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*'''Naturally trusting:''' Immediate 20% trust with anyone they meet, and increased trust improvement rate till it reaches 70%.
*'''Naturally trusting:''' Immediate 20% trust with anyone they meet, and increased trust improvement rate till it reaches 70%.
*'''Foolish blind trust:''' Requires trust to be at 100% for activation, and above 50% to be maintained (activates automatically if trust is artificially adjusted to 100%.) Will abandon their rational faculties when it comes to the specified person this 100% trust is for and will find some way to excuse any negative action they perform. Also, no one action can drop their trust by more than 20% at a time.


Latest revision as of 14:40, 8 November 2016

A trait is a feature that can easily be completely absent in a person. Personality traits are usually learned somehow, but some may have a genetic factor. There are also some that are age related and are present in all or almost all people in a certain age range, but tend to disappear potentially to becoming completely absent in people outside that age range.

Relationship based

Traits based on how their relationship stats present themselves.



  • Spiteful: Will create situations that are equally if not more harmful to themselves all for the sake of attacking the person they are angry at.




  • Naturally trusting: Immediate 20% trust with anyone they meet, and increased trust improvement rate till it reaches 70%.
  • Foolish blind trust: Requires trust to be at 100% for activation, and above 50% to be maintained (activates automatically if trust is artificially adjusted to 100%.) Will abandon their rational faculties when it comes to the specified person this 100% trust is for and will find some way to excuse any negative action they perform. Also, no one action can drop their trust by more than 20% at a time.


  • Stockholm Syndrome: Fear generates romantic love.

Stockholm syndrome is an evolutionary response to the ancient warring tribes practice of killing the men then kidnapping the women as forced wives when a rival tribe was conquered. It is far more prevalent in women, but when it manifests in men it is not usually sexual in nature as it is with women, usually having more to do with being an evolutionary reaction to men being taken as slaves (the male typical presentation of Stockholm syndrome will increase friendliness instead of romantic love.)

In either case, Stockholm syndrome only triggers in cases where the victim is being forced into something they absolutely do not want to do, having no real choice to resist, often with the threat of harm. They also have to feel they have no means of escape from the situation. If both of those conditions are met and the person also has a pre-disposal to Stockholm syndrome (don't have exact stats, but 60% of women and 20% of men being susceptible sounds reasonable for our purposes,) then they will begin to identify with their captor and seek to do whatever they can to benefit them, and if in this state for long enough they may even refuse the opportunity to leave their situation even when presented with the opportunity on a silver platter.

  • False/fetish Stockholm Syndrome: Fear generates submissiveness, witch in turn generates romantic love.

This actually does result from the exact same genetic function that creates the true form of Stockholm syndrome, except that instead of being triggered by capture and being left with no hope of escape, instead it is triggered by satisfying their rape fantasy fetish witch is turned up to an extreme level, and loosely related to BDSM. (Rape fantasies come from the same genetic root as true Stockholm Syndrome.)

In this case, the person becomes sexually turned on and romantically attached to someone who mistreats them even if they have every possible opportunity to leave the situation. They pursue being placed in this abusive situation of their own will. It is really more a case of a person with a BDSM (submissive) and rape (as the victim) fantasy who is not well versed in the fetish enough to seek a partner they trust or use safe words. However, it does present very similarly to Stockholm Syndrome.

Familial/Platonic love

  • Adopter: Will treat certain non family individuals they have a generally good relationship with like they are family.

Romantic love

  • Asexual: Their feelings of love do not come with a lust component.


Features of sexuality that can be considered traits.

Partner preferences

Physical Preferences

  • Blond hair
  • Brown hair
  • Black hair
  • Taller
  • Shorter
  • Emaciated
  • Skinny
  • Underweight
  • Average weight
  • Overweight
  • Obese
  • Morbidly Obese
  • Extreme Obesity
  • Caucasian (out-group preference)
  • African (out-group preference)
  • East-Asian (out-group preference)
  • Hispanic (out-group preference)

Personality Preferences

  • Dominant
  • Submissive
  • Cheery
  • Laid-back
  • Aggressive
  • Merry


Things that do not necessarily have anything to do with sex, but are for some psychological reason or another strongly associated with sex for the person in question to the point that they are strongly turned on by it. Most people who have fetishes have them so strong that they will prefer something to match their fetishes more than they would something matching their sexual preferences. Literally anything can be a fetish, but what is listed below are a few of the more common fetishes.

  • Impregnation

It is not strange to want to get pregnant/get a girl pregnant since pregnancy and child birth are the actual goal and measure of success in humanity and evolution. However, someone with an impregnation fetish takes it overboard. They care about impregnation for the sake of the girl being pregnant, not because they want to raise the children that result from that pregnancy. Someone with an impregnation fetish may not even really care who it is that gets them pregnant/that they get pregnant. In extreme cases, a nameless faceless partner they will never see again is better than someone they know.

  • Anal(heterosexual)

Usually develops as a means to avoid unwanted pregnancy, might continue due to the association with sex or because of some difference in the physical sensation that they decide they like more. (usually both, and it is a chicken and the egg problem to figure out witch causes witch.)

  • Dominance/Submission

Having one sexual partner call all the shots, possibly even demanding that the submissive partner do things they are not really comfortable with.

  • BDSM

An extension of dominance/submission in witch the submissive partner is tortured, often using tools or implements of various types, in a way that brings sexual gratification. (Usually involves imprisonment in some form or another.)

