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Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)
Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

*'''Ease with homosexuality'''
Having molested Roni for a while, she would have an easier time with "Lexi" than with Xander.
*'''Dormant rape fetish'''
While Charity knows sex with Xander would be wrong, she often fantasizes about him doing it with her anyway. This being the case, while she will be hurt by it if he actually did straight up rape her, she is not likely to tell anyone about it and if it is repeated she will come to accept it.
*'''Threesome comfort'''
Charity would be rather comfortable with the idea of one of her younger siblings being included in your sex, even if they are semi-consenting. She is likely to help convince them for you if they are resisting and need to be brow-beaten a little but is likely to step in if you use force and they are complaining loudly. (she is likely to dismiss quiet complaints.)

*'''Results of physical force in sex acts:'''
*'''Results of physical force in sex acts:'''
Physical force in excess of pinning her down and holding her legs open is likely to move her out of the zone of acceptance that her rape fantasy will allow for, but within that, you will get the results specified under "dormant rape fetish."

*'''Results of psychological force in sex acts:''' (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)
*'''Results of psychological force in sex acts:''' (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)
Charity will be on the fence as to whether to regard this as rape or consensual sex. She will enjoy and encourage more of this kind of "rape," and even help you to "rape" her siblings in this fashion if she sees you trying to convince them verbally. While she will most likely enjoy it though, she will still think of it as rape in order to aswaid her feelings of guilt.

[[Category:Life Hacks|Charity's Sexuality]]
[[Category:Life Hacks|Charity's Sexuality]]

Latest revision as of 12:06, 1 February 2018

This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Since Charity learned about sex from her mother at age 10, she has secretly harbored sexual fantasies about her twin Xander. She knows this is unacceptable though, and his wimpy nerdiness making him an undesirable partner (substituted for intimidating greatness making her feel she was not worthy of his attention in her memory after he modifies himself) made her suppress this side of her.

When she was 11, she took notice of how her 4 year old sister Roni would always wear skirts with nothing on underneath. She saw her sister as approachable for her budding desire to experiment sexually. Eventually, Angelica found out and asked to be included. When Angelica started asking about boy's privates, Charity feeling powerful as the one who knew everything about these subjects went out to grab her little brother Bastian into the mix, and turned him into the surrogate for her twin in her pent up sexual desire as she greedily fondled his then 8 year old cock and balls once he was in the picture. Unfortunately, this boldness lead to them getting caught.

Since she got in trouble, she began putting a miss-placed resentment on to her brother Xander for her punishment even though he was not involved. In her mind, she only got in trouble because it was her doing it with the kids and not her twin that got her caught. She also sort of resents him for being the same age as her but a lot more trusted by her mother, father, and older sister for his lack of involvement in all of those things.

Roni, the one Charity had molested the longest, seemed to want to continue their "games," but she knew she would get hell for it so she pushed her away. She has recently felt a longing for the old days when her and Roni used to play their innocent childhood games. She knows better how bad that was now, but she couldn't help it when she saw her opportunity taking Roni to her base-ball games at the park and Roni seemed plenty willing to pick up where they left off using the park's family restroom facilities. However, she heard her older sister Brittany was coming back, so she is now avoiding going to the park for fear Brittany will catch on to what she was doing.

Sexual Knowledge

Charity and Xander were the last members of the siblings to get "the talk" from their parents, their parents having started to feel too overwhelmed with the number of children after that and figuring Brittany or someone else would tell them what they needed to know. As such, Charity's sexual knowledge is fairly complete. She knows all the text-book facts about sex that an average virgin adult would.

General recommended approaches

Charity will have a strong resistance toward having sex with you. You will need to 1st eliminate her enemy status with you, 2nd you will have to discover her sexual attraction toward you in a manner that she knows that you know, and 3rd you will have to do some convincing that not only do you know about it and approve but also that you two can get away with doing it. (Note: all sex act permissions are broken down into whether or not you have convinced her this is ok, and several will not be consented to if you have not regardless of relationship levels)

If you were to rape or sexually assault Charity, her sexual attraction toward you would cause her to become confused and likely not tell anyone about it. If you have eliminated her enemy status by this time or you eliminate it after the rape, she will become submissive to you and hover between connecting and non-consenting, and this will likely trigger a submissive sexual fetish in her for you. She will still act like she hates you, but the moment the two of you are alone and you touch her sexually that will be gone. If you remove the enemy status before the rape, she will have mostly the same reaction but not pretend to hate you outside of sexual situations. Rather, she will be fairly quiet and avoid eye contact, and her submissiveness will raise much higher than it would have if she was rapped before the enemy status was removed.

