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You decide it's time to go for the prize. With Hannah now fully naked, you lift her up and (you have a proper office)'''lay her on top of your desk''' (your bedroom is your office)'''lay her on top of your bed.'''
You decide it's time to go for the prize. With Hannah now fully naked, you lift her up and (you have a proper office)'''lay her on top of your desk''' (your bedroom is your office)'''lay her on top of your bed.'''

*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Full naivete|Hannah is a virgin, naive, and has never seen a penis before.]]
(Hannah is a virgin, naive, and has never seen a penis before.)
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Knows penis|Hannah is a virgin, is naive, but knows what a penis is]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Knowledgeable virgin|Hannah is a virgin but knows what sex is]]
"Wh.. what are you?" Hannah whimpers uncertainly as she looks from side to side. However, when you begin undoing your pants and pulling out your now rock-hard dick her attention comes immediately to your crotch. "What are you doing!?" She calls out in alarm as your penis comes into view.
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Deflowered naive|Hannah is not a virgin but is still naive]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Deflowered knowlegable|Hannah is not a virgin and is not naive]]
"Just wait," you tell her as you begin to run your glans through Hannah's (age <8)'''__-year-old pussy.''' (age 8+)'''slightly moistening pussy.''' "I'm going to put this inside of you," you inform her as you manage to find her vaginal entrance.
"Wh... what do you..." she begins to ask you, but instead lets out a quick yelp of "Ahh!" as you manage to push your way into her '''(young/budding)''' vagina. After this, she lets out a sharp gasp as you proceed to push in and your adult penis sunders her virginity and proceeds to intrude into her '''(little kiddie/developing juvenile)''' hole.
<div style="padding: .5em; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: 1em; background-color: rgb(235,235,235);">
(Horniness = 10)
About the same time as you feel the knob of her cervix, indicating you've reached the bottom of Hannah's __-year-old girlhood, the pleasure of having real sex with a darling little girl her age comes to be too much for you and you loose the contents of your balls into her '''(developing/potentially fertile/very fertile)''' uterus. Hannah gets up on her elbows with misty eyes and a trembling lower lip as she takes in the sight of your intruding dick invading a part of her body she didn't even know she had, completely unaware of your baby-making sperm flooding her vagina for the first time in her life.
"That hurrt..Ahhhhh!" She complains and then immediately begins to cry, closing her eyes and letting out a childish cry as she accepts this weird punishment of having an unknown male body-part pushed into her privates while she's naked. In this way, she doesn't seem to worry any further as you finish spilling your seed into the oblivious __-year-old.
"Ohhh..." You groan as you remove your spent cock from inside her, revealing a stream of pink-tinged silvery fluids trickling out of the place that your penis was just penetrating. Hannah is quickly able to get her wailing down to some slight whimpers and sniffles when she sees that the punishment is already over.
(Hannah's trust +2)
<div style="padding: .5em; border: .2em solid black; border-radius: 1em; background-color: rgb(235,235,235);">
(Horniness < 10)
You let out a groan as you feel the tight embrace of Hannah's tight virgin __-year-old vaginal walls clamping down on your invading adult penis. This feels absolutely amazing! Having real vaginal sex with a shy ('''little kid'''(6-8)/'''prepubescent kid'''(9-10)/'''budding little girl'''(11-12)) like her! You're planning to enjoy the heck out of this experience.
As you have your mind lost in the euphoria of wetting your dick in her tight little body, Hannah gets up on her elbows with misty eyes and a trembling lower lip as she takes in the sight of your intruding dick invading a part of her body she didn't even know she had. "That hurrt..Ahhhhh!" She complains and then immediately begins to cry, closing her eyes and letting out a childish cry as she accepts this weird punishment of having an unknown male body-part pushed into her privates while she's naked. A slight grin creeps onto your face. ((abusiveness 1-10)-leave blank-/(abusiveness 11-20)'''The sound of her crying only manages to make you even hornier. Time to ravage this little whore's cunt until she begs for mercy.''')
"The punishment is only just starting Hannah," you tell her, "I'm going to spank your insides with my penis." Hannah seems to be taking her rape punishment rather well as you start sliding your adult cock in and out of her ('''little kid'''(6-8)/'''prepubescent'''(9-confirmed puberty)/'''fertile'''(naturally pubescent)/'''prematurely fertile'''(became pubescent through sex magic)) pussy. She actually stopped crying after you told her what you were going to be doing and, while you can still see the tears dripping out of her misty eyes, she really only makes the occasional grunt or whimper as you continue to slide your babymaker in and out of her. She seems to react especially when you rub your glans up against the little knob of her cervix that guards the entrance to her __-year-old uterus. You suppose that probably WOULD be a little painful. It's causing you a bit of pain as well to have that knob rubbing against your sensitive glans either, but for you it's somehow erotic. Well, it IS still a punishment, so you suppose it's better for the image here if it causes her a bit of pain. You won't be causing her pain for too much longer though, you've about hit the limit here.
(Horniness 7+)
You let out a groan and bury yourself as deeply inside her __-year-old ('''little kid'''/'''prepubescent'''/'''fertile'''/'''prematurely fertile''') kitty as you can and begin filling her with your hot seminal fluids. She looks up at you with a dazed glazed-over face as you hold yourself motionless inside her so that you can do as your primal instincts guide you to do and get those baby-making juices as far up inside of her as you can '''even if she is too young to get pregnant.'''
You let out a groan after successfully releasing your load inside her and allow your cock to slip out, revealing a stream of pink-tinged silvery fluids trickling out of the place that your penis was just penetrating.
(Horniness <7)
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Pull out|Pull out]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Cum inside|Cum inside]]
(Horniness 7+)
Soon after you remove your dick from inside her, Hannah reaches down to hold her freshly defiles genitals but then suddenly sits up in surprise when she feels the warm, slightly viscous wet stuff coming out of her. She seems to instinctively try to hold it so it doesn't trickle down and get your '''bed/desk''' below her messy, but she holds the top of her hands open to look down and see what she just felt.
"Wh... WHAT!? Mr.... Mr. ___, there's something weird!" You tilt your head down to see the mess your overflowing jiz is making in her hands as it leaks out of her.
'''Help her clean up and...'''
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Basic explanation/Clean|Give her a minimally satisfactory explanation of what that stuff is]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Good explanation/Clean|Give her a good explanation of what that stuff is]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Upsetting explanation/Clean|Tell her that stuff makes babies and you just knocked her whore-cunt up]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/No explanation|Don't give an explanation, just clean her up]]
'''Leave her as she is but...'''
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Basic explanation|Give her a minimally satisfactory explanation of what that stuff is]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Good explanation|Give her a good explanation of what that stuff is]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/Upsetting explanation|Tell her that stuff makes babies and you just knocked her whore-cunt up]]
*[[Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex/No explanation|Don't give an explanation, just leave her like that]]

[[Category:Daycare manager|Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex]]
[[Category:Daycare manager|Hannah Marshal/Office punishment/1st/Nude/Attempt vaginal sex]]

Revision as of 03:01, 21 July 2018

You decide it's time to go for the prize. With Hannah now fully naked, you lift her up and (you have a proper office)lay her on top of your desk (your bedroom is your office)lay her on top of your bed.