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Yeah, that does sound pretty good. We'll go with that then. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 14:51, 14 October 2016 (CEST)
Yeah, that does sound pretty good. We'll go with that then. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 14:51, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

So far as the point where you stopped in the bluffing to say that he is a player line, I have two possible routes you could go. The general rule while trying to deceive like this is to tell the lie that 1. gives the least information so that you can't be checked on it, 2. is generally the most believable. In the case of an MMO of any kind, that option is almost ready-made for this situation, that being "trolling." He just likes messing around. The only other believable lie, that he is some kind of obsessive, gets overturned by the piece of information that she already gave that there is an invisible mode he could have done this in. That other beleivable lie leaves a few more bread-crumbs than trolling, but avoids a few other problems in that he will have a more ready-made reason to tell her to leave him alone. He still has the ability to explain away the questions that could be raised by the "obsessive" route. Trolling still gives the ultimate advantage tough in that if he goes that route then it would not make it at all out of line for him to answer "I don't know" to questions that, from her view, he ought to know the answer to. The exact delivery of this "I don't know" answer would probably involve him jumping back and forth between calling himself a player and a lifie. (feel free to re-phrase any or all of this in Xander's words in order to explain his thought-process. I still want to leave this mostly to you since, while I feel somewhat competent in writing for Xander, I do not feel so secure in writing for this player girl since she has knowledge of your world that I don't.) [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 13:25, 15 October 2016 (CEST)
So far as the point where you stopped in the bluffing to say that he is a player line, I have two possible routes you could go. The general rule while trying to deceive like this is to tell the lie that 1. gives the least information so that you can't be checked on it, 2. is generally the most believable. In the case of an MMO of any kind, that option is almost ready-made for this situation, that being "trolling," (or whatever they call it in that world, perhaps it has another name in each of the two in-story worlds. That could make things interesting.) He just likes messing around. The only other believable lie, that he is some kind of obsessive, gets overturned by the piece of information that she already gave that there is an invisible mode he could have done this in. That other beleivable lie leaves a few more bread-crumbs than trolling, but avoids a few other problems in that he will have a more ready-made reason to tell her to leave him alone. He still has the ability to explain away the questions that could be raised by the "obsessive" route. Trolling still gives the ultimate advantage tough in that if he goes that route then it would not make it at all out of line for him to answer "I don't know" to questions that, from her view, he ought to know the answer to. The exact delivery of this "I don't know" answer would probably involve him jumping back and forth between calling himself a player and a lifie. (feel free to re-phrase any or all of this in Xander's words in order to explain his thought-process. I still want to leave this mostly to you since, while I feel somewhat competent in writing for Xander, I do not feel so secure in writing for this player girl since she has knowledge of your world that I don't.) [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 13:25, 15 October 2016 (CEST)
EDIT: By the way, thank you for the Maria card. It looks good. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 13:26, 15 October 2016 (CEST)
EDIT: By the way, thank you for the Maria card. It looks good. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 13:26, 15 October 2016 (CEST)


Revision as of 11:31, 15 October 2016

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Yet again, you come up with another incredibly enticing subject to write for. I'll probably dip my hand in to this Life Hacks story at some later time once you have flush it out a little more first. Eager to see where that goes. The OP is always able to do that job better. (as you have probably seen, my own stories tend to go a lot slower toward sex scenes when I am the OP Vs. when I write for someone else's story.) Jemini (talk) 19:56, 25 September 2016 (CEST)

I have to agree, you have some great starts to stories, and it's a shame when they get abandoned. I like the premise of Life Hack, but I also really like TWAWKI and Generations. Unfortunately, about the best I can do for contributions is request story paths I'd like to read. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 16:40, 26 September 2016 (CEST)

