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'''What do you do with B.R.A.T.?'''
'''What do you do with B.R.A.T.?'''
*[[FOPTA/Breed them all|Breed them all]]
*[[FOPTA/Breed them all|Breed them all]]
*[[FOPTA/Make them fight for the right for you to fuck them|Make them fight for the right for you to fuck them]] '''Request'''--[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 00:27, 8 January 2016 (CET)
*[[FOPTA/Make them fight for the right for you to fuck them|Make them fight for the right for you to fuck them]]
*[[FOPTA/Have Vicky torment them|Have Vicky torment them, she's good at that]]
*[[FOPTA/Have Vicky torment them|Have Vicky torment them, she's good at that]]

Latest revision as of 03:38, 8 January 2016

Who is here?

FOPTA Timmy Turner.pngFOPTA Wanda.pngFOPTA Cosmo dress.pngFOPTA Poof bow.pngFOPTA Slave Vicky.png

"Okay, Vic- I mean slave," you say. "Call up B.R.A.T. and get them here. I have plans, mwa ha ha ha!"

"Yes master," drones Vicky. She dials her phone and starts getting the girls to come over.

While she's busy on the phone, Wanda appears in her normal form.

"Timmy," she says, "things are getting a little to extreme for Poof. I'm sending him with Cosmo-"

"Her with Cosma."

She rolls her eyes, "I'm sending her with Cosma to Momma Cosma's place in Fairy World."

"Sure whatever," you say rubbing your hands in anticipation.

Vicky re-enters the room, and Wanda returns to the shape of a vase.

"Okay, twer- I mean Master. They're on their way."

"Excellent," you say, "I'm going to my room. Call me when they arrive."

You go to your room, allowing Wanda to appear in her true form.

"Wanda, I wish to be dressed as a slave master should."

She raises her wand and you suddenly find yourself in the garb of a turn of the century southern gentleman.

"Not an old timey slave master," you exclaim, "a modern slave master with leather and metal, and cool chains!"

"You should have been more specific," she says, raising her wand yet again. You are instantly dressed in a leather outfit befitting a modern slave master.

FOPTA Master Timmy.png

"Now that's more like it!" you exclaim, looking in the mirror. "Just one more touch." You open your fly, and fish out your cock. "Might as well have them wanting me right off."

"Oh Timmy," calls Vicky from the living room, "they're here."

"'Bout time," you say as you descend the stairs. Wanda changes to a whip curled at your side.

As you enter the living room you notice four new girls. They immediately see your cock, and can't seem to take their eyes off of it.

FOPTA BRAT Girls.png

"This is Lauren," says Vicky indicating the girl with purple hair.

"Why am I, like, staring at his cock," says Lauren, "I'm a lesbian and stuff."

"Alyssa," she indicates a red head in glasses.

"It's so small," says Alyssa, "but I, like, really want it."

"and I can't remember the other two's names." [1]

"Gentry," says the tall gangling blonde.

"Priscilla," says the sweet-looking black girl.

"Girls, this is Timmy," Vicky pauses, sighs then adds hesitantly, "my Master."

That appears to break your cock's hold on them for a moment as they laugh at Vicky.

"Silence!" you yell, causing them to stop and look at you with fire in their eyes. "It is my wish that you were all my slaves." You notice Wanda's magic go off. "Now put these on, SLAVES." You toss collars with chains at their feet.

"Your crazy if you, like, think we're going to - Ahhhh!" screams Lauren.

"Resistance is futile," you reply. Put them on . . . NOW!"

The girl's reluctantly put on the collars.

"Now, what's next?"

What do you do with B.R.A.T.?

Any girl that sees your cock want's you to fuck them. All fairy girls have both a vagina and a penis. Your cum always gets people pregnant. Your cock perfectly fills any pussy you put it in. Cosmo can only wear pretty dresses. Vicky is your sex slave.

[1] Author's Note: In the series "the other two" are unnamed.