A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School/Tiffany, a girl who hates her/Sally tries to be mature and pretend like it doesn't bother her./Sally tries to find a quiet place in the library to avoid her classmates.: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "Sally walked down the hall on her way to the playground. She kept her head high and smiled like nothing was out of sorts whenever one of the other kids' eyes met hers. Above..."
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Cheshire cat smiles stretching across their faces, they simultaneously said, "Tiffany Lapierre," and sprinted off to join the throng of little students gathering at the library door.
Cheshire cat smiles stretching across their faces, they simultaneously said, "Tiffany Lapierre," and sprinted off to join the throng of little students gathering at the library door.

[[Those little brats are so full of it.]]
[[A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School1/Tiffany, a girl who hates her/Sally tries to be mature and pretend like it doesn't bother her./Sally tries to find a quiet place in the library to avoid her classmates./Those little brats are so full of it.|Those little brats are so full of it.]]

[[That makes a surprising amount of sense.]]
[[A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School1/Tiffany, a girl who hates her/Sally tries to be mature and pretend like it doesn't bother her./Sally tries to find a quiet place in the library to avoid her classmates./That makes a surprising amount of sense.|That makes a surprising amount of sense.]]
[[Category:  A Loli's ENF Adventure]]

Revision as of 20:23, 9 June 2024

Sally walked down the hall on her way to the playground. She kept her head high and smiled like nothing was out of sorts whenever one of the other kids' eyes met hers. Above the usual clatter of uniform shoes on the linoleum floor, the excited chattering of young voices, and the occasional thump of a dropped backpack, Sally noticed a very unusual amount of giggling. When she spotted a pair of the laughing children, she realized that they had already been looking at her. The kids looked away to hide their laughter and ran off toward the playground. Sally saw another pair of giggling kids who reacted the same way, and she realized what was going on. Her classmates were going about sharing the news of the day, the most notable event being that Sally Sorensen's skirt had fallen off and she had not been wearing anything underneath it.

She swallowed and tried to screw herself up for the teasing that was awaiting her on the playground. She would have to see her schoolmates at some point anyway. Then she thought, would it really be best to deal with it all now? Maybe it would be easier later when her exposure would not be the most recent news at school. That made sense, but she really wanted to play outside.

An idea sprang into her head. If she were to do her homework now, then she could play outside after school. That way she would miss out on a lot of teasing without missing out on any time outside. All she needed to make it work was a quiet place where she could read chapter seven and fill out her worksheet. The library was usually quiet, and none of her classmates liked to hang out there. She veered to the left and slipped into a door with an inset window papered with fliers that promoted reading.

The school library was shared by students from every grade. Magazines and young adult novels were on a rack against the far left wall with a long table in front of it for reading. Illustrated children's history books and ESL textbooks were on the next rack. Various picture books filled the next couple aisles, and the entire right half of the room was set up as a play pen for kindergartners. A pack of energetic second-graders were flitting and bouncing between mostly the middle aisles as the harried librarian periodically shushed them.

Sally wasn't stuck up, but she had no interest in hanging out with a bunch of booger-eating second-graders. She turned left and made for the reading table. She sipped her backpack off of her thin, bendy shoulders and flopped it onto the writing table. As she smoothed her skirt under her rear to sit down, one or two voices behind her said, "Sally" in a teasing sing-song.

With a startled breath, Sally spun around to come face-to-empty-air-four-inches-above-faces with her neighbors from across the street, the identical twins Pepper and Anne, each wearing the same be-freckled Cheshire cat grin One of them--Sally wasn't sure which--wore her kinky orange hair in a side-tail on the right side of her head, and the others wore hers on the left. The latter twin asked in a mocking tone, "Did you really show Mr. Vice's fourth-grade class your naked butt?"

"No," Sally said through a scowl. She occasionally played with the twins when their parents would turn the sprinklers in their yard on, but that didn't put the uppity twerps in a position to make fun of her. Neighbors or not, there was a pecking order at school. "Someone just pulled my skirt down as a joke. Who told you two about it?"

"I never reveal my sources," said the twin on the right with sudden seriousness.

"If I did, nobody would tell me anything anymore," the left twin added.

The eager grin returned to their faces, and the twins rocked back and forth on their feet. "So, you can tell me all about it," the pair said in stereo.

"Did everyone see your butthole?" asked Left Twin.

"And your cunny?" asked Right Twin.

Sally thought about punching them both, but she didn't want to get in trouble. The librarian, busy as she was, would notice a fight. She considered just walking away from the twins, but getting bullied by lowly second-graders would be even worse for her reputation than getting sharked was. The truth really wasn't as bad as the rumor was, anyway. Maybe by sharing the truth it would make the rumor less harmful. "No," she said, sitting down with her back to the reading table and trying to look dispassionate about the event, "I was at the back of the classroom, so nobody saw, um, those." Then she remembered Tiffany's shocked face and realized what kind of view she must have had. It was a detail that she would prefer to leave out of her story, but if the truth was going to help her she had to tell it. Her eyes rolled away, and she waved her hand, again trying to affect nonchalance. "Nobody but Tiffany, I guess"

It didn't work. The twins' mouths gaped, and they gasped at the same time, "Tiffany Lapierre?" They turned to one another and burst into loud, bouncing giggles. They only stifled their laughter at an angry "shush" from the librarian all the way across the library, but they continued to bounce.

Sally balled her fists and narrowed her eyes dangerously at the twins. Would getting in trouble really be so bad? Yes, she decided. She wouldn't want to disappoint Mr. Vice after he had been so nice to her, and he was doing detention today. "Yeah, I know she hates me. She's the one who did it. Are you two happy now?"

