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Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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That's a LOT closer to what I envisioned. The only contention is that she looks to be about 14 rather than 5, but I imagine it might be a little hard to find that in younger. As for her stats, I gave it a whirl with my best assumptions at what appropriate numbers would be, but I can describe her and you can tweak the numbers if you disagree. Physically, she's a 5 year old with no differences in physical ability from what a real 5 year old would have. Mentally, she is smart but it's easy to find someone smarter than her. She just likes knowledge, but she doesn't have some kinda super intelligence. She would come off as a really smart highschool student, but not on the level of a studied expert in any given field. She is far more capable in the area of wisdom, and she is quite wise, especially where it comes to predicting human nature. As for the spiritual stuff, her aura would probably be on the strong side because she has learned to put off a quiet air that tells people not to mess with her. On the spiritual side she is far more capable on defense than offense, she gears it primarily toward turning away potential attackers and keeping herself calm under pressure. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 06:53, 21 December 2017 (CET)
That's a LOT closer to what I envisioned. The only contention is that she looks to be about 14 rather than 5, but I imagine it might be a little hard to find that in younger. As for her stats, I gave it a whirl with my best assumptions at what appropriate numbers would be, but I can describe her and you can tweak the numbers if you disagree. Physically, she's a 5 year old with no differences in physical ability from what a real 5 year old would have. Mentally, she is smart but it's easy to find someone smarter than her. She just likes knowledge, but she doesn't have some kinda super intelligence. She would come off as a really smart highschool student, but not on the level of a studied expert in any given field. She is far more capable in the area of wisdom, and she is quite wise, especially where it comes to predicting human nature. As for the spiritual stuff, her aura would probably be on the strong side because she has learned to put off a quiet air that tells people not to mess with her. On the spiritual side she is far more capable on defense than offense, she gears it primarily toward turning away potential attackers and keeping herself calm under pressure. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 06:53, 21 December 2017 (CET)
I modified the picture.  Age is mostly about proportions . . . I think I have it close, but let me know if you want me to go back to the last version.  I also redid the stats to what you said.  In all attributes 2 is average human.  The mental and spiritual stats have a soft cap of 12 for maximum humans (anyone above the cap is ''usually'' superhuman).  Physical stats have a hard cap of Dex: 10, Strength: 6, Body: 6, for maximum human (anyone above the cap ''is'' superhuman).  Wisdom rests more in the spiritual(social) stats than the mental ones, so I reflected that.  --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 12:08, 21 December 2017 (CET)

Revision as of 11:08, 21 December 2017

Damn! I have DC adventures, which is pretty much Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition.--Notsooldpervert (talk) 15:36, 19 December 2017 (CET)

Blood of Heroes / DC Heroes is hands down the BEST superhero roleplaying system ever devised. Unfortunately there is some confusion over who owns the rights to they system, meaning that no one can move forward with the game system. It's really annoying for fans like me. If I were you I'd buy a copy of Blood of Heroes: Special Edition while they are still out there. I'll put a link to the amazon entry on the main page, as putting it here may hinder people's ability to edit the page (depending on how it works with an external link on the page). --Elerneron (talk) 16:08, 19 December 2017 (CET)

With a story about super powers, I'm kinda half-tempted to insert Ellen into this. And actually, I wouldn't even need to re-create her, her powers also allow her to cross dimensions, and it is even justifiable that she might come to this world in order to study and get the idea of how a society may structure itself with people who have superpowers suddenly injected into the world. She would likely be more or less a neutral observer, but have a great interest in talking to headliner heroes and world leaders to figure out how they are organizing things with all that's going on. I know she is a little op, (thus all the more need for her to be more neutral,) and that a portion of her powers set is a bit close to that of Breecher, but I thought she may be interesting in how she may interact in this world. (Oh, and if Ellen ever decided to pick up a superhero name, she would likely go by "Raven's Child." Jemini (talk) 14:38, 20 December 2017 (CET)

