Daycare manager/personality: Difference between revisions

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*Baby interest: -3 Lv. love requirement for intentional impregnation, applies to the naivete lowering standards. (will allow intentional impregnation at Lv. 8 love if naivete is 40+)
*Baby interest: -3 Lv. love requirement for intentional impregnation, applies to the naivete lowering standards. (will allow intentional impregnation at Lv. 8 love if naivete is 40+)
*Baby obsession: -6 Lv. love requirement for intentional impregnation, and -6 Lv. touch requirement with "sex makes babies" sex knowledge.
*Baby obsession: -6 Lv. love requirement for intentional impregnation, and -6 Lv. touch requirement with "sex makes babies" sex knowledge.
*Baby disinterest: 16+ social naivete will not result in them agreeing to be impregnated at 11 love.
*Baby disinterest: 40+ naivete will not result in them agreeing to be intentionally impregnated at 11 love.
*Fears impregnation: 91+ (Lv. 18) love required to allow risk of impregnation (will not actively desire impregnation) Trait will not manifest if naive, but will lie dormant until they become non-naive.
*Fears impregnation: 91+ (Lv. 18) love required to allow risk of impregnation (will not actively desire impregnation) Trait will not manifest if naive, but will lie dormant until they become non-naive.
*Likes to get dirty: Will enjoy semen on skin/in anus or vagina. Will not receive trust or happiness penalty for not cleaning up after sex, and -2 levels all non-oral ejaculation related touch results.
*Likes to get dirty: Will enjoy semen on skin/in anus or vagina. Will not receive trust or happiness penalty for not cleaning up after sex, and -2 levels all non-oral ejaculation related touch results.

Revision as of 02:55, 1 March 2019


Personality is what makes each child unique. There are several dimensions to personality, some of which only affect their starting stats and others which affect their dialogue, and others which affect the requirements for them to be comfortable with various sex acts.

NOTE: Yes, this is an indicator I am moving to random character generation. Especially if I wind up being lead on the project which will be the case in just 2 more weeks if Hollow still does not return in that time.

Base stats

The random variation factor in the starting stats. Can be modified further by a standard amount by other aspects of personality.

  • Touch: 33 - age - (1 to 10)
  • Exposure: 25 - (0 to 10) + 10 if 6 or 7, +20 if 4 or 5.
  • Naivete: WIP, stat being revised
  • Obedience: 15 + age + (1 to 10)
  • Trust: 33 - age - (1 to 5)
  • Happiness: 35 + (0 to 30)

Core personality

The most defining characteristic about the child's personality. This has the largest effects on dialogue.

  • Shy +10 obedience, -10 exposure, -10 touch, +4 level requirements for all casual and exposure of others actions under "exposure" category. This personality is incompatible with "bully" and "mean" quirks.
  • Curious -10 obedience, +20 exposure, +10 touch, -5 social naivete, +2 starting sexual knowledges, -(13 - age) level(s) for all love requirements. This personality is incompatible with "baby disinterest" quirk (but not "fears impregnation.")
  • Know-it-all +5 social naivete, (100 - trust)% chance to disbelieve any sex knowledge you teach them.
  • Playful -10 obedience, +20 exposure, +20 touch, this personality is incompatible with the "hates being dirty" and "hates gross things" quirks.
  • Scardy cat -10 touch, -20 exposure, +3 additional levels for first time vaginal contact, same effective level modification for "hates gross things" (does not stack with "hates gross things" if they get this personality trait, cancels out with "likes gross things" if they get this personality trait.) Not compatible with Bully, Mean, or Child Exhibitionist.
  • Neutral


Has a strong effect on happiness, trust, obedience, and naivete. These are actually 3 sliding scales for those 3 stats.


