Generations/Lore/Races/Orcs: Difference between revisions

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Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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*Orcs are a patriarchal, warlike race.  They are generally taller and more muscular than humans, but are a bit lacking in social abilities.  They have a natural understanding of strategy and tactics, but rarely "waste their time" on other intellectual pursuits.  Orcish magic users are very rare (with the noted exception that each group usually has a shaman with an apprentice or two), but orcish technologists aren't entirely uncommon.  Orcish sages, bards, and writers are almost unheard of.  Orcs aren't ugly per se, but their large tusks that protrude from their lower jaw can be off-putting to other races. The orcs were once a civilized military kingdom (based off of ancient Sparta), but since the great war they have become primitive warring tribes (based off of the vikings).
Orcs are generally taller and more muscular than humans, but are a bit lacking in social abilities.  Orcs aren't ugly per se, but their large tusks that protrude from their lower jaw can be off-putting to other races.
== Biology ==
=== Genders ===
Orcs can be Male, Female, Futanari, or Neuter.
*Orcs have all four gender types.  Male and female are the most common, with futanari and neuters being exceedingly rare.  Futanari are attributed to elven blood, and neuters to dwarven blood.

*Orcs are rarely of pure orcish stock with most having traces of the other races in their lineage somewhere. Orcs have all four gender typesMale and female are the most common, with futanari and neuters being exceedingly rare. Futanari are attributed to elven blood, and neuters to dwarven blood.  Anyone who is not a male is considered property to orcs, though futanari and the RARE neuter or female can gain the rights of a male through great deeds.  Combat prowess trumps all other social rules for the orcs.
=== Reproduction ===
Orcs reproduce sexually.
*Orcs can reproduce with any lesser, humanoid, or greater races; and with intelligent creature races.
*Orcs are rarely of pure orcish stock with most having traces of the other races in their lineage somewhere.
*Orcishness is dominantMost offspring from orcs crossbreeding with other races results in an orcish child.
*Purely orcish pregnancies last about 5 months.

*Orcish tribes are split between settlements and nomadic warbands in approximately equal numbers. There is more animosity between orcish warbands and settlements than there is between two settlements or two warbandsOrcs trade with other races occasionally, but there is always suspicion on both sides. Orcs age to maturity quicker than all the other races, but they die younger as wellIt is rare to find a group of orcs that is not actively at war with someoneOrcish warbands are more active than settlements when it comes to wars, often being at war with several groups at a time.
=== Age ===
Orcs age faster than humans.
*Orcish ages can be calculated by multiplying the age of their physical appearance were they human by .75An orc that is entering adolescence would be 7 to 9 years old.
*Orcs rarely live to old age due to their lifestyleOrcs that live long enough to die of old age usually die in their 60s or 70sThe oldest orc ever recorded was 82 when he died.  It was considered miraculous, the equivalent of a 110 year old human.

*Orcs take plunder in any form, especially women and girls. Orcs are polygamous and are also slave ownersIt is rare for a mature male orc to only have one wife and/or not own breeding slavesIt is expected of any male (or other gender given male rights) to take on wives and/or breeding slaves (though this tradition makes little sense for the rare female or neuter that earns male rights).
=== Diet ===
Orcs are omnivores.
*While orcs can eat vegetable, they rarely do, preferring meat.
*Orcs have no qualms about eating the flesh of sentient species, including other orcs.
== Spirituality ==
=== Worship ===
Orcs worshiped the orcish gods, but rose up against them when the rest of the world rose against their gods.
*Most orcs are anti-theists now, and actively seek to discourage worship of deities.
*A few orcs (less than 1%) have become atheist in the absence of the godsThey are considered insane by the majority of orcs, as there is evidence of the existence of deities until their demise after the god wars.
*About 10% of the orcish population still worships the orcish gods in secret.
=== Afterlife ===
The orcish afterlives are Gal'Shiel and Nar'Wol.
*Orcs who die in battle are honored by entering Gal'Shiel; where they fight on a wet, bloody field all day, and feast and fornicate all night.
*Orcs who die of disease, old age, drowning, or any other non-combat death are cast into the pit of Nar'WolThe sides of the pit are smooth and unclimbable, and it is filled with the damned, pressed against and upon one another in droves.