  • Rape

A result of the tribe warfare days where, after a tribe was conquered, the women were kidnapped and forced into marriage with their captors. The way that this presents depends on how strong the fetish is and whether the individual is sexually dominant or sexually submissive.

Minor cases will consume erotica that depicts rape with the dynamic they prefer for their own gender (most common being dominant/rapist male and submissive/victim female.) Minor cases, despite getting turned on by the erotica, will not like it if it is made real-world physical in any way. (It is impossible to measure how many people of each gender fall into this category, but among males with this fetish this is overwhelmingly the most likely category for them to be in to the point it is hard to find them in either of the other categories.)

Moderate cases will role-play a rape scenario with a sexual partner who has consented to this before hand. There are a lot more women in this category than there are men.

In extreme cases, of witch there are not many, a man can only get turned on by sex that is against his partner's will, and a woman who is raped might develop Stockholm syndrome for her rapist and want to have a relationship with him. (This presentation is exceedingly rare for men, and it is impossible to know how many women fit into this category due to rape being a strongly discouraged activity. Note that this effect is more powerful on women who do not feel they have an escape from their rapist or being raped, means to report rape and social messaging they should do so can override the Stockholm syndrome effects.)

It is possible to have a rape-fetish dominant woman and submissive man, but these are about as rare as extreme case dominant rapist men. The most common by far is the woman who has a submissive rape fetish.

  • Incest

Sexual attraction to members of one's own family.

  • Red Hair

Unlike blond/brunet hair, preferences for red hair are actually more of a fetish. This can be demonstrated by the fact that those who like sexual partners with red hair are much less picky about other physical or personality characteristics in their partners than those who like blonds or brunets.

  • Freckles

Associated with the red-head fetish, but can be directed at non red-heads.

  • Green eyes

Associated with the red-head fetish, but can be directed at non red-heads.

  • Urination

Associates pee with sex. Extreme cases may like to drink the urine of their sexual partner.

  • Scatology

Associates deification with sex, often handling their own or their partner's fecal matter, pooping on their partner or allowing themselves to be pooped on, soiling their own pants, or even eating their own or their partner's feces.

Developing sexuality

Features of sexuality that apply primarily to children age 14 and younger who do not yet have a firm grasp of sex or sexuality. Note that unless noted otherwise these traits have more to do with curiosity than sexual desire. As such, trust of the person they are doing this with is a more important factor than romantic love, witch may or may not be present.

  • Early puberty

Is compelled to experiment sexually by the hormones that have begun flooding their brain witch they do not yet have effective control over. (Trait requirements: This is a secondary trait, it can only be activated or de-activated by altering pubescent status under physical traits in a lifie age 14 or younger.)

  • Curious about male genitals

Wants to see and/or touch the penis and testicles of an unspecific boy. Any boy will do if they feel they will not get in trouble with an authority figure for it. (Not self if lifie is male.)

  • Curious about female genitals

Wants to see and/or touch the vulva and vagina of an unspecific girl. Any girl will do if they feel they will not get in trouble with an authority figure for it. (Not self if lifie is female)

  • Curious about semen

Wants to see or come into physical contact with semen. It does not matter what boy ejaculated the semen. (Trait requirements: Must have some knowledge of what semen is)

  • Curious about penis insertion

Wants to feel what it is like to have a penis in a vagina or anus. Who the penis is attached to or who's vagina or anus it is only matters so much as they do not think the other person will spread the information around that they did this.

  • Curious about digital insertion

Wants to touch inside a vagina or anus or be touched inside with somebody else's fingers. Who's fingers and who's orifices it is only matters so much as they do not think the other person will spread the information around that they did this.

  • Curious about sex

Female, wants to feel what it is like to have semen ejaculated into her vagina. Male, wants to feel what it is like to ejaculate inside a vagina or anus. Must have trust for the boy or girl involved, but standard romantic love levels can be less than half the normal requirement or not even present at all depending on circumstances. (Trait requirements: Must know that semen comes out of the penis. Does not need to know that sex makes babies.)

  • Fantasizes about babies

Wants to have a baby. Note: Does not need to know that sex is how babies are made.

  • Curious about impregnation

Wants to get pregnant/get a girl pregnant. Note, like all other traits on this list, this is simply due to curiosity and not an understanding of the consequences or romantic love for the person they are having the baby with. To them, they are just playing a game. The determining factor on whether or not they will let a boy get them pregnant/agree to get a girl pregnant is more friendliness than romance, although a romance score of at least 2 is still necessary.

  • Sexually acclimatized

Does not feel as nervous or uncomfortable about sexual acts they have performed or the next progression above them. Triggers naturally after act has been performed on them a few times, varies by person. Average = 3 times (Trait Requirement: Must have performed a sex act of the appropriate level at least once.)

  • Sexually groomed

Has been made comfortable with sexual acts of a certain level, and does not consider it a concern to have sex acts they have experienced before performed on them and is also less hesitant about progressing to higher levels. Triggers naturally after act has been performed on them a good number of times, varies by person. Average = 12 times (Trait Requirement: Must have performed a sex act of the appropriate level at least once, trait normally activates after the appropriate sex act has been performed a number of times.)

  • Sexually violated (passive reaction)

Has less resistance to sexual advances after having had their sexual boundaries violated in the past (Trait Requirement: Must have been sexually harassed, molested, or raped)

  • Sexually violated (aggressive reaction)

Has a stronger, sometimes violent level resistance to sexual advances after having had their sexual boundaries violated in the past (Trait Requirement: Must have been sexually harassed, molested, or raped)