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*'''Mild taboo breaker:''' (-20 to any sex that is considered taboo but is regularly posted on porn sites, except for sex involving urine and feces.)
*'''Mild taboo breaker:''' (-20 to any sex that is considered taboo but is regularly posted on porn sites, except for sex involving urine and feces.)
*'''Fear of scaring a child:''' (-80 uncomfortable consent to allowing sex acts with children)
Has an almost neurotic level of opposition to doing anything that would scare a child away from sex. Will even pretend to like it if she is getting raped if her children are watching, and will go on ahead to help her rapist rape her children (if the rapist initiates it, she will not promote it herself,) as well so long as he is gentle with them and makes it fun. It is all for the sake of them not thinking it was a bad thing to have that sex act performed. She does not actually want any of her children having vaginal sex, or performing any form of sex act with an adult, but will not intervene to prevent it unless the children are making some form of protest against it themselves.

==Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)==
==Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)==

Revision as of 19:38, 3 November 2016

Sexual history

Patricia was raised in a strict victorianly anti-sex Irish Catholic household. She had it drummed into her from an early age that sex was evil and that it was only just tolerated when she gets married and then it should only be done for the purpose of reproduction. Later in life, when she got out from under her parent's house, she reached the conclusion they were insane. However, the repressive values they taught her were not so easy to shake. Once she got married and started having her own children, she vowed to do nothing like that to her own kids, having reached the conclusion from her independent research and talking with her friends that it was harmful to a child to constrain their sexual exploration in any way so long as it stays behind closed doors.

Since she was raising her children, she never got the chance to let loose with her own sexuality. However, just under the surface, she is just looking for the right trigger to completely let loose and have wild sex with someone.

Sexual Knowledge

Trish has a fairly pedestrian level of knowledge about the biology of sex, if not slightly lacking. Does not know the specifics of how different types of birth control work, other than the pill and condoms, and has a rather poor knowledge of the psychology related to sex witch she substitutes with random bits she has heard about (particularly where it comes to developing child sexuality)

In terms of sexual performance, aside from the bland sex she had with her husband before he died, she has heard of a few fetish concepts. Some of these make her uncomfortable, but if you get her going she will probably want to try anything and everything (so long as it does not cause permanent damage or endanger lives)

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • Wants another child: (-20 to bare-back PIV sex)
  • Interested in dirty sex: (-20 to be persuaded into some form of fetish sex)
  • Surrogate child sexual exploration: (-50 to her children getting involved sexually with other children)

Patricia laments her sexually repressed childhood, and will get a vicarious thrill from seeing her children exploring their budding sexuality like she never got the chance to. A part of her even wishes her father had touched her sexually, witch will allow her even to accept an adult performing mild sex acts with her children. (Will regard anyone younger than her 16 year old sister Shioban as a child for this purpose.)

  • Mild taboo breaker: (-20 to any sex that is considered taboo but is regularly posted on porn sites, except for sex involving urine and feces.)
  • Fear of scaring a child: (-80 uncomfortable consent to allowing sex acts with children)

Has an almost neurotic level of opposition to doing anything that would scare a child away from sex. Will even pretend to like it if she is getting raped if her children are watching, and will go on ahead to help her rapist rape her children (if the rapist initiates it, she will not promote it herself,) as well so long as he is gentle with them and makes it fun. It is all for the sake of them not thinking it was a bad thing to have that sex act performed. She does not actually want any of her children having vaginal sex, or performing any form of sex act with an adult, but will not intervene to prevent it unless the children are making some form of protest against it themselves.

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Sexually repressed: (-50 to all sex acts with her for anyone she deems as an acceptable partner)

Trish has a lot of sexual frustration bubbling just under the surface. She will go all out on the 1st person to reach 20 romance with her and indicate they are interested in her.

  • Major taboo breaker: (-40 to any and all sex, including pedophilia, that is considered unacceptable by society but does not involve great physical harm, or urine and feces.)

Trigger: Must become aclimated to fetish sex

  • Full-on surrogate child sex: (Romantic and trust scores with her = sex acts with her children.)

If both your romance and trust stats with Trish exceed the unmodified minimum to perform a certain sex act, she will let you do that sex act with her children even if they seem uncomfortable with it (but are not strongly protesting) and get turned on from watching it as though it were her you were doing it with. (Will permit absolutely anything, including sex acts she is uncomfortable with you doing with her, if her children seem Ok with it.) Trigger: 50 Romance OR trust with Trish and she has in some way had you involved (or you took the lead) while explaining something to do with sex to the children.

  • Encourages ejaculation: (-20 to anything to allow Xander to cum.)

Trish has picked up the theory that it is medically harmful for a man or post-pubescent boy to store up semen. Therefore, she will insist on any post-pubescent male in her care to somehow or other ejaculate at least once a day. After she sees how much semen Xander produces with his enhanced male fertility, she may decide to encourage him to ejaculate more than that for "health reasons."

  • Thinks of Xander as her child: (40 trust for 100% consensual vaginal or anal sex and 5 trust for all other 100% consensual sex acts with her children, but +40 for sex acts with her.)

If Trish comes to regard Xander in familial terms (has a dominance and familial love stat, and suspects or knows he is under 18) she will regard him as she would her own children and thus encourage him to sexually mingle with them in the same way she does them with each other, and will like it if he gets them to start doing sexual things they seemed nervous about before. (will, however, strongly object if her children at all object to something he tries to do with them.) However, if she regards him in a parental manner, she will personally become more sexually resistant to him. (sexual resistance can be eliminated without loosing the bonus for sex with her children by turning her dominance score into a submissive score or successfully performing one sex act for a given level. Note, this is only +10 on day 1 when this is activated, and increases by +10 per day until it reaches 40.)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • Mysophobia (fear of germs): (+100 to all sex involving urine, feces, or animals. +60 to oral sex if not preceded by vigorous washing of genitals, or an enema and scrubbing of anus for anal sex or fingering of anus by her or on her.)

These modifiers apply to sex involving her children as well.

  • Closet pedophile: (See Pedophilia taboo)

Trish's constant thinking about her children and their developing sexuality, as well as the conclusion that sex with children is not wrong, has caused her to develop some sexual attraction toward children. This resistance can be removed if she is groomed into child sex by being pressured or talked into performing 6 sex acts at each level on a child. (Uses your trust and romance scores with her +20 to convince her into a sex act with a consenting child.)

  • Doesn't think of self: (Will not initiate sex acts.)

Trish is in the habit of not thinking of her own sexual satisfaction if she perceives that there is work to be done. While she will quite readily facilitate sex acts between her children or those she thinks of as her children (has a dominance stat and family love stat with Trish,) she is far less likely to come on to someone sexually herself. Must be convinced into any sex act she has not been acclimated to (no modifier, but requires persuasion even if score far exceeds requirement,) and will not initiate until she has been groomed. Once grooming is complete for a single sex act, she only needs 1 more at the remaining levels to be considered groomed in those as well.

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

Trish will not develop any resistances in the future of the story.


  • Pedophilia: (+20 to personally engaging in sex with children)

Patricia has concluded that there is nothing wrong with sex with children and that the laws are misinformed, but she still has a resistance to performing the act personally.