Her reaction to specific sex acts

While the above can help you to predict how she might react to sex generally, below is how she will react to specific acts.

At the heading of each act, there will be a recommendation on witch relationship stat(s) will be most effective in getting her to lower her guard against this specific sex act if they cross a certain threshold. This threshold will be given a "low/medium/high" rating rather than a specific number. Although, there is a rough number each rating is meant to represent, as outlined by the table below.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.

Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

These will be some of the first acts she begins to allow again after enemy status is removed, and will likely be allowed before she is fully convinced with low friendliness scores and doing these things with her will raise her positive scores with you rapidly until they reach around 30% (dominance/submissiveness not affected by default, but can be affected depending on situation.) If you still have an enemy score, she will withdraw and make a biting remark at you, but internally she will instantly regret it and wish it could have continued (dominance may increase, other scores could do anything depending on situation.)

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

  • Appearing around each other in less clothing than "is proper" no recommendation.

You get the family and housemate pass on this one. Circumstance and relationship scores will never make her opposed to this.

  • Fondle her fully clothed ass while hugging or other such activity: Recommend low friendliness and submissiveness.

This early flirting type activity will shock her and she will likely put a stop to it, but she will enjoy it. She will likely dismiss it as nothing, making excuses to herself about it meaning nothing. If you have enemy status with her, she will not allow you to get close enough to do this in the first place.

  • Change cloths in presence of each other, not going naked no recommendation

Charity will be against this even if you have had consensual sex with her, but if you come up with a good enough excuse she will stick around even if she has bordering on medium levels of enemy status with you. The one period where she will not be convinced by excuses and fight it the hardest is in the interm between removing the enemy status and convincing her it is ok for you to do sexual things together.

If given a good enough excuse to stick around, regardless of which extreme she is on, she will not be able to keep her eyes off of you. The only difference between her being friendly with you and her being antagonistic toward you is that she will make some attempts at some emasculating remarks if she is antagonistic.

  • Make sexually charged or sexually related banter with each other no recommendation

This is one where Charity will actually more readily participate if she has an enemy rating with you. It will be almost like a battle of wits for her, and it will also be a bit cathartic for her. She will enjoy the sexual banter greatly, and it will likely raise her lust while lowering her enemy status (no effect on enemy status if it is 10% or lower. Note, if you have raped or sexually assaulted Charity, this will raise enemy status instead.)

If you have managed to eliminate her enemy status, Charity will be made highly uncomfortable by this sort of thing until she is convinced sex acts between you are Ok. After that, she will still not want to do it in front of others, but she might if she happens to have participated in an orgy in witch you performed a moderate or higher sex act on all of the other parties in the room. Just being aware you did these things outside of her view is not enough for this.

  • "Secretly" dry-hump leg, hip, or ass (either direction) Recommend medium friendliness or trust, no enemy status.

This is one that will require charity to be convinced in order to consent. This will be one of the sorts of actions that are part of the early acceptance process, and she will likely be fairly nervous and quiet about it.

Mild sex acts

Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

Charity's peculiar relationship between you and sex will cause her to make these fairly low level sex acts harder to achieve than the higher level ones. She will not consent to any mild sex act on its own unless you have performed it on her multiple times while she was in the throws of an orgasm that you gave her while performing a moderate or hard-core sex act. She will literally let you jiz on her boobs before she will let you touch them over her cloths.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Touch each other's bare genitals with hand Recommend medium friendliness, trust, and lust/romance scores.

This will be one of the first things she will let you do with her as you convince her sex between you would be Ok. She is not likely to agree to it, but with enough preparation to get her to accept it you can simply force your hand down her pants and begin rubbing her and she will consent after the fact. If she happens to consent to this, it is actually a good idea to push further to other actions as she is likely to resist harder the next time unless you really push it and do some really carnal things together the first time.

  • Rub your bare genitals together: Recommend very high friendliness, trust, and lust/romance scores.

Being a virgin, Charity will not really think of the idea of dry humping. She will expect penetrative sex. As such, in order to do this you will need her to be comfortable and horny enough to have full vaginal intercourse with you in order to do this. If you rubbed her with your hand before this and have gotten her turned on enough, she will accept this with the same scores as she would for rubbing her, and she is also likely to loose herself and grab your penis in order to guide it in herself for full vaginal intercourse.

