign with her fingers. As his glans spread her labia open, she closed her eyes and grit her teeth. She felt her pussy forced wide open and get filled with warm meat. It did not hurt, the sliding sensation inside her was quite pleasant. Did the numbing lube work this good, or was this because she had been opened earlier? When the movement stopped, she opened her eyes smiling with relief and looked down.

This was barely beginning. There was more than half of Matt´s length still waiting to be pushed inside. He pulled out and inch, then thrust back in. The pleasure of the smooth movement inside her was replaced with discomfort as the point was forced deeper. She got a brief relief as Matt pulled back again, only to bury even more hard cock between her legs. Paige was certain that the insides of her pussy could not stretch any more, until the merciless intruder did just that. Organs inside her lower belly were rearranged to make room for it. She spread her legs as wide as she could and tried in vain to relax in order to accommodate the huge rod of flesh inside her. As Matt pushed one more inch in, she felt something tear. After that, all the movements in her pussy stung painfully. Tears flowing, she had to admit her defeat.

“Please, no more. It´s too big.”

The teacher stopped moving. There was still two inches of cock outside the little schoolgirl´s pussy. He moved her legs tight against each other, bending her knees to her chest. The walls of Paige´s vagina pressed now even harder against his penis, but somehow it eased the pressure deep inside her. He continued moving in and out but did not push deeper anymore. His eyes were locked on her pretty face, reacting with grimace to every movement of his hips. As tears swelled on her eyes again, his balls sent the first spasm of climax through his urethra. He used the little extra flexibility he had gained her and pushed his throbbing penis deep into the fragile body until he felt her buttocks on his thighs. He stayed there as long as his ejaculation lasted, then reluctantly gave the poor kid a break and pulled out.

Teacher Matt sat down on his chair to regain his strength. He pulled the condom off his dick and enjoyed the early evening air from the open window on his moist genitals. He was at perfect height to admire the naked little girl on his desk, slowly recovering from her ordeal. As she sat up, clutching her sore pussy with her hand, he offered her a pill and a water bottle from his desk drawer.

“Here, take this for the pain. I´ll give you one more to take before you go to sleep, and one for the morning. You have mathematics as you fourth class tomorrow, tell me if it still hurts then. Now, we can use the PE hall´s showers, then I´ll drive you home.”

Paige swallowed the pill and kept looking at him. She couldn´t comprehend how he had first been so nice to her, and then hurt her on purpose.

“And by the way, you did well in supplementary class.”

She would make sure to pay attention in school after this. But who knows, the school year would be long, and she had the new toy to practice with. She just might need some more help with mathematics before 4th grade.