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== Description ==
== Description ==
Raven's Child, in addition to being from another world, also received her powers from a divine trickster who kidnapped her along with a few tens of thousands of others and then exposed them all to a cosmic substance called "origin" which has the power to re-shape anything in existence according to human imagination. Each person the divine trickster kidnapped received their own power from the exposure to the "origin," and hers was one of the more powerful abilities as her imagination was particularly strong.
She did not just gain power. At the same time as she was granted this ability, her physical body also changed. Previously, she was actually a 28-year-old man by the name of Even Heisting. However, at the time he was wondering what it would have been like to have grown up as a girl, picturing his younger sister Ellen as a reference for these musings. In response to this, the "origin" transformed him into his younger sister as she looked when she was 7 years old. Resigning herself to her new status as her sister when she was 7, Even took on his sister's name and now accepts that she is a 7 year old girl and actually somewhat looks forward to the idea of living as a child again.
However, she is unable to truly enjoy her renewed childhood as she fully realized the chaos that was about to become of her homeworld with the introduction of tens of thousands of superpowered people. She wants to try to minimize the damages to her world, and so she asked another one of her fellow newly empowered kidnapping victims who had the power to see through dimensions to find a world that already had superpowered people, and only acquired this status between 50 and 100 years ago. Upon discovering this world, she immediately used her connection power to create a stable wormhole that would allow her passage into it.
Ellen sees this world from the perspective of a researcher doing a field study, and is particularly interested in the culture and history of this world, as well as how it gets over its challenges with superpowered individuals. She has no real investment in the wellbeing of this world, but at the same time she doesn't really want to see it come to any real harm both as an essentially good person and also because this world falling into chaos would ruin it as a representative case-study to use as a basis for how her own world can manage its own introduction of superpowered individuals. Her key guiding principle is to avoid altering the course of this world by too large an extent. She will not create chaos by her own hand, and if she does get involved in a positive direction she will avoid becoming too large of an influential figure.

== Personality ==
== Personality ==

Revision as of 17:22, 5 August 2018



  • Codename: Raven's Child
  • Full Name: Even Klark Heisting
  • Assumed Name: Ellen Samantha Heisting
  • Common Name: Ellen
  • Classification: Neutral
  • Motivation: Information on social structure


  • Gender: "Female"
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon/Irish/Italian/German/Native American
  • Age: 5 [30] years old
  • Height: 3'7"
  • Weight: 40 lbs.
  • Measurements: 24/21/25
  • Hair: Medium, Straight, Black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin: Medium Caucasian


  • Scholar (physics, politics): Raven's Child has a deep thirst for knowledge, especially in matters of scientific, cultural, or geopolitical importance. She considers it a fun pass-time to pick up the latest developments in world news or quantum theory, and her knowledge of physics helps her a great deal in the effective use of her powers.
  • Attractive: Raven's Child has the cuteness of children wrapped in the mysterious air of her maturity and manner of dress. Most would consider her to be a very cute child and often find themselves unable to resist a request from her or turn a negative intent toward her due to her looks alone.


  • Exile (voluntary): Being from another world, Raven's Child has no connection to this world. She does not know anybody and her lack of connections can make it hard to operate.
  • Age (young): Raven's Child's main body looks like a child. This presents several disadvantages, one of the key disadvantages being that she is often dismissed by those she is trying to address. This disadvantage is often overcome by using a certain application of her powers to puppet a soulless alternate body that is adult in appearance. This also presents several advantages, one of the key advantages being that she is often overlooked and can get away with a lot or taken as no threat until it is far too late to stop her from what she intends to do. It is a net disadvantage though.
  • Uncertainty: Raven's Child has the intellectual's dilemma of questioning the moral assumptions of the world, combined with the ability to expertly rationalize her actions. This is compounded by the fact that she is in a different world separate from her own, thus separating her from the consequences of her actions. She does not want to be a bad person, but it would be easy for her to rationalize committing an immoral action. This can result in her becoming vulnerable to manipulation by a clever villain.