Yeah, I don't like giant freak outs either. Some movies like to over-state reactions for the sake of theatrics, but that is not in any way realistic. You would think writing is a place where they can try for a more realistic reaction, but some poorer writers think less about what is realistic and more about imitating what they see in movies, and it winds up just sounding even more dorky in writing where it just manages to pass in movies. Personally, I try to imitate life rather than art. (Oh, and same to you about deleting from the conversation. It would help me though to keep the most recent paragraph, it just helps my mind to re-focus. Jemini (talk) 12:51, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

Made one more tweak to the attributes. Added "fertility" as a physical attribute. What can be more interesting than the fact that maxing it out has now given him super sperm that can probably impregnate every girl in a swimming pool if he ejaculates into it (probably not, but point is he has verile sperm,) what can be more interesting about this is the prospect of altering a girl's fertility with the mod. Jemini (talk) 16:38, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

For Fear/Trust, I think that is a valuable stat, the only detriment I see is it crowding the windows. I just took a look, it does indeed look a little crowded now. 3 is a perfect number, 4 starts to look crowded, but I think I agree that the benefit outweighs the detriment. As for things like how I put eyesight and fertility in attributes, I figure attributes determines the base potential for those features where traits add additional features, kind of like how I mentioned in there that Xander's eyesight attribute would increase the neural proliferation of rods and cones in his retina witch would allow him to make out sharper detail, but it did nothing to fix his nearsightedness because that is a structural problem with another part of his eye that is governed by traits.

I also figure, with the character write-up, that his mother has a VERY high fertility stat (around 150 or higher) herself, and probably still does right now, but similar to Xander's nearsightedness the fact that she has her tubes tied prevents this from being realized. For male fertility, it would probably raise the motility (swimming speed) and viability (life-span) of sperm, as well as spermatoblast proliferation of the testicals. It would not, however, increase the size of the testicals. (doing so by adjusting traits would have a multiplying factor on sperm production together with the high fertility trait.) I figure 100 is average, and there is probably a multiplying factor as it gets further out toward the edges. The average is 3 day life span for sperm, and 3 days to reach the falopian tubes. Xander's sperm at 200 probably have 1 day to reaching the falopian tubes and somewhere between a 6-12 day life span, meaning his semen would only need to be in contact with the moist outside of a girl's slit in order to get her pregnant assuming she is ovulating. For females, it would determine implantation viability and rate of miscarriages. In other words, how hospitable the uterus is to a fertilized egg cell (or, at the really low ends, if she ovulates at all.) Obviously, Inga's womb is extremely hospitable beings it had a successful implatation despite the use of birth control (witch I assume she did use properly beings she was the one who took issue with getting pregnant.) So, the effect of women having a higher fertility stat is that birth control doesn't work for them. Other things like percocious puberty and twinning rates (that is probably a good term for it) would be determined by traits. (So, Xander could set Kizzie's fertility to max but she would not get pregnant if the precocious puberty trait is not also turned on, assuming that is even viable.) Jemini (talk) 22:13, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

So, the options after Billy's dad showed up seemed to just be calling out to me. I decided to write the first part to the post for diffusing the situation. It is noted as incomplete WIP. You can finish it if you want, or I might come back to it later. I also modified the condition % scores during some of the tinkering around phases of the story. I notice you have been keeping those up once the technical part got done, but it makes sense that it should jump around a little while he is checking out the controls as well. (FYI: The only reason his stress did not hit 100% during the attributes adjustment phase is because he increased his mental stability to max, witch would probably prevent his stress from ever getting above 70% unless under extreme circumstances or if his arousal hits max and he can't find relief. Basically, maxed mental stability will allow him to handle this crazy situation like a normal person handles their everyday life.) Sorry if these reports on everything I'm doing seem excessive. Like I said before, I consider this your project primarily, so I feel the need to keep you appraised of what I am doing. I would like to keep that dynamic clear so that you might overrule anything if you have a strong preference against something I did. Jemini (talk) 00:43, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

Ok, interesting. You have probably noticed by now, but I have started up a page to catalog some of the possible mods in the "writers" section so that players and writers alike can get a better idea of what the mod might look like. It is specifically noted that the real thing Xander is interacting with likely has more options than are listed there, but it should go quite a way toward getting into the proper feel of things, and also keeping writers on the same page. Since I know a little bit about kinesiology, exercise science, neural anatomy and psychology (psychology more due to hobby rather than the other three witch were part of my career field in healthcare,) I am probably the person likely to make the most flushed out attributes section. Some help in traits and skills would be much appreciated though.