*Orc society is heavily regulated like a military command. The highest currently held title is chief, though the translation is more accurately king-general. Below the chief will be a general for each 100 fighting orcs in a tribe (none if under 100).  Below the general is a lieutenant for each 20 fighting orcs.  Every five fighting orcs is lead by a sergeant.  One is promoted by challenging one's leader to single combat (usually, but not always to the death) and winning. Any fighting orc can challenge any other fighting orc to single combat regardless of rank.  This tradition is extended to other races by some orc tribes, but not all (about 30% extend the right to other races). When it is extended to other races, or between orc tribes, the winner is expected to leave their own tribe and take the place of the defeated in their tribe.  This right is not granted to any gender person except full males, or those who have gained the rights of a male.
== Magic and Technology ==
=== Magic ===
Orcs are not very skilled at magic.
*Orcs have a difficult time with most learned magicks.
*Orcs usually only learn shamanism.
**Orcs usually have one shaman per tribe, with one to three apprentices.
**Shamans are outside of the normal hierarchy (detailed below).
**A shaman can only be challenged to a magical duel, and therefore is usually only replaced by their own apprentices.
**Killing a shaman outside of a magical duel is one of the greatest acts of treason that an orc can commit with a punishment equal to forging a tattoo (detailed below).

*Orcs make use of extensive traditional facial tattoos to indicate rank and position, and the loss thereofThese are the same between all orc bands and are commonly known even to an educated member of another raceForging a tattoo is one of the highest forms of treason to the orcs, and if found guilty one can be expected to be publicly tortured to death, usually over the course of several days or weeks, depending on the endurance of the prisoner and skill of the torturer in keeping them alive.
=== Technology ===
Orcs understand technology much easier than they do magic.
*While considered primitive, orcs have a very structured society and are opportunistsThey are just as likely to have guns and bombs as they are to have axes and bows.
*Orc technologists are relatively common in settlements, but much less so in warbands.
*Orc technology is stolen from other culturesThey are thieves not innovators.
*Warbands are often equipped with technology looted from other sources, but do not handle it as well as orcs from settlements.

*Orcs usually have one shaman who is outside of the normal hierarchy.  A shaman can only be challenged to a magical duel, and therefore is usually only replaced by their own apprentices.  Killing a shaman outside of a magical duel is one of the greatest acts of treason that an orc can commit with a punishment equal to forging a tattoo.
== Culture ==
Orcs are a patriarchal, warlike race, descended from goblins.

*While considered primitive, orcs have a very structured society and are opportunistsThey are just as likely to have guns and bombs as they are to have axes and bows. Orcs understand technology much easier than they do magicOrc technologists are relatively common in settlements, but much less so in warbandsWarbands are often equipped with technology looted from other sources, but do not handle it as well as orcs from settlements.
=== Taboos ===
Orcs have a unique view on the world, and their taboos reflect this.
*Combat prowess trumps all other social rules for the orcs.  Might makes right.
*Anyone who is not a male is considered property to orcs, though futanari and the RARE neuter or female can gain the rights of a male through great deeds.
*Orcs make use of extensive traditional facial tattoos to indicate rank and position, and the loss thereofThese are the same between all orc bands and are commonly known even to an educated member of another race.
**Forging a tattoo is one of the highest forms of treason to the orcs, and if found guilty one can be expected to be publicly tortured to death, usually over the course of several days or weeks, depending on the endurance of the prisoner and skill of the torturer in keeping them alive.
*Orcs have a relaxed incest tabooWhile not common, incest is not outlawed or even looked down upon too badlyIt might get some friendly jibes at worst.
*Orcs do not possess a nudity taboo, though a fighting orc wouldn't be caught dead outside of their home without armor, for obvious reasons.
*Male on animal bestiality is just as disturbing to orcs as it is to most people today, but animal on female bestiality is considered great sport, a great punishment for disobedient females, or both.
*Orcs do not have a taboo against underage sex, though most find it pointless until a child can be produced, so when it does occur it is generally for sport.
*While orcs have no concept of rape, sex that damages a female's ability to bear children, or endangers their life is VERY taboo to orcs, with stiff punishments.
*Orc males can never show the weakness of being submissive in a relationship.  This is a taboo equal to the pre-modern attitudes toward homosexuality.
*Speaking of homosexuality, orcs have a strong taboo against male/male homosexuality while they consider lesbianism to be fine entertainment before they breed the women involved whether they like it or not.

