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|Health: 100%
|Energy: 62%
|Focus: 47%
|Stress: 71%
|Arousal: 100%
|genitals=''Penis:'' 4 inches - uncut
|genitals=''Penis:'' 4 inches - uncut
|mods=Lifie Mod, World Mod
|mods=Lifie Mod, World Mod

Revision as of 23:49, 2 February 2017

Well, if the intention is to test this out, you should probably go with someone who’s reaction will tell you more. So, with your STILL very leaky pre-cum dribbling prick, despite how much you have drained it, leading the way you make your way through the dining room and into the kitchen. Pre-cum dribbling is a rather apt and important modifier to put on it, as you are walking you feel a strand of it drip down and catch you in the knees at least twice in the short time it takes you to reach the kitchen, and there is just something about the mental association between your pre-cum and ejaculating that has you already ready to go just from that. Fortunately, with your improved mental discipline, you are able to ignore this the same as you would if you had pre-cum dribbling in your pants in the middle of a school day.

You feel a self-satisfied grin curl up on your face as you enter the kitchen and see Summer leaning against the counter for a quick rest as the hot dogs are boiling. Just taking in the scene, it looks as though she deliberately chose an item for lunch that would take some prep time with her doing nothing specifically so that she could chill for a while with the “I’m cooking” excuse to get her out of having to do something else. Because of this, she obviously notices you immediately.

“Hey,” you say preemptively as your eyes meet.

“Oh, hi!” She responds with a smile. “did you need something?”

“Eh, not much,” you respond, leaning back against a counter perpendicular to the one she is leaning against, allowing you to push out your junk prominently toward her as yet another dribble of pre-cum drips down and lands in the middle of the kitchen floor.

“Ehhh...” Summer pauses, giving you a look that gets your heart freezing in your chest as her eyes draw down to your dick and then to the floor.

“Uhh...” you feel a lump beginning to form in your throat as your mind begins to plan out what excuse you are going to use for your half nudity in this situation when her inevitable questioning comes.

“Umm… here, I’ll get that for you,” she says, jumping up and grabbing a paper towel and then coming over to crouch in front of you, her hair bumping up against the head of your 4 inch now un-cut dick with the eye peeking out due to its hardness. “Oh, sorry,” she says as she wipes up your drippings from the floor and then touches her hair with a look as though it was water or something that splashed her. She quickly scurries back to her previous spot, looking very red in the face. “I… I didn’t mean to… umm… touch you like that… I mean..” she tucks her chin down, blushing furiously.

“It’s alright,” you assure her. Well, it looks like you are in the clear at least. It seems she is fully aware of your state of undress, and it even seems as though she maintains the social taboos of it being inappropriate for her to touch there, but she does not seem to take much issue with you proudly displaying your junk in the middle of a crowded house with her brothers and sisters. Speaking of witch, it is at exactly that moment that both of your attentions are diverted by some heavy tromping on the porch witch immediately precede the sight of March’s rowdy younger brother and room-mate, August, bursting through the door.

“Hey!” He says as his eyes land on you. He comes running up and immediately latches on to your hip, causing your slimy dick head to press directly into the 9 year old boy’s neck. “Hey Xander! July said you were here!” Well, if there was any question as to whether or not they were going to make a deal about your state of undress, having August simply not caring about the fact that he has got your dick currently pressing into his collar bone seems to do the trick. “Hey!” He says, drawing back and allowing your cock to swing up and smack him in the chin. “Oh!” He says, staggering backward, but hardly seeming to be phased by it. “Umm… if you are done playing with March, do you want to come out to the pool with us?”

“Hey,” Summer scolds, “he just got here. I’m sure him and March want to still catch up with each other.”

“Awww!” he groans.

Well, you probably have about all the information you need now about how this cheat functions. They are definitely very much aware of your exposed dick, they just don’t see it as being a problem… other than maybe the part about your pre-cum dribbling on the floor. They seem to take some issue with that.

So then, armed with this information, what now?

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Life Hacks Xander.png
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 4 inches - uncut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 62%
Focus: 47%
Stress: 71%
Arousal: 100%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod, World Mod
Infinity Pocket
Nerdy cloths, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Infinity Pocket
Life Controller Duck, Loki's Knocker
Pressure seal cock (regrew foreskin), Infinite cum, Zero refractory period, Immortality
Page Tally: No change this page.
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything,
Loki controls the local area.
Summer Holiday
Friend's sister 16 years old
Life Hacks Summer.png

Notes: *Max Fertility

  • Mild X 0 (groomed via cheat to your nudity)

August Holiday
Friend's brother 9 years old
Life Hacks August.png

Notes: Mild X 0 (groomed via cheat to your nudity)

January "Jan" Holiday
Friend's sister 12 years old
Life Hacks Jan.png

Notes: .

  • Pregnant with your child
  • Benign X1
  • Mild X4 (acclimated to 50-60% mild acts)
  • Moderate X3
  • Hard-core X1
  • Max Fertility

March Holiday
Friend 14 years old
Life Hacks March.png

Notes: *Mild X 1 (groomed specifically to showing privates)

  • Moderate X 2 (groomed specifically to side-by-side masturbation, acclimated specifically to touching each other's genitals)

July Holiday
Friend's sister 6 years old
Life Hacks July.png

Notes: .

  • Precocious Puberty
  • Max Fertility

Octobre "Octo" Holiday
Friend's brother 5 years old
Life Hacks Octo.png

Notes: '

Novembre "Nove" Holiday
Friend's sister 3 years old
Life Hacks Nove.png

Notes: .

  • Precocious Puberty
  • Max Fertility

Lynnette "Lynn" Holiday
Friend's mother 37 years old
Life Hacks Lynn.png

Notes: '

Winter "Winny" Holiday
Friend's sister 15 years old
Life Hacks Winny.png

Notes: Max Fertility

Autumn Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old
Life Hacks Autumn.png

Notes: Max Fertility

Spring Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old
Life Hacks Spring.png

Notes: Max Fertility

Feburary "Febby" Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old
Life Hacks Febby.png

Notes: Max Fertility

April Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old
Life Hacks April.png

Notes: .

  • Precocious Puberty
  • Max Fertility

May Holiday
Friend's sister 10 years old
Life Hacks May.png

Notes: Max Fertility

June Holiday
Friend's sister 8 years old
Life Hacks June.png

Notes: .

  • Precocious Puberty
  • Max Fertility

Christmas "Chris" Holiday
Friend's father 37 years old
Life Hacks Chris.png

Notes: '

Septembre "Lloyd" Holiday
Friend's brother 7 years old
Life Hacks Lloyd.png

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old
Life Hacks Brittany.png

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old
Life Hacks Charity.png

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old
Life Hacks Bastian.png

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Angel.png

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old
Life Hacks Roni.png

Notes: .

  • Precocious Puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Dismissable count X2

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old
Life Hacks Ingrid.png

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old
Life Hacks Richard.png

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old
Life Hacks Shauna.png

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Rahne.png

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old
Life Hacks Kizzie.png

Notes: '

Maria "Mary" Thompsett
police officer XX years old
Life Hacks Maria.png

Notes: '

Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old
Life Hacks Loki.png

Notes: '