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"No, just underwear," you're quick to clarify.
"No, just underwear," you're quick to clarify.
"Commando means ''without'' underwear," stresses Brayden, despite being ignored.

"But that's all your sister is wearing," she points out. "Asha too."
"But that's all your sister is wearing," she points out. "Asha too."

Revision as of 06:11, 21 August 2019

"Yeah! Here's an idea! Beth, you take off your panties, and then we can play commando tag!"

"But I want hide and seek!" notes May yet again.

"What's commando tag?" asks Brayden.

"Well, y'know... tag. But you have to be commando to play." You look across at Yulia with a nod. "Right? We know how this works! We're already ready!"

Yulia smiles and flattens out her nightie. She's a little embarrassed, but hopefully she appreciates that you're levelling the playing field for her.

"Can it be freeze tag?" suggests Brayden.

"But, will-- would-- like, commando as in, like... just one thing is fine?" asks Asha.

"Nah, like no underwear allowed," you reply, openly grinning. Emma grins back. Asha just bites her lip.

You almost miss Beth shimmying out of her panties but really only catch a glimpse of her hip as her princess top drops to cover her again. She jumps in front of you and shoves Hello Kitty into your hands triumphantly. "There! I did it! I'm ready too!" She immediately turns around and hops over to Yulia, her short hem bouncing up her thighs, and excitedly grabs her cousin by the arm. She seems to have already picked a new bestie.

Great. Now you're standing here holding your little cousin's panties. Not a terrible start to the day really, but the wrong place for it. Probably be a good idea to get a better grip on this group.

"Uh... c'mon. Let's go this way."

That's all it takes for everyone to follow you off to the side of camp behind one of the cabins. Being the older cousin amongst this group sure helps. After you get everyone huddled together out of plain sight, you keep brainstorming.

"Okay, so I think we should play commando tag at my cabin, becau-"

"Our cabin!" your sis quickly corrects.

"Yeah, whatever. Our cabin. But that way we won't get in trouble." There are some sidelong glances between the kids along with some knowing grins. "But right now we only have 3 players. If you want to play, you have to take off your underwear!"

"Okay, okay." Brayden grumbles then drops his shorts. Seeing this, May quickly follows suit. She may have whined a lot trying to push for hide and seek but she's still not looking to be left out of tag.

"What's going on?"

Your cousin Nicole wanders around the corner at the very moment May and Brayden are pulling their pants free from their ankles. And you're still holding Beth's panties. What fucking timing. You chuck the panties at the wall of the cabin and turn to your cousin.

"Oh! Nothing, we're, uh..."

"Nicky! Come on! Come play!" shouts Beth, waving ecstatically. "We're playing commando tag at Justice's cabin!" The excited girl grabs the sides of her nightie and swings her arms back and forth twisting the garment up and down her legs.

"Huh? Really? You're all just... taking off your underwear? For a game?"

The group freezes for a second, looking at one another as if to confirm everyone is on the same page. "Well... yeah," explains Brayden. "It is called commando tag, obviously." Brayden and May continue to kick off their underwear, two of your youngest cousins casually stripping bottomless in front of the group, and more importantly in front of Nicole while you're clearly the one leading this gaggle of kids. Your butt is so tightly clenched right now.

"Okay... so... you're just gonna play tag without clothes on?" asks Nicole plainly.

"No, just underwear," you're quick to clarify.

"Commando means without underwear," stresses Brayden, despite being ignored.

"But that's all your sister is wearing," she points out. "Asha too."

The two meekly clad girls are practically hugging each other, whispering back and forth, but Asha pipes up when she hears her name.

"We have some clothes at the cabin though," notes Asha, as much to Emma as anyone. Your sis frowns and pinches her friend. "But... I guess, we don't have to wear that stuff."

"So you're just playing tag?" asks Nicole again.

"No! We're playing freeze tag!" Brayden announces with a final yank of his shorts, leaving Batman on the ground behind him.

Yulia is looking annoyed. "This was my idea, Brayden! You can't just take over!" You silently thank Yulia for that comment making you seem like less of a perv, even if you are one. But hopefully Nicole now thinks that Yulia is the one eager for everyone to lose their clothes.

"I like freeze tag," he shrugs.

"There are lots of tags. We could play hot potato tag," offers Beth. Yulia just nods, happy that Brayden is no longer monopolizing everything. But when there are weird looks at Beth's suggestion she continues. "That's when you can't get tagged if you're holding the potato, but you can only hold it for 10 seconds. If you're tagged you're out."

"We're not allowed to take food," May helpfully informs Beth.

"No! Not a real potato!" she laughs, Yulia joining her.

Emma is still whispering to Asha while playing with the waistband of both their panties. Everyone else is ready to go, but Nicole still looks a bit unsure about what's going on. Should you invite her along or just ask her not to tell?

See if Nicole will join you for some fun

Ask Nicole not to tell, and maybe even cover for you