*Some orc tribes have the concept of common property when it comes to some slaves.  In these tribes a percentage of the captured females are considered property of the tribe as a whole, and can be used by any male orc, of any age, anytime that they wish for breeding purposes.  A slave can also be made common property (either permanently or for a period of time) as a punishment.
=== Residence ===
Orcish tribes are split between settlements and nomadic warbands in approximately equal numbers.
*There is more animosity between orcish warbands and settlements than there is between two settlements or two warbands.
*It is rare to find a group of orcs that is not actively at war with someone.  Their settlements are generally designed like military forts.
*Orcish warbands are more active than settlements when it comes to wars, often being at war with several groups at a time.
*Orcs trade with other races occasionally, but there is always suspicion on both sides.

*Orcs have a relaxed incest taboo.  While not common, incest is not outlawed or even looked down upon too badly.  It might get some friendly jibes at worst.  Orcs do not possess a nudity taboo, though a fighting orc wouldn't be caught dead outside of their home without armor, for obvious reasons.  Male on animal bestiality is just as disturbing to orcs as it is to most people today, but animal on female bestiality is considered great sport, a great punishment for disobedient females, or both.  Orcs do not have a taboo against underaged sex, though most find it pointless until a child can be produced, so when it does occur it is generally for sport.  While orcs have no concept of rape, sex that damages a female's ability to bear children, or endangers their life is VERY taboo to orcs, with stiff punishments.  Orc males can never show the weakness of being submissive in a relationship.  This is a taboo equal to the pre-modern attitudes toward homosexuality.  Speaking of homosexuality, orcs have a strong taboo against male/male homosexuality while they consider lesbianism to be fine entertainment before they breed the women involved whether they like it or not.
=== Other Considerations ===

*Orcs have a natural understanding of strategy and tactics, but rarely "waste their time" on other intellectual pursuits.  Orcish sages, bards, and writers are almost unheard of.    The orcs were once a civilized military kingdom (based off of ancient Sparta), but since the great war they have become primitive warring tribes (based off of the vikings).
*Orcs take plunder in any form, especially women and girls.  Orcs are polygamous and are also slave owners.  It is rare for a mature male orc to only have one wife and/or not own breeding slaves.  It is expected of any male (or other gender given male rights) to take on wives and/or breeding slaves (though this tradition makes little sense for the rare female or neuter that earns male rights).
*Orc society is heavily regulated like a military command.  The highest currently held title is chief, though the translation is more accurately king-general.  Below the chief will be a general for each 100 fighting orcs in a tribe (none if under 100).  Below the general is a lieutenant for each 20 fighting orcs.  Every five fighting orcs is lead by a sergeant.  One is promoted by challenging one's leader to single combat (usually, but not always to the death) and winning.  Any fighting orc can challenge any other fighting orc to single combat regardless of rank.  This tradition is extended to other races by some orc tribes, but not all (about 30% extend the right to other races).  When it is extended to other races, or between orc tribes, the winner is expected to leave their own tribe and take the place of the defeated in their tribe.  This right is not granted to any gender person except full males, or those who have gained the rights of a male.
*Some orc tribes have the concept of common property when it comes to some slaves.  In these tribes a percentage of the captured females are considered property of the tribe as a whole, and can be used by any male orc, of any age, anytime that they wish for breeding purposes.  A slave can also be made common property (either permanently or for a period of time) as a punishment.
*Orcs enjoy alcoholic beverages and smoking, but see being addicted to other drugs to be a sign of weakness.  Fights are common amongst orcs even in the same tribe, but these fights are almost always off duty and "friendly" (they often share a beer after the fight).  Orcs take duty very seriously, as it is drilled into them from birth.  Orcs raised in other cultures do not have this tendency, it is purely cultural.  Orcish music is limited to marching songs and war ballads (generally with only percussion instruments) that are considered to be the worst music in the world by other races.  Their musical is all based on the same three rhythm patterns, which equate to a march, fast march, and charge.  Orcs see no point in finery and embellishment, and have no real sense of art (they would wipe their ass with the Mona Lisa seeing that as it's only use).  Orcish stories tend to be all action and no substance, and will generally bore other races to tears.  Recorded orcish history tends to be even drier than most of the other races' recorded histories, reading like a military log.
*Orcs enjoy alcoholic beverages and smoking, but see being addicted to other drugs to be a sign of weakness.  Fights are common amongst orcs even in the same tribe, but these fights are almost always off duty and "friendly" (they often share a beer after the fight).  Orcs take duty very seriously, as it is drilled into them from birth.  Orcs raised in other cultures do not have this tendency, it is purely cultural.  Orcish music is limited to marching songs and war ballads (generally with only percussion instruments) that are considered to be the worst music in the world by other races.  Their musical is all based on the same three rhythm patterns, which equate to a march, fast march, and charge.  Orcs see no point in finery and embellishment, and have no real sense of art (they would wipe their ass with the Mona Lisa seeing that as it's only use).  Orcish stories tend to be all action and no substance, and will generally bore other races to tears.  Recorded orcish history tends to be even drier than most of the other races' recorded histories, reading like a military log.