Feel free to do so, if you wish. I know I haven't opened the story up officially, because I haven't settled out the format and written up the rules yet; but you know me and my work well enough that I doubt that is necessary with you. If you feel froggie, feel free to jump . . . if not, I look forward to reading Ellen's story if and when you want to add it. It's good to note that the people have been dealing with super powers in some capacity since the 1950's. It's just become more accessible for the last twelve years or so. Being able to buy powers adds a new dynamic to the whole thing. --Elerneron (talk) 00:14, 21 December 2017 (CET)

I think I'll add her, but I may not be writing much content for her all that quickly. I will have to see how the setting is panning out before I try anything of the sort, but at the very least I have gotten some idea of character profiles. Also, I may need some help with the image. I describe what she's wearing in the RP which is quite thoroughly buried by now, but that can be thrown out as we are probably assuming some time and new clothes by now. The important points are appearing to be approximately 5 or so years of age and having dark hair and brown eyes.

I should be able to find something for you. I'm being a little pickier than normal with the pictures on this one and only using full body images. I'll look for an image for her shortly. If you need help with the Blood of Heroes stats, just let me know. Actually, if you can give me an idea of the following, I could probably do it:

How she compares to other human beings, especially how far from human average / human maximum in the nine attributes:

Dexterity (Physical Action and Reaction) Strength (Physical Effect) Body (Physical Resistance and Damage Capacity)

Intelligence (Mental Action and Reaction) Will (Mental Effect) Mind (Physical Resistance and Damage Capacity)

Influence (Spiritual/Social/Emotional Action and Reaction) Aura (Spiritual/Social/Emotional Effect) Spirit (Spiritual/Social/Emotional Resistance and Damage Capacity)

As well as Powers and Skills she has and a general idea of the limits of said powers. Any advantageous or disadvantageous qualities about her or her circumstances that might translate to advantages and drawbacks.

--Elerneron (talk) 00:46, 21 December 2017 (CET)

How does this look? (Keep in mind I am skilled at Photoshop, so if it's close I may be able to get things in line with what you want. For instance, recoloring is relatively easy.


--Elerneron (talk) 01:26, 21 December 2017 (CET)

Personally, when I envision Ellen, the picture I have in mind is a little like the original black-and-white version of Wednesday Adams, same style to her exept not the gloomy version we have with the feature film remakes. (Basically, think Wednsday with all the weirdness except a little bit happier. Not too much happier though.) So, the big issues, yes to the child appearance, no to the style of dress. Also, she would prefer to wear things that are fairly simple yet elegant in appearance, kinda like a child in their formal church cloths except that she doesn't look awkward while wearing them and instead carries it like an adult woman wearing a formal dress. Jemini (talk) 03:05, 21 December 2017 (CET)

Give that a whirl. Refresh the page if it isn't a completely different picture. --Elerneron (talk) 04:43, 21 December 2017 (CET)

That's a LOT closer to what I envisioned. The only contention is that she looks to be about 14 rather than 5, but I imagine it might be a little hard to find that in younger. As for her stats, I gave it a whirl with my best assumptions at what appropriate numbers would be, but I can describe her and you can tweak the numbers if you disagree. Physically, she's a 5 year old with no differences in physical ability from what a real 5 year old would have. Mentally, she is smart but it's easy to find someone smarter than her. She just likes knowledge, but she doesn't have some kinda super intelligence. She would come off as a really smart highschool student, but not on the level of a studied expert in any given field. She is far more capable in the area of wisdom, and she is quite wise, especially where it comes to predicting human nature. As for the spiritual stuff, her aura would probably be on the strong side because she has learned to put off a quiet air that tells people not to mess with her. On the spiritual side she is far more capable on defense than offense, she gears it primarily toward turning away potential attackers and keeping herself calm under pressure. Jemini (talk) 06:53, 21 December 2017 (CET)

I modified the picture. Age is mostly about proportions . . . I think I have it close, but let me know if you want me to go back to the last version. I also redid the stats to what you said. In all attributes 2 is average human. The mental and spiritual stats have a soft cap of 12 for maximum humans (anyone above the cap is usually superhuman). Physical stats have a hard cap of Dex: 10, Strength: 6, Body: 6, for maximum human (anyone above the cap is superhuman). Wisdom rests more in the spiritual(social) stats than the mental ones, so I reflected that. --Elerneron (talk) 12:08, 21 December 2017 (CET)