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'''Reproductive magic'''
'''Reproductive magic'''
<div style="padding: .5em; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: 1em; background-color: rgb(235,235,235);">Tier 1. automatically obtained
* Detect ovulation/cycle status/pregnancy status
* Detect male potency (detects sperm count and ejaculation volume and gives % chance of impregnation if copulating with ovulating female)
* Stabilize implantation (must be cast on same day zygote enters uterus, detect pregnancy status required)
* Stabilize menstural cycle (causes an irregular or difficult menstural cycle to become regular)
* Painless deflowering (numbs hymen)
* '''Forbidden magic:''' Destablize uterus (induces miscarriage by reversing effects of stabilize implantation, no books exist and those who learn it by force are viewed very negatively by elven society)
<div style="padding: .5em; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: 1em; background-color: rgb(235,235,235);">Tier 2. Learn 3 tier 1 spells
* Raise sperm count (Becomes "advance puberty" if cast on a pre-pubescent boy)
* Raise sperm count (Becomes "advance puberty" if cast on a pre-pubescent boy)
* Increase ejaculation volume (increases seminal fluid created by prostate, allows pre-pubescent boy to ejaculate without risk of impregnation)
* '''Secret magic:''' Reduce sperm count (reversal of raise sperm count, birth control method used by humans who modified the elf magic. Is looked down upon but considered acceptable by elves)
* Cause ovulation (Becomes "advance puberty" if cast on a pre-pubescent girl)
* Heal vaginal (or anal) tearing or prolaps. (restores hymen as well, unless leveled up to Lv. 2 for more control.)
** Heal vagina Lv. 2 (heals vagina without restoring hymen)
* '''Secret magic:''' Stop ovulation (elven birth control method, not widely spread but often discovered by humans by reversing the "cause ovulation" spell)
<div style="padding: .5em; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: 1em; background-color: rgb(235,235,235);">Tier 3. Learn 3 tier 2 spells
* Restore semen (allows a male to be able to perform again sexually in an instant.)
* Restore semen (allows a male to be able to perform again sexually in an instant.)
* Stablize implantation
* Stablize menstural cycle
* Cause ovulation (Becomes "advance puberty" if cast on a pre-pubescent girl)
* Enlarge/reduce penis
* Enlarge/reduce penis
* Expand/constrict vagina
* Expand/constrict vagina
* Heal vaginal prolapse
* Increase ejaculation volume

'''Polymorph magic'''
'''Polymorph magic'''

Revision as of 21:17, 13 July 2018

Magic in the modern day is mostly spells that are used for every-day convenience. There are, of course, a few destructive magic spells out there, but the people who learn those spells are often put under careful watch by various authorities. It's really more trouble than it's worth to learn a destructive magic spell.

At present, you only know one spell. It is a spell called "false negative," out of the "concealment" type magic. It is a type of magic that is not talked about and nobody seems to have ever heard about, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's an obscurely rare magic per-say. Of course, it is very natural for people who have concealment magic to conceal this fact. It played a major part in how you were able to pass the screenings from the board of childcare though, this simple spell, false negative, has the ability to hide information from a magic-based test.

Aside from your concealment magic, there are a few common categories of magic. There is kinetic magic, which is commonly called "housework magic" as a large number of people learn it at a low level to help with housework. At higher levels though, it DOES become one of those destructive schools of magic. There is also reproductive magic, a magic school created by the elves in order to aid in the issue of their race's low fertility rate. It can manipulate almost anything to do with the reproductive organs. Those are the most popular types, but you also occasionally see polymorph magic, a magic that can allow you to transform yourself or others, even allowing a person to permanently change their race.

Then, there is also mind-magic. A forbidden type of magic that alters people's minds. It's not just a matter of people who learn this type of magic being watched by the government, the spread of it is so tightly controlled that you have only ever heard of top-rank government intelligence agents ever acquiring it. It is an entire school of magic completely forbidden to the common folk like yourself.

Concealment magic

Tier 1. automatically obtained
  • False negative Lv. 1

Cause a magic-based test to create a nevative result where it would normally have been positive.