Also, it might be a case of overburdening ourselves with unnecessary work, (because I think we could probably get by just fine without what I am about to suggest,) but making up some kind of 5 horizontal cells by X vertical cells table to note what different values might look like is a thought I entertained at one point. I don't know enough about HTML to make such a table though. Jemini (talk) 14:10, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

Oh, another thing. I have been holing it in for a while, figuring you wold reveal it eventually, but the curiosity is just eating me alive. What exactly were you planning to do with the "perks and rewards" mechanic? Jemini (talk) 14:12, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

Well then, I imagine some of the perks we might go for could be things like no refractory period, perminately maxed sperm count, and possibly something to prevent his neural activity from consuming glucose so that he can speed up his thinking speed at any time. I think it might be a good idea to work up a list of points awarded for each action, and point costs for various perks. Not certain exactly where we would put this though. It would make perfect sense to put the perks and rewards he can perchase under the life control write-up, but I am not sure where would be appropriate to put Xander's goals. Jemini (talk) 15:00, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

Lol, you beat me to it. I thought about it a bit and realized I forgot to include "Confidence" in the social attributes, and then what do I see when I go back in to include it but the fact that it was already there thanks to you! That was rather interesting. Just had to comment. Jemini (talk) 16:04, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

I do not know how, but I SOMEHOW managed to come up with 6 attributes for appearance, none of witch covered something that could be better suited for "traits." That was actually something of a challenge. Jemini (talk) 16:39, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

Oh I'm watching closely. Some of the paths obviously interest me more than others do. I'll be making a request soon in any case. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 21:38, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

I did the route where he gets Billy's dad to attack him. I have actually been in a fight once where a knife was pulled, and real fights really do end up exactly this fast, a single move and it's over. Also, the best way for a real fight to end is also exactly like this, with the less belligerent party holding the more belligerent one in a submission hold. Jemini (talk) 07:39, 11 October 2016 (CEST)

Ok, just put in part 2 of the physical confrontation route. I figured I would leave the stats part since you said something about modifying Ronni's relationship stats. Also, I was thinking that once Xander lets go and has sat for about a minute his stress will shoot straight up and focus will plummet. As I said, I was actually in a situation almost identical to this once, except that the guy was a drunk instead of a police officer, and that is when I discovered I was an after-the-fact panicker. As in, I was firm, strong, and steady for the entire time I had the guy pinned. As soon as the officer relieved me though, I was shaking like a leaf and it took a lot of effort just to talk to relay my side of things. I think since Xander's mental stability has been raised he should do better than I did, but then this is the first time he has ever encountered a situation like this, so it should show some results. Jemini (talk) 08:38, 11 October 2016 (CEST)

What was in my mind with the infra-vision and ultra-vision was actually that I had heard bees can see into the ultra-violet spectrum, and essentially use this for the exact reason stated. Their ability to see ultra-violet allows them to visually perceive the electro-magnetic field around flowers, witch apparently budding flowers have a different shaped field from that of other plant life. It seemed to make sense to me that abilities available via the mod would be abilities available to any living real-world creature. Snakes are also supposed to be able to sense infra-red radiation with the pits in their nose (they smell with their tongue and sense heat with the pits that would be nostrils on other creatures,) but that is not a component of vision, so I am not really sure that counts. As for how it looks, I think your version is probably closer to reality, but that is really hard to visualize for a reader. That's why I just said they were a red radiating glow and violet radiating glow. It has more to do with finding the medium between realism and relatability. Jemini (talk) 11:28, 11 October 2016 (CEST)