  • Combatative: Obedience -30, affects "hates it" and "uncomfortable" reactions.
  • Very disobedient: Obedience -20
  • Disobedient: Obedience -10
  • Neutral: Obedience +/- 0
  • Obedient: Obedience +10
  • Very Obedient: Obedience +20
  • Passive: Obedience +30


  • Depressed: Happiness -30, happiness loss X2, happiness gain X1/2
  • Gloomy: Happiness -20
  • Negative: Happiness -10
  • Neutral: Happiness +/- 0
  • Sunny: Happiness +10
  • Happy: Happiness +20
  • Positive: Happiness +30, happiness gain X2, happiness loss X1/2


  • Prejudiced: Trust -30, trust loss X2, trust gain X1/2
  • Distrusting: Trust -20
  • Cautious: Trust -10
  • Neutral: Trust +/- 0
  • Relaxed: Trust +10
  • Trusting: Trust +20
  • Very trusting: Trust +30, trust gain X2, trust loss X1/2


  • Oblivious: See below
  • Sheltered: See below
  • Naive: See below
  • Neutral: See below
  • Informed: See below
  • Precocious: See below
  • Sex conscious: See below


Naivete is a stat that is very unlike the others. Rather than being qualified in straight numbers that can be given a simple + or -, it is made up of specific sexual knowledges and experiences. As such, the modifications to naivete have to be listed in far more detail in terms of the specific knowledge that they will be missing or taught early based on their modified naivete state.


  • For purposes of trust depletion, "hates it" is treated the same as "uncomfortable," and "uncomfortable" results in zero trust loss
  • Has been taught nothing
  • Has seen nothing (except possibly the opposite gender's genitals, or semen if they are a pubescent boy)
  • If they have seen sex moving forward, they do not understand it and thus it counts zero points toward reducing their naivete.
  • Has no "has heard" sex knowledges upon character creation except possibly the top 5. (-30% normal chance to hear the top 5 sex knowledges during character creation)
  • -30% chance to gain age-appropriate sex knowledges moving forward after character creation
  • Is 100% unable to gain any "understands" sex knowledge
  • +30% chance to remain oblivious to what's going on if you have sex with or rape one of the other children in the same room as them. (half effect if curious or scardy cat, double effect if playful or shy) As indicated above though, they will not understand it even if they do see it.
  • is downgraded to "sheltered" if naivete reaches 85 or you have oral, anal, or vaginal sex with them.


  • 1/2 normal trust loss for "uncomfortable" sex acts
  • Has been taught nothing (except possibly the difference between boys and girls)
  • Has seen nothing (except possibly the opposite gender's genitals, or semen if they are a pubescent boy)
  • If they have seen sex moving forward, downgrade all levels by 2. (Lv. 1 and 2 are treated as though they never saw it, Lv3 is treated like Lv1)
  • Can gain the top 7 "has heard" sex knowledges normally during character creation. Cannot gain any other sex knowledges other than those mentioned above during character creation.
  • -20% chance to gain age-appropriate sex knowledges moving forward after character creation
  • Cannot gain any "understands" sex knowledges except "how to perform sexually" at double the normal required experiences.
  • +20% chance to remain oblivious to what's going on if you have sex with or rape one of the other children in the same room as them. (half effect if curious or scardy cat, double effect if playful or shy)
  • is downgraded to "naive" if naivete reaches 70 or they are a girl and get pregnant


  • If overall naivete is above 70, experiences 1/2 normal trust loss from "uncomfortable" sex acts
  • Can be taught the top 4 "has been taught" sex knowledges at -10% chance, has not been taught any other knowledges from this section
  • If they are indicated as having seen sex or rape, it is reduced to Lv. 1. If they have seen condoms, the result is ignored as they didn't understand what it was.
  • If they see sex or rape moving forward, all levels are reduced by 1. (Thus Lv 3 is treated as Lv 2, Lv 2 is treated as Lv 1, and Lv 1 results the same as if they didn't see it)
  • Has not heard "there are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to" or any other "has heard" below it upon character creation. (-10% chance to hear the knowledges below the top 7)
  • -10% chance to gain age-appropriate sex knowledges moving forward after character creation
  • -20% chance to gain all "understanding" level sex knowledges. +1 age and -10 naivete required to gain "understands the basics of sex"
  • +10% chance to remain oblivious to what's going on if you have sex with or rape one of the other children in the same room as them. (half effect if curious or scardy cat, double effect if playful or shy)
  • is downgraded to "neutral" if they gain 5 (out of the 6) "understands" sex knowledges


  • No changes, this is the normal setting.