  • Masturbate partner to orgasm Recommend medium friendliness, trust, and lust/romance scores.

If you started out with your hand, Charity will readily allow you to bring her to orgasm. Furthermore, once she is in the afterglow of an orgasm she will accept absolutely any higher sex act, but still will not allow kissing or boob touching unless you are in the middle of doing a good job of building her toward orgasm.

  • Ejaculate on her head, hair, chest, or face:

Despite knowing about sex and how it makes babies, Charity does not actually know much about semen. It was mentioned to her when she was 10 and got "the talk," but she wound up more or less forgetting about it since then. If she is on a consensual route, she will likely find this shocking and freak out a little the first time she sees semen. If she is on a rape route though, she will likely be confused about it and not really know what to think about it.

  • Ejaculate on her body:

Same as above.

  • Perform oral sex on her:

Charity has no experience with oral sex, and will likely be surprised by it at first. Once she feels the pleasurable feelings from it though, she will fully accept it.

  • Have her perform oral sex on you:

Charity has heard of a blowjob at school from her friends. She feels a little strange about it and has a preference toward hand-jobs and vanilla sex in her sexual fantasies, but if you are on a consent route with her she will be agreeable to it especially once told it is a way to avoid getting pregnant (unless vaginal sex has already happened.) On a non-consensual route, she will find it disgusting and have higher resistance to it, but will submissively go along with it once she figures out what's going on.

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex:

She will feel quite comfortable with this idea, having done it so much with Roni already. She will not really like the idea of oral, but if sex toys are introduced she will be hesitant at first but then get into it.

  • Vaginal sex with condom

Charity remembers her mother saying something about how condoms are the only form of birth control that can, potentially, actually work. However, having received a steady diet of the equivalent of "abstinence-only" since then due to her early sexual experimentation having been with her siblings, she has not thought much about condoms since then but will easily have her memory jogged by you using one. If you wear a condom, she is likely to rationalize that since there is no harm or risk in it then it will be Ok to just do it behind her mother's back.

  • Anal Sex

Charity is likely to be confused about anal sex, and it would be considered a fetish act to her. She can likely be convinced into it, but only after several hand-jobs, blow-jobs, or having had PIV sex with her a few times.

  • PIV sex while aware that it makes babies:

Will be somewhat against it the first time, but can be easily swayed over to a spiteful way of thinking that getting pregnant might be a good way to hurt her mother. Once the ice is actually broken on this one, she will start getting into it with spite against her mother always being in the back of her mind as she thinks about getting pregnant from it.

  • Intentionally impregnate her:

Talk about her mother being angry about her getting pregnant is the best way to go this route. It will cause her to dismiss the idea. However, talking about having a child with her will jog her thought process toward actually realizing the long-term consequences and make her more resistant to this idea. If it is brought up with the initial sex, she will likely not accept it. If it is brought up after sex, she will start asking to stop having sex. If it is on a submissive route, she will protest you having sex with her a lot more. That said, she will have to be reminded several times about raising a child. At first, she will attempt to put it out of her mind and not think about it.

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Ease with homosexuality

Having molested Roni for a while, she would have an easier time with "Lexi" than with Xander.

  • Dormant rape fetish

While Charity knows sex with Xander would be wrong, she often fantasizes about him doing it with her anyway. This being the case, while she will be hurt by it if he actually did straight up rape her, she is not likely to tell anyone about it and if it is repeated she will come to accept it.

  • Threesome comfort

Charity would be rather comfortable with the idea of one of her younger siblings being included in your sex, even if they are semi-consenting. She is likely to help convince them for you if they are resisting and need to be brow-beaten a little but is likely to step in if you use force and they are complaining loudly. (she is likely to dismiss quiet complaints.)

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:

Physical force in excess of pinning her down and holding her legs open is likely to move her out of the zone of acceptance that her rape fantasy will allow for, but within that, you will get the results specified under "dormant rape fetish."

  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)

Charity will be on the fence as to whether to regard this as rape or consensual sex. She will enjoy and encourage more of this kind of "rape," and even help you to "rape" her siblings in this fashion if she sees you trying to convince them verbally. While she will most likely enjoy it though, she will still think of it as rape in order to aswaid her feelings of guilt.