  • Omni-Power: 30 (limited to the effects of connecting two things together) - Raven's Child actually has only 1 power, but it has a nearly infinite number of applications. That is to connect anything to anything else. The duration of this connection is as long as Raven's Child keeps up a mental focus on maintaining the connection, thus the duration and number of connections possible are limited only by how many she can focus on and for how long.
    • Physical Connection: The most basic application of Raven's Child's power, to use her power as an adhesive to stick one physical object to another.
    • Attribute Connection: A more advanced application of her power, allows her to give an object an attribute of another object, such as giving a giant boulder the weight of a feather, or a piece of paper the toughness of steel. Each attribute connected operates independently of any other innate attribute, so the feather-light rock would still sink and the steel-hard paper would still float.
    • Spatial/Dimensional Connection: One of Raven's Child's favorite uses of her power, the ability to connect two pieces of space-time to one another. This allows her to create a stable wormhole to any location, time, or parallel universe.
    • Connect to non-dimensional space: This connects to a place where nothing exists, not even time or the concept of decay. Objects and even living things can be thrown into this space and, due to the lack of time or decay, be later brought back out exactly as they were when they were thrown in. From the perspective of a conscious thinking person, it would be literally no different from going through one of Raven's Child's wormholes.
    • Retrieve Possibility: Raven's Child can retrieve items from her non-dimensional space that she herself did not throw in there. Theoretically, these are objects an alternate time-line version of herself threw into the non-dimensional space. As such, she can retrieve anything she knows to be something that exists in the multiverse.
    • Connect Consciousness: Raven's Child can connect a person's consciousness or soul to another object or body. Due to her having discovered a way to use her non-dimensional space to strip bodies of their souls by dual-inhabiting them in 2 bodies at once and then dumping one body into the non-dimensional space, this allows her to actually use this power to effectively shape-change and get new bodies. However, her power is connected to her core body, so if she loses all active iterations of her core-body she will lose her power.
    • Connect Power: While technically not Raven's child's most powerful ability, she can use her power to connect herself to another person's power, and thus use it as though it were her own. While she could find a way with her powers to get just about any result she wants, this can sometimes lead to a quicker and easier method for the same thing, and can also unnerve someone she's dealing with quite easily. She can also use this ability to give someone else a power she is aware of as well.
    • Connect Knowledge: Raven's Child can connect directly to the information in someone else's brain, enabling a crude method of mind-reading. She can connect her mind to that of another person as well, but she often avoids this due to the fact that she has no special skill with mental combat or mind control. She could likely manage well due to how strong a spirit she has, but she feels it is something she is better off not messing with due to high risk and not being especially fond of the potential rewards that can be gained that way.
    • Connect Concepts: This is an application of her power that Raven's Child is actively afraid of, and will not use under normal circumstances. She can connect abstract concepts such as love, loyalty, or malice to people, or more destructively to one another. This can also apply to the very laws of physics, and could theoretically unmake all existence if she were to use this application of her power haphazardly.


  • Accuracy (perception): 6 - Raven's Child is very perceptive due to her martial arts experience.
  • Accuracy (throwing): 3 - Raven's child is somewhat skilled at throwing bladed weapons from her taijutsu practice, but it is not an area she particularly focussed in and is far better at melee combat. If the object she is throwing is a small bladed weapon such as a knife designed for throwing or something along the lines of a single chopstick she gets a +3 in her accuracy.
  • Artist (actor): 3 - Raven's Child is a somewhat skilled actor, but possesses no other Artist sub-skill. She is better at acting like a child due to more knowledge of how children act, and also receives a lot of forgiveness from observers in this area due to looking like a child, so she operates as though her acting skills were 8 (5 points higher) when trying to act in a way to convince an observer she is a real normal child.
  • Charisma (persuasion): 11 - Raven's Child prides herself on her ability to argue persuasively, and regularly hones this skill. When face to face with someone raising an issue, she can often find a way to present her case so that it seems to be in the best interest of the person she is addressing to give her what she wants. She does not have a similar level of ability in interrogation or intimidation, however.
  • Martial Arts: 11 - In her previous life, Raven's Child practiced Taijutsu, a martial art preferred by the Ninja clans of feudal Japan due to how subtle it was with its emphasis on manipulating your opponent's balance and using their strength against them. Taijutsu is the style that eventually spawned Jujutsu, Judo, and Aikido which are all variations on Taijutsu that remove the deadlier battlefield-oriented aspects of the art.
  • Thief (concealment): 7 - Raven's Child is skilled in at hiding her presence, but not in any other Thief sub-skill.



  • Father:
  • Mother:
  • Siblings:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:


  • Work:
  • Co-workers:
  • Friends:



  • Asexual Being in a child body without hormones combined with her intellectual mindset that tends to lower sex-drive in the first place, Raven's Child has very little interest in sex apart from intellectual curiosity. She remembers her libido from her previous life though and feels that something's missing in that regard. If anything though, she sees her body no longer giving her sexual urges as something that is liberating as she did not have a particularly strong sex drive even as Even before her transformation and, as Even, viewed his body's biological urges as a distraction.
