Life Hacks/Summer's taboos and interests: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Life Hacks/Writers]]
[[Category:Life Hacks/Writers|Summer's taboos and interests]]

Latest revision as of 08:59, 25 December 2016

Sexual history

If idle hands are the devil's playground, then Summer is a perfect and pure angel. She has heard the absolute abstainance until marriage message she has heard in school about sex mocked by her school social circle, but she knows she does not have time for a dating life so her actual opinions on the matter don't count for much.

Summer doesn't even really get enough time to masturbate. She has become slightly bi-curious, mostly due to her sexual frustrations, for her sister Winny. They have masturbated together on occasion since they share a room, but they both have a silent agreement that it means nothing sexually and doesn't count them as Lesbians.

Summer has a somewhat dark desire to get a male classmate with good prospects to knock her up while she is still in high school so that they can get married and he can take her out of this hectic life at home. However, she doesn't have time to date, so she doesn't see much chance of that ever happening.

Sexual Knowledge

Learned about sex from her catholic-school sex-ed class, witch spent 10 minutes looking at cross-sections of the internal male and female anatomy, briefly mentioned sperm in a single sentence, never even mentioned penis in vagina insertion (most of the kids found out about that one from talking to each other,) and spent the rest of the week long course talking about how pre-marital sex is evil.

  • Knows what sex is?: Is aware that the parts fit together and that's how babies are made.
  • Knows what semen is?: Heard the term "semen" in her sex-ed class, and has heard her friends at school talk about "cum" and knows they are the same thing. Knows it comes out as a liquid of some sort, but has no real concept of it beyond that.
  • Knows what male genitals look like?: Knows what a baby or toddler boy's genitals look like from diaper changes and bathing.
  • Knows about birth control?: Is aware of abortion and thinks of it as evil, is aware of the pill but knows it is against the church, does not know about condoms or any other form of birth control.

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • White-knight fantasy: (-20 to vaginal sex with a boy she wouldn't mind marrying, nulls pre-marital sex taboo.)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Rebellious with her uterus: (will have vaginal intercourse with any non-family male she has a trust stat with.)

Summer is fed up with having to be essentially a slave-labor babysitter and decides she might as well have kids of her own if she is forced to be the babysitter anyway. Will not have sex with just any guy, but will not care much so long as he is someone she has access to considering her inability to get a date. (Xander would be at the very top of her list in this regard, but if pushed to it she may consider some of April's male middle school friends before she would consider male family members.)

(Trigger: Finding out Winny has had sex, finding out any one of her younger sisters are pregnant, or having someone simply plant this line of thinking in her head.)

  • Resentful of Winny's freedom: (Wants Winny to get pregnant and will facilitate certain actions according to trust to make it happen.)

Summer resents that Winny can get out of babysitting with her sports, and wants to see Winny get pregnant in order to tie her to the house. Will even facilitate this to happen if she trusts the guy who is to impregnate her. Different actions to facilitate depend on her level of trust.

  • 10 = will verbally encourage Winny into it if asked to do so.
  • 20 = will verbally encourage Winny into it with said guy in same room (may or may not watch the sex occur.)
  • 30 = will participate in a threesome if it will involve Winny getting cum up her twat.
  • 40 = will set up Winny to be raped so long as she does not have to be around when it happens.
  • 50 = will secretly push the guy's sperm into Winny's vagina while mutually masturbating with her.
  • 60 = will facilitate Winny being raped by diverting away anyone who might try to stop it.
  • 70 = will physically hold down Winny while she is being raped.

Note, Summer will not be comfortable with doing ANY of this and will not bring it up herself. She must be convinced into it.

(Trigger: She knows there is a guy available for it and... she gets pregnant, she finds out one of her younger sisters other than Winny have gotten pregnant, Winny finds an excuse to be away from the house for more than 72 hours in a single stretch, or someone plants the idea in her head that Winny getting pregnant will mean she has to stay home like her.)

  • Broken damn / rebellious with her sisters' uteruses: (will permit or possibly even facilitate sex with her younger sisters after certain conditions are met.)

(Trigger: Winny and one of her other younger siblings have both had sex with the same guy, and/or she and one of her younger siblings have both had sex with the same guy.) Summer will not like the idea of one of her younger sisters having sex, but if a guy has already had sex with one of them plus her or Winny, she will simply give up on her objections and start in on a line of thinking that her parents are getting what they deserve for setting a bad example in the first place and giving no real guidance themselves but thrusting it all on her.

If Summer helped to facilitate Winny's impregnation, she may be convinced to do up to and including (but not exceeding) whatever it was she was asked to do with Winny.

  • Caught in the moment: (Lowers effective body shame stat the more sex she gets involved in)

Cumulative -10 to body shame stat and all resulting effects per day she engages in or facilitates sexual activity, and additional -10 each time a new girl is added to the list of those she has facilitated sex with. Body shame will rise again by +10 for every 24 hour period no sex occurs with or around her, but any grooming or acclimation that was achieved according to the lowered score will remain.

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • The Church says no: (+10 personal and surrogate resistance to all sex acts)

Will be hesitant for sex herself and will also strongly discourage it for her siblings. Applies only to advanced verbal consent or knowingly permitting or facilitating the sex with others before it starts. This no longer applies if the sexual situation has already started and will not take steps to follow up on her siblings' sexual actions after the fact.

  • Her parents say no: (+20 personal and surrogate resistance to all sex acts.)

Same as "church says no," except stronger because her parents are closer at hand. (these two will stack) The difference is that if any one of the rebellious interests are triggered then this will reverse to a -20.

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)


  • Incest Taboo: (+40 to sexual contact with male siblings)
  • Homophobia: (+20 to sexual contact with non-lesbian girls, +60 to sexual contact with an acknowledged lesbian.)
  • Pre-marital sex: (+20 to vaginal sex with any male.)