[[Category: Generations|Γ Lore/Races/Orcs]][[Category: Generations/Lore|Orcs]]
[[Category: Generations|Γ Lore/Races/Orcs]][[Category: Generations/Lore|Orcs]]

Revision as of 03:28, 17 October 2015

Orcs are generally taller and more muscular than humans, but are a bit lacking in social abilities. Orcs aren't ugly per se, but their large tusks that protrude from their lower jaw can be off-putting to other races.



Orcs can be Male, Female, Futanari, or Neuter.

  • Orcs have all four gender types. Male and female are the most common, with futanari and neuters being exceedingly rare. Futanari are attributed to elven blood, and neuters to dwarven blood.


Orcs reproduce sexually.

  • Orcs can reproduce with any lesser, humanoid, or greater races; and with intelligent creature races.
  • Orcs are rarely of pure orcish stock with most having traces of the other races in their lineage somewhere.
  • Orcishness is dominant. Most offspring from orcs crossbreeding with other races results in an orcish child.
  • Purely orcish pregnancies last about 5 months.


Orcs age faster than humans.

  • Orcish ages can be calculated by multiplying the age of their physical appearance were they human by .75. An orc that is entering adolescence would be 7 to 9 years old.
  • Orcs rarely live to old age due to their lifestyle. Orcs that live long enough to die of old age usually die in their 60s or 70s. The oldest orc ever recorded was 82 when he died. It was considered miraculous, the equivalent of a 110 year old human.


Orcs are omnivores.

  • While orcs can eat vegetable, they rarely do, preferring meat.
  • Orcs have no qualms about eating the flesh of sentient species, including other orcs.



Orcs worshiped the orcish gods, but rose up against them when the rest of the world rose against their gods.

  • Most orcs are anti-theists now, and actively seek to discourage worship of deities.
  • A few orcs (less than 1%) have become atheist in the absence of the gods. They are considered insane by the majority of orcs, as there is evidence of the existence of deities until their demise after the god wars.
  • About 10% of the orcish population still worships the orcish gods in secret.


The orcish afterlives are Gal'Shiel and Nar'Wol.

  • Orcs who die in battle are honored by entering Gal'Shiel; where they fight on a wet, bloody field all day, and feast and fornicate all night.
  • Orcs who die of disease, old age, drowning, or any other non-combat death are cast into the pit of Nar'Wol. The sides of the pit are smooth and unclimbable, and it is filled with the damned, pressed against and upon one another in droves.

Magic and Technology


Orcs are not very skilled at magic.

  • Orcs have a difficult time with most learned magicks.
  • Orcs usually only learn shamanism.
    • Orcs usually have one shaman per tribe, with one to three apprentices.
    • Shamans are outside of the normal hierarchy (detailed below).
    • A shaman can only be challenged to a magical duel, and therefore is usually only replaced by their own apprentices.
    • Killing a shaman outside of a magical duel is one of the greatest acts of treason that an orc can commit with a punishment equal to forging a tattoo (detailed below).


Orcs understand technology much easier than they do magic.

  • While considered primitive, orcs have a very structured society and are opportunists. They are just as likely to have guns and bombs as they are to have axes and bows.
  • Orc technologists are relatively common in settlements, but much less so in warbands.
  • Orc technology is stolen from other cultures. They are thieves not innovators.
  • Warbands are often equipped with technology looted from other sources, but do not handle it as well as orcs from settlements.


Orcs are a patriarchal, warlike race, descended from goblins.


Orcs have a unique view on the world, and their taboos reflect this.

