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*[[Incest Seduction/Insist on a different pose|Insist on a different pose]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Insist on a different pose|Insist on a different pose]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Ask daddy for more|Ask daddy for more]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 23:04, 23 August 2018 (CEST) (('''Bump''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 17:37, 7 April 2019 (CEST)))
*[[Incest Seduction/Ask daddy for more|Ask daddy for more]]

[[Category:Incest Seduction]]
[[Category:Incest Seduction]]

Latest revision as of 20:51, 8 June 2019

You're not sure what to do next, and end up finishing your second bottle of beer with another burp, the carbonation too much for you. Daddy is quick to grab you another, which gives you another moment to think. You finally have daddy's attention, so you need to do something to keep it. Fingers absentmindedly pluck and pull at your nipples. You do feel really sexy, and really dirty, strutting and stretching your toned nubile body in front of daddy without a thread to cover yourself. It's kind of the opposite of what you had intended to do out here, yet in other ways it's exactly what you wanted all along. But surely daddy doesn't want to keep watching his nude baby girl contort into obscene pornographic positions... does he?

"Seems like yoga is thirsty work!" remarks daddy, handing a freshly opened beer to you. He slips his arm around your waist as part of a side-hug and plants a quick kiss on your temple.

"Oh, yeah! Thank you daddy!" you sing, taking a polite sip from the new bottle. Daddy lingers beside you for a moment, his hand rubbing your bare hip, then takes a seat opposite you in expectation of your next moves.

"Y'know, I have to admit, I'm starting to see the appeal to this. So don't hold back. Give me everything you've got. You might just get me hooked!"

Maybe it's the beer, maybe it's just the thrill of being naked outdoors, but you really do want to give daddy everything.

"Okay!" you reply with an awkward giggle, setting down your beer. You hop forward and start to bend over before you realize daddy won't get 'everything' from this side. So you turn away from him and then bend forward, reaching your arms down your spread open legs. You dip further and further until daddy reappears upside down, your shoulders now between your knees.

"Nice... job! Nice job honey!" approves daddy. "What's this called?"

"I dunno," you chuckle. "Oh! Umm, actually, I think it's 'Intense Leg Stretch' or something."

"Well your chakra's looking pretty good from here," notes dad with a swig of his beer.

You giggle out loud. Daddy really doesn't know anything about yoga. But that could also be your ticket to get really naughty.

"Yeah! And from here I can do... Vishnu's, um... Vishnu's box," you choke out with another giggle. Reaching through your legs, you run your hands up the backs of your thighs, grab onto each side of your butt, and spread your cheeks apart, not that they weren't already parted. You can feel your pussy split slightly and your waxed asshole pucker in the breeze, your stubborn giggles causing it to flex and wink at daddy.

"Wow! Yeah, gotta say, your box is very impressive!" Daddy leans forward, examining your hands. "You couldn't, uh... stretch a little wider, could you?"

"Not really," you admit, although you do try to shift your feet a little. "Not by myself. I'm not an expert."

"Then it's a good thing I'm here! I'll help!"

Daddy sets down his beer, moves to the edge of his chair, then reaches out and thumbs one of your vulva to the side. His fingers are both cold and wet from holding his beer and shocks you into taking a gasp.

"Da-addy!" That came out more like a moan than a complaint. "I don't... think you're doing it right."

"I get it. It's all about symmetry, right?" His other hand shoots forward and he pulls at your other lip. "How's that stretch?" he asks while looking down at you between his own arms.

You giggle again. "That's not..." You can't finish your thought. Not while daddy has his hands on your pussy. This is wrong! This is everything you wanted to avoid! So how come you can feel yourself gush while he pries at your privates?

"What's that? Still not wide enough? I thought so too."

Daddy inches closer, manipulating your sex and fondling your folds. Suddenly you feel two fingers poking at your entrance. There is no hesitation before he digs in and drags your vagina open left and right. Your balance falters and you're forced to slip your hands out from under his so you can plant them on the patio and stabilize yourself.

The tips of two meaty fingers are just inside your pussy pulling it open, alarming yet infuriating at the same time. They're so close to going inside but are firmly positioned at the edge, far from minding their own business but still little more than a tease.

Being stretched open like this reminds you of the pelvic exam mom took you to when you were 12. It was supposed to be for her, but somehow you were the one who ended up on the table with your feet in the air, mom asking all sorts of questions. She was so insistent about the speculum too. If you didn't know better you'd swear mom wanted to see the doc put that thing inside you.

"You're going to have to help me Kimmy," says Daddy. "You may not be an expert, but right now I'm just guessing." He drops his head a little closer to yours. "Tell me what you want."

"Da... deeper," you voice shamefully.

"Good idea." Daddy repositions his hands then sinks one meaty finger inside you while the other holds you open. Really that second finger is doing nothing but tug at your pussy. The first finger has to force its way inside your tight virgin snatch, despite your arousal. You're not sure if your bent over position has something to do with that. But his knuckles bump up against your mound preventing him from pushing any deeper. He still tries, twisting his hand and grinding the back of his fingers against your clit. Your left knee shakes a little, all on its own.

"Ah! N-no..." you whimper.

"Sorry sweetie. Too deep? Tell you what, I'll just start doing this..." Daddy pulls his finger out, coated in your arousal, then pushes inside your pussy again, tapping your clit. "...and then you can tell me when it feels good."

Daddy saws his digit in and out of you, working your nectar out of your flower and mashing the juices across your lips. Your frozen in shock, beside yourself but actually bent in half letting daddy pump his finger into your pussy. You do your best to stay perfectly still, not wanting to mess up daddy and not wanting this unbelievable dream to end. After a minute you feel a warmth slowly building inside you, not unlike the sun on your skin except this feels like it could melt you into a puddle if it keeps growing.

"Does it feel good, sweetie?" asks daddy with a steady rhythm. His free hand is squeezing and kneading your bum.

"Y-yeah," you squeak out. Your left leg twitches a little. You're not sure what that's about, if it's fatigue or...

"Okay, well it's up to you to tell me when to stop. I'm no yoga instructor. I don't know how your 'box' works."

Stop? This should never stop! You want more of daddy, not less. But your body isn't on page. Your arms and legs give out for half a second when a shiver, a sharp tingle, runs up your spine. You quickly catch yourself and thrust your backside toward daddy again. Amazingly his hands never leave you, following you through your dip. You fucking love how committed daddy is to yoga.