The twins shared a look without saying a word. They nodded at each other and turned to Sally. "Show me," they demanded in unison.

"What?" Sally could guess what they meant, but it was so beyond the pale that she had to question it.

"Show me your butthole," said the dead serious left twin.

"And your cunny," the right twin added.

Sally wondered if she would even get in trouble at all for hitting them now given what they had just asked her to do. "Why would I show you little creeps anything?" she asked, deciding that a right hook across both their chins would be the funniest and thus the best punch that she could throw.

The left twin put her hands on her hips and smirked at Sally. "Duh. Because when you give something secret..."

"You get something secret back," the right twin finished, mirroring her sister's pose. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know-"

"-about anyone in school. I know a lot of secrets," the left twin finished.

This gave Sally pause. She relaxed her arms and put her finger on her chin in thought. Anyone in school, huh? She could ask about Tiffany's fears and use them to get back at her, but that would not help with her plan to let the whole incident blow over. Devin goes to the high school now, so there was no way that the twins would know anything about him. Their even knowing anything about fourth-graders seemed unlikely, but maybe they knew someone with an older sibling who feeds them gossip. Getting dirt on her classmates would be fun, but it would not be worth flashing these two ginger goblins to get. "Why do you want to see my privates so much anyway? Do you like me or something?" Sally felt a wicked thrill of satisfaction when her teasing question prokvoked an indignant response.

"No!" the twins yelled earning them another shushing, but in a flash they recovered their teasing demeanor. Grinning with too many teeth they sing-songed, "But I know someone who does."

"And he'll tell me whatever I want to know if I can tell him all about your cunny and your butt," the right twin said.

'He!' Sally, thought with nervous excitement. There was a boy at school who liked her. Getting his name was definitely worth giving the creepy little weirdos a show. She could feel her heart speed up at the thought that 'he' might be Quinn. Steeling herself for what she would have to do, she stood up and grabbed the hem of her skirt, at which the twins gave an excited bounce. "Okay, I'll show you if you tell me who likes me and not just as a friend." She wasn't about to fall for that trick.

"Deal," the twins said, and they dropped to their knees in front of her so that they were staring right at her still-covered crotch.

The humiliation of being in this position almost made Sally reconsider. She just hoped that none of the other second-graders would wander into the young adult section and see her doing this. Fourth-graders seeing her naked parts was one thing, but to be seen by mere second-graders was degrading to a girl of her station. Best to get it over with quickly, she reasoned. Her hands trembling, she pulled up the front of her skirt and closed her eyes. She heard the twins "oooo" in stereo, and it was all she could do to not thrust her skirt back down in shame. A second later she felt two fingers poke either side of her bald pussy. She squeaked and jumped in the air, shoving her skirt down between her legs with both hands. "I didn't say that you could touch me," she whisper-yelled at them, her fear of discovery outweighing her righteous anger.

"You didn't say that I couldn't," said the right twin, her blue eyes looking big and innocent from her kneeling position.

"Now your butt," cheered the left twin, that toothy grin breaking out across her and her sister's faces.

Sally wanted to run away, but she had already gotten through the worst of it. It would be a total waste to not see it through to the end. Taking a deep breath to supress her trembling, she turned around and grabbed the back of her skirt with both hands. "Okay, but no touching this time."

"You can't make new rules after you agree," said one of the twins from behind her.

Sally knew what that meant but saw no way out of the deal. Deciding to rip off the proverbial band-aid, she pulled up the back of her skirt and clenched her buttcheeks in the hope of preventing any fingers from finding their way too far up. She heard another "oooo", and a second later she felt a palm and a full set of fingers on top of each cheek. She breathed an almost-gasp when they gave her taut glutes a squeeze. "Are you done?" Sally's voice quivered.

The hands disappeared, and a happy voice 'mm-hmm'd. Sally, trying and failing to appear not flustered, spun back around and smoothed her skirt back down before plopping her molested butt back onto the chair at the reading table. "Now, tell me," she said, glaring at the twins and looking for any sign of betrayal.

Pepper and Anne bounced to their feet and flashed Sally a grateful smile that seemed genuine. "Okay," declared the right twin.

"Andy Foligno really likes you," said the left twin almost under her breath.

All the energy and nervousness flushed out of Sally's trembling body. Andy? The quiet kid who sits on the other side of the room? It hardly seemed likely given how rarely he tried to talk to her. He wasn't Quinn, but he wasn't weird-looking or annoying. He seemed nice enough when they had talked. Sally wondered briefly whether Pepper and Anne were just making it up, but she didn't get that impression. They seemed too serious about their gossip to just make things up.

As Sally sat thinking about Andy, the front door to the library swung open, and a harried Mrs. MacMannus, the second-grade teacher rushed into the room. "Sorry for being so long, Emily," she said to the librarian, whom Sally still could not see from her position. "I'll take them off your hands now." In an authoritative voice that resounded over the chattering and clattering of the children in the middle aisles, Mrs. MacMannus said, "Class, get all your things together and come to the front. We are going back to the room."

Pepper and Anne just stopped themselves from running off to join their classmates. They gave each other another silent nod and turned back to Sally. They stood in front of her with their hands behind their backs, looking the picture of prepubescent professionalism.

"Since you let me touch you," the left twin began. Sally specifically remembered not agreeing to that.

"I will also tell you the name of the other person who likes you," said the right twin.

That shook Sally out of her ruminations. Her eyes opened wide, and she stared at the twins with baited breath. "Who?"

Cheshire cat smiles stretching across their faces, they simultaneously said, "Tiffany Lapierre," and sprinted off to join the throng of little students gathering at the library door.

Those little brats are so full of it.

That makes a surprising amount of sense.