So long as it's just sensory abilities, I wouldn't see why it would be too much. The main inspiration really for infra-red and ultra-violet vision was really to be an equivalent to having a blood-hound like sense of smell, witch I admit is something I assumed would be available without consulting you. (thus why I noted smell as being 30 for males and 40 for females out of a possible 200, species of dog having the numbers that hit 150 and above.) I figured there should be something for other senses that was equally impressive just to put that level of sense of smell into perspective, and having a bee's ability to perceive ultraviolet just seemed to make sense. I don't know of any animal that actually has infra-red vision, but it kind of made sense to just widen it on both ends. Oh, and that kind of X-ray vision would be absolutely hilarious. It would make sense too, since real X-ray machines are actually picking up a negative image on film created by X-ray radiation. Even if a person could release X-rays from their eyes, it wouldn't allow them to see through objects without a sensor on the other side of the object they were trying to see through. On the other hand, your eyes actually being the receptor would allow you to see a skeleton-shaped shadow in the light cast by an x-ray source if you had the kind of x-ray vision we are talking about here. Yeah, I definitely like this. Jemini (talk) 12:14, 11 October 2016 (CEST)

Oh, and yes, it actually is something that has been recognized that women have a better sense of smell than men, and men (who's hearing has not been damaged by man-made machines) have a better sense of hearing than women. Also, in terms of eyesight, men's eyes are more sensitive to movement and women's eyes are more sensitive to fine gradients in color, perceiving more colors within the visible light spectrum. However, in terms of eye-sight, the scent and hearing thing is something that is unchangeable. However, for eye-sight, it is just a starting point. The gender dimorphism in eye-sight can be erased with exposure to the opposite gender's stimuli. Male painters get a better skill for color discernment, and women who try out something like hunting get more visually sensitive to motion. Jemini (talk) 12:21, 11 October 2016 (CEST)

No, the 200 thing actually makes a lot of sense. Realistically though, if we let go just a little and think in game terms instead of real-life equivalent terms, it actually works out pretty well. In the case of smell, for instance, if you think of it not in terms of how many parts per million of an odiferous agent can be recognized by the nose, and instead think of it in terms of how far away from the object you need to be to smell it and how long after it has passed, that actually already functions on a naturally occurring geometric scale. And actually, things like this are often the case in nature. Any time we have tried to measure natural abilities in terms of effect and produced a lenear scale, we have discovered when we looked at, for instance, the number of muscle fibers that contract in order to move against a certain amount of weight, it takes an exponential increase in the number of muscle fibers triggering in order to lift an incremental increase in weight. I imagine the same thing to be going on in the brain for IQ, although we have yet to devise a proper way to measure the activity inside the brain to produce higher IQ scores. The same also goes in electronics BTW. This is the reason we use dual-core 64 bit processors instead of single core 128 bit processors. A 128 bit processor takes something like 10 times the amount of electricity and generates 10 times the amount of heat compared to a 64 bit processor. The same also goes for high-performance air-craft. Incremental increases in performance require exponential increases in money to fund its development. If we think of these numbers as measuring the incremental increase in performance rather than the exponential increase in resource dedication, it becomes a lot more sensible to deal with. Jemini (talk) 13:32, 11 October 2016 (CEST)

So far as Xander's conversation with the officer taking his statement go, I am planning to have no drastically different outcomes with the officer, but every answer affects his relationship stats with Roni. Plays for sypmathy lower submissiveness but raise familial love, playing it cool raises submissiveness as well as familial and romantic love. The 3rd answer, witch there will always be at least a 3rd answer that doesn't fit into either of those, will have effects on a case by case basis. Just telling you where my head is on that subject, much like how you filled me in on your route with Brittany. Jemini (talk) 14:31, 12 October 2016 (CEST)

We must be psychically connected or something, I started working on that myself. I was in the middle of making a long post for Xander's goals and opened a new page to look up some names when I saw your message. Probably a good idea if I were to check what you have before I hit the "save" button. EDIT: Ok, it looks like my goals for Xander should still be all right, although the "game breaking" notice definitely applies due to how much more incrimental his potential for rewards is (receiving rewards for smaller acts and more acts than are given for general players, more bonuses as well.) Jemini (talk) 07:59, 13 October 2016 (CEST)