    • False negative Lv. 2

Cause a chemestry based test to create a negative result

      • False negative Lv. 3 (Requires tier 3 Inperceptible spell to unlock)

Cause a physical based test to indicate a regardless of reality

  • Accept lie (Lv. 1, incontiquential lies. Lv. 2,
Tier 2. 3 levels of tier 1 spells to unlock
  • Erase taste----> Obscure taste----> Alter taste
  • Erase smell----> Obscure smell----> Alter smell
  • Erase sound----> Obscure sound----> Alter sound
  • Erase vision (places a grey haze over an area or causes target to become temporarily blind)
Tier 3. 5 levels of tier 2 spells to unlock
  • Obscure vision (conceal 1 thing from target's mental perception) ----> Alter vision (Make target think they see something else)
  • Invisibility----> spell augments: make things invisible
  • Inperceptible (cause target to be unable to sense you or a specified object with any sense you have "erase" (or its higher levels) with)
Tier 4. 1st level of all tier 3 spells to unlock
  • Erase touch----> Obscure touch----> Alter touch (make target think they are being touched with something else or being touched in another place than they really are)
  • Conceal act Lv. 1 (Conceal an action from any sense you have "Obscure" or "Alter" for from a person's senses. Target will not notice the action being done in front of them.)
    • Conceal act Lv. 2 (Target will not notice an action that involves touching them and moving them in a minor manner, such as removing their clothes or groping them (but not raping them))
      • Conceal act Lv. 3 (Target will not notice an action that involves greatly shifting or manipulating their body in some way, such as raping them or making them perform oral sex on you)

Kinetic magic

level 1. 250 EXP to unlock or buy book
  • Telekenisis
  • Programmed object
  • Remove dust
  • Remove dirt

Reproductive magic

Tier 1. automatically obtained
  • Detect ovulation/cycle status/pregnancy status
  • Detect male potency (detects sperm count and ejaculation volume and gives % chance of impregnation if copulating with ovulating female)
  • Stabilize implantation (must be cast on same day zygote enters uterus, detect pregnancy status required)
  • Stabilize menstural cycle (causes an irregular or difficult menstural cycle to become regular)
  • Painless deflowering (numbs hymen)
  • Forbidden magic: Destablize uterus (induces miscarriage by reversing effects of stabilize implantation, no books exist and those who learn it by force are viewed very negatively by elven society)
Tier 2. Learn 3 tier 1 spells
  • Raise sperm count (Becomes "advance puberty" if cast on a pre-pubescent boy)
  • Increase ejaculation volume (increases seminal fluid created by prostate, allows pre-pubescent boy to ejaculate without risk of impregnation)
  • Secret magic: Reduce sperm count (reversal of raise sperm count, birth control method used by humans who modified the elf magic. Is looked down upon but considered acceptable by elves)
  • Cause ovulation (Becomes "advance puberty" if cast on a pre-pubescent girl)
  • Heal vaginal (or anal) tearing or prolaps. (restores hymen as well, unless leveled up to Lv. 2 for more control.)
    • Heal vagina Lv. 2 (heals vagina without restoring hymen)
  • Secret magic: Stop ovulation (elven birth control method, not widely spread but often discovered by humans by reversing the "cause ovulation" spell)
Tier 3. Learn 3 tier 2 spells
  • Restore semen (allows a male to be able to perform again sexually in an instant.)
  • Enlarge/reduce penis
  • Expand/constrict vagina

Polymorph magic

  • Enlarge/reduce body
  • Strengthen/weaken body tissues
  • Enhance immune system
  • Hair-to-fur/fur-to-hair
  • Skin to scales/scales to skin
  • Alter skin/hair pigment
  • Shape face/body
  • Duplicate extremity or organ (have more than usual number of any extremity (arms, legs, head, or male genitalia) Can also do the same for organs)
  • Convert genitalia and/or sex organs (changes primary sex characteristics fully or partially to that of the opposite gender)
  • Stimulate growth/apoptosis (ultimate level of physical polymorph, can be used for any of the above effects and more)
  • Alter magic affinities (ultimate polymorph spell rarely possessed by anybody, can gain magic affinity of an elf or greater depending on level of mastery)

Mind magic

  • Fear
  • Friend
  • Confuse
  • Hypnotize
  • Apethy
  • Enrage
  • Charm
  • Amnesia