  • Combat prowess trumps all other social rules for the orcs. Might makes right.
  • Anyone who is not a male is considered property to orcs, though futanari and the RARE neuter or female can gain the rights of a male through great deeds.
  • Orcs make use of extensive traditional facial tattoos to indicate rank and position, and the loss thereof. These are the same between all orc bands and are commonly known even to an educated member of another race.
    • Forging a tattoo is one of the highest forms of treason to the orcs, and if found guilty one can be expected to be publicly tortured to death, usually over the course of several days or weeks, depending on the endurance of the prisoner and skill of the torturer in keeping them alive.
  • Orcs have a relaxed incest taboo. While not common, incest is not outlawed or even looked down upon too badly. It might get some friendly jibes at worst.
  • Orcs do not possess a nudity taboo, though a fighting orc wouldn't be caught dead outside of their home without armor, for obvious reasons.
  • Male on animal bestiality is just as disturbing to orcs as it is to most people today, but animal on female bestiality is considered great sport, a great punishment for disobedient females, or both.
  • Orcs do not have a taboo against underage sex, though most find it pointless until a child can be produced, so when it does occur it is generally for sport.
  • While orcs have no concept of rape, sex that damages a female's ability to bear children, or endangers their life is VERY taboo to orcs, with stiff punishments.
  • Orc males can never show the weakness of being submissive in a relationship. This is a taboo equal to the pre-modern attitudes toward homosexuality.
  • Speaking of homosexuality, orcs have a strong taboo against male/male homosexuality while they consider lesbianism to be fine entertainment before they breed the women involved whether they like it or not.


Orcish tribes are split between settlements and nomadic warbands in approximately equal numbers.

  • There is more animosity between orcish warbands and settlements than there is between two settlements or two warbands.
  • It is rare to find a group of orcs that is not actively at war with someone. Their settlements are generally designed like military forts.
  • Orcish warbands are more active than settlements when it comes to wars, often being at war with several groups at a time.
  • Orcs trade with other races occasionally, but there is always suspicion on both sides.

Other Considerations

  • Orcs have a natural understanding of strategy and tactics, but rarely "waste their time" on other intellectual pursuits. Orcish sages, bards, and writers are almost unheard of. The orcs were once a civilized military kingdom (based off of ancient Sparta), but since the great war they have become primitive warring tribes (based off of the vikings).
  • Orcs take plunder in any form, especially women and girls. Orcs are polygamous and are also slave owners. It is rare for a mature male orc to only have one wife and/or not own breeding slaves. It is expected of any male (or other gender given male rights) to take on wives and/or breeding slaves (though this tradition makes little sense for the rare female or neuter that earns male rights).
  • Orc society is heavily regulated like a military command. The highest currently held title is chief, though the translation is more accurately king-general. Below the chief will be a general for each 100 fighting orcs in a tribe (none if under 100). Below the general is a lieutenant for each 20 fighting orcs. Every five fighting orcs is lead by a sergeant. One is promoted by challenging one's leader to single combat (usually, but not always to the death) and winning. Any fighting orc can challenge any other fighting orc to single combat regardless of rank. This tradition is extended to other races by some orc tribes, but not all (about 30% extend the right to other races). When it is extended to other races, or between orc tribes, the winner is expected to leave their own tribe and take the place of the defeated in their tribe. This right is not granted to any gender person except full males, or those who have gained the rights of a male.
  • Some orc tribes have the concept of common property when it comes to some slaves. In these tribes a percentage of the captured females are considered property of the tribe as a whole, and can be used by any male orc, of any age, anytime that they wish for breeding purposes. A slave can also be made common property (either permanently or for a period of time) as a punishment.
  • Orcs enjoy alcoholic beverages and smoking, but see being addicted to other drugs to be a sign of weakness. Fights are common amongst orcs even in the same tribe, but these fights are almost always off duty and "friendly" (they often share a beer after the fight). Orcs take duty very seriously, as it is drilled into them from birth. Orcs raised in other cultures do not have this tendency, it is purely cultural. Orcish music is limited to marching songs and war ballads (generally with only percussion instruments) that are considered to be the worst music in the world by other races. Their musical is all based on the same three rhythm patterns, which equate to a march, fast march, and charge. Orcs see no point in finery and embellishment, and have no real sense of art (they would wipe their ass with the Mona Lisa seeing that as it's only use). Orcish stories tend to be all action and no substance, and will generally bore other races to tears. Recorded orcish history tends to be even drier than most of the other races' recorded histories, reading like a military log.