Ok, I completed the outline and a few examples for each of Xander's sexual goals. The first section provides bonuses that count for Xander's first time for each act that fits certain conditions, and then categorizes sex acts into 6 categories. Benign, dismisable, mild, moderate, hard-core, and violent/extreme. Would like to know what you think. I think having the higher level acts be as broken down as they are is appropriate, but my concern is that the smaller items might be a little too game breaking if he can get points that easily. Then again, it might be a good thing to break the game in this way in order to provide an opportunity to give Xander access to rewards earlier in the story. Might loose their attention span otherwise, a story is different from a game after all. Jemini (talk) 08:38, 13 October 2016 (CEST)

Just worked on the rewards a little. I made some of the rewards cost points to have a smaller effect than what the life-mod does for free infinitely in regards to modding your attributes and relationship stats, I figured it would make sense to have some rewards that were made redundant and useless by the mod. Jemini (talk) 13:05, 13 October 2016 (CEST)

Oh no, it makes perfect sense to add points from both routes for him. Part of this IS to get him points faster after all. I was just editing while sleepy so I forgot about the player route. But... uhhh.... where does this X10 thing come from? I guess I will have to read over the player route more closely. Edit: Ok, I found the X10 thing, and with that in mind I changed Xander's 1st time sexual encounter thing to X5 instead of X2 in order to bring it more in line. Now, however, I am wondering about the "be cool" section. That one has the limiter of only counting the points so many times (unless otherwise noted,) so I don't think a multiplier is appropriate but now I am wondering about increasing the rewards. Jemini (talk) 04:13, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

Ok, I just looked through a google searched image gallery of anime female police officers, and I think this is the one that most closely matches my mental image of officer Thompsett in terms of attitude. I actually wanted her to be darker skinned with short hair, but all of those images were scantily clad dominatrix style. This is about the only modestly dressed professional one that also had the attitude I wanted, so I am going with it despite the hair length and skin tone being wrong.'re+under+arrest_+Miyuki+Kobayakawa.jpg

As for the name, I would say "Maria "Mary" Thompsett, police officer." If he does get closer to her, she is probably going to start having him just call her "Mary." Jemini (talk) 13:35, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

Yeah, that does sound pretty good. We'll go with that then. Jemini (talk) 14:51, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

So far as the point where you stopped in the bluffing to say that he is a player line, I have two possible routes you could go. The general rule while trying to deceive like this is to tell the lie that 1. gives the least information so that you can't be checked on it, 2. is generally the most believable. In the case of an MMO of any kind, that option is almost ready-made for this situation, that being "trolling," (or whatever they call it in that world, perhaps it has another name in each of the two in-story worlds. That could make things interesting.) He just likes messing around. The only other believable lie, that he is some kind of obsessive, gets overturned by the piece of information that she already gave that there is an invisible mode he could have done this in. That other beleivable lie leaves a few more bread-crumbs than trolling, but avoids a few other problems in that he will have a more ready-made reason to tell her to leave him alone. He still has the ability to explain away the questions that could be raised by the "obsessive" route. Trolling still gives the ultimate advantage tough in that if he goes that route then it would not make it at all out of line for him to answer "I don't know" to questions that, from her view, he ought to know the answer to. The exact delivery of this "I don't know" answer would probably involve him jumping back and forth between calling himself a player and a lifie. (feel free to re-phrase any or all of this in Xander's words in order to explain his thought-process. I still want to leave this mostly to you since, while I feel somewhat competent in writing for Xander, I do not feel so secure in writing for this player girl since she has knowledge of your world that I don't.) Jemini (talk) 13:25, 15 October 2016 (CEST) EDIT: By the way, thank you for the Maria card. It looks good. Jemini (talk) 13:26, 15 October 2016 (CEST)