  • 100% Has been taught "How to respond to someone doing something sexual to them" and has heard "there are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to"
  • If age 8+, has been taught "The physical mechanics of sex (text book)"
  • Will have a minimum of as many "has heard" knowledges as their age (keep checking for "has heard" list until this is the case.)
  • +10% chance to gain age-appropriate sex knowledges (does not count "has seen" or "has experienced")


  • All "informed" information holds true here as well.
  • If there are 2 age categories for a sex knowledge, they always use the % for the higher age category once they are old enough to gain this sex knowledge
  • If there is only 1 age category, they meet this age requirement 2 years earlier.
  • +20% to gain adjusted age-appropriate sex knowledges (does not count "has seen" or "has experienced")

Sex conscious

  • Cannot gain this level if 6 or below
  • All "informed" and "precocious" information holds true here as well
  • Possesses all "has heard" sex knowledge
  • Understands "the basics of sex" and "how to avoid being taken advantage of sexually"
  • +30% chance to gain adjusted age-appropriate sex knowledges (does not count "has seen" or "has experienced")
  • If they have seen sex or rape, upgrade all levels by 1. (Lv1 is treated as Lv2, and Lv2 is treated as Lv3)
  • "has been taught" the following sex knowledges.
      • The physical difference between boys and girls
      • The physical mechanics of sex (factual text-book knowledge)
      • The biology of sex
      • Deviant forms of sex (purely informative)
      • How some people will try to take sexual advantage of them (3)
      • How to respond to someone doing something sexual to them (2)
      • How to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them
  • If 10+, has been taught these as well.
      • How to use hormonal birth control or to confirm your female partner is on birth control
      • How to put on a condom or how to put a condom on a boy
      • To use a condom or ask for a condom to be used (2)


Little oddities in their personality. Some quirks may or may not reflect in their dialogue, most will alter stats or how stats are calculated.

  • Cuddler: +20 starting "touch"
  • Child Exhibitionist: +20 starting "exposure"
  • Body shy: -20 starting "exposure"
  • Weak boundaries: +20 starting "touch," higher chance of getting in trouble, doubles % chance of scenes if they have "bully" quirk.
  • Conscious of boundaries: -10 starting "touch," -5 starting social naivete, lower chance of getting in trouble, incompatible with "mean" and "bully" quirks.
  • Nurturing: +1 happiness per day for all children in daycare younger than this child. -2 love requirement for intentional impregnation.
  • Friendly: +1 happiness per day for all children in daycare
  • Bully: -1 happiness per day for all children in daycare, will receive "bullying" scenes featuring this child attacking other children.
  • Mean: -1 happiness per day for 1 random other child in daycare
  • Baby interest: -3 Lv. love requirement for intentional impregnation, applies to the naivete lowering standards. (will allow intentional impregnation at Lv. 8 love if naivete is 40+)
  • Baby obsession: -6 Lv. love requirement for intentional impregnation, and -6 Lv. touch requirement with "sex makes babies" sex knowledge.
  • Baby disinterest: 40+ naivete will not result in them agreeing to be intentionally impregnated at 11 love.
  • Fears impregnation: 91+ (Lv. 18) love required to allow risk of impregnation (will not actively desire impregnation) Trait will not manifest if naive, but will lie dormant until they become non-naive.
  • Likes to get dirty: Will enjoy semen on skin/in anus or vagina. Will not receive trust or happiness penalty for not cleaning up after sex, and -2 levels all non-oral ejaculation related touch results.
  • Hates to be dirty: Will dislike semen on skin/in anus or vagina. Double trust and happiness penalty for not cleaning up after sex, and +3 levels all non-oral ejaculation related touch results.
  • Enjoys gross things: Same as "likes to get dirty" plus +20 touch and exposure.
  • Dislikes gross things: Same as "Hates to be dirty" plus +3 level requirement for all nudity and sex acts.
  • Weak bladder: Chance of wet pants scene coming up.